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Would I enjoy Kar'Fi?

jestersagejestersage Member Posts: 8 Arc User
edited June 2013 in Klingon Discussion
I have always been a pet master / mobile nuker, and so I really like the concept of carriers. That being said, I am wondering if I should really shell out 2000 zen for Kar'fi.

Right now, I am a Sci toon flyign a Mirror Vo'quv.

From what i can tell, Kar'fi is more cannon friendly, due to the slightly bigger turn rate, extra tac boff, and an extra fore weapon slot - but it definitely have less eng consoles, less eng capability, and less hull, so definitely is NOT a tank.

Thus I am curious - how will the playstyle different from Vo'quv?
Post edited by jestersage on


  • majesticmsfcmajesticmsfc Member Posts: 1,401 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I run it on a science Captain and it's a lot of fun. The frigates can dish out a lot of damage and I can do the Empire defense missions faster than a tactical.

    The Kar'Fi as you said isn't as good a tank, it's not designed to be. I got mine with the free veteran token and really enjoy playing it. It's one of the best science orientated ships the KDF have.

    The turn rate on her also helps with the science powers like gravity well etc, so that is something to consider as well. So basically you could consider the Kar'fi the escort of carriers, you can't tank as well, but can deal more damage, bring your science powers and fore weapons to bare easier and the frigates are fairly strong in PvE and you'll find you rarely have to re-deploy them.

    Is it worth it? All depends on your playstyle, if you're looking for a fair more DPS at the cost of durability then certainly.
    Support the Game by Supporting the KDF, equality and uniqueness for all factions!
  • timezargtimezarg Member Posts: 1,268
    edited June 2013
    I would say the Kar'fi is a worthy investment if you want a more DPS-oriented carrier.

    It may not tank as well as a Vo'Quv, but like any big honkin' ship in this game it can tank at least a little. Once you get the hang of the turnrate, you can use it to really shred the enemy.

    I'd say it's a beast in PvE, just park yourself in the right place and let it rip with the cannons and the Fer'jaj frigates. It's also viable in PvP.

    If you're a pet master type, you're not gonna see a much better investment on the KDF side in regards to carriers unless they release a new carrier that really kicks TRIBBLE (maybe an escort carrier or something?). If the 2000 zen isn't too onerous of an expense, it might be worth purchasing just to have it as an option to switch things up.
    tIqIpqu' 'ej nom tIqIp
  • distantworldsdistantworlds Member Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Agree with the above, just three things to add:

    1) It's important to understand that the Kar'fi is a Sci/Tac hybrid. This is, imho, the best and most fun style of ship. Since so many abilities in sto have shared cooldowns, you don't "waste" as many abilities as the single-focused ships, and you get a nice variety. You get damage from tac boffs and tractor beams from sci boffs, without really sacrificing all that much.

    2) While the Kar'fi's hull is weaker than the Vo'quv, it has significantly thicker shields. It is by no means a glass cannon, it can take damage better than escorts.

    3) Get Advanced Pets as soon as possible. I recommend either the Advanced Fer'jai Frigates (which are absolute monsters) or if you have the c-points, the Advanced Orion Interceptors. Both have high speed engines, so they spend less time milling about than other pets and spend more time doing damage.
  • age03age03 Member Posts: 1,664 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    So would I as I wished I bought that maybe instead of the borta bundle not that there is anything wrong with them.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Age StarTrek-Gamers Administrator
    USS WARRIOR NCC 1720 Commanding Officer
    Star Trek Gamers
  • jestersagejestersage Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Now I just have to debate whether to do dil-to-zen exchange or putting money into it.

    On a sidenote, I always found KDF have to be more helpful - just like in the Romulan Khitomer conference, where the KDF are straightforward with you while the Fed Ambassador just say what he think is proper.

    And yes, i know many KDF have a Fed alt, but that's just an observation of my Fed experience.
  • tom61stotom61sto Member Posts: 3,667 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    jestersage wrote: »
    Now I just have to debate whether to do dil-to-zen exchange or putting money into it.

    There's the option of both. I bought my Kar'fi with ground Dil-to-Zen (Well, CP at the time) and $10.
  • ingenieursschafingenieursschaf Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I own one too. The Frigates are pure TRIBBLE. With Slavers or Orion Interceptors its a realy good pve/pvp ship.

    Less tanking then the Va'quv. A little bit faster but with a higher Carrier DPS and less PET Dps. The Va'Quv Bop are awesome in DPS. As result you get the same Damage output with Karfi <-> Va'quv. But with Karfi you can use support Pets.
  • kalvorax#3775 kalvorax Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    sorry if i thread jacked (no intention of doing so) but i was wondering, what is the standard weapons layout (that it comes with when claiming it), as the wiki doesnt have anything on it?

    I for one plan on getting this once i get my sci ferasan to level 50..that way i can use it on both my tactical kdf and my sci kdf
    I find this line of replies sadly hilarious. We put a lot of work into the massive list of fixes/changes above, and ya'll are hung up on the ability to skip our content. =p
  • afree100afree100 Member Posts: 332 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    With pets to'jui do the most damage, energy siphon are OP so much that it is not funny (people will want to throw rocks at you, even if they don't say so), shield repair are the best in PvP, to'jui in PvE, I have tested them all, don't use Fer'Jai they got nerfed and damage you and placate you every 10 seconds, they are the worst choice now (before they were good though), the S'kul are okay but not as good as to'jui, though they look better.

    As to wether you should get it, absouluty it is my favorite ship and I never for one second regret getting it.
    Starfleet M.A.C.O. KDF Honor Guard
  • wilbor2wilbor2 Member Posts: 1,684 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Kar'fi is the longest running ship on any of my 5 chars it can tank long enough to take out most things in elite stf. ive got to the point that ill run up to a gate and blast the hell out of it for a min or 2 before withdrawing to the safe firing zone 7.30 km at the side of the gate were transformer was.

    cryptic i wont a fleet kar'fi please
  • timezargtimezarg Member Posts: 1,268
    edited June 2013
    Oog, a Fleet Kar'fi with a continued focus on both tactical and science would be awesome.

    Another thing I wanna mention about the Kar'fi: The tactical boffslot options enable something very important: You can slot Attack Pattern Omega 1 in the LTC tac spot. This, with 1-2 doffs reducing the cooldown, makes for a carrier that can match some of the KDF battlecruisers in maneuverability. . .especially if you use one of the engineering slots (maybe the Ensign one) for a speed or maneuvering boost.

    So you're essentially combining the capabilities of a battlecruiser (maybe, say, a Negh'var) with the carrier hangars.

    There's a reason the Kar'fi is a popular ship both in PvP and PvE. If I were to build a carrier operating character, I'd most definitely buy a Kar'fi as soon as possible. The Vo'Quv just doesn't quite match it in a number of things.
    tIqIpqu' 'ej nom tIqIp
  • banzaizapbanzaizap Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I'm a long-time Kar'Fi fan. My KDF Eng captain has been in one since they turned 50, more than a year ago. Purple Ferjai frigates and Elite Scorpions make this thing a monster, and with the right console/BOffs, it can tank and turn with the best of them. With an ENG captain, it takes a heck of a lot to take me down. Attack Pattern Omega, Evasive Maneuvers, Deuterium Charges and other powers can really make the carrier jump around the sky.

    Compared to the VoQuv, it is MUCH more aggressive. VoQuv's tend to dump their pets, then sit there and slug on the target at long range while your pets do most of the heavy lifting. A KarFi really wants to jump into the middle of the fight alongside your pets.

    Hands down, the best carrier in the game. IMHO.
  • sardizasardiza Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    If you like pooping 2x pets, if you like dealing damage in a tactical-escort manner, if you like to dabble with wonky Commander level Sci powers, and if you're an engineer (not necessary, but helps)...

    It's the only (reasonably priced, 9-console) KDF Zen ship that can still keep up with the vast competition.
  • paradise1killerparadise1killer Member Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    sardiza wrote: »
    If you like pooping 2x pets, if you like dealing damage in a tactical-escort manner, if you like to dabble with wonky Commander level Sci powers, and if you're an engineer (not necessary, but helps)...

    It's the only (reasonably priced, 9-console) KDF Zen ship that can still keep up with the vast competition.

    This is the best ship, maybe the only perfectly suited ship for a Eng capt.
    This ship even without fleet version has the highest shields for a carrier

    Also Geko has stated this ship is slated to get a fleet upgrade very soon.
    Cant wait, need a place for my shield destabilizer which also works great on a Kar'fi right next to the leach and AS.
    Nova Core

    House of Beautiful Orions
  • majesticmsfcmajesticmsfc Member Posts: 1,401 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I have never ran the Kar'Fi on an Engineer, I might have to try it out. A Fleet version would be awesome too, hopefully it will only be a tier 3 ship, so many KDF fleets are only tier 2 or 3.
    Support the Game by Supporting the KDF, equality and uniqueness for all factions!
  • lordhavelocklordhavelock Member Posts: 2,248 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Just to drop my two-cents worth. I tried the Kar'Fi, and did not like it. That is to say, there are things I do like about it, but ultimately gave it up.

    I was running a KDF Sci on it for a long time. I really wanted it to work. I like the look of the ship and it's pets, I liked the BOff layout and it's turn rate, but I found the ship too fragile.

    I run a lot of Elite STFs. This ship would do pretty good DPS (especially with the Frigate pets, which are great!), but it would then draw a lot of aggro. And once the enemy focused it's fire on me, I'd die.

    Even if I could get out of reach, I didn't have enough heals to get restored fast enough, unless I sat out of combat. Which of course is no fun. It's the only ship I have that would almost always pop at least once per STF. Sometimes more. It was embarrassing.

    Perhaps I could have had a better build, but I do pretty good on other ships/builds (rarely dying at all in ESTFs anymore), so I don't think it was that bad.

    Anyway, I have an Eng in a Vo'Quv (with the Advanced BoPs) and I love that ship, but I didn't want to have another Vo'Quv flyer, so I ended up putting my Sci in a Recluse (purchased off the Exchange). It's a much better ship.

    I love both the Vo'Quv and Recluse, couldn't say which I like more, but the Kar'fi (which is all kinds of pleasing, aesthetically) was just too fragile for my tastes.

    Again, only my opinion, your results may vary. :)

    You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Between ALL Carriers in the game, what the Kar'Fi offers:

    * Best turning 2-hangar Carrier in the game, hands down. Not even a contest. Doesn't turn like a Vor'Cha or K'T'Inga, but very well for a Carrier.

    * 2nd most ship offensively minded Carrier. The TAC BOFF & Console stations lets the carrier itself do respectable damage. Only the Jem'Hadar Dreadnought Carrier's TAC options are superior in terms of the carrier dishing out alot of damage alongside the hangar units.

    Basically, if you ever wanted the option of playing with a dedicated carrier but were put off by the turn rates of the others (KDF, Lockbox, and Fed carriers), the Kar'Fi is the clear choice. It doesn't have the defensive strength of the Vo'Quv, but if set up right, the SCI BOFF stations could go towards helping in that regard.
  • paradise1killerparadise1killer Member Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Between ALL Carriers in the game, what the Kar'Fi offers:

    choice. It doesn't have the defensive strength of the Vo'Quv, but if set up right, the SCI BOFF stations could go towards helping in that regard.

    Or set up offensively and be a eng capt...

    You still can tank and be a pain on the battlefield, to tank in pvp you must be the target and you can get a lot of attention with a Kar'fi. Making you a priority and effectively mitigating damage and CC.

    Kar'fi is the best drain boat in game.
    Drain is Pain

    It also allows you to solo elite STF
    Nova Core

    House of Beautiful Orions
  • erockr32erockr32 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I just hit 50 last night on my Tac Klingon and first ship i bought was the Kar'fi

    I have read a bit up on it and it suits my play style for sure

    Does anyone have a good set up ... what skills I should use and also what gear I should be looking to get first etc ... I enjoy the beam set up to broadside if that helps

    I am a new player (well returning left the second month after release) and some of the info I have found searching seems to be a tad out dated.

    Thanks in advance !!!
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Dont drunk Im shoot has an excellent build thread in the pvp forums. Very well laid oit and easy to look at builds for variuos ships.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • erockr32erockr32 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    thank you ill have to check it out
  • lordhavelocklordhavelock Member Posts: 2,248 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    Dont drunk Im shoot has an excellent build thread in the pvp forums. Very well laid oit and easy to look at builds for variuos ships.
    Indeed! I love that thread!

    And here's it's linky goodness:

    You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
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