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Help required, shields and hull gone in couple seconds.



  • l30p4rdl30p4rd Member Posts: 334 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    It seems to me that you think people may be cheating. Let me assure you they are not ! You want a "I WIN" button well okay but you have to BUILD it yourself it cant be given to you. The reason different builds and players are 1 shot 2 shot you is :-

    1. Their build
    2. Their equipment
    3. Their skill
    4. Their experience

    I guarantee you that their attacks are also timed to YOUR cool-downs on defence skills :eek:
    Yes experienced players actually watch your cool-downs and time their attacks. Just because you have played since the beginning of time does not make you good. I have only played a few months cumulatively and can hold my own in PvP and destroy PvE, yes I can one shot people (not so much nowadays) HOW ? I hear you ask refer to the list above.

    My build is how I like it with my flavours that work for ME achieved through experimentation and advice. A lot less advice than you have received here I might add too ! We cant tell you how to do it that's up to you. All we can do is tell you how we do it and pass on what advice we can. If that is not good enough for you well then I am afraid you are destined to be one shot cannon fodder forever.

    You have some of the best advice I have seen given, here in this thread all you need to do now is go and experiment with it. Find what clicks for you it might not be what you want i.e disruptor's instead of plasma. But if it works use it refine it work it out then implement it to what you want.

    I understand you want to know what people are doing and getting frustrated at not getting a straight answer but that is the point there is no one single answer, We all have different builds and load-outs favourable to US that is the common denominator.
  • bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Why is it people with multiple different ships, weapons, and abilities can one shot-two shot us CONTINUOUSLY? One build wont fix it. It isn't a build because i can guarantee that not all of those players have the same build. Its gotta be something they have in common that WE don't have.

    What they have in common that You don't have is the game system knowledge that allows them to combine the 20+ pieces of equipment, 5 doff powers, 12 boff powers, and their captain powers with their ship's base capabilities (not to mention their skill point allocation, boff passives, rep passive selections, and something else I'm sure) into a cohesive min/max highly focused and effective build.

    Until you actually show your build, no one can help you improve it. You are ignorant and are choosing to remain that way.
  • areikou#8990 areikou Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    4 pages and not a single build post from people asking for help. How do you expect anyone to explain anything or help in any way, shape, or form, if no one is aware of your current status.

    That's like going to the doctor and asking him to cure you. Then you tell him "Don't do any tests, don't take any blood samples, don't even look at me. I just want you to cure me!"
    [Unrepentant] Lapo@overlapo: the problem with space STF
    is that you can't properly teabag your defeated opponent

    Unrepentant: Home of the Rainbow Warrior and the Rainbow Brigade.
  • radagast75radagast75 Member Posts: 333 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    capnkirk4 wrote: »
    1) Switch to beginner level.

    2) Place all weapons and abilities on auto-fire.

    3) Go make a sandwich, and come back in a minute or two.

    4) Collect lockbox.

    5) Lather, rinse, repeat, as necessary.

    Seriously, MOBs are allowed to roll criticals too. That and there's still broken junk in the game, that although Cryptic says they're fixed, they're not. I can't remember how many times I've tried to switch target a heavy plasma torp, or a boarding party, and my ship simply refuses to do so. This from a 25th century targeting computer, that supposedly can track multiple targets, light years away.

    Oh the great balls of Plasma, targeting them seems easy but my tactical officer is Klingon and stubborn as hell and just keeps firing at ships even if plasma torp is targeted... Then after few seconds he decides to maybe shoot the torp >_<

    In short targeting plasma torps is easy at least in my part but the thing is it refuses to fire at plasma torps. Only thing that really works well against plasma torps, fighters, boarding parties and stufff is to have good beam weapons and use fire att will on them, works always :)

    Anyways to requested built i have, been tinkering about it a bit and eventually returned to play as science captain since that just feels more natural to me and they have good shields :)

    As to one shotting npc ships in combat. At least in KDF and Eomulan republic it often works well to hit highest possible hi-yield torp, plasma mayhaps and usecannon rapid fire, beam overload in conjuction with tachyone beam, attack pattern.. Omega maybe, red matter cap for extra power, decloak and boom. Something like that in escorts feels fun.
    Captain Hunt, at your service!
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    bpharma wrote: »
    A novice with a sword can be beaten by a master with a stick.

    A lot of people here tried to help the OP and all we got were semi aggressive comments back. We asked, let's see your build and make sure you do actually have what would be needed to counter such attacks and again, no build posted.

    The actual question wasn't even posted in the right sub forum!

    5 rings. Excellent read.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • ehrlehnehrlehn Member Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    radagast75 wrote: »
    Oh the great balls of Plasma, targeting them seems easy but my tactical officer is Klingon and stubborn as hell and just keeps firing at ships even if plasma torp is targeted... Then after few seconds he decides to maybe shoot the torp >_<

    In short targeting plasma torps is easy at least in my part but the thing is it refuses to fire at plasma torps. Only thing that really works well against plasma torps, fighters, boarding parties and stufff is to have good beam weapons and use fire att will on them, works always :)

    I don't have the game open in front of me, but it sounds like you need to check your targeting toggles, I usually have "target threatening enemies first" unchecked so I can switch my targeting to what "I" consider more threatening, not the game AI. Your toggle settings are vastly important, someone with the game at hand can probably tell you how to best adjust them better than I at the moment.

    Also, for those in this thread who are wanting to oneshot who are not a Tac captain, you are going to have difficulty. Without access to Attack Pattern Alpha, oneshotting anything is going to take a much more specialized build, simply because you cannot ramp your damage levels up to the same level of spike required to offset the reaction time your opponent has to employ damage mitigation measures.

    Derrick - Fed Eng
  • sgtstarfallsgtstarfall Member Posts: 205 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    borthanius wrote: »
    I too am puzzled... been playing since the game launch, have fleet weapons, elite shields, well skilled up, know how to fly my ship & get one shotted in pvp or kerrat & struggle to blow these one shot guys up. Something smells fishy & I am loosing interest fast. I also feel that nerfing has got to go & it's time for a general anti-nerf all around in this game.

    Welcome to the world of PvP! The "one shot" concept didn't emerge overnight though. It was the accumulation of the power creep that's been happening in this game and crazy players always looking to boost their burst DPS.
    All hands! Prepare the popcorn and tinfoil hats! :D
  • sardizasardiza Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    4 pages and not a single build post from people asking for help. How do you expect anyone to explain anything or help in any way, shape, or form, if no one is aware of your current status.

    That's like going to the doctor and asking him to cure you. Then you tell him "Don't do any tests, don't take any blood samples, don't even look at me. I just want you to cure me!"

    Because it's PvP the OP has an issue with.
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