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Easiest class to play?

rortierortie Member Posts: 178 Bounty Hunter
edited October 2013 in PvE Discussion
Got a DC and a CW. Was wondering if the fighter types play anything like their cousins in other games, usually easier? Mainly PvE...
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    pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Depends on what you're doing. For soloing, the easiest classes are probably the fighters. I had some problems mid level with my GF because of low DPS but at high level she does just fine. My GWF, despite all the party based issues, works extremely well by herself. The other classes can't be quite as reckless but still work well by themselves with the right power setup and a good grasp of the battlefield. A lot of depends on an individual's play style.

    For party play, a lot depends on other people's expectations of what you should be doing. Fighters at the moment aren't in a lot of demand and really need to be at the top of their game to be welcome in some groups.
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
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    rortierortie Member Posts: 178 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    Thanks. Both solo and groups I do, but need solo to be most reliable. Am thinking to get a slightly less gamey friend into NW, so want to show them something easier for a first class. Does the GF die less often than GWF in solo, or is that obvious?
    "Young people....." - Erik Lehnsherr
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    tang56tang56 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    rortie wrote: »
    Thanks. Both solo and groups I do, but need solo to be most reliable. Am thinking to get a slightly less gamey friend into NW, so want to show them something easier for a first class. Does the GF die less often than GWF in solo, or is that obvious?

    GF rarely dies solo, but it takes forever to kill things until you hit level 60.
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    pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Yeah, it takes a while to do damage, especially if you make the mistake I did and ignore the control powers. That made soloing the mini-dungeon bosses in Ebon Downs a royal pain.
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
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    fondlezfondlez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Solo PvE:
    - DC easiest class in terms of playstyle, but lowest in effectiveness
    - CW easiest class in terms of effectiveness, but playstyle is not that easy for many players.

    Group PvE:
    - DC easiest class purely in terms of playstyle but in hardest content or undergeared group, heavily reliant on group and personal skill. That is, a DC can almost never "carry" a group through content they would otherwise be unable to do (they could in beta, but since then very heavy nerfs). Also, nothing reveals the difference more between a good DC and a crappy one than difficult content.
    - GWF is easiest class in terms of effectiveness because rarely does content or anyone have a specific role requirement or high dependence on a GWF in group PvE. So, you can just coast along if you wanted. That said, like DC, in harder content, the difference between a good GWF and a bad one is literally Night and Day. Also, this is one of the harder classes to master due to the large range of roles it can fulfill plus its heavy use of animation cancelling and understanding of how skills chain into each other.

    Neither GF nor GWF die easily at all. Though, in early levels GF will generally level noticeably faster and use far less potions than GWF due to its early damage and shield.

    So, just because something seems "easy" in one context means little really. All classes become hard when you push them to their limit, just some have a little lower initial access.

    Better question is to ask yourself is which you enjoy by trying them all up to some level, e.g. 30-45. Note, in particular, that the GF does not get the awesome Threatening Rush until level 35.
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    cbrowne0329cbrowne0329 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I have level 60s in all classes... by far the easy to use was the GF... to make up DPS you will need to go Conqueror build.

    CW-leveled the fastest but you need to pay attention
    TR-yeah soloing with a TR actually requires you to use skill, they are better in groups
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    kozi001kozi001 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 876 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    easy to solo, fast leveling
    interesting fight, see battle from behind as a whole

    con: yes its not for everyone
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    misssmooziemisssmoozie Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 204 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    If you know the meta and all the dos and don'ts a CW can cheese their way to 60 in 2-3 days without any problems at all. Doubt your friend will be able to learn all this without having seen it tho, so I'd say a GWF or GF is the easiest for him/her. But, I'd recomend a DC or CW (just, please, teach him/her what to do, and don't do.. tired of CW's in CN who doesn't have repell..)
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    rezlezrezlez Member Posts: 88
    edited October 2013
    GWF is the most balanced class for PvE. CW is the nuker, just don't get hit. DC = GWF except that GWF kills faster while DC survives better. Just get good companions for both.

    NEVER get a tank if you want fast leveling or great combat. They exist to take damage - nothing more, nothing less. If you want a tank that actually manages to kill stuff, go play FW and get a Prot.

    TR is actually the best class you can have in this game after CW. Most people think it's bad due to the absurd level of skill you need to have it be an OP class. But once you do, it's better than every class...except CW. CW is hax.

    Since you're already experienced, what with two characters, you should consider TR.
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    vorphiedvorphied Member Posts: 1,870 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Any class in the game fails horribly if the player isn't playing well.

    TR can be a lot of fun, and even a bad TR can usually manage to spam the correct encounters on a single target, but they tend to spend an inordinate amount of time running from campfires if they haven't gotten the hang of balancing damage potential with survivability tools.

    GWF sometimes gets a bad rap, but I think good ones can be a great asset. Good ones generate some respectable numbers, and bad ones can't DPS their way out of a paper bag.

    DCs execute all solo content with complete impunity if played with the correct encounters. It's not as speedy as with a CW (3 encounters vs. the CW's 4), but it's effortless to the point of tedium; high damage AoE encounters + high damage resistance and passive healing feats. Bad DCs show their colors in groups when things hit the fan or during PvP.

    GFs can be VERY tedious to level just because they are anything but fast and dynamic. Group play as a GF is also very different from solo play, which some players have a difficult time adjusting to. Some great survivability and surprising damage potential, but the style is not for everyone.

    CWs can be amazing, but there are SO many bad ones out there. Just like some GFs, I think some CWs have difficulty adjusting their playstyle to be beneficial to a group. Maybe spamming Shield pops and Ice Storms did the trick for their leveling days, but nobody wants that <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> in a dungeon outside of very specific scenarios.
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    ssinafeyssinafey Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    U know what guys? U all have the false idea about a gwf..maybe exept 1 person here...and thats fondlez...GWF isnt ment to dps like mad...sure it looks kewl and ppl ahve a false belive that destroyer is a substitucion dps for tr...what i have to say to those ppl, ur narrow minded and will probably never fully enjoy the game as it is...all most ppl can see is numbers , estroying scoreboard, FVCK YEAH. Well, GWF is not about that.

    And with that introduction ill say the easiest class and far more the less stressfull to play is still GWF. Why? Here are some tips why...

    1 - solo play till 60, u go insygator/destro and just kill things without having to worry ull ever die...literally. then u switch to senti, and ur always last to die in party play , unless u sux as fvck
    2 - cutting frames and animations is just for pure dps purposes, u can manage without it, leave that to breain-dead destroyers who only see numbers (as an example i will say one of the best tr i know outdps me by like 300k on MC and thats about 5,5m dmg each of us, taking avarage, dps there goes to cws anyway)
    3 - since ur party belives ur "useless" to begin with, u dont have to worry bout ppl putting blame on u...and actually u can blame everyone for virtually everything, starting from calling them dweebs cuz they cant cope with the situation of having a gwf in a party...mind that this right is reserved especially to u, since ur like always the last man standing ( mind point 1, switching to senti build)
    4 - u just ignore anything around u based on numbers, u just do ur part "from the shadows", gwf is there to make party play easier, tanking/resing/aoe dps/dropping/whatever is needed to do...thing is that u can do so much more than other classes...IF u foget to excel in ANY fied beside survavibility...

    So to conclude my post, u can have an easy and enjoyale life as a gwf, as long as u forget about numbers and act as a support for ur party...best thing is to find a respectable GWF mentor to teach u how to play...which btw get to all classes...

    U dont care about numbers and want to enjoy easy life - play as gwf...will take time to make urself a steady party to run with, sure, but when u get a hang of what ur suppose to do in dungeons, they wont ever want to replace u :)
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    rezlezrezlez Member Posts: 88
    edited October 2013
    Okay, I'm not sure if I was even able to read all of the above correctly...

    But I think you're saying that GWF has a high enough level of survivability to not worry about their HP or the actions of their teammates, correct?

    I agree. When I did the Crypts recently, the other GWF and I always ran ahead of the rest of the team. We were able to AoE-rack damage and even kill some mobs before the rest of the group got in and easy cleaned the rest, due to our shaving the HP off. And we didn't die. We were able to take HP pots within 5 seconds after our screen going red, even when grouped by a mobtrain, due to this. I even accidentally went away from my party and into a secret room, where Mimics were eating me, and managed to hold my own until the tank went in and helped me finish it.

    GWFs are SO good for solo play that they can act regardless of their team and their actions don't negatively affect their team either. Make sure you have potions, but as long as you aren't below the mob level, you won't have to worry about using as many of them as the other damage classes.

    However, do understand that GWFs are not toys. They can't tank. They can only SURVIVE. DO NOT try to treat them as tanks. I made this mistake in the SHADRA Guild Foundry, trying to defeat all those kobolds solo. I did so, then I went up against trolls... And I had no chance. Remember: That is a two-person Foundry! Don't solo it, even with a GWF.
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    tarmalentarmalen Member Posts: 1,020 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    Hands down. Solo play PVE. GWF is king. No other class can compare.
    Even in groups you will shine or at least hold your own.
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    tarmalentarmalen Member Posts: 1,020 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    rezlez wrote: »
    Okay, I'm not sure if I was even able to read all of the above correctly...

    But I think you're saying that GWF has a high enough level of survivability to not worry about their HP or the actions of their teammates, correct?

    I agree. When I did the Crypts recently, the other GWF and I always ran ahead of the rest of the team. We were able to AoE-rack damage and even kill some mobs before the rest of the group got in and easy cleaned the rest, due to our shaving the HP off. And we didn't die. We were able to take HP pots within 5 seconds after our screen going red, even when grouped by a mobtrain, due to this. I even accidentally went away from my party and into a secret room, where Mimics were eating me, and managed to hold my own until the tank went in and helped me finish it.

    GWFs are SO good for solo play that they can act regardless of their team and their actions don't negatively affect their team either. Make sure you have potions, but as long as you aren't below the mob level, you won't have to worry about using as many of them as the other damage classes.

    However, do understand that GWFs are not toys. They can't tank. They can only SURVIVE. DO NOT try to treat them as tanks. I made this mistake in the SHADRA Guild Foundry, trying to defeat all those kobolds solo. I did so, then I went up against trolls... And I had no chance. Remember: That is a two-person Foundry! Don't solo it, even with a GWF.

    Then you need to adjust a few things, GWF can tank fine...its threat generation (which is only in parties) that is an issue.
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    misssmooziemisssmoozie Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 204 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    Don't forget the difference between "most efficient" and easiest. The GWF is one of the easier classes to play, (so is DC and GF to some extent.) which basically means the initial skill requirement to do something somewhat constructive and helpful for the team is the lowest. The easiest class is the class where a unexperienced and unskilled player would do the most good for the team.

    The most efficient class, is the class where a good player can to as a high as possible extent carry a team, for which I say the CW is a top candidate instead. As the skillcap for a CW is metric miles higher than the other classes from what I've experienced.
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    inthefade462inthefade462 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Don't forget the difference between "most efficient" and easiest. The GWF is one of the easier classes to play, (so is DC and GF to some extent.) which basically means the initial skill requirement to do something somewhat constructive and helpful for the team is the lowest. The easiest class is the class where a unexperienced and unskilled player would do the most good for the team.

    The most efficient class, is the class where a good player can to as a high as possible extent carry a team, for which I say the CW is a top candidate instead. As the skillcap for a CW is metric miles higher than the other classes from what I've experienced.

    this. a CW can carry a bad team. More than any other class, the cw's skill level has the widest variation and impact on group play.

    Solo queue for a T1 dungeon and get a group of 6-7k gs non english speaking players who never type in chat. a good cw can take that team and defeat the dungeon without a single wipe never having to type in party chat (as no one else is going to either, lol-queue groups).

    A distant second on the list is a good GF. You can't really control the mobs like a CW can but you can control their positioning and bads who just stand in red won't be standing in red anymore because you can move the mobs and have the red piled under you in the corner away from them.

    TR is middle of the road here, a really good tr can smoke/daze and dps down things that are killing the party, but doesn't have the impact a GF has and is no where close to the god like ability of a CW to carry a party.

    GWF and DC are basically tied for dead last in their (in)ability to carry a bad team.
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    tarmalentarmalen Member Posts: 1,020 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    You are out of your mind if you don't think a good GWF can't carry a bunch of new people with minimum GS in a T1.
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    ssinafeyssinafey Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    this. a CW can carry a bad team. More than any other class, the cw's skill level has the widest variation and impact on group play.

    Solo queue for a T1 dungeon and get a group of 6-7k gs non english speaking players who never type in chat. a good cw can take that team and defeat the dungeon without a single wipe never having to type in party chat (as no one else is going to either, lol-queue groups).

    A distant second on the list is a good GF. You can't really control the mobs like a CW can but you can control their positioning and bads who just stand in red won't be standing in red anymore because you can move the mobs and have the red piled under you in the corner away from them.

    TR is middle of the road here, a really good tr can smoke/daze and dps down things that are killing the party, but doesn't have the impact a GF has and is no where close to the god like ability of a CW to carry a party.

    GWF and DC are basically tied for dead last in their (in)ability to carry a bad team.

    Un, actually, its u whos out of ur mind...by all means, what makes solo player carry others is most fo all EXPERIENCE. Adding to that, ur point that gwf cant carry a team is ...we... loling for me..I have done so many times, carrying prties with 7-9k gs throu the dungeon, basically soloing bosses + half the adds on my own in t1 or normal DV runs (yes there are players who cant finih a normal t2 run...) and tbh i cant imagine how a CW can kite adds deal dmg and actually live under those conditions...mayve GF also could do it....as for tr it would raquire a bit more of a support build than pure dps one...but hell, im just a simple GWF, i do stuff, no1 have to ask what kind of stuff, right?
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    sortofsortof Member Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    don't play GWF, noone will take you to dungeons.
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    aulduronaulduron Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,351 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I have a CW, GWF and a TR. The GWF is, by far, the easiest for me to play. He just runs in a kills stuff. He uses far fewer potions than my others.
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