Budika - Sanctuary Arc User


  • He's talking about Raid Grouping.... Where There is a leader for all the Squads. Example Squad A - Squad leader, Raid Leader Squad B Squad C Squad D Up to 13 or so Squads aka Squad M or N Experience is Split by the Squads and Squad then splits XP to it's members (or they code it so all get a certain amt of xp depends on…
  • I disagree with this to some extent.... I recommend getting your Dex to 20 Asap... Then when gear starts wanting more then 20 Dex going to 40 asap... You'll have enough HP to do that... Every 20 Dex = 1% crit which helps us kill a little faster. Once you've got 40 Dex most of your points will go into STR/VIT and you won't…
  • That's only goes so far Atalan - Sanctuary More HP is always better then phys def. Fight a Increased life mob then an Increased Defense one see which you kill faster. Another way to look at it is this... Your not always being hit with phys dmg. So adding phys resist shards = Failure vs Magic Mobs... It gets much more…
  • Sadly no sticky yet but I saw a few posts for questions about it. So, I'm bumping it for those who've not used the search feature to find it.
  • It is what I consider to be the 2nd best Tank weapon in Game... 20% dmg reduction (add that to your substantial physical reduction + minor magic reduction and it's like a free Invoke every proc)
  • Just a little info on those "Heavenrage boots" apparently some don't read too well.. You've got to be lucky to even get a pair how can you recommend something that maybe only 5 people on your server will ever see? It's not like you can farm for it.
  • Honestly I recommend Calamities I used them for both tanking and killing. If you've got the $ (unlikely then sure get the Heraldry) if $ is an issue <- is for me... Stick with Calamities they're the best weapons till you hit lvl 90's
  • Aren't they called speedo's? "Gets image of my Panda in one -- not a good image"
  • Well there we have it IceJazmin - Heavens Tear "If beaing a good tank was easy, good barbs would be everywhere... as it is, they are few and far between..... " Very well stated! @OP - ilystah "Currently as long as the barb use taunt skill everytime it cooldown, and you don't have weapon unusually powerful and don't spark,…
  • Just my 2 cent's worth... No! I'm guessing this guy hasn't faught in an FB89... Try Brimstone 2nd boss you'll see what life is like w/o aggro control. "Clarify this... Etheral Abomination -- Good Point Fleuri) Oh I'm guessing you've never been in a Rebirth terrible Idea there. I guess some squads could complete them but…
  • They don't need to create housing system... It already exisits in the code... all they need to do is enable it. It's one of the most advanced housing systems for an MMO to date allowing terrain enhancements amongst other things... see http://www.everyjoe.com/mmotaku/perfect-world-housing-system-not-a-myth/ watch.
  • Bipedal - Bi (2) pedal (foot) so walking on 2 feet quadruped - Quad (4) ped (foot) walking on 4 feet That's what those mean as to this idea I totally agree with it and the previous posters of same/similar ideas.
  • Lairian- Actually they have 2 teleport items problem is they're both use once gone kind. The idea here is one that's use unlimited (probably 10 min reuse timer) but lasts a Week. (Granted for WQ's I'd like no reuse timer)
  • Yes this idea has been suggested at least 20 times since I started reading/writing suggestions in this Forum. And once again I totally agree with this suggestion! b:victory
  • Barb needing aggro b:chuckle seriously your a lazy barb if you need to spend 200 for it... Try Accuracy more then likely your just missing. Honestly one of the only things I'd pay 200 US for would be Unlimited HP charm (lasts forever and always fires at 45%) Not going to happen. Other thing would be the Warsoul weapon. As…
  • I support this cause as well... While I currently can use the filter system I'd prefer a Boolean search vs "filters" and it could enable the system to be able to handle stuff currently not broken down into the hardcoded categories.
  • That's a strange way to look at it... People do buy and sell all sorts of stuff from AH... I don't see any suggestion. We have safe Extension stones Cabinet Stones - place where you can store your ingredients (includes TT, FC, LG, etc).
  • yeah once you have the marker you click on it using the alt key and you autopath to it...
  • The reason this won't work is because the Factions that are strong enough to hold territory will just get them again. Although it would permit other factions to try PVE territory war's. But they could easily permit a "Pratice Territory War" with some sort of compensation... Maybe Charms don't get used during it and repairs…
  • This is a funny suggestion but understandable... heck I'd go with an Option to Mute Pet's... As far as kitties making sounds in battle would make sense and in "Safe Areas" but out and about cat's are silent attackers. It's in their nature to be stealthy.
  • Actually since browsers existed the F5 key = Refresh no need to click anywhere...
  • OK, while the premise of AH > Catshops sounds good in theory.... The fact is Catshops don't slow anything down... Other people looking at them do. Whenever you get a massive amount of people with different fashions/mounts/aerogear etc you'll have this slowdown on lesser computers. Now AH cannot replace Catshops due to…
  • PVP as I've stated before in an MMORPG is a sign of immaturity. RPG (Role Playing Games) Are usually "Your Character" is the good guy trying to make the world a better place. PVP when based against Factions makes sense in an RPG. But in this Game every race fighting every race while Wraiths are attacking your world =…
  • Yeah I've had this happen to me before as well. It'd be nice to have the ability to lock the skill bars.
  • This would be nice.... Usually I have my friends type it in Vent/Team Speak since the function works there
  • OK I agree with the Catshops not being allowed on or Blocking the View of NPC's it's rather annoying even using the shift+mouse click to target the NPC. As to the hiding of catshops unless they've done something silly with the code (making them pre-load all their visible equipment, and the list of what their selling to…
  • I thought this was already posted somewhere... Humanoid standard combo (Stun-Mighty Swing, Slam, Onslaught, Penetrate armour, reg attack) Tiger: Alacrity, Devour, Ream... (use Bestail Rage and other skills to get chi back up... sunder when needed.)
  • As far as I know this is a stated banable offense... You take the Screenshot and report the **** for exploiting a bug that's considered a banable bug. Similar ones are Glitching bosses etc. As to the lame nix comment (once again) who knows maybe they'll fix it... Until it's fixed it's not considered a ban glich. I…
  • I agree that the Linux client should be available (yes for those who don't know Mac's are using a BSD Kernel so compiling it to Linux or OS X would be simple). Now as to the Market Share Easy way to get a semi reliable comparison is here…
  • Alot of PK'ers hang out in SP/Orchid Temple and the fact is they're doing it to pad their PK counts... I agree with some sort of a regulator on it. But honestly 20 levels is a lot. I think someone picking on someone 10 or more levels lower is just being a prick. Then again I'm the anti PVP guy... I see it as a bunch of…