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  • Don't forget that there have been other changes to leadership lately. The completion times for the tasks earning the best AD were lengthened. That was the first change to limit the AD we can earn. Dungeons and skirmishes were removed from the game, another change to limit the AD we can earn. What's left? Getting out your…
  • This is the key question. Why don't they give better rewards in the game? Because they want us to buy zen and use it to purchase items or convert it to AD to purchase items. But I've put enough money into this game and won't put more in to rank up artifacts or get the armor appropriate for my characters. Remember when we…
  • Are they going to fix invoking while they're at it? Considering all the problems, that's a pretty slim list of patches.
  • Yup - right in the middle of doing professions on the gateway. Seems like they can't get anything right anymore.
  • Oh joy - they started maintenance early.
  • I just went ahead and redid my mods for j0shi's style. I added the following to do black text on white and also to hid the signatures since the large animated gifs people are adding are kind of annoying. Just edit the style and add the following to the bottom. Not real pretty, but about as much work as I want to do right…
  • See this thread - forum-readability-upgrade-style. The Stylish plugin made a world of difference in making the forums readable for me. I modified the style that j0shi created to do black text on a white background. However, that edit is on my work computer. I'll post my mods on Monday. If you want to see how really bad the…
  • There also needs to be page buttons at the bottom of a thread. That's web design 101.
  • magenubbie - I feel the same way you do. As a software developer, I feel the design of the forum speaks loads about what they think of us as customers. They said that they've been using the Vanilla forums for 6 of their other games, so the UI should have been done before the migration. I installed the Stylish style that…
  • Thanks joshi - I've implemented your Stylish style and it helps a whole lot. Considering that they have been using Vanilla for some of their other games, there's no excuse for such a pathetic design for the forums.
  • You have to be careful when using the coupon. If you doubleclick the coupon it brings up the purchase window but doesn't apply the coupon. You have to use the dropdown to apply the coupon. Luckily I learned the hard way with a coupon for a lockbox key. 35 zen wasn't a big deal. The ruby coupon makes a big difference. I did…
  • If you look at the Vanilla site, I get the impression that most of the shortcomings are a result of configuration decisions made by whoever set up the forums. They could look a lot nicer. At the very least links should be in a different color. Whoever choose to hide standard formatting doesn't know much (or anything) about…
  • I'm going with "hate it" with the new forum. Vanilla is probably the most appropriate name ever given to a software product. It's hard to tell quoted text or the signatures from the regular post, fonts are blurry, no more recent posts, and just generally plain. It's especially pathetic when you go to the Vanilla site and…
  • I bought blood rubies with the 50% off certificate you get when you hit 70. Of course I then put them up on the AH and make back more than the AD used to buy the zen for the rubies. Since it was zen bought with farmed AD, Cryptic still didn't make any money off the deal.
  • With the nerf to the HE drops, maybe the overcrowding problem will improve.
  • And it's not free to play anymore. With the content made significantly harder, you need higher level artifacts to play. Just try doing eLOL in greens and blues. If you can't level up the artifacts with drops from quests and HE's, then it is now pay to play.
  • The problem is that the blocking animation is slow too. For most red zones you have to hit shift as soon as you see red. Then you have to wait for the hit, which could be time spent doing "damage" (in quotes because we are taking about Paladins). I've found that in most zones it's just more efficient to take the hit and…
  • I think you hit the nail on the head. Who were the ones complaining? The whales that bought RP to get 8 artifacts up to orange on every character they play. So some bone-headed bean counter at Cryptic figures they need to nerf the HE drops to get everyone else to buy RP. That the rest of us weren't buying RP before was…
  • In my experience, the best lockbox in terms of the rate that purple mounts and companions were dropped was the nightmare lockbox. Of course that's because half the items in that box were purple ones and most of the content in that box was very useable. Each lockbox since then gets a little bit worse in terms of…
  • That is a wonderful list - wish it had been around a when I started 2 years ago :) Here's one to add - you don't have to visit Rhix in PE to turn in and get skirmish, foundry, and dungeon quests. You can access those quests from the page that loads when you first log in or by pressing "L". In the lower left is a button…
  • A decent group of 20 should be able to get one dragon, but the only times I've seen all 5 go down was in an instance with 40 people. We really shouldn't have to overload the instance to get multiple dragons down.
  • Evidently it's Paladins that swing maces. I've just been playing D&D wrong for 35 years because for some reason I thought the Holy Avenger longsword was a sword.
  • I would say sometimes needs to be an option. I tested this yesterday in Dwarven Valley - I waited to be surrounded by trolls and then fire off DJ. It did seem to do full damage to multiple trolls, but it looked to me like not every troll around me got hit. Usually 3 -5 showed damage. There were always a couple that didn't…
  • After playing yesterday I'll admit the DJ nerf wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I would be nice if the area was expanded a little. I swear it's not even doing the full 10', but that's kind of hard to measure in-game.
  • Except that GMT is a time zone and UTC is a standard. In the summer GMT becomes BST in the UK for Daylight Savings Time, which makes GMT a little ambiguous.
  • We do have a standard time - UTC, Coordinated Universal Time. It's just that not everyone uses it for normal day-to-day functions. If you think "normal" time zones are bad, some places have time zones that are offset 30 minutes. All of India is in one time zone 5 hours 30 minutes offset from UTC. Then there is Nepal and…
  • I'd be happy if they made it so I could get my shield up in time when I'm in a red circle. With my GF, I have no problem getting the shield up before an attack, but my Paladin ends up on the ground half of the time. Yes, I know, the Pally is a tank. I can solo Biggrin so it's not a L2P issue. But it takes about 3 times as…
  • Might as well rename Divine Judgement to Mild Scolding. If the only real damage dealing power is going to be nerfed, can we at least get a boost to at-will damage so PVE encounters will go a little quicker. Or maybe fix the blocking animation so blocking happens when engaged and not 1-2 seconds later.