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What qualities make a hanger/seperation pet great?

bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
Some pets in STO are amazing. Some are decent. And some are simply terrible. A balance pass just might be the best thing to happen for those of us who like to use them.

Sensor Analysis provides up to a +30% bonus to damage and energy drain effects. This is what a carrier sacrifices in most cases (and 10% bonus defense at times as well) to have the pets and should be considered a baseline for desired effectiveness in my view. At the same time we should not get too hung up on that singular aspect of carrier pets.

The first thing necessary for any pet to be enjoyable to use is the delicate balance of it's survivability. They should not be so strong nothing can hurt them but neither should they explode constantly. At the moment some pets are in the first category, most are in the second. A persistent issue of pets dying to warp core explosions and/or any small amount of area attacks has plagued this balance and needs to be dealt with directly before any real improvement can be made in this area. It could be a resistance boost, immunity to warp core explosions, a scaling back of warp core explosion damage, faster and smarter pets, I don't know or care but this needs to be the first thing addressed.

Next up is utility. A pet doesn't have to deal 'tons of damage' if it provides useful utility for the player. But one has to be very careful here to keep PvP concerns and visual spam/lag in mind.

Finally we have the issue of scaling. If a player's pets should be capable of dealing around 30% of their damage who's 30% should it be? And how can they be made to scale with the player's capabilities / gear?
Post edited by bareel on


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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    At first, I was just going to make a slick 'n sly joke of a comment...

    "Remove Sensor Analysis from an Orb Weaver while giving it two Hangars does not a Recluse make."

    But it's a pretty involved and complex matter that goes beyond just Sensor Analysis is by no means the benchmark.

    Dreadnought Cruisers have a Hangar.
    Flight-Deck Cruisers have a Hangar.
    Heavy Escort Carriers have a Hangar.
    Multi-Mission Explorers have a Hangar.
    Dreadnought Carriers aren't like normal Carriers even with 2 Hangars.
    Can't forget the Dreadnought Warbirds and their Hangar.
    And yeah, then you have the regular ol' Carriers with their 2 Hangars.

    Different boats give up (or don't give up) different things for their Hangar or Hangars.

    But is that where you would even start? Cause well, there's the pets themselves and which of the above ships have access to which pets, etc, etc, etc. Fighters, Fighter-Drones, Shuttles, Frigates, Frigate-Drones...and all sorts of pets.

    And well, it's not just all of the above either - since we've got Normal, Advanced, and Elite pets.

    You could have somebody that decides to run Normal Fighters out of a FDC while somebody else is running Elite Frigates out of a Dreadnought Carrier. Should they expect them to provide the same benefit?

    That's before even looking into the restrictive nature of some the pets, the difficulty in acquiring them compared to other pets - that investment factor, etc, etc, etc.

    Hangar Pets...are like a little microcosm of STO itself.

    edit: Correction made to the Scimitar, courtesy of a doofus.
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    donowickdonowick Member Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I like the saucer seperation on oddy when it is seperated I have a turn rate of 20 which is nice. :)
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    neomodiousneomodious Member Posts: 428 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I'd be for giving all of the little pets increased resistance to aoe, and a near immunity to warp core breaches, or some sort of avoidance mechanic.
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    dreadcalldreadcall Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Can't forget the Dreadnought Warbirds and their 2 Hangars.

    Isn't the scimitar good enough for you with 1 hangar? :rolleyes:
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    angrytargangrytarg Member Posts: 11,001 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    First of all you need to face the difference between separation and hangar pets.

    Hangar pets are shuttles (doesn't matter if you call them "fighters", they are lightly armed and armoured shuttles). Those aren't supposed to have much staying power but should support the "carrier" (I hate that term) with their abilities on a AoE level of effectiveness. Intercept small craft and projectiles, placate enemies, try to disable subsystems, expose them, heal and repair allies, that kind of stuff. Hangar pets are fragile but you can replace them indefinitely.

    A separation or support pet is a full vessel in it's own right. Saucers are a third to a half of the whole ship, that's why they should be sturdy and of a comparable threat to the target. They should not deal player level damage but feature more damage potential and, more importantly, be able to draw the target's fire. They should be capable single target support and able to heal the "mothership". A separation/support pet cannot be replaced, if shot down it is out unless you rejoin and then face the two minute cooldown.

    These differences have to count for something. Frigates, by the way, should be a hybrid of these two. In any case, pets need a control UI that's worth something, similiar to BOFFs. They need different stances and tactics and you need to control when they use their abilities (or set them to autocast). In case of separation pets it is also important that you are not punished for using them. Sure, the cruisers get a turnrate boost but loose such a big chunk of HP in the process that this is hardly a good trade, especially since the pets, right now, don't do anything remotely useful (for instance, the Galaxy saucer is supposed to use healing abilities, I think even the tooltip says so, but it doesn't. It never has done anything but swoop around, fire with it's shuttle-grade omni beam doing 100 dps and die). Also, some kind of manoeuvre to avoid warpcore breaches and deathtraps would be nice, like autocast a unique or very low version of TBR to push ships out of the blast radius (with a cooldown, of course).
    ^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
    "No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
    "A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
    "That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    dreadcall wrote: »
    Isn't the scimitar good enough for you with 1 hangar? :rolleyes:

    Show us on the dolly...
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    stonewbiestonewbie Member Posts: 1,454 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    neomodious wrote: »
    I'd be for giving all of the little pets increased resistance to aoe, and a near immunity to warp core breaches, or some sort of avoidance mechanic.

    I had posted in the mechanics subforum a few weeks ago. I put down my thoughts and some suggestions on what i think would be nice to have on hangar pets. Not that i really expected anyone that could actually do anything to read it or implement it. I was kinda just talking to myself mostly

    In regards to neos quote i did mention something about maybe giving hangar pets a passive similar to what WoW hunter and lock pets have. They have a passive that reduces their AOE damage by 90%. Unfortunately Blizz isnt always careful about how they flag boss abilities. There is a zone in WoW called Timeless Isle and there is this one boss type npc that has all of his attacks flagged as AOE. Because of that a lock or hunter can very easily solo this boss. I've actually done this myself with my very undergeared hunter where i've snuck up behind the boss and solo'd him with my pet and me. Thats the kind of thing you'dwant to avoid when giving pets or hangar pets a aoe reduction passive.

    stonewbie wrote: »
    -no self preservation script so they will hug a cube that is about to die. On my dedicted carriers i have attack and recall bound to quick access keys but there are factors like group comp, group dps that sometimes cause me to have to recall pets earlier just so they dont get caught in a warp core breach.

    -cannon pets like BoPs on Voquvs that will orbit around their targets firing their turrets. IMO the AI should adjust its flight path or attack path based on the weapons it has. If it has cannons and torpedoes it should fly straight in shoot shoot shoot, then speed away and make another run. If it has beam arrays it should go in and orbit (preferably not 0.5km away from the target). Maybe also give those ships that have beam arrays 360 degree torpedo launchers (if they dont already have it). Right now on my "lazy" carrier builds i just go with ships that have beam arrays so i dont have to micro manage them. On ships where i want to max out my carrier pet dps like my pet BOPs i chose ship weapons like DBB and i stay at 9+km. Then i recall my pets and once they are almost on me i send them back in again and hopefully they will fire their THY and cannons.

    -better aoe mitigation...this one is actually just a minor thing since when hangar pets die we can just resummon more. But when fighting mobs that have mass amounts of aoe abilities it would be nice for pets to have some sort of defense against this (other then keeping them docked). One BFAW from a gate and bam-bam-bam all the pets are gone. With this one though its hard to come up with something that is easy to implement but doesnt make them impervious.
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