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  • The problem lies in the fact that real life capitalism crept into a game. People don't play the dungeon for fun, to test their skills and make room for imagination. They do it for loot, and the faster the better. That's because the game is an action one, real time one that favors dps builds or tactics. Also the kompu…
  • I propose that all player AD is summed, divided by player number and refunded equally. Communism rulez. :)
  • RNG is RNG. Random Number generator, with a low chance for the jackpot. That means that some will be luckier than others. What happens: you percieve reality skewered by your desire. Let's say the chance is 5 %. (Estimate, might be 10 % or 1 % afaik) Of course you expect to be lucky, but this expectation has no effect on…
  • don't play GWF, noone will take you to dungeons.
  • Sadly, GS does tell things. I failed 4 of my last 5 dungeons teaming with PUGs. 9k GS players simply are not prepared for the difficulty of an epic dungeon. Yes there might be some who are expereinced as the toon is not their main, but these people tend to gear up quite quickly. So when a PUG has an average GS of 9k, you…
  • Yes, and how exactly will you know if a player is good before you play with him ? You don't. I am good. Yet I still don't get invites.
    in ......... Comment by sortof October 2013
  • I can tell you right now. You will get into n number of dungeons where n equals nada. Zero. Nothing. While the class is very fun to play ... in epic T2 it pales. (all that exping and tossing kills this class what is made to deal with adds, and be good at all trades) In GG is good. I saved the day for an inexperienced group…
    in ......... Comment by sortof October 2013
  • It's just that once reaching 60, and 10k GS, the end game turns into gear grind ... everything costs millions of AD. Thus after a few days/weeks of playing people burn out. Than they will level a new toon, what will give diminishing results after a while, because all toons have to play through the same content again (aside…
  • Dear players. The Great Weapon Fighter, as it's name suggests, is a great toon to play. Don't let the naysayers bring you down. If you want a visceral feeling class, stomping innumerable enemies to the ground, with crit arrows and orange numbers flying all around ... Play GWF. It feels good. Especially if you are good at…
  • Make all areas PK. :) Joke aside, Star Trek Online, who has similar game systems, has (or had, not sure) such a zone. Ah, those days ... decloacking in my Bird of Prey behind the unsuspecting Federation cruiser. Pretty much what you have now as a TR in PvP. It can be done, question, is there enough interest and is it worth…
  • Did you know that when potatoes were imported in Europe, they were first brought in as decorative plants, for their flowers ? And because the potato's fruits are toxic, containing solanine, people were reluctant in the beginning consuming it's root tubercules, the actual potatoes. So, in order to encourage the population…
  • There are people who one can have a dialogue with and there are some with whom one can't. After a while one quickly asserts such situations, and withdraws gracefully.
  • Lol, as a game publisher on a capitalist free market my first priority is making money and possibly profit. I couldn't care less about how productive or unproductive others are, and about ethics, that only exists in philosophy books and some crazy people's hearts like yours. Greed is god. :)
  • Actually, a good one handed sword was not heavier than 1-2 kg. http://www.thearma.org/essays/weights.htm Even the biggest two handed greatswords were not heavier than 3-4 kg, except ceremonial ones, but those were never used in battle. Plate armor indeed was heavy up to 20 kg, but that weight was evenly distributed on the…
  • After today's patch Unstoppbale works great, and I have no problem keeping it up in a fight. I thank cratian combat designer for this. In poll I voted for last option just for the hell of it. :D (there is a hidden sarcasm in it's description, isn't it ?)
  • Unstoppable bug has been fixed, thank you very much !
  • Whipping an animal is not offensive, it's a traditional way of communication with work animals. Most animal hides are much tougher than human skin. Whipping does not really hurt them.
  • The animation is not bad, the problem is that the leash is not represented. When you spur your horse, that it's natural that you release the leash in the fashion it is shown in the animation. By release I mean, you still hold it, but don't pull on it. Hence, there should be the leash connecting the horse's mouth and your…
  • Why isn't the GWF Unstoppable bug listed ?
  • They won't. The AD(dilithium) refinery cap is the most stable in STO. Veterans have some bonuses, apart of that, this is the only thing that keeps the game economy safe from exploits we all know to happen.
  • < F2P Can post ! This is great ! Unlike in greasy SWTOR, when after being a subscriber for 4 months, and bought their expansion too, when I went preferred (a status between f2p, and subscriber), my ability to post anything on their forums was withdrawn. I use this opportunity to vent here, and provide a bit of an edge to…
  • I am gonna enjoy every bit kicking your pompous butt ingame. :)
  • Free players farm the AD you have bought using your credit card, via zen. They are as vital to the game economy and PWE zen market, as the gnu are in the african ecosystem.
  • Are you dyslexic ? The lack of formatting in your post is amazing. It makes it almost incomprehensible. Maybe you should stop playing silly games and learn to build a readable text. It will help you much more in life than your game twitches. Sincerelly Paleork
  • This I can't even call reasoning ... it's so bad. So you say, people do not play games for fun, but to work, because .... thats' their fun ? Sick. I am sure you can do much better than this. ;)
  • Than GWF would not be anything but a switch toon what plays either a TR or a GF. No.
  • And how exactly these help a supposedly AoE dps class ? Roar is mostly utility, take down and Flourish are single target skills.
  • I sign this. The Polearm Master one. :)
  • Katana is not two handed, it's a hand an a half at best. A two handed sword would be a "tanto". <Edit> sorry, now I see you did not mean it to be two handed. It would be great to have polarmes like halberds, pollaxes, billhooks and such, but they would at least need a thrusting animation - what some NPC's seem to posess (I…
  • That just needed the change of a single parameter.(my guess : 0.5 to 0.005) The code of a player class in action with all possible environments and reactions is much-much harder to fix. Hence the intent to make unstoppable less unstoppable somehow broke it, and now it almost expires as fast as it is activated. I am sure…