Can someone tell me just how badly the exchange is broken please ?
I am trying to build up some EC to get some new goodies for my ships but it turns out I might have been loosing millions upon millions of EC !
I actually bought myself some keys with REAL money to sell in return for EC to do this.
But it actually turns out the exchange is so badly borked that I have been paying in some cases 10Million or more EC on things due to the problems !
Things seem to come up randomly. I buy things in bulk by searching "All" thinking I have a good deal, then find out that if you search the EXACT catagory of what you want with the EXACT rank you want and the EXACT rarity of what you want, you can find what you want for a fraction of the price !
So instead of making EC I actually find myself totally screwed over !
I also bought some fleet ship modules to sell, hoping to make some EC on those. Mine have been up for sale at 11.5 Mill now for several days. The ONLY other ones I can find on the exchange have been selling for far more than mine ! Yet they sell ? And mine just sit there ? So more expensive ones sell before my cheaper ones ?
This is an issue that needs to be sorted ASAP ! As people are spending (AND WASTING) there OWN hard earned REAL LIFE money !
Can someone tell me just how badly the exchange is broken please ?
I am trying to build up some EC to get some new goodies for my ships but it turns out I might have been loosing millions upon millions of EC !
I actually bought myself some keys with REAL money to sell in return for EC to do this.
But it actually turns out the exchange is so badly borked that I have been paying in some cases 10Million or more EC on things due to the problems !
Things seem to come up randomly. I buy things in bulk by searching "All" thinking I have a good deal, then find out that if you search the EXACT catagory of what you want with the EXACT rank you want and the EXACT rarity of what you want, you can find what you want for a fraction of the price !
So instead of making EC I actually find myself totally screwed over !
I also bought some fleet ship modules to sell, hoping to make some EC on those. Mine have been up for sale at 11.5 Mill now for several days. The ONLY other ones I can find on the exchange have been selling for far more than mine ! Yet they sell ? And mine just sit there ? So more expensive ones sell before my cheaper ones ?
This is an issue that needs to be sorted ASAP ! As people are spending (AND WASTING) there OWN hard earned REAL LIFE money !
Whaaa Whaaa! Hey sorry but here is the thing as long as players jack up the prices to unreal limits and people keep buying it it's going to be this way. But Hey you know what I hate whiners who can't face reality or understand that the exchange is a player driven free market just like the real world. I'd like to see a thing where you can block selling stuff to people you dont want to sell to. If there were you be on my list OP.
You need to realize that some crazy high selling prices get no buyers. And sometimes there are only the junk high prices because all of the reasonably-priced items have sold out.
Someone once had the Doptid beams R&D doff up for 75 million EC. I put up a spare I had at 40 million but was not at all surprised when no one bought it. "But it was 40% off!?!?!?" Sure, of a crazy high price that no sane person would pay.
The last time I bought fleet modules I paid around 6 million EC. So your 11.x million is probably way to high to get any takers. Learn the real prices that things actually sell at before you try buying low and selling high.
The last time I bought fleet modules I paid around 6 million EC. So your 11.x million is probably way to high to get any takers. Learn the real prices that things actually sell at before you try buying low and selling high.
While I've been looking recently its been between 11 and 13 million (remember, fleet tier 6 is up now).
However the problem with FSM's is that (as far as I can tell) they aren't listed under any specific category (their original one was removed when the R+D system replaced old data samples.) You can only do a general search which randomly excludes some porportion items (potentially including any you post.)
Basically if you want to translate Zen into EC its not the way to go (since you can easily find yourself with a FSM that can't be marketed.) Its a hard lesson but it is a lesson none-the-less.
Alternative: master keys.
Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
I didn't read much of that block of text but I gotta say I also noticed some recent problems with the exchange. For example, I was always able to search a certain Elite reward pack just by dragging it on the search bar under "All items" and pressed "enter"... it was fine, until a few days ago. Now it shows only a portion of actual items and those with the higher price, I realized I was only able to get the full list by searching under "Reward packs". Never had to do it that way before, just sayin.
There are issues with the exchange currently. IE some items, completely dropped from the exchange. One example is Salvaged techs. They went from around 400-500k each to 1mill each when I checked a few days ago.
Another thing the exchange seems to have is two sides. IE, search all for Master keys, shows you one result. Search again with a LT option for rank can show a much cheaper amount. Exchange just has two sides of it.
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So where are FSM located then ? I have 2 for sale at a far lower price than ANY i can find on the excahnge, they have been there for 3 days now. So you are telling me that not a SINGLE FSM has been sold in 3 days ? I know they have as the prices of them have increased by a couple of million since I listed them !
So mine are floating in space or something ?
Also with regards to searching for things....
If I search for the following...
Research & Development Pack and I select the "ALL" tab. Would it be to stupid to think it would search for my search terms in ALL the catagories ?
So why then if you narrow it down to Very Rare and then select the correct catagory should you find something cheaper ?
Tal Shiar Adapted Destroyer, searched for under the "ALL" tab. Brings the cheapest one in at 62.5Million EC. Narrow it down to "Very Rare" and then further again under "Reward Pack" and it brings them up at 55Miillion EC ?
So how can you tell me this is functioning correctly ? When it's clearly not ?
This has been the case for years. Narrow the search if you want the best results.
Or no results.
The exchange is bizarrely finicky about what categories you can put together. Plus the absurdity of "choose LT" for best price is just bizarre.
As for nonsensical pricing, prices have been all over the map with Delta Recruiting. I've seen some really insane prices for stuff, and even sold gear for a lot more than I'd pay. (Yay!)
Can someone tell me just how badly the exchange is broken please ?
I am trying to build up some EC to get some new goodies for my ships but it turns out I might have been loosing millions upon millions of EC !
I actually bought myself some keys with REAL money to sell in return for EC to do this.
But it actually turns out the exchange is so badly borked that I have been paying in some cases 10Million or more EC on things due to the problems !
Things seem to come up randomly. I buy things in bulk by searching "All" thinking I have a good deal, then find out that if you search the EXACT catagory of what you want with the EXACT rank you want and the EXACT rarity of what you want, you can find what you want for a fraction of the price !
So instead of making EC I actually find myself totally screwed over !
I also bought some fleet ship modules to sell, hoping to make some EC on those. Mine have been up for sale at 11.5 Mill now for several days. The ONLY other ones I can find on the exchange have been selling for far more than mine ! Yet they sell ? And mine just sit there ? So more expensive ones sell before my cheaper ones ?
This is an issue that needs to be sorted ASAP ! As people are spending (AND WASTING) there OWN hard earned REAL LIFE money !
Kid, let me give you some advice, there's really nothing wrong with the exchange.
It's quirky sure, but anyways, next time, SEARCH for the item you want to sell. check current prices, adjust your planned sale price accordingly. Now, bear in mind even with all of that, it might still not sell, sometimes there's just not a demand for an item.
So many idiots posting here who are clearly not reading what is being said or have not actually experianced it.
It's broken, it's a fact.
I'm not an idiot ! I understand not everything sells at whatever price you put it up.
But when you add things and cannot see them and things that are at a vastly higher price sell first then things are pretty broken.
When you search ALL and it doesn't actually do that, things are broken.....
When some things only show up as Rank Lietenant when in fact they are Admiral rank... Things are pretty broken.
Stop posting just for the sake of trolling if you have nothing helpful to add. You only serve to make yourself look a little more stupid than you already are.
For me, the exchange is so broken I can't even put up any items for sale.
Check your mail for returned items. There is a 40 item max limit on items posted on the exchange and this includes returned items sitting in your mail.
Narrowing the search field and being specific as to your requirements is more likely to get you exactly what you want for the best, who knew.
I saw this today posting salvaged materials searching lieutenant. This was the first time adding the rank didn't solve the problem for an uncatagorized item.
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
I've been having the exact opposite problem, if I use the filters it doesn't list all the available items, but if i use all and search the item name it lists them all.
I definitely overpayed for some items before I realized you cannot find all the speicific items without searching the subcatagories. It may cost 1mil for the cheapest in a general search and 2,000 if you searched in the Reward Packs subcategory.
Kid, let me give you some advice, there's really nothing wrong with the exchange.
It's quirky sure, but anyways, next time, SEARCH for the item you want to sell. check current prices, adjust your planned sale price accordingly. Now, bear in mind even with all of that, it might still not sell, sometimes there's just not a demand for an item.
and some advice for you: learn to read and at least try to know what you're talking about when trying to give advice yourself. Your answer is utterly moronic.
He could have searched all he wanted and still have gotten no result. The search without any specific category produces random results, no matter if you apply any filter or not.
It might show 0 hits, even if there are 200 items of that type listed on the exchange, it might just show the most expensive ones or just a random selection. 10 people standing next to each other, at the same time, using the same search phrase and the same filters will produce 10 vastly different results.
The only solution would be to know and to search in a specific category, which is moot for items like the ship module which doesn't have a specific category.
"there's really nothing wrong with the exchange" is probably one of the biggest lies anyone has ever told on these forums.
I have to confess.. I actually like how listing tends to 'break' after major patches.. it keeps people from bickering over pennies. (I kind of wish there was a listing delay as a 'feature' of the exchange.)
I can't tell you how frustrating it gets to be a creator/provider of goods and then log on the next day to see see nothing sold because the market is flooded with dozens of items that are 1-5 EC cheaper because other people must have absolutely every single sale in existence.
and some advice for you: learn to read and at least try to know what you're talking about when trying to give advice yourself. Your answer is utterly moronic.
He could have searched all he wanted and still have gotten no result. The search without any specific category produces random results, no matter if you apply any filter or not.
It might show 0 hits, even if there are 200 items of that type listed on the exchange, it might just show the most expensive ones or just a random selection. 10 people standing next to each other, at the same time, using the same search phrase and the same filters will produce 10 vastly different results.
The only solution would be to know and to search in a specific category, which is moot for items like the ship module which doesn't have a specific category.
"there's really nothing wrong with the exchange" is probably one of the biggest lies anyone has ever told on these forums.
Yeah sure pal. lol, sorry, I have doubts first off about your response as I've honestly never seen or heard anyone else having that problem. Granted there's a lot more players out there than I'll ever encounter, let alone speak to actively. Second, I have my doubts about the OP as this is the same person who was demanding we as a playerbase boycott the new T6 pilot ships because if I recall the OP believed that tying up the Art Team with such things would prolong a fix for the lag issues.
I've been having some issues with the exchange, pretty certain I was doing everything right.
I made some Superior beams upgrades. First, I dragged one to the search box, and saw then up for 350k. Then, I dragged mine to the sell box, and put them up for 229,999.
After two days, it appeared the expensive ones were selling at 350k, but mine weren't.
Maybe I'm doing something wrong, I dunno, but it seemed weird.
I personally have never had an issue selling keys. I can sell ten to thirty of them in less than five minutes on a weekend. Just select the keys category and it will show you the lowest cost keys on the market. Set to that level or a little lower and you are gold. Okay maybe not. Make sure the variance isn't 5ec and the next is 2,300,000ec. If it is buy the 5ec if you are lucky then post for 2,200,000ec.
But is the search and exchange broken? A little bit.
Some things when searched for in their category will not show up and you have to use the all section. I have seen this with personal weapons. If you type out you want mk VI gear you will see IX, VI, VII, and VIII gear. But go to the commander rank section and it will say there is nothing at all. Even though it just had shown mk VI before. So again, yes there are some broken bits.
The all function is limited. The whole exchange is limited to only show a maximum of 400 items at a time. It would probably take quite a bit more computer power to drop the entire exchange onto your computer than you have. That is why they have filters, so you can narrow your searches to find what you want.
Originally Posted by pwlaughingtrendy
Network engineers are not ship designers.
Nor should they be. Their ships would look weird.
What he said. People who can't be bothered using the proper search categories deserve everything they get/don't get as the case may be.
Whaaa Whaaa! Hey sorry but here is the thing as long as players jack up the prices to unreal limits and people keep buying it it's going to be this way. But Hey you know what I hate whiners who can't face reality or understand that the exchange is a player driven free market just like the real world. I'd like to see a thing where you can block selling stuff to people you dont want to sell to. If there were you be on my list OP.
You need to realize that some crazy high selling prices get no buyers. And sometimes there are only the junk high prices because all of the reasonably-priced items have sold out.
Someone once had the Doptid beams R&D doff up for 75 million EC. I put up a spare I had at 40 million but was not at all surprised when no one bought it. "But it was 40% off!?!?!?" Sure, of a crazy high price that no sane person would pay.
The last time I bought fleet modules I paid around 6 million EC. So your 11.x million is probably way to high to get any takers. Learn the real prices that things actually sell at before you try buying low and selling high.
While I've been looking recently its been between 11 and 13 million (remember, fleet tier 6 is up now).
However the problem with FSM's is that (as far as I can tell) they aren't listed under any specific category (their original one was removed when the R+D system replaced old data samples.) You can only do a general search which randomly excludes some porportion items (potentially including any you post.)
Basically if you want to translate Zen into EC its not the way to go (since you can easily find yourself with a FSM that can't be marketed.) Its a hard lesson but it is a lesson none-the-less.
Alternative: master keys.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
Another thing the exchange seems to have is two sides. IE, search all for Master keys, shows you one result. Search again with a LT option for rank can show a much cheaper amount. Exchange just has two sides of it.
Top DPS 102k
So mine are floating in space or something ?
Also with regards to searching for things....
If I search for the following...
Research & Development Pack and I select the "ALL" tab. Would it be to stupid to think it would search for my search terms in ALL the catagories ?
So why then if you narrow it down to Very Rare and then select the correct catagory should you find something cheaper ?
Tal Shiar Adapted Destroyer, searched for under the "ALL" tab. Brings the cheapest one in at 62.5Million EC. Narrow it down to "Very Rare" and then further again under "Reward Pack" and it brings them up at 55Miillion EC ?
So how can you tell me this is functioning correctly ? When it's clearly not ?
I'd like to personally thank the OP for their purchases.
Or no results.
The exchange is bizarrely finicky about what categories you can put together. Plus the absurdity of "choose LT" for best price is just bizarre.
As for nonsensical pricing, prices have been all over the map with Delta Recruiting. I've seen some really insane prices for stuff, and even sold gear for a lot more than I'd pay. (Yay!)
Kid, let me give you some advice, there's really nothing wrong with the exchange.
It's quirky sure, but anyways, next time, SEARCH for the item you want to sell. check current prices, adjust your planned sale price accordingly. Now, bear in mind even with all of that, it might still not sell, sometimes there's just not a demand for an item.
*busts down your door while wearing a Starfleet uniform*
Time to boldy go, losers.
#this is how you SHOULD collect your crew from shore leave
It's broken, it's a fact.
I'm not an idiot ! I understand not everything sells at whatever price you put it up.
But when you add things and cannot see them and things that are at a vastly higher price sell first then things are pretty broken.
When you search ALL and it doesn't actually do that, things are broken.....
When some things only show up as Rank Lietenant when in fact they are Admiral rank... Things are pretty broken.
Stop posting just for the sake of trolling if you have nothing helpful to add. You only serve to make yourself look a little more stupid than you already are.
I sold an FSM three days ago for 12 mil.
Check your mail for returned items. There is a 40 item max limit on items posted on the exchange and this includes returned items sitting in your mail.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
1) It was not updated to deal with the item update. R&D items in particular are a mess.
A) Rank filter
2) It needs more filters for:
A) Doff abilites
C) Gear mods
and some advice for you: learn to read and at least try to know what you're talking about when trying to give advice yourself. Your answer is utterly moronic.
He could have searched all he wanted and still have gotten no result. The search without any specific category produces random results, no matter if you apply any filter or not.
It might show 0 hits, even if there are 200 items of that type listed on the exchange, it might just show the most expensive ones or just a random selection. 10 people standing next to each other, at the same time, using the same search phrase and the same filters will produce 10 vastly different results.
The only solution would be to know and to search in a specific category, which is moot for items like the ship module which doesn't have a specific category.
"there's really nothing wrong with the exchange" is probably one of the biggest lies anyone has ever told on these forums.
I can't tell you how frustrating it gets to be a creator/provider of goods and then log on the next day to see see nothing sold because the market is flooded with dozens of items that are 1-5 EC cheaper because other people must have absolutely every single sale in existence.
Yeah sure pal. lol, sorry, I have doubts first off about your response as I've honestly never seen or heard anyone else having that problem. Granted there's a lot more players out there than I'll ever encounter, let alone speak to actively. Second, I have my doubts about the OP as this is the same person who was demanding we as a playerbase boycott the new T6 pilot ships because if I recall the OP believed that tying up the Art Team with such things would prolong a fix for the lag issues.
I made some Superior beams upgrades. First, I dragged one to the search box, and saw then up for 350k. Then, I dragged mine to the sell box, and put them up for 229,999.
After two days, it appeared the expensive ones were selling at 350k, but mine weren't.
Maybe I'm doing something wrong, I dunno, but it seemed weird.
But is the search and exchange broken? A little bit.
Some things when searched for in their category will not show up and you have to use the all section. I have seen this with personal weapons. If you type out you want mk VI gear you will see IX, VI, VII, and VIII gear. But go to the commander rank section and it will say there is nothing at all. Even though it just had shown mk VI before. So again, yes there are some broken bits.
The all function is limited. The whole exchange is limited to only show a maximum of 400 items at a time. It would probably take quite a bit more computer power to drop the entire exchange onto your computer than you have. That is why they have filters, so you can narrow your searches to find what you want.
Originally Posted by pwlaughingtrendy
Network engineers are not ship designers.
Nor should they be. Their ships would look weird.