jalenstar4ever Arc User



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  • You are just another veno hater. Stupid are you if you think any class is hard to play n this game. The only real advantage that venos have is that they are able, in most circumstances, to play longer periods of times without having to rest for HP or Mana, and perhaps defeat a few minor boss mobs solo mode. With the use of…
  • Your faction is a reflection of you as a leader, and your members. Just do the right thing. Rename with that all important capital "G," and reinvite. Don't ever settle for mediocrity.
  • I don't mind catshops at all. In my opinion, the more the better. I do, however, mind the messy and unorganized manner in which they are spread all over the place. PWI really does need to find a way to organize, or "zone" them in some way, so as to make them render a more pleasant, and user-friendly, shopping experience.…
  • The OP specifically requested to leave veno's out of it, and yet what does everyone suggest ... ... veno. What is it with you people and venos? Veno's are not the fastest killers in this game. In their purest forms, Archers and Wizzies kill much faster than venos. Clerics and BM's aren't childsplay either. I swear. This…
  • Hello, You may want to play the game past level 5 before volunteering baseless suggestions. 1. Not everyone playing the game wants to hear what you want to say. If you want to force everyone into listening to your gibberish, pay up. Better yet, don't pay and do us a favor and just stay away from WC. There are enough…
  • My sentiments exactly. Devs ... If you care about making money, this should be of the utmost priority. If making money is not a priority for you, then ignore this silly post.
  • The PW database has info that is applicable to other versions of PW. In other PW versions it is possible to combine certain mats to produce another. So that it is not so much that it isn't true, it is more like it is just not possible in this version at this time.
  • It is not dumb. We like you gals running around in high heels. It, shall we say, ~beautifies~ the environment. It IS a ~fantasy~ world afterall b:laugh
  • "Hey everyone look at me. I spent half a day killing an easy level 92 with my Hercules. I'm soooo "UBER."" /throws her a cookie
  • Seriously. Why would you want to come to the forums and embarrass yourself like this? You actually dared join a PvP server, as if you were bad enough, and then you came to the forums and cried like a baby because you lost one item as per the rules of said PvP server? I knew this forum was full of whiners. but you my…
  • Congrats Krel! May you and your lady live and long and joyous one b:pleased
  • Three pages on this? Really? b:chuckle
  • Most of all, remember, don't get high on your own supply.
  • Apparently, some of us haven't gotten Pan Gu's memo.
  • Have you seen the sticky thread "Expansion preview ... Genie System?" That is your bug fix. Please wait patiently and stop QQing. There are enough whine threads on this forum on that subject as it is. Another whine thread is not going to make a new system or fix come any sooner.
  • Thank you for your pragmatic and practical common sense. You were apparently gifted not only with your share, but also with the OPs share when you were both created.
  • I support your petition. If only because it is plain unfair to want a specific color dye, yet be forced to buy a random dye or pack of dyes that will not produce the color you wanted in the first place. In other words, spending money for something we do not want or need. My suggestion is really quite simple? How about the…
  • That leader is a fool and he doesn't even realize that it. Who would want to belong in a faction with a leader making such irrational decisions? It is his loss, not yours. His selfish emoitional act cost his faction members a cleric. Dedicated Level 60 clerics, regardless of their build, don't come every day. Brush off…
  • The points been made for the world to see. The fact that you're so readily willing to admit that you do not comprehend it, is a reflection on you, and not a very good one. Yet I am certain I am not the only one not surprised by this revelation.
  • The lame one here is obviously you. The one who would rather come up with a lame counter-point rather than debate the point on it's merit. But let me keep it simple, for simple minds. Lest those simple minds, mistake fact for fallacy The fact that it is you complaining on these forums, and not them, makes you the one with…
  • You're right. There is no comparison. A person with a job, or other time consuming obligation, has no choice. Even if they wanted to, they do not have the time to spend time in game to level. Whereas even those who play 16 hours or more in game can still come up with a few dollars to buy gold and take advantage of the…
  • Fairnes in leveling? How does fairness in leveling come into play in a game where, for whatever reason, some players get to play up to 16 hours per day or more, yet others with jobs or other obligations are lucky if they get in a few hours of game time per week? One of the posters complaining about players taking advantage…
  • Try using your imagination and immerse yourself. And like Mbrunestud said, it becomes much more enjoyable when you make friends. Friends make a world of difference.
  • Translation ... b:cry b:cry b:cry b:cry I'm sorry but all I ever see in your post anymore is one big ... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Seriously, do you ever tire of whining? It is obvious you hate everything about venos. There is no denying that venos have hurt you deeply and left you scarred. I fear that the upcoming genie changes…
  • That would be for end game PvP. You'd be surprised. Some people could care less about the PvE aspect of the game. They just want to rush to the highest level as quickly as possible so they can "PWN" in PvP. Quite common among PvP enthusiasts actually.
  • Kimyrielle, we are talking business here. This has nothing to do with the overall humanitarian perspective you allude to. They may not be franchises per se, but the same business theory applies. PW China has, in essence, "leased" their game to a western entity who will heretoforth do business as "PWI." As such, they will…
  • Zoe, I know I have taken the side of venos due to being irked by the incessant whining by others classes, but you are not helping here. Comparing real life murder to game competitive fun, and calling people cowards because they don't commit real life murder is just insane. Please stop with the real life murder comparisons.…
  • What is it with you? Are you really a veno, or another class in sheeps clothing? You are a level 88 veno and yet you talk about venos with such venom that its just hard to believe, or it just can not be be possible that you are, and have been, a veno for 88 levels. What is your underlying motive, man? Why so much…
  • Was this directed at me Foxx? If so, I was just being sarcastic in my prior post above lol. Actually, I don't have a dog in this fight. I am not quite sure why I'm siding with venos other than the fact that my gf is one and the constant whining on these boards just got hella annoying. Every other thread is a veno-hating…
  • Yep, another venos are "all-powerful" post. /All other classes may now bow in unison All hail the veno overlords!!
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