Is this ksing?



  • XHappyBunnyx - Sanctuary
    XHappyBunnyx - Sanctuary Posts: 683 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Yes, it's KS'ing.

    Technically I could hop on a lv100 archer and one shot mobs just as a barb/bm runs over to them. He never gets a hit in, so it's perfectly legitimate non-ks, right? See my point. If you were the barb you'd be annoyed.

    sounds like harassment.. thats all i know.
    Q - How to win on Perfect World?
    A - Throw money at it.
  • Solartide - Sanctuary
    Solartide - Sanctuary Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    It is totally ksing. It pisses me off the most whenI'm standing next to the mob, haven't started attacking yet, but cast spark. And during the time I cast spark and start to melee, someone else starts attacking it. And they, like you, claim they aren't ksing at all.

    So I usually invite them to join my squad. Well fine man, let's just do the quest together so we both get the kills and don't have to fight over it.

    Then if they're a jerk and refuse, I go on a higher level character and just 1-hit range everything. What's that? No I'm not stealing kills at all, you never did damage to it!
  • AndyNagato - Lost City
    AndyNagato - Lost City Posts: 185 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    my own little rant thats similar to this; there are venomancers in a certain very powerful guild on my server that QQ if you kill within the vicinity of their leveling ground. you can be like 40-50 meters away killing entirely different mobs than them, and they will tell you to GTFO.

    i was offered an invite to join their guild at one time, but quickly was rejected because their venos whined that i 'KSed while they were on eso's.' i was like wow... territorial bitc... yeah you get the picture.

    these venos are known to be severe ego maniacs as well... anyways point and case; youre not KSing, theres no such thing.
  • Sheikah - Raging Tide
    Sheikah - Raging Tide Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    It is totally ksing. It pisses me off the most whenI'm standing next to the mob, haven't started attacking yet, but cast spark. And during the time I cast spark and start to melee, someone else starts attacking it. And they, like you, claim they aren't ksing at all.

    So I usually invite them to join my squad. Well fine man, let's just do the quest together so we both get the kills and don't have to fight over it.

    Then if they're a jerk and refuse, I go on a higher level character and just 1-hit range everything. What's that? No I'm not stealing kills at all, you never did damage to it!

    But, he hadn't attacked yet he was just heading to it. So, it is not KSing. In the case you describe about you start melee ( basically start attacking ) and than someone attacks after you trying to intentionally take it from you yes, that is kill stealing. But, if you player A haven't attacked and player B comes along not knowing your intentions nor see any sign of you attacking that particular monster, considering you could just have decided to go afk next to said monster, just passing through the area, or looking at what current quests you have for that matter and player B starts attacking said monster that is not KS because they can't read your mind.

    Plus, taking revenge for accidental KS, for the fact they couldn't read your mind to know you were attacking or because someone won't squad with you by taking everything from them even if they would have left you alone after said incident is harassment in and of it's self.
  • Giodia - Heavens Tear
    Giodia - Heavens Tear Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Plus, taking revenge for accidental KS, for the fact they couldn't read your mind to know you were attacking or because someone won't squad with you by taking everything from them even if they would have left you alone after said incident is harassment in and of it's self.[/COLOR]

    Please add: Time-consuming and inefficient way to level your alt.

    Revenge ? At the end of the day, you can do it if you so wished, just do not get lazy and get caught.

    I will try to tremble at the sight of your epicness. Are we kids now or what..?

    Grow some maturity, just move on and get your quest done asap instead of wasting time in trying to cower them with your epicness which is time-consuming (may take more than 1 hour to pacify your own ego) and time inefficient (during that 1 hour, you could have switched grounds and killed more mobs).

    Oh, do not cross saitada, he/ she is one of the immature types as described above. She will one-shot everything with her main if you ks her. She stated that very clearly in another thread.

    SO that means saitada owns PWI, everyone is to avoid him/ her when an encounter ensues.
  • Badazmofo - Dreamweaver
    Badazmofo - Dreamweaver Posts: 407 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    ok what dont ppl understand first to get within range and activate a skill while targeting a mob has "tagged" that mob as thiers now if a bm comes up and is casting spark and you atk that mob is already taged as the bms thats a ks now if one person is raceing to a mob but has no skill actively channeling or casting with said mob targted that is a fair kill
  • Astoru - Heavens Tear
    Astoru - Heavens Tear Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Maybe I'm just weird, but when I see someone trying to "ks" me. My first thought is to PM them and ask them if they'd like to squad with me.

    90% of the time, they do so.

    QQ I'm getting KSed. Just ask them for squad if you're questing, or move to another area. Otherwise, deal with it.
    ●Wizard (Male) - Fasditious and pretentious, carries the arrogance of intellectual superiority. Feels the need to remind everyone of his world-ending power, but grows a little manic and unhinged when he finally is allowed to unleash it. "Ahh-hahahahaha!! NOW YOU ALL BURN!!!!"
  • ChaoticTears - Harshlands
    ChaoticTears - Harshlands Posts: 323 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    now if one person is raceing to a mob but has no skill actively channeling or casting with said mob targted that is a fair kill

    Thats true its not technically Ksing, but it is extremly rude
  • Badazmofo - Dreamweaver
    Badazmofo - Dreamweaver Posts: 407 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    how is it rude why wait for someone to run to a mob from 20+ ft away when im within range already
  • XylolyX - Heavens Tear
    XylolyX - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,097 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Maybe I'm just weird, but when I see someone trying to "ks" me. My first thought is to PM them and ask them if they'd like to squad with me.

    90% of the time, they do so.

    This. Although my %age is a bit different on my lower level alts.
  • Tatuaje - Lost City
    Tatuaje - Lost City Posts: 2,780 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    To OP original post:

    Sometimes doing quests can be bothersome if there are not so many around. I guess it all depends on your level of courtesy and conciosness of sharing mobs.

    Sometimes I share if there are lots and sometimes I don't so the faster I get out the faster they can be alone.
    tatuaje: grinding mobs and zhenning ???
    frankieraye:All right, I admit it, it's a bit retro. lol.
  • Zatra - Dreamweaver7
    Zatra - Dreamweaver7 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Did you ks him? no

    But the fact that you knew he was going for the target and you took the shot anyways just makes you rude. Did you tease them a little? Watch them go for a bit and then say "ok close enough" then took your shot.
    Having 3 ranged character, I know how easy it is to "claim" a target.
  • Airyll - Dreamweaver
    Airyll - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    No, you didn't KS him.

    But you had seen him going for that particular mob, you do state you were aware he was probably going to attack it, and you attack and kill that mob anyway. No, you didn't KS him at all. But I agree with those saying that you were rude.

    Now, if you had minimum settings and couldn't see him - as I used to have on my archer when I didn't have an awesomesauce computer than can play it at full graphics at all times - I would understand. You probably wouldn't have even seen him there and it would have been purely accidental.

    Rather than waiting for a few minutes to see if he attacked it, you could have just gone and found another mob. Then, if after that mob he's still not attacked the monster he's next to, you can be pretty sure he's probably BRB'd, or AFK'd, and at this point I'd say fine, attack it.

    Spoons had a great answer to this. The definition of KS is varied from player to player.

    It takes less than 30 seconds to invite somebody to a squad.
    How long did it take for you to write the OP?
  • Zhou_Yu - Heavens Tear
    Zhou_Yu - Heavens Tear Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Did you ks? No. KS'ing is basically attacking a mob that someone else is already attacking and you do 51% dmg+ to it before they can so that any drops will get marked as yours along with credit for the kill (if a quest is involved). That IS about as close to KSing as one can get without actually doing it.

    Go and make a barb and take it to Plume. Around all those ranged elves and see if you can get many kills without people being polite if they see you going after a mob (just like you admit you saw him going after it). Let's see just how frustrated you get at them. b:sweat

    If you would have continued "attacking" mobs he was going after, yes, you would be guilty of grieving another player and trying to prevent them from finishing a quest. It's a fine line between ks'ing and watching someone going after a mob and you using your range advantage to "tag" it first.

    When I first started playing, those that would do that to me (mostly venos being in the Lost City area); I would continue to attack. I wasn't going to be running all the way over to a mob and then stop just because someone was trying to be rude (please insert any profane word of your choosing) and wait for me to get close to it for them to attack it. b:irritated By now, it no longer matters to me. They can't kill a mob faster then I can find another one to attack. And if they try, they usually end up with more then they can handle. b:laugh
  • Celestyna - Heavens Tear
    Celestyna - Heavens Tear Posts: 629 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Wrong, for all you know, this lvl 74 might be clearing old outstanding quests.

    In PWI, whoever hits the mob first gets the kill. This is sad but true.

    So, either move to a new spot, or just kill whatever you can.

    to add to this point they could be clearing old quests or like i often do helding a partner/friend ect who is on an alt. I am often helping one of my bf's lower levels with mobs that are harder for him at his level (i.e mag mobs on his bm) i one shot everything in the area i just tab attack

    however I have a general rule of thumb i see a melee trying to get to a mob i leave it alone. go playa barb for 20-30 levels then see how you feel about some veno engaging every mob in teh area with thier pets or some cleric/wizard sniping it just as you get to it. Its frustrating and annoying, and even more so when they dont want to squad with you.

    Case in point was in my 20's on my barb i kept attacking a mob same time as a veno. i was taking the damage not her/her pet but she refused to squad. She said she didnt need my help but followed me around attacking as i did or after me. she might have been channeling on it before i hit it but i was already running at it and would get agro on it.
  • Elviron - Dreamweaver
    Elviron - Dreamweaver Posts: 812 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Technically, you did not KS, since KS would mean you attack a target someone else is already attacking. However it wouldve been courteous to let the person have the mob if you knew they were going for it.

    I am actually amazed at the PW community to be so nice :). The previous experience in other MMOs I've had makes this KS issue almost close to nothing. I should PWI has the nicest community by far (even if you include all the ksers, pkers, rpkers, griefers, etc) b:victory.
  • Q - Dreamweaver
    Q - Dreamweaver Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Yeah it is ksing, seems like they just asked you nicely to stop. Next time just be polite when you see someone going towards a mob to kill it since range classes can easily ks BM or barb.
  • Badazmofo - Dreamweaver
    Badazmofo - Dreamweaver Posts: 407 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    see i dont see it as rude if im here=>X

    the mobis here=>X

    and the othe player is here=>X
  • Q - Dreamweaver
    Q - Dreamweaver Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    But, he hadn't attacked yet he was just heading to it. So, it is not KSing. In the case you describe about you start melee ( basically start attacking ) and than someone attacks after you trying to intentionally take it from you yes, that is kill stealing. But, if you player A haven't attacked and player B comes along not knowing your intentions nor see any sign of you attacking that particular monster, considering you could just have decided to go afk next to said monster, just passing through the area, or looking at what current quests you have for that matter and player B starts attacking said monster that is not KS because they can't read your mind.

    Plus, taking revenge for accidental KS, for the fact they couldn't read your mind to know you were attacking or because someone won't squad with you by taking everything from them even if they would have left you alone after said incident is harassment in and of it's self.

    ok so you're saying if someone runs all the way up to a mob to attack then right before they are about to hit it a range class attacks it that's not ksing? Even if you don't agree on it being ksing you should agree that it is rude. :/
  • Shayisha - Heavens Tear
    Shayisha - Heavens Tear Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    to add to this point they could be clearing old quests or like i often do helding a partner/friend ect who is on an alt. I am often helping one of my bf's lower levels with mobs that are harder for him at his level (i.e mag mobs on his bm) i one shot everything in the area i just tab attack

    however I have a general rule of thumb i see a melee trying to get to a mob i leave it alone. go playa barb for 20-30 levels then see how you feel about some veno engaging every mob in teh area with thier pets or some cleric/wizard sniping it just as you get to it. Its frustrating and annoying, and even more so when they dont want to squad with you.

    Case in point was in my 20's on my barb i kept attacking a mob same time as a veno. i was taking the damage not her/her pet but she refused to squad. She said she didnt need my help but followed me around attacking as i did or after me. she might have been channeling on it before i hit it but i was already running at it and would get agro on it.

    For me, once I begin channelling on a mob I consider it mine so anyone continuing to take the mob once I've started I do consider a KSer. I'm certainly not going to cancel a skill I've started because it takes time to hit a mob. Otherwise, especially at lower levels I'd never have gotten anywhere the channelling takes so long.

    I try very hard to be mindful of those who need to close with a mob to attack. In my experience, this mindfulness is not returned towards those who are channelling before a melee class even begins to head to a mob. In fact, more often than not they hit a speed skill/powder to get to it sooner.

    @ the OP. No, it wasn't KSing but yes it was rude.
    The other Shay's --> Shaylis 66 Wiz ~ Shaylista 46 Veno ~ Shaylari 31 Psy
  • Sheikah - Raging Tide
    Sheikah - Raging Tide Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    ok so you're saying if someone runs all the way up to a mob to attack then right before they are about to hit it a range class attacks it that's not ksing? Even if you don't agree on it being ksing you should agree that it is rude. :/

    No, that's not what I mean. What I mean is if someone whether melee or ranged is not in range to kill said monster but you are I see no reason not to attack nor do I call it KSing. If they are in range and are showing some sign of attacking the monster and you attack any way after they've got aggression yes, that is KSing especially if you did it on purpose. And if you did it on purpose and continue to do it it's also harassment.

    Also, I play mostly melee classes ( my main is also currently a melee class ) and though I have been KSed by veno's & barb's and get annoyed by a veno because they are quicker at getting to and killing something then I am. I do not find it rude ( annoying yes but that's it and that's my fault not theirs because I'm the one letting it get to me and making something out of nothing ). Plus, I would not want a veno, an archer or any other ranged class to stop attacking something just because I had planed to attack it nor have them kill less often because I have to walk to something to hit it, it's unfair to them.

    I don't want special treatment just because I'm slow or have to be up close to attack or because I'm melee. If someone else is in range whether melee or ranged they should have the monster not me. I and the other melee classes are capable of finding another target if someone else got in range before us.

    I mean if I and another melee start going for the same monster if I'm closer I'm not going to wait for the other melee to get in range and if he gets in range before me I would not expect nor want him to wait for me. So, to force that on a long range person when they have every right to attack is not right. There's a difference between purposeful KS and accidental KS. As well as between harassment and KSing. Being rude and being polite.

    Saying: "I'm in range but that melee also wants it but ain't in range. so, I should let him have it because he doesn't have my long range skill" is not polite its saying you pity us because we can't attack long range. If your a long ranged class and in range to kill something kill it don't let us have it, we can find something else in fact we should be able to see your intentions soon enough to be able to find something else and let you have it.

    A long range would not let another long range have a kill if they got in range first neither would a melee for another melee if they are in range. Why? because that would be silly you'd be purposefully giving up you right to kill something just because someone else had the same idea for a target as you, if everyone did that no one would get the monster. So, if you wouldn't/shouldn't do it for someone your own class don't do it for a melee because that would be a double standered of sorts: one set of rules for someone of same ability and another one for someone of different ability.

    Picture it like this: two cars are at a four way stop sign the one who gets there first has the right of way. So, same thing with killing monsters who ever gets there first has the right to attack regardless of the range they have to be to have "the right of way" or "right to kill" in this case.

    Bottom line is: don't pity us but don't harass us either and
    Don't throw away your right to attack something just because I decided to kill it too.

    And if your worried about being KSed ask the other person for a squad and if they decline just be civil and either wait for them to leave or find a place nearby where you wouldn't have the chance for them to KS you. If you think you've been KSed or Harassed (Harassment: someone A. constantly KSing you or B. constantly killing something just as your about to attack it. about to attack mean's: in range and starting to attack not running to it with the intention of attacking) by someone long-range don't jump to conclusions and think they did it on purpose just because their long-range if it only happened once. Not all veno's and long rangers do that. A lot of bad people may choose those classes and do those kind of things. but, that is still no reason to lump all of those people of long-range together and say they all harass people, some of them are good.
  • XHappyBunnyx - Sanctuary
    XHappyBunnyx - Sanctuary Posts: 683 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    if the melee is running towards a mob.. cant they use speed skills and ranged skill? maybe even carry around a bow to get that first hit in?
    Q - How to win on Perfect World?
    A - Throw money at it.
  • Solandri - Heavens Tear
    Solandri - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Yeah it is ksing, seems like they just asked you nicely to stop. Next time just be polite when you see someone going towards a mob to kill it since range classes can easily ks BM or barb.
    Isn't the opposite true too? When I play my cleric, I target a mob, then run away a bit so I can start casting from max range (minimize the hits I'll take). By your standard, I've frequently been KSed by melee classes who attacked the mob I had targeted and was preparing to attack.

    So if you're going to ask ranged classes to watch out for melee classes moving towards a mob, isn't it only fair to ask melee classes to watch out for ranged classes moving away from a mob?
  • Q - Dreamweaver
    Q - Dreamweaver Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Isn't the opposite true too? When I play my cleric, I target a mob, then run away a bit so I can start casting from max range (minimize the hits I'll take). By your standard, I've frequently been KSed by melee classes who attacked the mob I had targeted and was preparing to attack.

    So if you're going to ask ranged classes to watch out for melee classes moving towards a mob, isn't it only fair to ask melee classes to watch out for ranged classes moving away from a mob?

    Hmm well I have always tried to do the nice thing and not attack a mob when someone if right next to it getting ready to attack it, even if i accidently hit it i stop right away or say I'm sorry and that I didn't mean to ks them. That's just me though.. maybe I'm just polite..

    Anyway Bella, next time that happens and someone asks you to not ks just tell them it was an accident and that you didn't mean it, I'm sure their reaction would be different.
  • MagicHamsta - Lost City
    MagicHamsta - Lost City Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    @OP it's not KSing...
    even melee classes have ranged skills...

    the person who claimed to have gotten ks'd be fail...
    and me wondering why they didn't ask to squad up lol...
    me always prefer to get the quest and get out as soon as possible.
    so....that me around wasting time.
    darthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me. Aryannamage: I don't think I am a GM that would be new.
    Hawk:Do this. closing thread
    frankieraye: I'll see if we can replace the woman with a stick figure and the tiger fangs with marshmallows.//Issues like these need to get escalated quickly to minimize the damage.
    Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
    Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
    LokisDottir: I mean...not haunting the forums, nope nope..
    Konariraiden: You don't know what you are up against. You will lose.
    Waiting for...Hamster Packs!
    58% chance to get tokens
    41% chance to get an all class pet hamster....but they has already been freed by the magic hamster.
    1% chance to get ban hamstered with the message "Hamsters United!"
  • Iseria - Harshlands
    Iseria - Harshlands Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I only read up to plainshark don then stop reading.

    seriously normal mob KS is the biggest QQ I have ever seen(well, not bigger than rare pets taming b:chuckle). there are hundreds of mobs and probably it was an accident. now if someone intentionally hits the same mob as you every time, then kill him if you are in PvP server.

    but seriously, in this game there is not much of KS cause most bosses are on special instances, and I never had problems with quest bosses.

    QQ moar is all I can say.
  • BellaKitsune - Raging Tide
    BellaKitsune - Raging Tide Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Ok having read all your posts:

    1. I would like to point out, that the person was not with in range to attack when I attacked, I was, like someone had pointed out earlier, why would you wait for someone else to get in range before I attack, when I'm already in range to attack? And no I didn't watch to see if the person was going attack and then started attacking, I just attacked the first non status mob I found not being attacked.

    2. Everyone always blames ranged classes for "ksing" when really it's something both classes do. I've played both range and melee classes, and I actually get "ksed" more when I'm on a ranged class, usually I'll be targeting a mob, and as I'm running back, someone will hit it. And really I don't consider that ksing, if they can get to it before me, so what, I let them have it and move to another mob. I think of ksing as when you purposefully attack something someone else has attacked, drawn aggro of, or is with in range to attack and clearly intends to attack, with the intention to steal the kill.

    3. for melee classes: I do want to point out that mobs are more limited for magic classes, because we, or at least I can't handle mobs with a status, i.e. increased magic resistance, increased life, without a pet, which for water mobs I have none. And when I attacked part of the reason I didn't switch mobs, is cause I can't handle increased mobs, and that's what all the other mobs seemed to be.

    4. I would also like to point out that it's not like I purposefully tried to stop the person from questing,it was crowded and I just attacked whatever was not being attacked. I'm actually very careful about trying not to ks,and I wasn't trying to be mean, just trying to Finnish my quest. And the person could have just asked me to squad too, I would have gladly,but who wants to squad with someone after they accuse you of ksing especially when you try to tell them you weren't trying to? And if the person is question can read this I apologize if I came off as rude, as it was not my intention to be so.

    This is like eying a desert in a party, and the person in front of you gets to the desert before you, then you tell them "you stole that cause I was gonna grab that. How logical does that seem?
  • turdstealer
    turdstealer Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    As I said earlier, No, you were not KSing. However, you stated that you KNEW the other player was focused on the mob you attacked, yet you attacked it anyway. That was rude, plain and simple.

    Yes, there were extenuating circumstances. Did you attempt to explain to the other person why you attacked that particular mob? Did you attempt to defuse the situation, perhaps come to an agreement or squad with the other person? Or did you simply say to yourself "Hmm. QQ. Gonna ignore that"?
    This is like eying a desert in a party, and the person in front of you gets to the desert before you, then you tell them "you stole that cause I was gonna grab that. How logical does that seem?

    I really hate flawed analogies carried to extremes, but since we're down that road already...

    No, it's more like the person in front of you eying a dessert at a party, starting to reach for it, and (since you have longer arms) you reach in and snatch it before he can get it. Did you rip it out of his hands (KS)? No. But it IS rude.
  • Sheikah - Raging Tide
    Sheikah - Raging Tide Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    As I said earlier, No, you were not KSing. However, you stated that you KNEW the other player was focused on the mob you attacked, yet you attacked it anyway. That was rude, plain and simple.

    Yes, there were extenuating circumstances. Did you attempt to explain to the other person why you attacked that particular mob? Did you attempt to defuse the situation, perhaps come to an agreement or squad with the other person? Or did you simply say to yourself "Hmm. QQ. Gonna ignore that"?

    I really hate flawed analogies carried to extremes, but since we're down that road already...

    No, it's more like the person in front of you eying a dessert at a party, starting to reach for it, and (since you have longer arms) you reach in and snatch it before he can get it. Did you rip it out of his hands (KS)? No. But it IS rude.

    I'm sorry dear but the analogy is not flawed. The reason? because the person in front who grabbed the dessert is the one who has the right to it regardless of the other persons intentions of wanting it ( and the melee person is the guy behind and out of range of the dessert not the long range person ) .

    As for you saying she was rude because she new he was going to it ( the monster ) it is not rude simply because she noticed him as she decided to attack, it's not like he was in range or had grabbed aggro. And yes, in both cases of a monster being killed before you can carry out your intentions to kill it is a disappointment yes, but life is full of disappointments. Intentions do not lay claim on monsters just as they do not lay claim to desserts either. And you can't cry "you stole that! or that was rude!" every time you can't have what you wanted plain and simple.

    Also to give another analogy for you to call flawed: two guys decide to buy a plot of land to put a house on. They both bid on the land in an auction ( now being an auction they both know they want the land ), Guy A bid's a certain amount and Guy B does same out bidding guy A. Guy A bids a again and Guy B bid's again out bidding guy A once more this time bidding all he can afford, Guy A bids again more then guy B and auction ends and Guy A get's the land. Later Guy A and Guy B our standing on the land and guy B come up to guy A and says: " you stole my land and my house!".

    So, guy B lost something he intended to get is he disappointment? yes. Was guy A rude for buying the land because he new the other guys intentions? No, because he had just as much right as guy B.

    Also, your analogy implies that this guy was near enough to where he could have had the monster and she took it before he could land a blow which is not true. She was in range to kill it he was not so technically your analogy does not fit the situation.

    It would in this case be more fitting to say the guy was 4th in line at the dessert bar. The guy in 4th and the guy in 2nd place have their eye on a particular dessert. The 2nd guy is in range to get the dessert the guy in 4th is not. The 2nd place guy therefore grabs it because he's closer.

    Now, can the fourth guy claim the 2nd place guy stole the dessert? or that it was rude for him to take it? because he wanted it too? No. The reason? Because the 2nd guy was in range, why should he pass on a dessert simply because someone else wants it too? The guy in range should get it because they both wanted it and someone should have it and there's no reason for it not to have been the guy who was closest. Regardless of how long he can "reach".

    To argue that because a long ranged person has a longer "reach" and therefore should not kill a monster he's in ranged to kill simply because someone else has the same intentions but not same "reach" is not fair to the long ranged person. Any more than it would be fair to tell a melee person who's in range to kill a monster not to do it simply because another melee or a long range person has the same intentions.
  • turdstealer
    turdstealer Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited January 2010

    I'm sorry dear but the analogy is not flawed. The reason? because the person in front who grabbed the dessert is the one who has the right to it regardless of the other persons intentions of wanting it ( and the melee person is the guy behind and out of range of the dessert not the long range person ) .

    Did you READ the OP? It doesn't appear so. From the screenshot, it appears that the other person was close enough to the mob that intent was obvious (He/she says "right next to" the mob, but I assume a bit of exaggeration for effect). For the dessert analogy, let's say slightly to the side of the dessert and reaching for it (the Original Poster DID say she knew that the other guy was after that mob). She used her longer "reach" to snatch the dessert the other guy was reaching for, and she knew what she was doing. In my book, that is rude.
    As for you saying she was rude because she new he was going to it ( the monster ) it is not rude simply because she noticed him as she decided to attack, it's not like he was in range or had grabbed aggro. And yes, in both cases of a monster being killed before you can carry out your intentions to kill it is a disappointment yes, but life is full of disappointments. Intentions do not lay claim on monsters just as they do not lay claim to desserts either. And you can't cry "you stole that! or that was rude!" every time you can't have what you wanted plain and simple.

    Rude is rude. It's rude to pull into a parking space that someone else has been patiently waiting for with his blinker on simply because you have the opportunity. It's rude to run over to a new checkout lane opening up at WalMart, beating out an old lady with a walker, simply because you're faster. And it's rude to attack a mob that you know someone else has targeted simply because you can. Has nothing to do with whether the other guy thinks it's rude, or wrong, or ksing, and it has nothing to do with arguing over "laying claim" to a monster, or an area, or whatever. Rude is rude.
    Also to give another analogy for you to call flawed: two guys decide to buy a plot of land to put a house on. They both bid on the land in an auction ( now being an auction they both know they want the land ), Guy A bid's a certain amount and Guy B does same out bidding guy A. Guy A bids a again and Guy B bid's again out bidding guy A once more this time bidding all he can afford, Guy A bids again more then guy B and auction ends and Guy A get's the land. Later Guy A and Guy B our standing on the land and guy B come up to guy A and says: " you stole my land and my house!".

    So, guy B lost something he intended to get is he disappointment? yes. Was guy A rude for buying the land because he new the other guys intentions? No, because he had just as much right as guy B.

    Let's see. Yep. Flawed.

    This would be more akin to two people, both in range, attacking the mob at the same time. Whoever does 51% of the damage gets the kill. Both have equal "claim" on the mob, but one clearly has the ability to out-damage ("out bid" if you will) the other.
    Also, your analogy implies that this guy was near enough to where he could have had the monster and she took it before he could land a blow which is not true. She was in range to kill it he was not so technically your analogy does not fit the situation.

    It would in this case be more fitting to say the guy was 4th in line at the dessert bar. The guy in 4th and the guy in 2nd place have their eye on a particular dessert. The 2nd guy is in range to get the dessert the guy in 4th is not. The 2nd place guy therefore grabs it because he's closer.

    And the reason I hate playing the analogy game is that you wind up refining the analogy to the point of absurdity, and the original point of discussion gets lost in the shuffle of "my analogy is better than yours".
    Now, can the fourth guy claim the 2nd place guy stole the dessert? or that it was rude for him to take it? because he wanted it too? No. The reason? Because the 2nd guy was in range, why should he pass on a dessert simply because someone else wants it too? The guy in range should get it because they both wanted it and someone should have it and there's no reason for it not to have been the guy who was closest. Regardless of how long he can "reach".

    To argue that because a long ranged person has a longer "reach" and therefore should not kill a monster he's in ranged to kill simply because someone else has the same intentions but not same "reach" is not fair to the long ranged person. Any more than it would be fair to tell a melee person who's in range to kill a monster not to do it simply because another melee or a long range person has the same intentions.

    Bottom line. She knew the other guy was intending to attack that particular mob. She attacked it anyway, because she could. In my book, that's rude. Apparently it's not in yours. It's obvious that nothing I can say is going to change your mind, and nothing you can say will change mine -- we're simply going to have to agree to disagree on this.