On the event and gold prices (warning: wall-o-text)

Miugre - Heavens Tear
Miugre - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,390 Arc User
edited March 2009 in General Discussion
Well... I'm going to assume the servers have been taken down for maintenance now (I can't get on 'em, anyway). So if you've got time to hear a soapbox rant, pull up a chair. I've got a message for the players and the GMs/staff.

Note that this has all been taken from my observations and experiences on Heaven's Tear; other servers might be different.

Message to the players
First off: I'm well aware that this, like many MMOs, is a market-based game. I've played games where the in-game coin is a complete joke, and it's refershing for me to play a game where you can buy just about anything with enough of it. It's also interesting to watch the economy grow and change like it does. But let me ask this, who doesn't remember ranting at the price of Hay when they were a newbie? Or Dull Claws, perhaps (for the non-venos)? Nobody can afford 7k per piece of Hay when they're Level 10 without significant help from other characters. My point is that the newbies often get screwed by the market because they're on the "demand" side of it - there are always a ton of new Venos who will always be wanting that Hay, and so a free market would dictate that prices on Hay would rise accordingly.

The state of the gold system this week has been no different - with Charm Packs returning and demand for Guardian Angels grossly inflated, it was easy to see the rise in gold prices coming. But on Heaven's Tear at least, gold prices have been at about 130k for several days now. Before the end of the event I saw offers become scarce and even hit 145k or worse. But why not, right? It's a free market... it's just, this particular free market comes disturbingly close to the old saying "he who has the gold makes the rules."

The staff and developers came up with this event to inspire continued interest in PWI (and thus, more Zen purchases), but also to give us, the players, all a nice reward for our interest this far. They basically released more wealth into the game economy this week. So here's my question: why do the Zen buyers feel the need to extort us? The prices for Guardian Angels went up to 40k each pretty quickly, and beyond... all sold out quickly. Had gold prices not been so high, there would have been more GA's to go around.

I, for one, did not buy a single piece of gold this week. I buy gold every day or so now, normally... but I personally found it best not to support the inflated gold market, for what good it did (probably none). Gold sellers would still have made a killing compared to normal prices at 120k or even 110k. At 145k? It seemed to me like they were the only ones profiting off this event anymore.

So here's my plea to the wealthy and the gold-sellers: lay off, would you? The event was here for everyone to make some coin and/or some good items... not just you. I realize this game is a free market, but does the concept of goodwill just completely vanish behind the curtain of online anominity?

As a side note, though, I'd like to recognize that there are some decent people amidst the chaos. I'd like to give a little shout-out to EGiFZ (see also: this thread) who, in spite of the inflation, set up a shop every day to sell items at low prices (and sent out a bunch of WCs about it, too - sorry I was never around to take a look at the time).

Also, a long-overdue nod to a fellow by the name of GenghisKhan who, after the Duke Rose exploit fiasco (and with no prior knowledge of it, I might add), took one look at the gold market and began selling gold at fair prices, just for the sake of bringing it back down again (and I have screens to prove it, on the remote chance that anyone cares). I bought a batch of teles from the man out of principle. That's the kind of thing I like to see here on PW - interest in all your fellow players, instead of personal gain or petty faction loyalties. We've got a week left to buy charm packs, and I might actually buy one if gold goes back to a reasonable level... too much to ask?

Message to the staff/GMs
Okay...... you guys are awesome, first of all. I'm not here to flatter; I genuinely respect an effort to keep the community entertained, with or without a direct avenue of profit for PWE (your actions on the forums during the Duke Rose fiasco come to mind). And I know on Heaven's Tear at least, GM's took a lot of flak for stepping in against the Oracle campers... the other night I was treated to a wonderful show in WC wherein certain members just would not stop yelling at the GMs. So I blew my last two teles answering them:

Anyway, here's the problem with the events. First of all, before anything else, can I just say we could really use some transparency in PWE? We have very little idea who has the power to make what kinds of decisions and changes to the game code. This event, for instance... did GMs/staff here have any control over the content of the event, or did it just come pre-packaged from the devs overseas?

In short... you guys do respond, and I'm really glad for that. It's nice to know our suggestions aren't falling on deaf ears (for the most part). But it'd also be nice if we had some assurance those same suggestions aren't getting lost in translation as they pass through the ranks towards whoever actually has the power to implement them.

For instance, here's a suggestion I think would be good: have a few events focused on newbies. Something lightweight. Give out things that high-leveled players won't be racing across the map or congealing around you in a gigantic ball of lag to get at. Now, to an extent you already do this - the fashion hunt, for example, put many of your shops near the major cities with items that relatively low-leveled players could wear. I'd personally like to see more of those - I think the fashion hunt was a great event because it was easy to do, gave everyone a chance (albeit skewed towards those with mounts), and didn't cause chaos. And in the end you threw in a Black Raptor to keep the highlevels interested. Awesome... I'm just sad I didn't get it.

But what of your other events? From what I've seen, your other events have basically boiled down to one of two options:
  • A GM-in-person event which inevitably ends up lagging everyone, as the GMs play around and dodge most serious questions while making no attempt to alleviate the lag (protip: saying "turn down your settings" does not cut it)
  • An item-based event in which something is released or made available which turns the game economy on its head.

The first of these is just somewhat annoying; the second is potentially pretty damaging. I hope I don't need to tell you that when you have the power over a game economy, you have a responsibility to do your best to keep it stable. This time around, you chose to appease the big spenders by re-releasing charm packs (but only for a limited time!) and throw in a big event with semi-big prizes at the same time. Did you not anticipate what this would do to the gold market? I'm not saying you shouldn't throw the big spenders a bone now and then, but the name of the game should be minimalism, y'know?

Anyway, for what it's worth, I'm looking forward to this week's event... even though I don't properly understand it yet. XD

...alright, I'll get down off my soapbox now. I'd appreciate it if this weren't merged into some other thread, as I've tried my best to make it somewhat unique and thoughtful. In conclusion, as one of our GMs likes to say, "mornings are vital." So go to bed. I know I am. XD
Yes, I'm still a stubborn holdout in favor of the old game. Haters gonna hate. ;]

Other Active Characters:
LigerKing (Barb), Girasole (BM), Shamsheer (Sin), ArborSoul (Mystic).
Post edited by Miugre - Heavens Tear on


  • Ishmah - Sanctuary
    Ishmah - Sanctuary Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    ...So here's my question: why do the Zen buyers feel the need to extort us? ...
    ..."he who has the gold makes the rules."...

    Think you answered your question.
  • darthpanda16
    darthpanda16 Posts: 9,471 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Thanks for your post and feedback b:pleased

    Please know that the forums ARE read by PWE, we just can't always reply.

    We take notes on the communities suggestions, reported bugs, etc.

    Keep up the good work! PWI keeps getting better by having thoughtful & contributing players helping the game to evolve and grow. b:victory

    (back to server maint. i go)
    Do you need help learning about patching the game, installing it, changing antivirus/firewall settings, changing network settings, learn how to use a computer, keeping your PC maintained and more?
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  • Miugre - Heavens Tear
    Miugre - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Thanks for your post and feedback b:pleased

    Please know that the forums ARE read by PWE, we just can't always reply.

    We take notes on the communities suggestions, reported bugs, etc.

    Keep up the good work! PWI keeps getting better by having thoughtful & contributing players helping the game to evolve and grow. b:victory

    (back to server maint. i go)
    Again, I know you guys read it. I just wish I knew how much good our suggestions ever do. No offense, but a post like this doesn't really tell me anything useful. Maybe the suggestions forum needs a thread which mentions the new things PWI has implemented that have been suggested by its players... maybe then we'll feel like we're contributing something instead of just having to take your word for it.
    Think you answered your question.
    Well yes, the idea of this thread was to encourage people to move away from that paradigm. -_- Futile though it may be.
    Yes, I'm still a stubborn holdout in favor of the old game. Haters gonna hate. ;]

    Other Active Characters:
    LigerKing (Barb), Girasole (BM), Shamsheer (Sin), ArborSoul (Mystic).
  • Criticalhitz - Heavens Tear
    Criticalhitz - Heavens Tear Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Well... I'm going to assume the servers have been taken down for maintenance now (I can't get on 'em, anyway). So if you've got time to hear a soapbox rant, pull up a chair. I've got a message for the players and the GMs/staff.

    Note that this has all been taken from my observations and experiences on Heaven's Tear; other servers might be different.

    Message to the players
    First off: I'm well aware that this, like many MMOs, is a market-based game. I've played games where the in-game coin is a complete joke, and it's refershing for me to play a game where you can buy just about anything with enough of it. It's also interesting to watch the economy grow and change like it does. But let me ask this, who doesn't remember ranting at the price of Hay when they were a newbie? Or Dull Claws, perhaps (for the non-venos)? Nobody can afford 7k per piece of Hay when they're Level 10 without significant help from other characters. My point is that the newbies often get screwed by the market because they're on the "demand" side of it - there are always a ton of new Venos who will always be wanting that Hay, and so a free market would dictate that prices on Hay would rise accordingly.

    The state of the gold system this week has been no different - with Charm Packs returning and demand for Guardian Angels grossly inflated, it was easy to see the rise in gold prices coming. But on Heaven's Tear at least, gold prices have been at about 130k for several days now. Before the end of the event I saw offers become scarce and even hit 145k or worse. But why not, right? It's a free market... it's just, this particular free market comes disturbingly close to the old saying "he who has the gold makes the rules."

    The staff and developers came up with this event to inspire continued interest in PWI (and thus, more Zen purchases), but also to give us, the players, all a nice reward for our interest this far. They basically released more wealth into the game economy this week. So here's my question: why do the Zen buyers feel the need to extort us? The prices for Guardian Angels went up to 40k each pretty quickly, and beyond... all sold out quickly. Had gold prices not been so high, there would have been more GA's to go around.

    I, for one, did not buy a single piece of gold this week. I buy gold every day or so now, normally... but I personally found it best not to support the inflated gold market, for what good it did (probably none). Gold sellers would still have made a killing compared to normal prices at 120k or even 110k. At 145k? It seemed to me like they were the only ones profiting off this event anymore.

    So here's my plea to the wealthy and the gold-sellers: lay off, would you? The event was here for everyone to make some coin and/or some good items... not just you. I realize this game is a free market, but does the concept of goodwill just completely vanish behind the curtain of online anominity?

    As a side note, though, I'd like to recognize that there are some decent people amidst the chaos. I'd like to give a little shout-out to EGiFZ (see also: this thread) who, in spite of the inflation, set up a shop every day to sell items at low prices (and sent out a bunch of WCs about it, too - sorry I was never around to take a look at the time).

    Also, a long-overdue nod to a fellow by the name of GenghisKhan who, after the Duke Rose exploit fiasco (and with no prior knowledge of it, I might add), took one look at the gold market and began selling gold at fair prices, just for the sake of bringing it back down again (and I have screens to prove it, on the remote chance that anyone cares). I bought a batch of teles from the man out of principle. That's the kind of thing I like to see here on PW - interest in all your fellow players, instead of personal gain or petty faction loyalties. We've got a week left to buy charm packs, and I might actually buy one if gold goes back to a reasonable level... too much to ask?

    Message to the staff/GMs
    Okay...... you guys are awesome, first of all. I'm not here to flatter; I genuinely respect an effort to keep the community entertained, with or without a direct avenue of profit for PWE (your actions on the forums during the Duke Rose fiasco come to mind). And I know on Heaven's Tear at least, GM's took a lot of flak for stepping in against the Oracle campers... the other night I was treated to a wonderful show in WC wherein certain members just would not stop yelling at the GMs. So I blew my last two teles answering them:

    Anyway, here's the problem with the events. First of all, before anything else, can I just say we could really use some transparency in PWE? We have very little idea who has the power to make what kinds of decisions and changes to the game code. This event, for instance... did GMs/staff here have any control over the content of the event, or did it just come pre-packaged from the devs overseas?

    In short... you guys do respond, and I'm really glad for that. It's nice to know our suggestions aren't falling on deaf ears (for the most part). But it'd also be nice if we had some assurance those same suggestions aren't getting lost in translation as they pass through the ranks towards whoever actually has the power to implement them.

    For instance, here's a suggestion I think would be good: have a few events focused on newbies. Something lightweight. Give out things that high-leveled players won't be racing across the map or congealing around you in a gigantic ball of lag to get at. Now, to an extent you already do this - the fashion hunt, for example, put many of your shops near the major cities with items that relatively low-leveled players could wear. I'd personally like to see more of those - I think the fashion hunt was a great event because it was easy to do, gave everyone a chance (albeit skewed towards those with mounts), and didn't cause chaos. And in the end you threw in a Black Raptor to keep the highlevels interested. Awesome... I'm just sad I didn't get it.

    But what of your other events? From what I've seen, your other events have basically boiled down to one of two options:
    • A GM-in-person event which inevitably ends up lagging everyone, as the GMs play around and dodge most serious questions while making no attempt to alleviate the lag (protip: saying "turn down your settings" does not cut it)
    • An item-based event in which something is released or made available which turns the game economy on its head.

    The first of these is just somewhat annoying; the second is potentially pretty damaging. I hope I don't need to tell you that when you have the power over a game economy, you have a responsibility to do your best to keep it stable. This time around, you chose to appease the big spenders by re-releasing charm packs (but only for a limited time!) and throw in a big event with semi-big prizes at the same time. Did you not anticipate what this would do to the gold market? I'm not saying you shouldn't throw the big spenders a bone now and then, but the name of the game should be minimalism, y'know?

    Anyway, for what it's worth, I'm looking forward to this week's event... even though I don't properly understand it yet. XD

    ...alright, I'll get down off my soapbox now. I'd appreciate it if this weren't merged into some other thread, as I've tried my best to make it somewhat unique and thoughtful. In conclusion, as one of our GMs likes to say, "mornings are vital." So go to bed. I know I am. XD

    Ya gold prices are amazingly higher now lol, I couldn't read to much of this as it is late lol but I picked up some parts and peices of it and agree with what I read.
    Making new char..Which one? I have a BM..but I want more damage and stuff to do..

    Experienced players contact with the cons n pros of there class and where to put points n what skills to up ASAP thanks..
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Very Nicely written!

    You had some very good points and I have to say that I agree with you on giving some of the lower levels an event. Some people just don't remember that that too were once a "noob."

    This past weeks event has been interesting no doubt. I even though I can say that I truly enjoyed it the first few days, it did grow tiresome. Especially Arch was filled with shops all carrying the same items...lol. I think that next time there should be a daily limit on the number of times you should be able to speak to the NPC (Jolly in this case).

    The rest of it...a lot of people can get greedy. Some of us understood the nature of the economy but not all of us went so far as to scam people and and sell for an unreasonable price.

    Very nice once again and Thank you! b:victory
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • Defected - Heavens Tear
    Defected - Heavens Tear Posts: 637 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    You got a partial screenshot of another one of my fake "quitting PW rants."


    Changed my mind. Permanently Retired - Only here to troll.
  • MetallicFoo - Sanctuary
    MetallicFoo - Sanctuary Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited March 2009

    The state of the gold system this week has been no different - with Charm Packs returning and demand for Guardian Angels grossly inflated, it was easy to see the rise in gold prices coming. But on Heaven's Tear at least, gold prices have been at about 130k for several days now. Before the end of the event I saw offers become scarce and even hit 145k or worse. But why not, right? It's a free market... it's just, this particular free market comes disturbingly close to the old saying "he who has the gold makes the rules."
    Gold got up to 160K on Sanctuary. Guardian angels were going for around 50K apiece.

    t would not stop yelling at the GMs. So I blew my last two teles answering them:
    And wtf did you misspell?
    Signatures are for fat, weak, obnoxious little doodyheads who sit on forums all day and think that the collection of pixels at the bottom of their typed idiocies properly perpetuates the minute details of their personalities to fellow forum-ers.

    That being said, this is my signature.
  • Aesthor - Heavens Tear
    Aesthor - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,845 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    My hat's off to you for a productive post, despite some minor disagreements I have with it.

    Edit: I don't think he misspelled anything >_>
    ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
    SkyKoC - How long is yours?
  • Miugre - Heavens Tear
    Miugre - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    You got a partial screenshot of another one of my fake "quitting PW rants."


    Is that what it was? I honestly couldn't tell, it was mostly MsEvilness ranting about some 7m and a bunch of other people ranting about how the GMs teleported them across the map. Actually, my favorite part was what Cinder said to me in that shot. I never got another reply - what you see is my entire correspondence with Cinder. XD
    I think that next time there should be a daily limit on the number of times you should be able to speak to the NPC (Jolly in this case).
    I would totally support this - in fact, at first I thought the Angel version was a daily quest. I was, shall we say, not happy to learn I was wrong. >_<

    ...for the record, I've accumulated 2 beautiful shards each of Citrine and Garnet, 2 esotericas, some Oracles which I sold in the AH, and a couple stacks of Sesame Yuanxiao. Then I kind of went on a buying spree and accumulated a total of 3300+ Yuanxio and 1300+ Multiflavor Jiozai. :P Oh, and I bought two of those Blazing Fury Ring molds for cheap for my Lv24 Cleric. XD

    So yeah, I didn't walk away from this week empty-handed. I don't mean to say that anyone did. It's just the skewing towards the gold-sellers never sat right with me.

    My hat's off to you for a productive post, despite some minor disagreements I have with it.
    Hey, there's nothing wrong with intelligent discussion (though I really oughta stop reading this and get to sleep now XD).
    Gold got up to 160K on Sanctuary. Guardian angels were going for around 50K apiece.
    And wtf did you misspell?
    I believe it.

    My theory on Cinder? He might've clicked the wrong name. WC was scrolling by pretty fast at the time. :P
    Yes, I'm still a stubborn holdout in favor of the old game. Haters gonna hate. ;]

    Other Active Characters:
    LigerKing (Barb), Girasole (BM), Shamsheer (Sin), ArborSoul (Mystic).
  • Solandri - Heavens Tear
    Solandri - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Nobody can afford 7k per piece of Hay when they're Level 10 without significant help from other characters. My point is that the newbies often get screwed by the market because they're on the "demand" side of it - there are always a ton of new Venos who will always be wanting that Hay, and so a free market would dictate that prices on Hay would rise accordingly.
    Well, a free market would dictate that the price rises, but not above what the newbies can afford. What happens is that alts and higher level players helping out lower level faction members bid up the price of hay beyond the reach of the true newbies. The equivalent of the kids with the rich uncle buying up all the concert tickets so the regular folks can't afford them.
    So here's my question: why do the Zen buyers feel the need to extort us? The prices for Guardian Angels went up to 40k each pretty quickly, and beyond... all sold out quickly. Had gold prices not been so high, there would have been more GA's to go around.
    You have this backwards. There's a market price where supply meets demand. If you're selling, you can sell lower than that price, but if you try to sell higher you won't get many sales. Likewise, if you're buying, you can buy for higher than that price, but if you try to buy for lower you won't make many purchases.

    So the Zen buyers (folks who buy Zen for dollars) can't really increase the cost of the gold they sell, all they can do is lower it. Likewise, the people who buy gold with coin via the Auctioneer can't really decrease the cost of gold, all they can do is bid it higher.

    So what happened during this event is that lots of people wanted guardian angels but didn't want to spend $$ for the gold to purchase them. So they raided the Auctioneers and bought up all the low-priced gold. That left just the high-priced gold. People who spent $$ to buy Zen saw that and just priced their gold sales according to what the market dictated.

    It was the people buying the gold with coin, not the Zen buyers, who caused the increase in the cost of gold. In economic terms, the demand curve (for buying gold with coin, or buying GAs from cat shops) shifted upwards, causing the supply and demand curves to intersect at a higher price point. The suppliers (those selling gold) didn't cause the price shift. If anything, the higher price point caused more people to spend $$$ to buy Zen, causing the supply curve to also shift upwards, lowering the price of gold.

    Ultimately, the demand was driven by the the fact that the quest was set up where a 30 Silver item gave the same results as 100k. That and the popularity of the event pressured the market towards a 333k to 1 gold exchange rate. (And lest you think I'm on the gold buyers' side here, I got screwed because I put a bid in for 20 gold at 99.5k just before this event was made public. My bid timed out a couple days ago and I lost the 2% transaction fee.)
  • FionaCattail - Sanctuary
    FionaCattail - Sanctuary Posts: 405 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    well.. you might want to start saving some $ and some hay.. because when you get into your 70s, there's a quest that requires 50 of them.. and people from other versions.. or who have high level alts already know this, that's why hay is so expensive.. because while noobs can't afford it.. people at lvl 70+ can.. because most of them don't want to take hours on end in the hopes of getting a few hay to drop.. (due to the drop rates being nerfed when high levels kill low lvl mobs, and the fact that no high lvl mobs drop hay)
    We could all learn a lot from crayons, some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, some have weird names (like chartreuse), and all are different colors....BUT they ALL exist very nicely in the same box!
  • Lordexion - Lost City
    Lordexion - Lost City Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    well.. you might want to start saving some $ and some hay.. because when you get into your 70s, there's a quest that requires 50 of them.. and people from other versions.. or who have high level alts already know this, that's why hay is so expensive.. because while noobs can't afford it.. people at lvl 70+ can.. because most of them don't want to take hours on end in the hopes of getting a few hay to drop.. (due to the drop rates being nerfed when high levels kill low lvl mobs, and the fact that no high lvl mobs drop hay)

    i skiped that questb:cry
  • FionaCattail - Sanctuary
    FionaCattail - Sanctuary Posts: 405 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    i skiped that questb:cry

    sure we're talkin about the same quest? I'm talkin about a lvl 74 quest:

    Start NPC: Lost Village Chief (638,476)
    Mission #1: Collect 15 Adalwolf's Bone from Hooded Adalwolfs
    Monster Locale: (662,458)
    Mission #2: Collect 20 Thin Hemp Ropes from Cloudrider Falcons
    Monster Locale: (644,421)
    Mission #3: Collect 50 Hay fodders
    Mission #4: Return to Lost Village Chief (638,476)
    Reward: Exp(37200),Gold(22300), Spirit(6000)
    We could all learn a lot from crayons, some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, some have weird names (like chartreuse), and all are different colors....BUT they ALL exist very nicely in the same box!
  • mbrunestud
    mbrunestud Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    but lower lvls can get hay from mobs. they should be getting rich from the high lvls buying them. i saw the hay prices and i was like..seriously? cuz my veno used to hit the lvl 3x fish down south of arch to train her turtle and they dropped hay like the pterosaurs dropped fruits. i know a friend who has a cleric alt that just suicides to stay at lvl 3x so he can farm hay. i have no idea y a quest would make it so expensive save for phoenixes only eating them
  • XAsch - Sanctuary
    XAsch - Sanctuary Posts: 855 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Edit: I don't think he misspelled anything >_>

    Spell-check FTW!
  • wraithxxx
    wraithxxx Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Thanks for your post and feedback b:pleased

    Please know that the forums ARE read by PWE, we just can't always reply.

    We take notes on the communities suggestions, reported bugs, etc.

    Keep up the good work! PWI keeps getting better by having thoughtful & contributing players helping the game to evolve and grow. b:victory

    (back to server maint. i go)

    LOL he said PWI is getting better...

  • WarrenWolfy - Sanctuary
    WarrenWolfy - Sanctuary Posts: 1,686 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    But let me ask this, who doesn't remember ranting at the price of Hay when they were a newbie? Or Dull Claws, perhaps (for the non-venos)? Nobody can afford 7k per piece of Hay when they're Level 10 without significant help from other characters.
    My girlfriend and I had tons of fun as newbies learning how to buy and sell Banker Quest items for profit. We also learned the ins-and-outs of the Hay market, obtaining the Hay for my gf's veno for less than 2k each and then reselling more for a profit.

    So, no, I didn't rant. I enjoyed playing the market. It was fun.

    But why not, right? It's a free market... it's just, this particular free market comes disturbingly close to the old saying "he who has the gold makes the rules."
    Again, I don't understand where you're coming from. I'm not a gold buyer, but that doesn't mean I'm powerless. I have no trouble playing the gold market shifts and making a ton of in-game coin as a result.

    At 145k? It seemed to me like they were the only ones profiting off this event anymore.
    I expect when I'm done, I'll have doubled my wealth as a result of this event. And I never paid for any gold.

    So what I get from your post is that you don't know how to make a profit except when the gold market does what you want it to. OK, but that doesn't mean the designers should adjust the game to suit your playing style anymore than they should adjust it to suit mine.
    PWI Merchanting Guides: warrenwolfy.wordpress.com
  • Rule - Heavens Tear
    Rule - Heavens Tear Posts: 579 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    If I were to purchase 100 gold and post it in AH at 100k, it would be purchased immediately, and then resold at 120k+. Its not that the gold sellers are price gauging, we want to move that gold as fast as possible for in game coin. Its the people who have tons of ingame coin that buy up all the gold, then reprice it higher. Seriously, spend $10 and purchase zen, then drop it into the gold auction at 100k. It will be gone FAST.
    People have stumbled across this method of making money, and have figured out that it is literally a MONEY MAKER!
  • jalenstar4ever
    jalenstar4ever Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Well, a free market would dictate that the price rises, but not above what the newbies can afford. What happens is that alts and higher level players helping out lower level faction members bid up the price of hay beyond the reach of the true newbies. The equivalent of the kids with the rich uncle buying up all the concert tickets so the regular folks can't afford them.

    You have this backwards. There's a market price where supply meets demand. If you're selling, you can sell lower than that price, but if you try to sell higher you won't get many sales. Likewise, if you're buying, you can buy for higher than that price, but if you try to buy for lower you won't make many purchases.

    So the Zen buyers (folks who buy Zen for dollars) can't really increase the cost of the gold they sell, all they can do is lower it. Likewise, the people who buy gold with coin via the Auctioneer can't really decrease the cost of gold, all they can do is bid it higher.

    So what happened during this event is that lots of people wanted guardian angels but didn't want to spend $$ for the gold to purchase them. So they raided the Auctioneers and bought up all the low-priced gold. That left just the high-priced gold. People who spent $$ to buy Zen saw that and just priced their gold sales according to what the market dictated.

    It was the people buying the gold with coin, not the Zen buyers, who caused the increase in the cost of gold. In economic terms, the demand curve (for buying gold with coin, or buying GAs from cat shops) shifted upwards, causing the supply and demand curves to intersect at a higher price point. The suppliers (those selling gold) didn't cause the price shift. If anything, the higher price point caused more people to spend $$$ to buy Zen, causing the supply curve to also shift upwards, lowering the price of gold.

    Ultimately, the demand was driven by the the fact that the quest was set up where a 30 Silver item gave the same results as 100k. That and the popularity of the event pressured the market towards a 333k to 1 gold exchange rate. (And lest you think I'm on the gold buyers' side here, I got screwed because I put a bid in for 20 gold at 99.5k just before this event was made public. My bid timed out a couple days ago and I lost the 2% transaction fee.)

    Thank you for your pragmatic and practical common sense.

    You were apparently gifted not only with your share, but also with the OPs share when you were both created.
  • Solandri - Heavens Tear
    Solandri - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I expect when I'm done, I'll have doubled my wealth as a result of this event. And I never paid for any gold.
    I can post this now that the event is over and the after-event sales seem to be tapering off.

    There was higher demand for the beautiful citrine (+hp) shards during the event, which drove their price up to about 100-130k. Beautiful sapphires (+mag atk) OTOH were selling for around 70-80k. Store after store I visited was out of the citrines but had plenty of sapphires left for sale.

    What most people didn't seem to realize is that without the event, the value of both those shards is the same - around 230k. So if you bought a bunch of the popular citrines to sell later, you only doubled your money. But if you bought a bunch of unpopular sapphires, you tripled your money.

    In fact, if you bought two sapphires during the event (150k), sell them later below market price at 190k each (380k), and buy a citrine at full price (230k), you've gotten the citrine for free.

    -150k + 380k -230k = zero net cost
  • Lolas - Heavens Tear
    Lolas - Heavens Tear Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    If anything, the gold prices were generous during this event. At the highest point angels were at about 40k. Every item but the molds were worth more than 40k. Gold could have probably went up to 200-250k and it would still have been easy to make money.

    I got a late start on the event. On thursday I spent about 1 million on gold. The gold was already high, and prices on event stuff was already dropping. Still in the 5 days or so after that I turned that 1 million into at least 40 million. Probably more. I would more than call that an acceptable profit :)

    When you see gold going up. Take a look around, and figure out why. IF people are paying it, then obviously there is a reason.

    But one point I can agree on. I'm ready for the bottom to fall out of the gold market. I have some coins to convert. b:chuckle
  • WarrenWolfy - Sanctuary
    WarrenWolfy - Sanctuary Posts: 1,686 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    If anything, the gold prices were generous during this event. At the highest point angels were at about 40k. Every item but the molds were worth more than 40k. Gold could have probably went up to 200-250k and it would still have been easy to make money.

    I got a late start on the event. On thursday I spent about 1 million on gold. The gold was already high, and prices on event stuff was already dropping. Still in the 5 days or so after that I turned that 1 million into at least 40 million. Probably more. I would more than call that an acceptable profit :)
    A 40:1 profit?!? Wow! I thought I was doing well, but you're way better at this than me!b:surrender

    I was expecting gold to peak at about 175k, but 160k seemed to be the highest it got. I don't think it would have got past 190k, due to the fact that Jones' was accepting either 1 angel or 100k. At 196k, buying angels with gold would have cost the same, but taken longer.
    PWI Merchanting Guides: warrenwolfy.wordpress.com
  • Lolas - Heavens Tear
    Lolas - Heavens Tear Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    A 40:1 profit?!? Wow! I thought I was doing well, but you're way better at this than me!b:surrender

    I was expecting gold to peak at about 175k, but 160k seemed to be the highest it got. I don't think it would have got past 190k, due to the fact that Jones' was accepting either 1 angel or 100k. At 196k, buying angels with gold would have cost the same, but taken longer.

    I'm probably not better. Just maybe better at this event. I've never had trouble dealing to keep myself in charms, and exp scrolls. But never got rich either. But on this event, everything just came together. I would buy a bunch of angels, and while trading them in, my other stuff would sell. So I would put the new stuff in auction, then buy more angels. I didn't grind at all, but was still usually busy. I suspect there are people out there that made 100s of millions on this event.

    If my math is right, it wouldn't be cheaper to buy the pack for 100k, until gold was selling for around 345k. gold price X .29 = angel price.
  • WarrenWolfy - Sanctuary
    WarrenWolfy - Sanctuary Posts: 1,686 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    If my math is right, it wouldn't be cheaper to buy the pack for 100k, until gold was selling for around 345k. gold price X .29 = angel price.
    Ah, *wacks himself in the head*, you are of course correct. For some reason I was thinking angel = 50 silver.
    PWI Merchanting Guides: warrenwolfy.wordpress.com