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New Solo Q's coming soon? (Re: Al Rivera's Plan)



  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    PWE flushed teamwork and cooperation down the toilet and got lodged in the u bend (where it still is), now they are fixing the problem by adjusting it so it can be moved and out to the pipeline system.

    right now i need to read officially from a dev to confirm or deny this before writing anything more really.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
  • azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Queued content was only good when STFs were popular, not having everything (including the Kitchen sink) as queued events. But making solo instances? Isn't STO bad enough already with the lack of socialization?

    IMHO, STO should move back towards it's roots. Make Fleet Actions as Open Zones again. Move Nukara Hards back to Nukara. Narrow down the list.
  • mosul33mosul33 Member Posts: 836 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    erei1 wrote: »
    Solo "queued" endgame content is not new in the MMO market. Almost every MMO I know of have some. Lotro for example have solo crafting instance, where you have a huge amount of resources node, alongside monsters and regular bash quests to do. Something STO could totally do.

    Usually this kind of solo content is used for different resources grind than your usual instance.

    And yeah, I know, MMO and all that. But sometimes, you want to play alone and not be bothered. Or you are playing very late because you can't sleep, and there is almost nobody playing (try logging at 6am GMT, KDF side, and join a queued content which is not ISE).

    I think it's a good idea. If cryptic don't make the usual very long for ridiculously low reward queued content.

    This. Or the time zone difference between EU and US. Sometimes when EU players are up, US players sleep.
    And this would be a good idea too when you dont have too much time to play and instaid of just do a quick pug, wich can sometimes turn badly and give you headaches, a quick solo que might be more preferable.
  • coupaholiccoupaholic Member Posts: 2,188 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I don't see a problem with this. It's not like solo play will completely replace team queues.

    If anything it'll make team play a little better. With this choice there could be more chance that players who queue for team missions would actually play as part of the team. Communicate in team chat, go along with the known plan of action and such.

    Everyone else can Kirk it solo to their hearts content without having other players slow them down or shout at them in chat.

    Everyone wins.
  • ghyudtghyudt Member Posts: 1,112 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    puttenham wrote: »
    wow, so when do they stop advertising this game as an mmo.. they have done everything possible to alienate the multiplayer part of sto... I guess this is the last bastion..

    I say no, but... all of these people who have never played an mmo before, and seem hell bent on ruining the mmo experience for those of us who do, will kick and scream until they have perverted the game into their own solitude no contact with others at all...

    thanks guys.. I love how others ruin stuff for others.. this game was designed and marketed as the first star trek mmo, not an online single player game.. if you don't like it, well theres the door..

    Not sure if you even bothered to read the original post, or if you're even capable, but here goes. Its not ruining anything. They didn't say they were removing anything, just adding. Which works fine for me. I don't play games to socialize with other people. I don't like people. I play games to escape from people. Or kill them with endless joy.

    Regardless, I do like star trek, and this is the best ST game out there. Minus the other players, of course. But having new stfs, or whatever they'll be, that are for one player is actually very appealing to a lot of players. No trolls jumping in and doing some stupid **** to make your life hard, or noob players who have a lot to learn before jumping in and being useless, or those really uptight lice and death players who yell and scream and everyone over the chat to do things a certain way. Yeah, TRIBBLE all those guys. I prefer to rely on me to get it done. That way, if I fail, I know I did something wrong and can fix it.

    This is still an online ammo, and always will be, but it will be a lot more appealing to a larger playerbase with this addition. So, seeing as you already know where its at, the doors always open if you wanna leave. But this will have little to no effect on your current gameplay.
  • dreadcalldreadcall Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    You can run some of the queued stuff already by creating a private lobby. I enjoy a nice SB24 solo from time to time. It's my favorite fleet action, and it just doesn't pop as fast as it used to. No lockut timer either.

    What i think they really are doing though, is preparing for the space "solo party" system, similiar to what we have for ground with the boffs that they hinted at in older interviews for the full admiral ranks.

    IMO a level cap increase and T6 ships are coming in an expansion late this year or early next year.
  • conundrumnsaconundrumnsa Member Posts: 705 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Like I said, T6 ships would be a disaster. People have spent hundreds of dollars buying and outfitting T5 ships, how many do you think would flip Cryptic/PWE the finger and quit if that all went away with T6?

    It's not like a regular MMO where you can just keep upping the level cap, there are significantly larger dollar investments on the part of the players that would be negated by an increase.
  • l30p4rdl30p4rd Member Posts: 334 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Why is it that whatever is added is what the devs (who dont play the game dedicated) want ?

    What about the people who actually play the game, what about what we want ?

    Why do the devs always assume we want what they want ?

    If anything this just goes to prove the devs are totally out of touch with the player and dont even care about it. The people they at one point NEEDED are no longer considered. The only consideration we get is how much they can milk from us now !

    Solo queues = compartmentalisation, the only reason for this is control !

    Another knee jerk reaction at a pizza power meeting, hey they can solo STF's I know lets give them solo queue's we wont fix anything just add more broken stuff !

    How much do these er what's the word... erm better use the word PEOPLE get paid ?
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I am still not really sure what solo queues should be about. Time-limiting mission replay seems possible or already in place.

    I could see a potential rpboelm that even with that, it may still be possible to run dozens of different "fast" missions after another, E.g. once you replayed a mission, you cannot replay any mission for the next half our.

    But that's a problem the regular queues also have, so... what is this about? Creating new mission that make "sense" to replay (e.g. are not directly story content?)?

    I dunno.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • woodwhitywoodwhity Member Posts: 2,636 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I would celebrate if chances wouldnt be so high that time-dil-based it might be a total waste of time^^
  • conundrumnsaconundrumnsa Member Posts: 705 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    l30p4rd wrote: »
    Why is it that whatever is added is what the devs (who dont play the game dedicated) want ?

    What about the people who actually play the game, what about what we want ?

    Why do the devs always assume we want what they want ?

    If anything this just goes to prove the devs are totally out of touch with the player and dont even care about it. The people they at one point NEEDED are no longer considered. The only consideration we get is how much they can milk from us now !

    Solo queues = compartmentalisation, the only reason for this is control !

    Another knee jerk reaction at a pizza power meeting, hey they can solo STF's I know lets give them solo queue's we wont fix anything just add more broken stuff !

    How much do these er what's the word... erm better use the word PEOPLE get paid ?

    Because as a general rule the players of MMOs are thundering morons who have no idea what they want or how it would affect the game beyond their own short sighted benefit.

    you asked.
  • l30p4rdl30p4rd Member Posts: 334 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Because as a general rule the players of MMOs are thundering morons who have no idea what they want or how it would affect the game beyond their own short sighted benefit.

    you asked.

    Speak for yourself, is this YOUR general rule of thought ? If so you dont think much of people other than yourself it seems. Please don't mix us lot in with you !

    I consider most of them myself included as ignored customers.
  • conundrumnsaconundrumnsa Member Posts: 705 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    l30p4rd wrote: »
    Speak for yourself, is this YOUR general rule of thought ? If so you dont think much of people other than yourself it seems. Please don't mix us lot in with you !

    I consider most of them myself included as ignored customers.

    I've been playing MMOs for going on 20 years, I stand behind my statement 100%.
  • l30p4rdl30p4rd Member Posts: 334 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I've been playing MMOs for going on 20 years, I stand behind my statement 100%.

    I been playing 'em quite literally from the start of their existence (even modded some) still does not make my points anymore valid/invalid than yours.

    To call all MMO players morons your calling yourself too, and your statement is a oxymoron, I would rather be a moron than at conflict with myself. Where did the 20 years of maturity you gained go ?

    Nicely derailed by the way, when do you get your reward ?
  • havokreignhavokreign Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Ehehe all sorts of sheeple taking the dev out of context.

    "Solo Queue" does not mean "Multiplay by Yourself" (haha that's sounds kinda mean)

    The "Queue" is essentially the STF Foundry. The content is pre-built, then plugged into this 'system' which then acts as mission vendor for players. That's all that is meant by the dev quote on page 1.

    This implementation would be to avoid "foundry exploits", so you're not running AdmiralBoBo for 1440 Dil after every 45min cooldown.
  • conundrumnsaconundrumnsa Member Posts: 705 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    l30p4rd wrote: »
    I been playing 'em quite literally from the start of their existence (even modded some) still does not make my points anymore valid/invalid than yours.

    To call all MMO players morons your calling yourself too, and your statement is a oxymoron, I would rather be a moron than at conflict with myself. Where did the 20 years of maturity you gained go ?

    Nicely derailed by the way, when do you get your reward ?

    I seem to have really struck a nerve with you...

    Just sayin...
  • spacebaronlinespacebaronline Member Posts: 1,103 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    havokreign wrote: »
    Ehehe all sorts of sheeple taking the dev out of context.

    "Solo Queue" does not mean "Multiplay by Yourself" (haha that's sounds kinda mean)

    The "Queue" is essentially the STF Foundry. The content is pre-built, then plugged into this 'system' which then acts as mission vendor for players. That's all that is meant by the dev quote on page 1.

    This implementation would be to avoid "foundry exploits", so you're not running AdmiralBoBo for 1440 Dil after every 45min cooldown.

    Actually yes and no. The who conversation was about there not being enough ways in the game to earn dilithium via "Solo" means - that is spelled out very clearly by AL and Mav.

    AL was responding to Mav and agreeing that there was not enough content which would earn dilithium and marks which could be gotten solo - as in with no-one else.

    The indicated that more solo content for dilithium and marks is being added soon to various locations around the game, BUT he did want to add a system where people could queue for solo content similar to the existing team content from ANY point in the game. He also said that he wants it to work under the same cooldown and leaver mechanics as the current queued content(like an STF for example)

    This is much different from picking a 20hr foundry mission as I understand him. This is all about having a list of missions that a single player could click on - start - finish and you would get X amount of dilithium and marks, THEN after 1 hour or so you could "queue" up and do it again.

    That is something very different and new - from what is in the game.

    If you want to listen for yourselves and see if this is your take - go ahead - the part starts at about 1h 18 min (if the Ad comes up you have to manually close it with a little grey "x" in the top right of the screen)

  • havokreignhavokreign Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    This is all about having a list of missions that a single player could click on - start - finish and you would get X amount of dilithium and marks, THEN after 1 hour or so you could "queue" up and do it again.

    That is something very different and new - from what is in the game.

    That's what the foundry is. The only difference with 'Solo PvE' idea is the cooldown is way shorter, the rewards are way better, and the content is dev created, likely to be rep based.

    Functionally they are both the same thing.
  • spacebaronlinespacebaronline Member Posts: 1,103 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    havokreign wrote: »
    That's what the foundry is. The only difference with 'Solo PvE' idea is the cooldown is way shorter, the rewards are way better, and the content is dev created, likely to be rep based.

    Functionally they are both the same thing.

    Ok - yes I will grant you this as a comparison, however, it would be a big change to the game as the foundry is usually long story missions that just rewards some dilithium and no marks and has a 20hr cooldown.

    So what he is proposing is:

    -A Box type Queue similar to the existing Queues

    -content that can be done by one person most likely in a much shorter time then a story mission

    - rewards dilithium and marks(of your choice or fixed type - don't know)

    -can be repeated after a shorter amount of time(say 1 hr)

    This type of system would be completely new in STO as far as I know.
  • dracounguisdracounguis Member Posts: 5,358 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    jbmonroe wrote: »
    I don't think I could face Q all by myself and win. He's omnipotent, you know.

    Now, if you mean "queue," then bloody spell it that way, yes?

    Hell yeah, Title had me all confused. Don't use Q unless you mean Q in a game that has a character named Q!
    Sometimes I think I play STO just to have something to complain about on the forums.
  • spacebaronlinespacebaronline Member Posts: 1,103 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Hell yeah, Title had me all confused. Don't use Q unless you mean Q in a game that has a character named Q!

    Yes I made adjustments to the OP - but once a title is in place only a Mod can change it:(
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Solo queues?

    Bit of a misnomer, as i doubt there'll be any actual queueing.

    However, solo missions along the lines of fleet actions and STF could be fine.

    But the devil will be in the details.

    The question is, in this MMO, should team play be rewarded better than solo play.

    The answer to that question will tell us whether or not the implementation of this idea is up to scratch.
  • notrealednanotrealedna Member Posts: 1,028
    edited July 2014
    So Geko finally turns this game in singleplayer lol
  • spacebaronlinespacebaronline Member Posts: 1,103 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    So Geko finally turns this game in singleplayer lol

    The game has been moving more and more toward a online/singleplayer game for some time. Al Rivera is an employee of PWE and I am sure that they want to maximize profit. If the profit is in more and more single player content - then that is what AL will put into the game.
  • duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,980 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    havokreign wrote: »
    That's what the foundry is. The only difference with 'Solo PvE' idea is the cooldown is way shorter, the rewards are way better, and the content is dev created, likely to be rep based.

    Functionally they are both the same thing.

    Not quite, there is one difference. A foundry mission generally sets out to tell a story. A PVE on the other hand (as we play them now) presents a gameplay scenario. They each involve aspects of the other but their focus is different.
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
    Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
  • albinovampire987albinovampire987 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    There are a lot of queues that I have never really been able to play simply because there aren't enough other people queuing up for them. If the devs were to create solo versions of the pre-existing queues, I'd be all for it. But, I'm guessing that won't be the case, probably just new content. I look forward to seeing how this will be implemented. Maybe there could be two or three player versions of the queues as well, rather than the standard 5 man team. Think of how awesome a solo version of NWS would be! It would be more like the original idea of the NWS.
    Galactic Horde.
  • jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    It would be nice to see some solo content for the game. If the mission go totally wrong and I do not get any reward whatsoever, at least I know who to blame....

    ... the stupid AI...
  • spacebaronlinespacebaronline Member Posts: 1,103 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    There are a lot of queues that I have never really been able to play simply because there aren't enough other people queuing up for them. If the devs were to create solo versions of the pre-existing queues, I'd be all for it. But, I'm guessing that won't be the case, probably just new content. I look forward to seeing how this will be implemented. Maybe there could be two or three player versions of the queues as well, rather than the standard 5 man team. Think of how awesome a solo version of NWS would be! It would be more like the original idea of the NWS.

    After thinking about it some more - there are some definite possibilities with Al's Idea of a "Solo Queue" system.
  • rezkingrezking Member Posts: 1,109 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I wouldn't be so optimistic.
    There was a promise to revamp crafting...and they removed some substantial content.
    NO to ARC
    RIP KDF and PvP 2014-07-17 Season 9.5 - Death by Dev
  • tmassxtmassx Member Posts: 827 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    There are a lot of queues that I have never really been able to play simply because there aren't enough other people queuing up for them. If the devs were to create solo versions of the pre-existing queues, I'd be all for it. But, I'm guessing that won't be the case, probably just new content. I look forward to seeing how this will be implemented. Maybe there could be two or three player versions of the queues as well, rather than the standard 5 man team. Think of how awesome a solo version of NWS would be! It would be more like the original idea of the NWS.

    If i remember good , in movie NWS, they were three klingon ships against one starfleet.
    In STO there are 5 player's ships against maybe 300 npc's ships (npc ship in STO=a pouch with some hitpoints with scripted movement). That idea with two or three team mission is good , but i think the main problem is, that some queues are still empty, a low rewards. (compare ISE with f.e. atmosphere assault or the breach - average time required to complete vs. a reward)
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