crafted item prices?

Xxfaminexx - Dreamweaver
Xxfaminexx - Dreamweaver Posts: 31 Arc User
edited April 2009 in The Crafting Nook
what are decent r sum decent prices for crafted items?

life powder
jade powder
focus powder

are there any other craftable items that are truly in demand? and if so what do they go for?

im looking to make more coin for my faction so we can improve our gear and skills
Post edited by Xxfaminexx - Dreamweaver on


  • Batseba - Heavens Tear
    Batseba - Heavens Tear Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I'm not sure if manufactured items from the Apothecary like the ones listed are truly "in demand", as you say. I don't dispute the use of them, but especially for Life Powder the prices for ingredients are so negligible these days that people just buy the herbs themselves and get on with it; I know I would.

    Make and sell Copper Bars.
    I manufactured 3 for a total cost of about 15k, maybe less (definitely less if you can shop around or find the items). Then you sell them for about 19k each, giving you just under 45k profit. Not always sure to sell though by the looks of things.

    If you can afford to keep a shop character on-line overnight buy/sell materials that are in demand. I'm on 600'000 simply through merchanting lowest grade materials and not even with that much of a profit margin.
  • Xxfaminexx - Dreamweaver
    Xxfaminexx - Dreamweaver Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    thanx ill look into that road toward coin

    any other sugestions?
  • Corwin - Harshlands
    Corwin - Harshlands Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    figure out the going price of the herbs, to get an estimate on cost. use that to reflect the asking price, (remember to divide it by 5 since you get 5 each time you use x amount of herbs)

    I always change my prices from day to day, so if things are flying off the shelf than you should charge more and vise versa. Thats why its too hard to put a direct price on it, i sell lvl 1 apoths for 1200 for increased movement, 2400 for lvl 1 life regen, lvl 2 focus powder for 3k and life powder 3.5k. but ill subtract 200 or add 200 depending how they sell previously.

    If im collecting a specific mat I might hand out apoths to faction members for donations in the form of the mat.

    price changes from place to place, so those lvl 30 apots are not going to sell very well if you set up shop in say plume city. location is very important as to why would a char needing your items be in that place. (near the apoth dealer so us poor kids who cant afford charms all the time goto get pots)

    i never know how much to sell my two star weapons so i usually jsut break them down to get magic attack charms. any advice? ie 2x default price if stats go well with item
  • Xxfaminexx - Dreamweaver
    Xxfaminexx - Dreamweaver Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    what about the mats themselfs?

    copper bars
    amulet wood
    rough muslin
  • Corwin - Harshlands
    Corwin - Harshlands Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    i think it all depends on the server you play on, but copper bars as stated above by batseba were going for 19k each

    I tried to use a Marxist approach to pricing items where the cost is dictated by the amount of time/effort and cost to make the item. This does not work though if you want to make money.

    This game follows a more free trade economy where the price of an item is set by the amount of money someone is willing to pay for the item. So cash shop players that sell charms and such and have oodles of gold don't really care for bargin shopping as money is not as much of an object to them. While a broke sob aka me will shop around for days just to find a reasonable price. This is why I will see mirage stones selling at 30k and 55k. The guy paying 55k really needed it and the guy paying 30k could stand to wait for the rollback.

    Really just try to remeber what they are selling for if you have seen them in other shops. Try to sell them for too much first and slowly lower the price everyday (about 5-10%) until you start selling them at a reasonable pace. That is as fast as you can make them. If you are running low on supplies to sell than you are charging too little and need to increase prices in the same fashion. I started celling celestone fragments and 900 because thats what I saw someone else but everyday all of them would be purchesed so I raised it to 2k and I still sell some, but not as fast as I get them so now I am at 1700 and selling at a reaonable pace. This 800 extra gold makes a huge difference after you sell about 20-30 of them.

    just sell them for what makes you happy and if you don't get anyone who bites than lower it slowly over time. patience is the key to finding the right price