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  • I had your experience once. Let me explain. It was the Call to Arms: Pit Fight event. First encounter: Shadow Wolf drops. Second encounter: Curio drops. Third encounter: Third best item drops (I forget what it was). 3 Encounters, 3 major event items. At first I thought "**** drop rates are awesome for this". I did the…
  • Please tell me you didn't use those Coalescent Wards on Rank 6 enchantments??
  • ****, I guess it will be another long while until I play my Warlock again. I was waiting for this patch to respec as I completely screwed it up while levelling. I don't want to spend 150k diamonds (yes I can afford it about 30 times, it's the principle). They should really give out a respec for any class changes/additions.…
  • I was getting a purple item I would say at least 1 in 5 runs before buying one of those Arcane Keys. I bought the key and found out you don't have to take the loot and you still keep the key for next time. COOL! So I did that for like 3 weeks. Maybe 100 runs total - not a single purple drop in either chest. I finally…
  • They also need to make refining stones a normal monster drop, not just when you have a hoard gem.
  • Alright, it's making much more sense now. When I play tonight I will maintain a ranged distance and watch the rotation. I might have to get an Owl too so I don't grab aggro. Thanks a bunch for your help, guys.
  • And now I know why I got kicked last night from a really good PuG eShore group. I was spinning that guy like a top. I are bad CW.
  • Ahhh, I never really paid much attention to what HE was actually doing - I mainly just avoided the red spots. Thanks for the help.
  • I've only had luck with Dragon Gems. I've gotten 4 in about 30-40 skirmishes (Normal Tuern), then I went 3 for 3 on Artifact Weapons (meaning I got all 3 in 3 tries no duplicates). I've killed about 200 dragons and nothing better than a Dragon Cult Headdress. I have seen one plated belt drop from the Normal Tuern boss,…
  • The whole transmog system is ridiculously overpriced, IMO. 50k diamonds to transmog? No thanks. I'd rather buy a Dragon Egg or something with that 50k. Cryptic needs to seriously consider cutting that price down. At least in half.
  • Absolutely 100% Dread Ring. I still go back every day to do the quests. Sharandar is a close second to Dread Ring. I love the green environment and mobs. This Module felt really big - took me a couple weeks just to get to the third zone, and I only JUST got the 5th boon (I wasn't making it a priority). I HATE Icewind Dale.…
  • I played NW from Dec 2013 to mid Jan 2014 then quit. I came back in August of this year. When the Siege event started up I got some of the salvagers enchants and equipped them (4 rank 6's for 8% drop rate [this is how i like to think it works]). I accumulated probably about 500 bags all together, never getting anything…
  • Don't forget the 67 silver.
  • Speaking of mounts in lockboxes. Who decided that a legendary mount would travel the same speed as an epic mount? What makes a legendary mount legendary, rarity? What is the difference between Rage Drake and Imp. Rage Drake? The colour of the name on it and a different graphical skin? Awesome. Why was this legendary…
  • Yeah I had that drop for me last week on my CW - since I only had one artifact at the time it was an insta-equip. I was completely stunned when I saw "Special Reward". Oh you mean I got 2 Peri...EYE OF LATHANDER WTF?!?!
  • Let me make sure I'm understanding this. You're saying I can open the 2nd chest with my purchased key, look at the loot inside the chest, click 2. Decline and I will still have my key? Is this what you're saying? The key is only used up if I 1. Accept the loot? This makes it much more attractive. I bought a stupid key and…
  • I gathered up 11 gifts yesterday. From those 11 boxes I got each item that it can contain. I'm usually never this lucky. I really like this event as it's just something for you to do while you do your thing.
  • A plated belt of constitution dropped as a normal drop from the boss yesterday (I didn't win it). Normal Tuern.
  • That sucks, man. I've experienced the opposite with ToD (I just recently reinstalled the game). The first 3 Shores of Tuern (non-epic) runs I did I got: First run - Draconic Boots, 2nd run - nothing, 3rd run - Dragon Gem. And now I'm on about 25 runs with nothing. There's no magic formula it's just luck.
  • Greater Stone = 12,500RP = 187,000 AD = 15AD/RP. Even if it crits for 2x that's 7.5AD/RP. lesser stone = 500RP = 454AD (99 stack sells for 45k) = 0.908AD/RP. It's a no brainer. Does the greater have a hidden ability that makes it worth 187000AD? Even with lessers never critting they are a WAY better deal then the others.…
  • Man I didn't even touch on cursing - I can't even count the number of times I've tried to curse a target only to curse the guy that gets in the way - or like you said - dropping the big fireball only to hit the non-cursed target and fizzle away. I miss having 4 encounter spells. I tried the passive that makes the curse…
  • What you've said about the Scourge Warlock skill trees completely explains why I've been feeling like the Warlock sucks. I chose to go down the Damnation tree. The class was great - until level 45 or so. Compared to my CW I felt like cannon fodder (getting killed by little spiders - what the hell?). Even now at 60 I feel…
  • I ended up being able to get enough medals for 1 defenders pack. A companion Kit - if it sells I'll be up a cool 20k AD. I really wish I would have just farmed defense supplies and sold them for AD. I thought about it at first. ******. Overall, I didn't like this event. And to put the medals on the Zen store for 50z each?…
  • Not only that some more interesting stat combos. All the epic gear is the same: 270 Power 270 Recovery 190 Armpen 190 Deflect 190 Defense The next item I get is: 270 Crit 270 Recovery 190 Armpen 190 Deflect 190 Defense These are just examples and not true gear stats. Ugh, I don't know - it's just stale. I feel like the…
  • This is where I asked myself...why don't I just sell the ID scroll instead? 100AD guaranteed.
  • Who won the last contest and what was the caption? I WILL STRIKE YOU DOWN!
  • Your story sounds identical to mine. I didn't do any dungeons at all leveling up, I finally got Malabog's Castle unlocked and figured I'd give it a shot. I'm an 11k CW + Stone. Kicked, kicked, TR solo?, 1 other player, kicked...? Sigh, another skirmish I guess.
  • Hunter Rangers are great hunters, fishing on the other hand...
  • After using a stone for a while and switching to a green companion to level it I can't believe I even made it through the game. The stupid Mercenary was aggroing the entire map. *steps onto map* *mounts up and travels to first area with mobs* WITHER YOUR LIMBS I CUT YOU SLOW DIE!!! I mean I one shot all these guys now but…