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dreadcall Arc User



  • Borg Collective, Iconian and Q boxes will be the last 3 before sto closes down :P
  • Isn't the scimitar good enough for you with 1 hangar? :rolleyes:
  • I don't think nerfing the scimitar is the intent here any more than buffing it was when they buffed beam overload (which was an indirect buff to the drone ships). And a small scimitar nerf isn't even the problem here (even if they cut drone dps in half it won't kill the ship). Its closest competitor is the Narcine AFAIK,…
  • That first tiny step can make things worse if it is not followed by the rest. Cryptic's plans have a tendency to go the way of the secondary deflector. Even if they came out and detailed their long term plans these and other changes fit into (which they absolutely should do btw) people would doubt said plans coming to…
  • Drone ships did 4k+ pre DR. Most players in public queues did 1-3k. Cryptic didn't seem to have a problem with it at the time. Considering the changes to enemy hp, nerfing the pets may not be the solution. If they do "fix" the pets to pull the correct data, they really should be looking at buffing the crappier ones though.…
  • Just checked, on the last ISA run (solo queuing) my drone ships did 9k. They could probably pass 10k in a premade with some more dubuffs. They did around 4k pre DR IIRC. Their damage went up by less than enemy HP, so i do not support a nerf. Maybe Cryptic should make a bit more effort to teach players how to play the game…
  • If only the world was so simple! But let's go along with it for now. Let's assume that everyone who had their points taken is guilty. How about the people claiming to have "exploited" 20-30 or more spec points worth of xp and did NOT lose it. What is their motive for lying? What if no one is lying? What if cryptic's tools…
  • No man, if you pay close attention you will notic that many ships actually gave over 100 exp. That alone makes this certainly an exploit! If you add the salvage techs on top of it, well i'd say it warrrants a permanent ban for all participants and 5 other players at random.
  • Yeah, the same kind of bad fan fiction that lets you fly 8472 bioships :eek: As for lockboxes, ther WILL eventually be a borg box followed by an iconian one and then a the Q box.
  • Those same hardcore players were actually here trying to tell both other players and cryptic about advanced. They provided numbers, parses, etc. Very few listened. Even in the face of those parses people did not believe them just kept sayin BS stuff along the lines of dev promised it would be like old elites i have faith…
  • Nope, people are penalized for getting too much xp. Most of those people did it in tau dewa because smashing level 50 enemies was super easy so anyone could do it. It was doable (and done) with level 60 enemies, perhaps even more efficient if done right. People who went over Cryptic's line of too much xp got their points…
  • Who's talking? Can't see you.
  • Yes! Nerf XP from low level mobs so level 1-50 players pay their 200 zen / 1k xp as well. Brilliant!
  • The xp reward sclaing for level 50+ enemies does not match the scaling of their hp/shields. Not even close. If farming level 50 mobs wasn't so much more efficient there wouldn't be a problem at all.
  • The green and blue tech upgrades are a HUGE ripoff when it comes to dilithium. basic kits give you 2000 tech points for 700 dil -> 2.86 TP/dil. improved ones give you 500 tech points for 950 dil ->5.26 TP/dil superiors give you 12800 tech points for 1075 dil -> 11.91 TP/dil Upgrades will cost you 4.17 times as much…
  • http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1222091
  • VR material prices right now: dentarium 495k, plekton 400k, argonite 549k, radiogenic 73k, trellium 11k You probably have more than enough trellium-k, as well as radiogenic particles if you did the crystal event. The problem isn't really the rarity, it's much rather the imbalance in queues being played. A system that…
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h05YfP_8UsU
  • It allows your weapon power to always be above 50!!!!!! That is very lots of deeps!!!!!! I did 800 dps tops before, but since switching to a2b i never did below 1k dps in ISE !!!!!! Buy a2b now!!!!
  • Kazon lockbox ships will probably be T6 anyway :P Unless it's the first one coming with the expansion as a throwavay box so it doesn't mess with the sales of the cstore T6 ships.
  • The ones dropping from lockboxes realeased with and after X2 will probably be considered T6 ships by Cryptic and treated accordingly (and so will the new doff pack promo ship). The currently existing ones won't get those abilities just the upgrade psooibility to almost-T6.
  • It's mostly there, they tractor you, they use tachyon beam and shield neutralizer to get rid of you shields, they have the invisitprp of doom and a decent plasma burn. They actually have a pretty nasty skillset built around stripping your shields, tractoring you and destroying you with torps and KCB. The problem is they…
  • My typical kerrat experience: I faw away at the borg with my fawtardboat, a klingon or three decloaks and opens fire, only to be swept away by a cloud of feds a few seconds later. Haven't been there much the last few months though.
  • IIRC one of the devs said in an interview that ships have to be a little better than previous ones in order to sell well. For Cryptic that's the real problem, any solution that removes power creep completely is bad for them, thus they have to find something else. Power creep = $$$. The goal here is to bring everyone to…
  • You're missing the point. Yes there is some worthless dps inflation, like hitting invulnerable transformers and gates, but shooting at all the probes and spheres at the same time means they usually die faster. The benefits to clear speed far outweigh the wasted dps. As for movement and getting to the target faster, that…
  • Yes there are, free to play is mostly about a small group of players paying big money each. Developers tend to call them "whales". They basically pay for the game for you. We llittle guys basically don't matter much anymore, the people who were putting omni-directional beams on the exchange a day after S9.5 was released…
  • You can run some of the queued stuff already by creating a private lobby. I enjoy a nice SB24 solo from time to time. It's my favorite fleet action, and it just doesn't pop as fast as it used to. No lockut timer either. What i think they really are doing though, is preparing for the space "solo party" system, similiar to…
  • Why the hell would you ever replace a beam array with a beam turret? The overlap of the fore and rear array's arcs is big enough to consistently keep all the arrays firing with any whale of a ship. They could, however, be a decent buff to dbb builds. Ohh and btw please go convince cryptic to let me equip single cannons in…
  • It's fine, power creep adresses the borg problem. The borg fanbois just have to imagine that they would adapt after a while if they lived long enough. Everything that happened after voyager pretty much supports this. Yeah yeah i know if it's not on screen it's not canon blah blah blah but since there is no continuation on…
  • A CSV setup firing at 3 targets at close range will do significantly more damage than a FAW setup. The reason FAW boats parse so high on encounter dps is that they can consistently do very close to their optimum dps in most of the content. Notice how their encdps is usually much closer to their peak dps than that of cannon…