Corwin - Harshlands Arc User


  • You don't wait until you reach the level requirement. You look at the str requirements for your next weapon to figure out how much strength you need to equip the weapon when you hit that level. This way points arn't put into strength which do absolutely NO good except for the weapon requirement. You only do this because…
  • reserved for addition space if neededb:victory
  • Survivability? Damage? Who cares about damage when your trying to HEAL, or have you been solo grinding so long you forgot your mainly a support class? The extra damage is just a secondary benefit. Dex is not helping anyone but yourself, gimping your ability to do your job. Its like you're a carpenter with one hand. You…
  • people diss squads on early levels, i say join up. Sure the exp is gimped and you never get the good drops Q_Q I have exp in two types of squads, and none of them organized. 1st is where you invite a bunch of people and they all run off in random directions killing anything in site, just like solo. This is helpfull because…
  • yes because those darn high levels acutally started the game at lvl 7x!b:shutup This seems to work for me: Do all your quests available to your level. Then instead of grinding on the same monsters to level, just go kill light green named monsters. I know both spirit and exp is reduced for these, but I believe the exp is…
  • I am a lvl 26, this is my only toon, so no, I don't go KS lvl 4 monsters e-tard. And low lvl people dont need nor deserve their events, if they are going to QQ about it, then DONT PLAY THEM AND GO QUEST! Everytime a GM has to take action because of a complaint they must restrict the freedom somehow of the players. This…
  • IF I WAS TALKING TO SPOILED RICH KIDS THAT BOUGHT FROM THE BOTIQUE THAN IT KIND OF GOES WITHOUT SAYING, BUT I WAS NOT TALKING ABOUT YOU, YOU MORON. I am 25, I live in an apartment with my own 2 kids and my girlfriend. Not in high school. (high school KIDS <key word) If this rule so "clearly stats any website that takes…
  • yes the whole point of an april fools joke is to take advantage of someones gullableness. Lots of people in lots of countries around the world celebrate it. (although many stop at noon) If you were gullable enough to be like "YESSSSSSSSSS!" until you saw the line at the bottom of the page, than the jokes on you. "HAHA!" If…
  • you upgrade them from the first lvl stones too. it takes 3 of one lvl to make one of the next higher level. I see people selling them in catshops for 100 each I buy lots in catshop for 40 each
  • are you looking for combos or macros? When i first started using macros i thought it would be easy to hit just 1 button and watch things die, but in experiment they are not that good for clerics cause of all the kiting we should be doing. So the combo is prob gonna involve something like this (this is assuming you didn't…
  • the choice is yours as far as celestones. If you sell them early, just remember how much you got for them, and later on when you are high enough level to need them (to make mirage stones to +1 eq) you can buy them all back below that price still making you a profit. So if you sell the fragments for 2k just start buying all…
  • ^^is a coward hiding behind a faceless avatar or is really a super hero trying to disgues their secret identity
  • all you kids who fail at reading should pay more attention to school and pay less of your parents money for games. If you got your spanking when they realized how stupid their offspring really is, than I feel for you, I really do. Just remind them that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. And to the idiots who claim…
  • look you *******!!!! this is not ksing. player 1 runs up to a mob to attack it, player 2 one shots it before they get there. ksing is when you are killing the mob and THEN someone takes the last sliver of life away taking credit (drops/xp/spirit) for your kill Ksing is NOT a badass killing 10 monsters in the time it takes…
  • No I have not studied every language, but he was obviously typing in english, and you said it was because this was not his first language. That is a moot point because that has nothing to do with capitalizing the first letter to every word. and the last part is because you called him a nitpicking geek, so I called you an…
  • lol i only read this post because it said GMS ROCK!!! prob never would have if it was what it was before, whatever that was. As for paying, I spend $60 on a ps3 game that stays fun for maybe a month. unless it was fallout 3 or oblivion I intend on spending $60 this year on my char, but I would like to wait until it makes a…
  • no known language capitalizes every other word in a sentance, you enabling baboon
  • True, but 3 lefts will! Maybe they SHOULD ban higher levels from participating in ALL interaction with lower levels. Like pk, FBs, trading, events, and forums. Get the point? They have every right to be there or anywhere they want regardless of level. I can't wait until you do something that someone else disagrees with and…
  • your only mad OP because you got all wet when thinking about your veno ridding that big sword. stop complaining because they were trying to keep the game a little fun (its still called a game right? oh wait MMO) and lighten the mood. Your sense of humor = /fail
  • i have a prob too when a tank is in front of a mob, like usual I start healling the tank, then I want to click on the monster to attack it with a spell and it takes like 5 clicks before I get him and I end up running up to the fight on accident over and over again. I wish their was a way at least to shift+click to click…
  • fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail This word has now been used 182 times in this thread. That is the exact number of times another f-word was used in the movie scarface.
  • cant you just have a few handy speed buff apoths to out run the nix? I make them and I will sell you one for 3k, deal? I would think that, speed debuff on nix + apoth speed boost on you (yea i know they can purge, but prob out of range if veno is kiting) > 10 meters per second. I'm just speaking clearly out of my ****…
  • i think it all depends on the server you play on, but copper bars as stated above by batseba were going for 19k each I tried to use a Marxist approach to pricing items where the cost is dictated by the amount of time/effort and cost to make the item. This does not work though if you want to make money. This game follows a…
  • one thing that works for me, is banking my money. sure your never too far away from a banker in town, but I'm an impulse buyer and I'll buy things I won't need immediatly if it is at a good price, when I should be saving my money for much needed things at the present time. Ill just be too lazy to goto the bank to pull…
  • i do this at lvl 24 as soon as i got razor feathers with 5-6 poison monsters 3 lvls below me but as to weather or not it is better than grinding the regular way is doubtful. I think you would need more than one aoe skill to be beneficial because of the cool down/cast time of razor feathers. It is cool to be able to see…
  • I agree with you, but I would love the aoe skill razor feathers. I would think that it would be a good finishing blow that also attacks a nearby monster to start off your new sequence attack. You would have to be carefull not to aggro too many but I love to use it on the DoT monsters because even if you aggro 2-4 with the…
  • ive never had much of a problem funding my cleric with money (only char no alts) Spirit on another hand is a totally different story. The only way I can keep up with my spirit cost for skills killing same lvl or slightly higher levels til i am 50% of my level. Then I will drop down to mobs 3-4 lvls lower than me that I can…
  • just go pure dex to maximise critical hits...just kidding you can keep going if you like the challange or if you just play for fun with friends, but if you are going to be serious and have to have the BEST char. then make sure to restat if you have real life money, or just make a new char
  • okay when I tried to go into fb19 by myself one lvl 19 scorpion waisted me. I was pissed, they did the regular amount of damage but it seemed like the attack rate was tripled! Is this supposed to happen? I though I was jsut tired or missing my gear or something messed up. Do you pretty much have to wait until you can kill…
  • you loved that 1vit/10hp when you were lvl 10-20ish like me. when you have all that hp from levling tho adding 10 to 1k is spit in the bucket, while adding 10 to 400-600 does make a moderate improvement. I raised my vit about 1 point every 2-3 levels just so I can take at least 3-5 hits from monsters for when my speed…