Zhou_Yu - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • Just a thought. As I'm only half way through this thread: Why is only the question itself and the symbols in the box NOT translated but the rest of it is? b:puzzled Now that I'm putting this up, I'm sure that I'll run into someones' post that ask the same thing before I have. b:laugh
  • In your example above where a flying pet is "tanking" said boss, the boss is not attacking back, he is bugged. Yes it's a bug, and yes it has been reported to our developers in China. Now in the meantime, anyone caught abusing this mechanic is subject to punishment. Just because a bug exists, does not mean it's open for…
  • Any PK in the lobby of the CoF is bannable. You didn't get in trouble because, simply, no one reported you. You and your guild did do the smart thing by making sure no one aoe'd thereby avoiding hitting anyone that might report you for it. As long as everyone involved is in agreement as to the rules of your "event", there…
  • Unless there has been a change from an update; your charm is disabled for duels. It will only tick after the duel is over. Perhaps you're referring to the regular fights with those PvP'ing? Or am I simply misunderstanding what you're meaning with the "duels"? You're expecting kiting classes to get up close and personal in…
  • It is a violation of ToS if you even alter any of the files in any way what-so-ever, you have downloaded from the site to play the game. Under the ToS, Licence: Except as expressly permitted in these Terms or in the applicable EULA, such license does not include, and you agree not to engage in, any: d) modifying, adapting,…
  • I think it's a guy thing. lol To me, we males have a bit of a genetic need to gloat and, there for, telling everyone about how "great" we are. I've met very few women who do this. Though they might irl, but usually not in-game. b:surrender About 3/4ths of those that PvP have severely injured egos/self esteem issues and PK…
  • My wife and I noticed the same thing with ours. No numbers or "F" key listed in the bar spots. b:sad Only reason I can see for it is the new function for the Hotkey setup. Allowing us to assign any key we want to use for those functions. If you assign different keys to your bar, kind of makes the numbers and F keys,…
  • This should help... http://pwi.perfectworld.com/event/eventsubpage/8891 They have changed the BH quest now and how many you can get per day. Time to do some serious spirit and xp gaining. b:victory
  • I'm not sure I could have put it any better. I like the class but the look... um... yeah. Seriously what is with the lack of actual "manly" looks in the tideborn male classes and especially the some of the new fashion? If I want a "feminine" look to my character, I'll play a female. Male assassins should be far tougher and…
  • Words simply fail me. They came back, tried to ks you and seemingly facerolled their keyboard to do it. They honestly deserved every bit if lost xp and pet loyality they have had (and will obviously get at future fails). I Seriously wish names could be posted. Would not want to be in a squad with them. My wife told me that…
  • Did you ks? No. KS'ing is basically attacking a mob that someone else is already attacking and you do 51% dmg+ to it before they can so that any drops will get marked as yours along with credit for the kill (if a quest is involved). That IS about as close to KSing as one can get without actually doing it. Go and make a…
  • The only thing I can honestly say to the OP is actually a question: Where do you go to talk to the friends you make in a game? Into the game or on the forums? The forums are for general discussion, questions, problems, and VERY unfortunately, trolling. b:laugh You go in game to meet and talk with your friends and even get…
  • Scroll down to Eats' comment on this http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=542062&highlight=text+characters&page=2 I believe that the current stand (basically) from PWI on this is that if you copy and paste anything into it's folders, alter their folders in any way, or anything similar, it can be considered a…
  • I simply appreciate any cleric that is in our group who does the job they are there for. Provided that is what they do. If they are there to heal, they heal. There to tank, they tank. If my charm ticks, oh well. That is part of the game. It would tick a lot more without a cleric in the squad. It's also my choice to be…
  • Ah. That might explain it a bit. I've almost always played in full screen since the beginning and hadn't needed window mode till now. I'll give that a shot and cross my fingers lol. Much thanks.
  • b:shocked I humbly concede (if I'm allowed lol) on this. Wow, my wife even made fun of me forgetting about the cata's not being dmg'd with a puller. Especially after I mentioned to her how that would really stink if they could be dmg'd, a little while back. She'll not let me hear the end of this for a while I'm sure.…
  • 1)Which is easier to kill? The Barb or the catapult? Mind you, Barbs can be healed by a cleric or pots, cata's can't. [Though, if the Assassin is pulling, they would most likely have fewer hp then the cata.] 2)A catapult without a puller can get picked up by anyone with a scroll. A puller without a catapult has to go all…
  • Yes, it is one of the rules. Doesn't change it that it is shame. lol Oh no, I'm not talking about genie luring. I'm talking about running in and just shotting a mob causing 2-4 mobs charging in that I have to catch and then they still attack the mob(s) I'm not attacking. I've met those who lure intelligently and there is…
  • If you go and look in the Game Info section of the site and select Classes, then Barbarians. You will see at the end of the description that they say barbs can be made for max def or max dmg. b:puzzled Now I understand how most everyone is used to seeing a full Vit barb and that is probably why everyone thinks a barb has…
  • I honestly don't know if you can stealth after grabbing a cata, but the AoEs do hit them even in stealth. But let's run a scenario.... b:question *An Assassin grabs a cata, goes stealth, then runs off to an unguarded side with the cata. *A second squad (or same squad as the Sin) follows them in but say 5-10 seconds after…
  • I've stated this before in world chat: Age nor level does NOT confers wisdom. And obviously; stupidity doesn't discriminate based upon class. b:laugh A shame you blurred the names. People on the server deserve to know who to avoid. If that cleric can't handle fb29 (and dies while trying to rez party members) then they…
  • To Highestelf: In all honesty, why in the world would you recommend something that you admit might cause conflict with other programs? As you put it, some programs are made to run using the swap feature. Turning off the swap feature would cause a conflict for those programs. Recommending a fix that may cause another…
  • Okay, so far this has worked (mostly). When I'm in the Tideborn area; I'm running the game in window mode and when I have to pan the camera around so it's pointing toward the portal area, I put the camera above my character. Looking down and then go into first person view. It makes my wife laugh as I run around commenting…
  • Thank you for letting us finally hear something about it being looked into. I noted on my wife's email on the hair problem, they say if you buy a makeover scroll after receiving the email, you will NOT be compensated. Considering how long it's taking for them to fix this, I find that a bit rude if not even an attempt to…
  • A response!!! b:shocked lol. Not wanting to take anything out on the Mods as I know you don't have access to things/info as the GMs do. Just happy to finally get a reply. Thank you. Off subject a little, the issue occurred with the release of the expansion. So none of the GMs have been in the office since the 16th? Where…
  • They should at least let us know what each ring does. That is a great deal of time spent questing and saving to get them. Just over 3 month just for the 100 ring(if you both do the quest every day). On a side note, I wouldn't mind those of us who have been married for a while receiving some sort of bonus hearts based on…
  • PK in the cube is simply a part of the cube. You accept that if you enter it. With that being said; extortion is VERY bannable (see Section J of User Conduct in the ToS). A simple screen shot (or FRAPs video) of the player actually saying it should result in some action taken. How harsh that punishment will be though, will…
  • No matter what the icon looked like, NOBODY picked their hair style based on the icon. It was picked based upon what the actual hair looked like on their character. Any attempt to say that this is a "fixed" glitch is simply an attempt to avoid fixing the problem caused. My wife's veno had the curly shoulder length hair and…
  • I have to agree. Pretty lame. My wife posted here; sent in a ticket; got an email wanting mostly the same info she submitted the first time; responded with the requested info (around Sat. or Sun.) and has heard nothing on it since. We would definitely appreciate a post from GMs such as (but not limited to): we're working…
  • I'm sure you're used to being able to run around and bully any little girl you want to at your junior high school but that doesn't work in the real world. Many of these people (my wife included) spent a lot of effort on their character and have a right to be upset. Just because you don't care what your boyfriends hair…