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sardiza Arc User



  • Excellent piece, I thak you.
  • Yes, I've had the Miind Trap fail of trying to use this weap as a cap'tn; but put it on a tact boff and she'll melt dinos (??)
  • Definitly dust-off your old Kar'fi; it was one of the few 9-console KDF C-store ships that held up well against the power creep. Nowadays, since you already have it on your account, I'd look into snagging the Fleet version; it gets the "I already own it" discount (which is rare on the KDF side), making it cost 1 Fleet…
  • Yea, it's something to keep in mind if you're going to go the carrier route as KDF; it'll take some additional Zen investment to "unlock" all the pets if you're looking for the maximum variety of hangar pets. Of course, I think a Fleet Kar'fi could coast through PvE happily spamming the two reputation pets (elite Scorpions…
  • Since about late last year when people started looking at FAW and crit rates not matching "on paper" (which was fixed I think), but then people noticed that ACC overflow wasn't applying to FAW either. Anyway, a search on "overflow" in this forum can take you to a couple of threads with maths and discussion. Might even be a…
  • "Fleet" or Elite Orion Interceptors have 2x the hull points of similar fighter vessels. They have a tractor beam on each vessel. They're the go-to hangar vessel for PvP it seems. Can I say vessel some more? Elite Slavers are appearing to be the DPS choice for PVE (despite the massive outcry from 6 months ago that they…
  • What's the base hit points on the Elite Slavers? I know that the Elite Interceptors pop out with ~4.6k hps, while Elite Scorp and Widows start with half that (around 2.2k).
  • Guess I should start with a few more specifics: the reward BOFF I customized was a human female. The only simple thing I can think of that let me make and save changes was the fact that the character (through whatever wonk coding) had at least one other clothing option to select beyond the default: the Mining outfit from…
  • As of this most recent season 8.5 patch, I was finally able to customize the Tier 4 Marauding reward BOFF. However, clothing choice was extrememly limited to parts from the Mining outfit (shirt, pants, boots) and Summer Risa event (the flower accessories). The upside is that all the other sliders worked and saved:…
  • Because it's PvP the OP has an issue with.
  • AFAIK: captains/players get the "superior" stats of any trait skill that has a BOFF analouge.
  • I have to say, the Fleet system is a complicated mess with so many undocumented nuances and "traps" to get you to waste resources; one might say by design... Anyway! The provision needed is: 1 Starbase Science Personal Requisition Provisioning
  • The duty officer mission for the Hargh'peng can be found in either Eta Eridani or Omega Leonis under your Tactical Department Head.
  • what's proper pvp? is there an improper version?
  • Looking at old Fed Star Cruiser builds might give some insight, because that basically what the Marauder is... just with a hangar thrown on. (and I'll glady take said hangar over its old ability of a 2min cooldown, "Summon Interceptors" who warped in, pooped mines, and then warped out!)
  • So what other non-disclosed limits are there for stuff purchased from the c-store; i.e. character slots, costume slots, bridge officer slots, etc.? (I ask because I bought some more costume slots during the promo in May, and they never showed on my KDF)
  • They're on the exchange, but it's one word: Battlecruiser :D
  • Only thing I can add is that: yea, the visual graphic for the use of a Floater (in a Formal Costume) disappeared for me as well. The single change to my system between seeing and then not seeing the Floater on my system was the removal of Global Agenda via Steam (realized I hadn't touched it in 2 years; had to go!).…
  • If you like pooping 2x pets, if you like dealing damage in a tactical-escort manner, if you like to dabble with wonky Commander level Sci powers, and if you're an engineer (not necessary, but helps)... It's the only (reasonably priced, 9-console) KDF Zen ship that can still keep up with the vast competition.
  • Then... why are you playing KDF?
  • The mission is the same one where you can get a Vorta prisoner from: "Strike Against Fugitive Support Network". Usually found under your Tactical officer in Department Heads. Worth running since any prisoners you're not saving for "special attention" can be ransomed in the Beta Quadrant for useful DOffs.
  • Sorta agree with ajma420; either variety of Vo'quv isn't going to be that great of a Slavers-centered contraband harvester. That's because either ship, without good pets, are kinda bad on their own. However, I had good contraband return running 2x Slavers on my Kar'Fi, but that's because you can build the Karp to be a…
  • Any way to get this item if you did the tutorial like... 3 years ago when it was massively different?
  • An "oh-****" button that you couldn't transfer in the... yea no. Sorry Op.
    in Device Slots Comment by sardiza May 2013
  • What could be the "couple of reason" for *not* using it? The only thing in space that deals proton damage (the only negative to its use) are tholian webs & barriers. So don't use when webbed... And you don't need the Collector's Edition to get it.
    in Device Slots Comment by sardiza May 2013
  • I too am now getting scripting errors when starting/running the launcher.
  • A piggy Orion Marauder running six FAW2 Dominion Polarized Beam Arrays in a 2xAux2batt build (with Starship Flow Caps maxed and as many science flow cap consoles boosting) plus Tetryon Drones would be a shield nightmare... At least in my piggy Orion Marauder dreams
  • ^^SAME I am able to log into the forums no-prob, but the launcher keeps giving me "unable to authenticate"
  • Any of the fighters/drones/dropships, provided you have them "unlocked" (i.e. orion interceptors, tachyon drones, etc.). Only the frigate-class hangar pets are limited; for the Jem'Hadar Dreadnaught, it's the Jem'Hadar Attack Ship.
  • You have to put skill points into the Tier 1 Science skill: Starship Flow Capacitors; preferredly to max. A good starship deflector with this skill (Jemmy one fits the bill) , and the Science console "Flow Capacitor" (if you have the slots) also help boost whatcha get back in power.