Considering the "normalization" changes I'd say: Keeping the changes as-is gives enough extra skill to make up for Aux changes and equation "normalization".
The Exchange has been needing an update for quite some time, but ignored. 1) It was not updated to deal with the item update. R&D items in particular are a mess. A) Rank filter B) Category filter for salvage 2) It needs more filters for: A) Doff abilites B) Boff abilities C) Gear mods
To bad it seems he needed better glasses (data), because I know for a fact he missed a lot of people since his data seems to suffer from the same problem as when you use "All" to search in the Exchange.
Taken word for word from So he looks at all the flaws, tries to come up with something better and fails to fix all the bugs (UR consoles w/o mods, VR and Rare items w/o new mods, and horrible 5 sec delay) introduced with…
P.S. Anyone with a toon on the map before the patch has to wait for a patch in order to start the grind. Devs have acknowledged the bug already.
Can we get a mod in here and merge the bug threads? The other ones are(They are starting to pile up!): Also, could a dev please chime in as this is a pretty bad bug affecting the Summer event?
There is another thread about this, but it seems to affect all toons on Risa before the patch. Welcome to botched Summer event patches courtesy of Cryptic. Can we get an emergency patch tonight? We're stuck without being able to start the Summer grind!
Already has been said, but just do the long grind on one toon (while accumulating on alts) and get the discounted grind on the other once them main toon is done. Plain and simple. Topic ended.
Aux2bat is all a huge joke, they have so many things active at the same time, including oftentimes, the debuff clearing doff, that it's a pain to control them.
Most of the content people complain about is driven by their strategy since S6 of releasing 1 large map, a couple of PvEs, and yet another reputation grind driven by these which, as a strategy, has gotten stale.
A better weapons drain proc would make up for how awful it is, but only on certain builds. Those certain builds are usually awful in the defense department anyway, so the proc would compensate a bit for that. I think this proc was a huge oversight because it is the first time a proc like this doesn't scale at all. Frankly,…
Kax keeps things interesting with her crazy way of writing and setting up matches daily. That's about it for PvP. The queues take a long time, even when supposedly, having joined queues was going to fix that. Heck, now I see even more quitters than before in the queues.
I'm not going to quote that very long post calling out the devs, but I will say one thing. The last Cryptic employee I saw actively PvPing in this game from time to time was BranFlakes. It would be refreshing to see them actually try it out to experience first hands why they get all the complaints they're getting. They…
Romulan OP and Technician doff nerf should be on their radar. Heck, the Valdore console is just an adjustment so that more accurate numbers on the healing can be obtained, it doesn't even affect the healing per-se, no sense in getting healed on 100% shields.
The 50% rewards make absolutely no sense whatsoever. My fleet keeps assigning projects to dump fleet marks and it's not enough so there is an alt fleet just for the purpose of dumping even more fleet marks and sometimes even that one is also full. Why the heck do you have to cut rewards by 50%? This patch is full of…
It's an aux2bat cruiser with possibly a 2 piece set boost to particle generators like the one from the breen set to help augment the console which is a movable gravity well with extra effect at the end. Nice ship, but not my style.
Inversely, you can get really good sci skills on a sci captain by using the sci slots for science and adding consoles/sets/pieces that enhance said skills better. You can take sci to the extreme just like people take damage and crits to the extreme.
Will the devs ever add Rebel Klingons to the Foundry? It sucks having an accolade stuck at 1 and needing 1000 kills since some dev decided to be funny and add a single Rebel Klingon to a Nimbus ground mission just for the heck of it.