How to Tank Rebirth Order Gamma

Budika - Sanctuary
Budika - Sanctuary Posts: 177 Arc User
edited April 2010 in Barbarian
Time: 3 hours Dedicated to this NO AFK SLACK time!
Preferably get the Legendary BP and Legs, TT70-80 Boot's/Arms/Helm (Can try for Legendary Helm as well)
Physical Resist Neck/Belt. Because the waves reduce your magic resists to nothing anyway If you've got legendary Neck/Belt those are good as well.
Shards: HP shards as many as you can get on your gear.
HP:9.7k or Better... Most people like 10k+ tanks.
Skills: (This is what you should have)
Sunder lvl 5+ (Honestly this is our only self heal ability don't see why people don't have this maxed).
Slam lvl 3+ (used to push mobs into AoE range)
Roar/Talk is Cheap Maxed (12 meter range)
Surf Impact Maxed (8-10)
Fear Maxed
Flesh Ream Maxed
Invoke Spirit
True Form 3

First get the Venomancer if there is one to give you Reflect after the NPC asks for help. This way Reflect will be on you the entire 5 waves of mobs. (Don't use Alpha Male will remove your Bramble/Reflect)
Stage 1
Wave 1- Metal wave Run out and Left... circle the mobs till they're a packed group takes 3 or 4 circles once all are mad at you(proximity aggro no need to be hit) bring them back to the eye. Note: the idea is to get the mobs all in one compact group
Once at the eye select closest target and then use Sunder-> Frighten ->Bestial Rage->Roar->Surf Impact, (usually have enough chi again to cast spark or invoke spirit) Use AoE abilities (Not Slam) on them. Build up chi for next wave.
Wave 2- Wood run out and Right once again tighten up the ranks of mobs.
Same process as above.
Wave 3- Earth Run out and Left(Make sure you've got poison fang on would be silly to fight them w/o it)
Wave 4- Water run out and Right(These mobs hit faster so may do more damage) Make certain your in the Clerics BB range (Buff called bless on you)
Wave 5- Fire Same as water. Run out and Left
Boss Nothing special soon as fire wave dead head to the blue port... your job is to get the Far away chests you run the fastest (Make sure in Tiger form or your not going to be faster then archers)... Mine the chests past the building same big area just further south) The other two (Be they archer, wiz or 2 archers should be mining ones closest to the cauldrons/Return to battle Column)
After everything is mined I like to get a group of those lanterns usually 4-8 depending on if the Clr called 50% at :44-46
At exactly :37 if the cleric doesn't have the boss below 30% DPS should return (Archer and or Wizard)...
The Boss must die at ~4:33:10 or you Fail. Each boss you kill before the Destroyer comes gives you extra time on final boss.

Stage 2
Wave 1- Metal same as before though you'll have casters in this batch *Note- because of casters it's better to wait till they get in visible sight of eye (The T intersection before you round them up).
Wave 2- Wood
Wave 3- Earth
Wave 4- Water
Wave 5- Fire
Boss- Lightning Chick (Metal).... Cleric and you are fighting it.. The DoT can interrupt the CLR's casting so a Cleric is advised to NOT wait till almost tick on HP charm before healing.
Mainly you'll use Ream, Devour, and Alacrity (to try to stop the spell cast)

Stage 3 - By now you may notice the Debuffs you've been getting the regular waves remove your magical resistance to their element(s) This is why as the tank you should be taking the damage.
Wave 1 Metal-Wood mixed (Make sure you get aggro on those annoying Cactipods they're archers and do dmg to our poor squishy friends. By this wave you'll be using Slam to push mobs into AoE batches... Preferable right over the Eye. But if you just bunch them up AoE's are more effective that way.) If you've got a good BM they'll be helping you get some into place.
Wave 2 Wood - Earth
Wave 3 Earth - Water (snares Water snares very annoying)
Wave 4 Water- Fire (The little fire guys are hard to kill since they're difficult target's make sure to get them in AoE range)
Wave 5 Fire - Metal
Boss- Life Detector (Wood) (This is a wannabe Venomancer Sage) aka it AoE purges drops all your buffs, uses Bramble (most people call it Reflect), and is a an annoyance.

Stage 4
Wave 1 Metal (mixed)
Wave 2 Wood (mixed)
Wave 3 Earth (mixed)
Wave 4 Water (mixed)
Wave 5 Fire (mixed)
Boss- (Earth) "Drummer Boy" as I nicknamed him looks like Percussion from TT. uses 1 AoE Debuff and 1 DD (Direct Damage) You don't want DD to hit anyone else.. usual alacrity to cancel cast...

Stage 5
Wave 1 Metal (mixed)
Wave 2 Wood (mixed)
Wave 3 Earth (mixed)
Wave 4 Water (mixed)
Wave 5 Fire (mixed)
Boss- Water guy (nothing spectacular about him except he likes to go after your cleric)... I think he removes aggro...He has physical and magical defensive debuffs. Which can easily kill non barbs. Cancel casting with alacrity and keep reaming him.. should do fine

Stage 6
Wave 1 Metal (mixed)
Wave 2 Wood (mixed)
Wave 3 Earth and Water (Double Wave) this is the Group Killer. To tank this you use similar skills as before but I recommend Shell Powder instead of Dew... Because you'll be taking all the Aggro... Wait till the groups all setup... (it's OK to do a little AoEing surf impact there, fear here... Once all there you'll hit shell powder.. Sunder, Fear, Bestial Insp, Roar, then go into Invoke spirt... While in Invoke mode you'll drop to Untamed form and Slam the mobs into a tightly packed group. Before your Invoke wears off drop back into tiger and click a heal pot or Tree of Protection because whatever isn't dead is gonna still be pissed at YOU!... If the DPS aka DD's get them widdled down and the BM/ Veno Stun lock them then you'll beat this no problem... If not then you'll have something to work on.
Wave 4 Fire (mixed)
Boss- Flame Strength (Fire) with 3 adds... Everyone should kill the Adds before the Boss... While CLR and Barb (That's us are tanking him) If the Veno doesn't have Herc the Barb tanks the Judgements(adds) too. This guy does immobilize.

Stage 7
Wave 1 Metal (mixed)
Wave 2 Wood (mixed)
Wave 3 Earth (mixed)
Wave 4 Water (mixed)
Wave 5 Fire (mixed)
.Boss- Shattered Soul looks like a Big Blue/Green Doglike thing (nothing spectacular about him except he likes to Straight line AoE) so make sure it's not pointed at anyone in group.

Stage 8
Wave 1 Metal (mixed)
Wave 2 Wood (mixed)
Wave 3 Earth (mixed)
Wave 4 Water (mixed)
Wave 5 Fire (mixed)
Boss-Broken Mind This guy stuns that's about it.

Stage 9
Boss-Snake guy Stuns alot... does an AoE Physical Damage (very long range)... Expect to be healed by your Charm and the Aura... use Invoke Spirit alot and try to cancel casting while putting up Fear (this reduces phsy dmg of the AoE) Since your Stunned a lot it's hard to maintain aggro.. spam ream when you can...

For special Squads: If you've got 2 archers or 3 it's generally helpful for the first 5 waves w/o the eye to target a Extra Life one as your bringing them in once barrage is set change targets so that the target isn't dead first.

--- After some Faction Feedback as well as some posts I decided to include this info about groups:
Skills/Stats/things others should have if you want to win:
HP Charm on Everyone!!
Archer: HP 3.2k+ unbuffed (Mana Charm)
Weapon should be +2 TT70/80 or better
Skills: Sharpen Tooth arrow lvl 7+, Barrage lvl 6+, Wings of Protection Maxed,
Cleric: HP 3.2-3.5k unbuffed, -9% Channeling (Mana Charm)
Weapon +3 TT70/80/Legendary w/ Flawless or better Sapphire Shards.
Skills: Regeneration Aura aka BB, Ironheart 10, Plume shell Maxed, Squad buffs. If it's an LA cleric you want a +5 or better magic weapon with 2 Immaculate Sapphire Shards. +3 or better refined LA Gear.
Blademaster: 4k Unbuffed HP
AoE skills maxed they should know how to reduce the dmg output of mobs.
Venomancer: 3k HP unbuffed
Skills: Parasitic Nova (Maxed), Purge 10, Amplify Damage 10, Bramble 10
Pet: Herc (prefered), Shadoo Cub, Armoured Bear, Crystal Magmite, Volcanic Magmite, Scorpion (DPS pet)
Wizard: HP 3.2k+ unbuffed Preferred is Arcane their AoE's are significantly stronger. Crappy barbs = LA wizards needed. (Mana Charm)
Skills: Dragons Breath Maxed, Fire Mastery Maxed, Stone Barrier Maxed.
if LA Wizard +5 magic weapon and +3 refined gear.

Basically if they (The classes) don't have these(Skills, Pets, Gear) minimums your chances of a Pickup group Completion are worsened (Some pieces are critical others are nice to have).

Special Note: Due to Memory Leak introduced with the Genie Expansion it is wisest to head out like getting repairs after every boss. When you see the false lag. This temporary fixes it for us.
Post edited by Budika - Sanctuary on


  • Wolfgang - Dreamweaver
    Wolfgang - Dreamweaver Posts: 438 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Thanks. .......
  • DarkRings - Sanctuary
    DarkRings - Sanctuary Posts: 168 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Is there any way to de-level?
    Post this sooner... :P
  • Budika - Sanctuary
    Budika - Sanctuary Posts: 177 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    LOL sadly you can stay at the level your at.. (I've been using Genie's to do this)... But as far as I've seen no way to de-level b:chuckle
  • Lycanthar - Sanctuary
    Lycanthar - Sanctuary Posts: 389 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Great guide, few things I've been doing differently:

    -I tank 2nd boss standing up, using Penetrate Armor to keep it constantly debuffed while I wail away with 2x spark erupts. I figure the higher DPS gives the bean gatherers a bit of breathing room in case something unforeseen comes up. b:laugh

    -I generally use Roar to lead off a wave after the AOE'ers start taking some moderate dmg and then follow up Sunder timed right after the BM's Heaven's Flame for increased dmg. I've found Frighten really useful for certain waves and situations as well.

    Few other musings on being a Barb in RB Gamma...

    It can seem overwhelming when you're just starting out with Rebirth, but if you can keep a cool head and time your skills correctly, you should have a very easy time of things. I used to run around like a chicken with my head cut off, switching back and forth between Tiger and Human, frantically using Smash to bring the mobs into the AOE... heh, its all really unnecessary. I rarely ever leave Tiger form now, if the mobs are outside the AOE, just use Roar and then run away from the mobs in the direction that will pull them into the circle of death. If there are just a few stragglers, you could also run up and Flesh Ream and then run away, same effect.

    I wouldn't attempt RB Gamma if I wasn't a full tank build, and having full TT70/80 gear won't hurt your chances either. I started RB Gamma at lvl 75 and had a great BM as teacher, amazingly enough I completed my very 1st run. And this was before Genie's were released! b:victory

    Speaking of which, one last thing: GENIE IS YOUR BEST FRIEND IN RB!!! Mine is setup as follows:

    -ALPHA MALE: This skill is ESSENTIAL!!! It will make your life absolutely so much easier in RB. For anyone that doesn't know, this is essentially a broken version of Roar, with a range of 20 meters and also granting a physical dmg reflection similar to Veno's Bramble buff. ITS INSANE!!! Very powerful, use with caution!

    -SOLID SHIELD: Again, a very essential and useful skill. Grants a 60% dmg reduction for 10 seconds at level 10. Great if you still need a bit of extra protection after Invoke the Spirit wears off.

    -HOLY PATH: Awesome for using just after squad buffs between stages to get your squad back to the eye FAST!

    Anyhow... good luck in Rebirth Gamma guys, I'd venture to say we've got the hardest and most important role inside the Valley, so stay sharp and keep your cool! b:victory

    P.S. - Ok I can't shut up about RB, I love it, lol. Just a question for the more experienced RB barbs out there - anybody tried non-bonus squad? i.e. not your run of the mill, 1 of each class squad. My personal favorite is 2x BM, 2x Archer, Cleric and Barb. The damage output is absolutely nuts!!!b:shocked
    ==Sanctuary's Last Demon Barbarian== ... (lol strife)

    Off through the new day's mist, I run
    Out from the new day's mist, I have come
    We shift, pulsing with the earth
    Company we keep, roaming the land while you sleep...
  • Budika - Sanctuary
    Budika - Sanctuary Posts: 177 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Yeah I've had 3 Archers, 2 archers, They're awesome. Beat RB with the 3 archer setup in 2 hours 5 min..(1 archer was a lowbie 78) 2 archer is 2:15ish (80+'s)

    As for the Roar first the reason I don't really recommend this is for Chi... you can get a similar amount of Aggro from a lvl 9 sunder. I don't know about Non Tank Builds. I doubt they'd be very good to do this with. I completed my fist RB-G at lvl 76... still had some crappy gear on then too, did it with only 9.7k hp. Now I'm almost 11k HP. And it's relatively easy except when we get DPS who fall asleep/afk or something there's no reason to die to the wood after completing the double wave w/o deaths.

    So, if RB's are boring you DON'T join the group wait till your ready!

    Far as penetrate armor goes it's only 30% redux. I think I'll give that a shot though... But have you had the crappy cleric's I've had who let my HP charm tick when they've got free mana? I'm not sure I'd like that going on... Also can you actually stop the lightning spell from being cast while in regular form... I get it most of the time in tiger.
  • Lycanthar - Sanctuary
    Lycanthar - Sanctuary Posts: 389 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    You're right about Sunder first being technically more efficient, but when I use Roar > Sunder > Bestial Rage, my chi is back up at max regardless. (Love Bestial Rage!! haha). Thinking about it more your method is likely better, simply for keeping aggro a bit longer by waiting between Sunder and Roar.

    As for tanking 2nd boss standing up, thats just my preferred method. If I were in tiger using Alacrity and Devour, that would be pretty effective too. Again, now that I think of it your method is likely better, lol. At least the cleric would be thanking you for the breathing room between heals and the heiro ticks they're saved because of Alacrity. A good squad should never have to worry about killing that boss on time anyway. ;)
    ==Sanctuary's Last Demon Barbarian== ... (lol strife)

    Off through the new day's mist, I run
    Out from the new day's mist, I have come
    We shift, pulsing with the earth
    Company we keep, roaming the land while you sleep...
  • Budika - Sanctuary
    Budika - Sanctuary Posts: 177 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Yeah I tried it standing up yesterday stun(Mighty Swing) never stopped the AoE so I switched ... You know that annoying DoT actually has a % chance to interrupt spell casting. Which explains why some clerics seem to allow my Charm to tick.

    Besides the CLR and I usually get it down below 50% before the 10 min mark... And my group is usually all back around the 5-10 min mark anyway.
  • julio26
    julio26 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    ive done rb alot, i would only recomend grouping them up for the first stage after that just let them come to you, also in the first stage i generally use roar after they are at the eye and have no problem keeping aggro till they die. as for the second stages on my order is pretty much the same but i use surf first and as half the wave come, i use sunder followed by bestial rage and when they all or 85% are near the eye i use roar and surf and frightened when i get the chance. One thing i disagree with is invoke, the clerics blue ball will override the invoke so i find it useless, your better off using solid shield. For the second boss i usually start out in tiger form if you have a good cleric you dont need to interupt the magic as for i am lazy lol but if ur cleric sucks, interupt it and if time is getting close switch to human and spam skills sparks may be useless if ur beans are caught up and have attack at lv 2.
  • Ninnuam - Sanctuary
    Ninnuam - Sanctuary Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    julio26 wrote: »
    ive done rb alot, i would only recomend grouping them up for the first stage after that just let them come to you, also in the first stage i generally use roar after they are at the eye and have no problem keeping aggro till they die. as for the second stages on my order is pretty much the same but i use surf first and as half the wave come, i use sunder followed by bestial rage and when they all or 85% are near the eye i use roar and surf and frightened when i get the chance. One thing i disagree with is invoke, the clerics blue ball will override the invoke so i find it useless, your better off using solid shield. For the second boss i usually start out in tiger form if you have a good cleric you dont need to interupt the magic as for i am lazy lol but if ur cleric sucks, interupt it and if time is getting close switch to human and spam skills sparks may be useless if ur beans are caught up and have attack at lv 2.

    juliaaaaaaa b:kissb:kissb:kiss
  • Lycanthar - Sanctuary
    Lycanthar - Sanctuary Posts: 389 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    julio26 wrote: »
    One thing i disagree with is invoke, the clerics blue ball will override the invoke so i find it useless, your better off using solid shield.

    This is simply not true. Invoke is incredible for 2x wave. I'm not sure what you mean by blue bubble overriding it, but I am most definitely almost invincible for the full duration of Invoke... so...
    ==Sanctuary's Last Demon Barbarian== ... (lol strife)

    Off through the new day's mist, I run
    Out from the new day's mist, I have come
    We shift, pulsing with the earth
    Company we keep, roaming the land while you sleep...
  • Budika - Sanctuary
    Budika - Sanctuary Posts: 177 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Originally Posted by julio26 View Post
    One thing i disagree with is invoke, the clerics blue ball will override the invoke so i find it useless, your better off using solid shield.
    The reason he's saying it is because they didn't stack but now they do.
    So using invoke works.

    I'm guessing being a "lazy barb" probably means s/he never does try out stuff once s/he's sure it doesn't work or has just heard it doesn't. I'm not entirely surprised s/he didn't test out some of the stuff since the new expansion many things that didn't stack do so now. So if I see more ignorance of the BB + our Invoke stacking now I'll just post it up there.
  • Hazardus - Heavens Tear
    Hazardus - Heavens Tear Posts: 937 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    .........many things that didn't stack do so now....

    Hi, I'm a lazy barb b:chuckle. So could you please list what those things are?

    I knew BB and invoke didn't stack earlier (I always found invoke overwrote the BB for its 25secs) and tbh I don't see much of a difference now either, though thats probably since invoke already reduces damage so much, that further damage reduction is barely noticeable.

    And sunder didn't stack with IH, does it do so now? How about devour and the other class pdef debuffs?

    Off the top of my head those were the only two I usually wished would stack.

    Oh and thanks for the write up, never done a rebirth yet, might just try it out soon.
    When the going gets tough; Get a tank!
    Nocturne mature HT guild - we invite people, not levels.
  • Budika - Sanctuary
    Budika - Sanctuary Posts: 177 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Well the HoT from our sunder seems to stack now tried it in a TT seemed to be working. It always worked with BB. As far as the Devour if we could make logs... Then I could parse the damage... I don't think they stack though. Personally I'd wish they'd allow the highest debuff to take precedence if they don't stack then if longer duration was on it'd continue with it's debuff. (So stack yes, highest effect used ) example barb tosses devour on (-50% phy defense) veno does her ironwood scarab (-30% phys defense) both last 10 sec it'd be nice if that was 80% reduction in phys defense sure but I think it overwrites. for me it'd be enough that the -50 lasts 10 sec and the -30 kicks in however many sec it has left... Granted I've not been able to truly test this to see if stack or overwrite. Though my dmg numbers seem to drop after veno casts theirs.

    Honestly about the stack issue I think Highest level buffs should be unable to be overwritten. 10 min of 30% more hp or 30 min of 10% hp? duration isn't everything.. Apoth regen items should stack with clr regen or they need to fix clr regen to be = or greater then apoth.
  • Budika - Sanctuary
    Budika - Sanctuary Posts: 177 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    just wanting this info up front for barbs learning or about to learn RB-Gamma
  • Mahngiel - Sanctuary
    Mahngiel - Sanctuary Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Helps alot. thx for the tips pass down. most def needs a sticky
    It's better to look stupid than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

    Sig by AquaKnightsb:victory
  • Budika - Sanctuary
    Budika - Sanctuary Posts: 177 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Made some Minor edits including adding the min reqs of the other classes.
  • Budika - Sanctuary
    Budika - Sanctuary Posts: 177 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Sadly no sticky yet but I saw a few posts for questions about it. So, I'm bumping it for those who've not used the search feature to find it.
  • DaCage - Sanctuary
    DaCage - Sanctuary Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Good guide. One question though I heard that barbs got a pretty good profit from a gamma run but back then gold was 100k a peice. Anyone know if gamma will still give some profit with charms at 800k-1m?
  • kazk123
    kazk123 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    gonna bump this again...good read and thanx for the info, done a couple of runs now n failed at DW, hoping after this read i can do better :)
  • lilyuffie
    lilyuffie Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Dang, leveling the skills looks expensive b:shocked
    How much do I gotta spend on em'?
  • Kott - Sanctuary
    Kott - Sanctuary Posts: 335 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    lilyuffie wrote: »
    Dang, leveling the skills looks expensive b:shocked
    How much do I gotta spend on em'?


    You really wanna know?
  • NoPulse - Dreamweaver
    NoPulse - Dreamweaver Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    done some gamma-runs and everything was very easy and smooth up until double wave. died the last two attempts, so now i have some questions:

    do you tank the left wave and let the right one get to the eye and try to delay the time where both waves are at the AoE-area at the same time or do you try to survive both waves at the AoE?

    if i try to tank the left wave so the right one is getting killed in the meantime, would it be possible to sunder the first mob -> run to the rest of the wave -> invoke -> run further -> turn right -> use solid shell and hp-food --> run back to the room and use holy path as soon as it get's available (mag-genie, so goes rather fast) to get back to the squad?

    i just thought about another possibilty the other day, but haven't had a look if it would actually work:
    do the same as above mentioned but instead of turning right and running back just keep on running straight. is there a way to lead the left wave to the back of the room and then take the way of the right wave?
    don't know if there are two different ways or if they join and i can actually aggro the left wave, and get it back to the squad via the way of the right wave.

    thx for any info. i'd like to do safer gamma runs. now it's allways a 50-50 chance if i survive or not and i don't like wasting my squad-members time for only 500k exp instead of 1,5mil
  • Lycanthar - Sanctuary
    Lycanthar - Sanctuary Posts: 389 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    done some gamma-runs and everything was very easy and smooth up until double wave. died the last two attempts, so now i have some questions:

    do you tank the left wave and let the right one get to the eye and try to delay the time where both waves are at the AoE-area at the same time or do you try to survive both waves at the AoE?

    if i try to tank the left wave so the right one is getting killed in the meantime, would it be possible to sunder the first mob -> run to the rest of the wave -> invoke -> run further -> turn right -> use solid shell and hp-food --> run back to the room and use holy path as soon as it get's available (mag-genie, so goes rather fast) to get back to the squad?

    i just thought about another possibilty the other day, but haven't had a look if it would actually work:
    do the same as above mentioned but instead of turning right and running back just keep on running straight. is there a way to lead the left wave to the back of the room and then take the way of the right wave?
    don't know if there are two different ways or if they join and i can actually aggro the left wave, and get it back to the squad via the way of the right wave.

    thx for any info. i'd like to do safer gamma runs. now it's allways a 50-50 chance if i survive or not and i don't like wasting my squad-members time for only 500k exp instead of 1,5mil

    2x wave tutorial:

    Sit on your butt at the dead center of the eye. Watch your squad's HP very close as the mobs filter into the AOE. Timing is very important here to avoid any charm ticks for your squad, if you see anyone's charm tick you waited TOO LONG. When you suspect the damage they are taking is about to become serious, INVOKE and use Roar. Follow Roar with Sunder, then Bestial Rage to build chi. Both of these should be @ max lvl to be most effective.

    Once you have the mobs attention, try Holy Path and run back and to the left (or right) and then sweep across to the opposite side. This will kite the mobs that you have aggro on closer to the eye and thus closer to the heart of the squad's AOE bombardment. This technique is difficult to describe with words, but I hope you can imagine the movements I am saying.

    Once you finish your lap around the rear of the eye, get back to the center and start hitting other AOEs (surf impact, frighten) to keep the mobs attention. Once some of the mobs are dead and the greatest danger has passed, roam around and flesh ream+kite or human+slam outside mobs into AOE. Personally, near the end of my gamma days I was in tiger form 99% of the run just using flesh ream and maybe holy path to kite mobs into AOE.

    Basically I don't do anything different during 2x wave from any other wave, except for invoke. This is critical to make it through the first 20 seconds alive while your squad is dealing with the meat of the wave.

    Hope I didn't forget anything, its been a long time since I did a gamma run. Hope it helps!
    ==Sanctuary's Last Demon Barbarian== ... (lol strife)

    Off through the new day's mist, I run
    Out from the new day's mist, I have come
    We shift, pulsing with the earth
    Company we keep, roaming the land while you sleep...
  • NoPulse - Dreamweaver
    NoPulse - Dreamweaver Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    just FYI
    i now do gamma regularly and haven't failed in quite some runs due to real fails, but due to DC of squad-members or such. if they keep connected to the internet, i get them trough gamma now b:laugh

    i am doing the double-wave as i stated above:
    BM gets right wave as quickly as possible. i get by the left wave via holy path and then i just take my time making the whole turnaround in the back to get to the AoE-area via the way of the right (the BM's) wave.
    the left wave is normally dead just in time for the 4th wave which i just get by running out to the T-intersection, running back and roar. then business as usual.
    this ensures to never having two waves at the same time and my charm actually ticks only for 30-50k per run and i think i could actually do without it, but won't run the risk (yet).

    just for all you barbs out there who have trouble with the normal method on double-wave.. try this for a change (just instruct your BM accordingly).
    worked pretty sweet for me!
  • Babysmasher - Lost City
    Babysmasher - Lost City Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    lol pretty good guide. i miss gamma easiest thing ever i broke all the rules went afk all the time went uncharmed b:victory still pwned at it. just learn what you can take with out dying and slowly work on getting better
  • MagicHamsta - Lost City
    MagicHamsta - Lost City Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    darthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me. Aryannamage: I don't think I am a GM that would be new.
    Hawk:Do this. closing thread
    frankieraye: I'll see if we can replace the woman with a stick figure and the tiger fangs with marshmallows.//Issues like these need to get escalated quickly to minimize the damage.
    Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
    Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
    LokisDottir: I mean...not haunting the forums, nope nope..
    Konariraiden: You don't know what you are up against. You will lose.
    Waiting for...Hamster Packs!
    58% chance to get tokens
    41% chance to get an all class pet hamster....but they has already been freed by the magic hamster.
    1% chance to get ban hamstered with the message "Hamsters United!"