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Can Cryptic Say Why They Destroyed Dragon Hoard Enchants Yet Made IWD HE's Drop 10x

kurtb88kurtb88 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 597 Arc User
edited June 2015 in General Discussion (PC)
I just don't get it. Why would you do something that has a huge negative impact on all players who spent real money on these enchantments, which only dropped BoA RP items? Then turn around and reward & encourage massive raid style farming of even better RP items which are BoE and drop faster than the pre-nerfed Dragon Hoard's?

You destroyed Dragon Hoard Enchantments that all together cost me about $100 dollars to acquire. They no longer work to any satisfaction and their value is destroyed because of this. They only dropped Bind on Acquire RP items too, meaning they could not be sold or traded.

Then you immediately made all the HE's in IWD drop Sapphires, and stuff, which are not Bound, meaning they can be sold and traded!?

I really don't mind if players form raids to harvest items that they can use or trade, all the power to them if that's their funtime, but when combined with this destruction of the expensive Dragon Hoard enchantments that many of us paid real money for I am dumbstruck.

I ask that someone at Cryptic, a Systems Designer, or Dev or whoever this applies to, please post, and at the very least give us some kind of rational explanation for this. I cannot imagine a company wanting to anger and alienate it's paying customers. Therefore, I assume there must be some valid reason which eludes me.

Please enlighten me.

(PS: please don't say cryptic employees do not comment. they do it all the time here in many different threads. i see systems designers popping by threads and giving explanations. so this is a valid request is it not?)
Post edited by kurtb88 on


  • lemonchilllemonchill Member Posts: 523 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    just like anything else in a capitalistic world once you bought it ,it becomes obsolete. that new iphone you purchased becomes obsolete the moment you bought it. those new shoes you just bought becomes obsolete the moment you purchased them, so same goes in this case you invested in the game good for you , you bought item from nw game nice. but this company is capitalistic as any other commercial mmo out there. so just go with the flow and join us on a raid at iwd its fun.
    and remember it will become obsolete too soon. :)
  • healaryhealary Member Posts: 600 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    The reason is obvious. The RP system simply failed. Nobody is going to spend $10,000 real money to gear up only to fail at dungeons, Tiamat and such, and they can only fail if a team take instead of kick them.

    MMORPGs are games typically emphasis on kill mobs, get loot. With what the RP system destroyed, players don't get the mobs they are supposed to kill and the loot they are supposed to get. Even existing content was removed. Neverwinter has become NeverAGame. To correct this problem, there are only 2 ways: (1) introduce new content appropriate to players of different levels, gear, spending/playing habits, etc, instead of just the so-called "endgame" content for only players who get all BiS gear mysteriously, or (2) make the so-called "endgame" content achievable to all players, again, not just to the ones who mysteriously get all BiS gear.

    Obviously, Cryptic doesn't have the time, and even if so, don't want to spend the time on content to all kinds of players, the only way they can keep this game alive is let players gear up without spending $10,000-$20,000 each.

    I don't see what's the big deal of killing Dragon Hoard enchants if they make up a better way to get RP by way of Icewind Dale HEs. As long as there are legitimate and achievable ways for every player to gear up for CONTENT they can enjoy, it is all good.
  • sangrinesangrine Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I still occasionally get bound black opals and sapphires from my lesser dragon hoard enchantments.
    20k AD + 6 Gold per lesser enchantment is still worth it.
  • generaldiomedesgeneraldiomedes Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Some things have not become obsolete - enchantments and artifacts. Artifact equipment is another matter but at least there shouldn't be another level cap raise for a while.
  • healaryhealary Member Posts: 600 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    greyloche wrote: »
    yes. give me months of running in circles so i can get my equipment built up to a point where i can run the dungeons. wait..... new equipment in the next module will make my existing obsolete? i have to run more circles?

    oh yeah. i can feel the fun plopping in the toilet.

    Not that you have to believe them or do the HEs or whatever ways to get the greater and better RP drop, what I meant is if you want to do that it doesn't matter if you use dragon hoard or not. As long as there are reasonable ways to get people to be able to get into the content again, it is all good. Instead of upping the drop in HEs, it serves the same purpose if they ups the drop in Dragon Heralds, or put reasonable good RP drop in daily dungeons or skirmishes too.
  • healaryhealary Member Posts: 600 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    You dont see it? Well then its pointless to explain for it should be obvious. HEs are public and require nothing to access but regular character progression. Dragon Hoard enchants are personal, require a specific investment and provide a reward that is only for one's self. By destroying them ( and make no mistake they are destroyed ) Cryptic attacks everyone who is not a HE sheep or a HE botter directly. I, for one, want to do what I want when I play a game. If I have to grind I want to choose when and where to do it. However that choice is completely removed, its gone. Right now the only way to spend your ingame time is by grinding HEs with the herd. Everything else pales in comparison, no other reward is worth it.

    So, do you like being a sheep?

    You sound like dragon hoard is the only "investment" in this game. How about those who "invested" in other things such as campaign completion packs? This is a game for players, not a business for those who buy something and think they have made "investments". And I am sure you are not the only one(s) who have dragon hoard enchantments and I am also sure there are plenty of players doing the the Icewind Dale HEs with their dragon hoard on, but without the complaining about its nerf.

    Game items changed everyday. Dragon Hoard is not the only thing that got nerfed. What about Barkshield? Should all those who have rank 12 Barkshield cry a river about the loss of their "investment"?
  • iambecks1iambecks1 Member Posts: 4,044 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    They nerfed DH enchantments because apparently regular players had taken to using botting programs in order to farm using DH enchantments and were getting ridiculous amounts of rp , so as usual Cryptic took the nuclear approach and just nerfed the DH into the ground to combat the bots but at least this time they replaced the nerfed item with a new arguably better alternative , and before anybody talks about bots doing HE's 24/7 show me a video , too many variables in play for any bot to work properly farming HE's.
  • utuwerutuwer Member Posts: 393 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Just go to outside Icepeak 1st camp, you will find 1-2 bots with 5 greater dragon hoard enchantments hugging cliff and killing kobolds 24/7 for rp stones.That is why they nerfed dragon hoard enchantments to the ground.
    You say 4v5 is impossible? Cool story bro.
  • vinceent1vinceent1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,264 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    at least they can give us more IWD instances, so many people around here, only high not bugged dps classess get aquamarines often. they become billionaires over time ....
  • asterotgasterotg Member Posts: 1,742 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    The bots run, no matter what. You get less RP, who cares. You dont play. Your investment are a few cent for power.

    Regular player, once upon the time, played dungeons, skirmishes etc. and while they did have their fun they had some RP drops, so even without a good boss loot, the time spent in a dungeon was not a total waste of time.

    Now, you can go for the chance to get a big ticket item in a dungeon and end up with nothing and 1000 RP or run in a circle for hours and earn millions of AD a day.

    I know, that some sort of repitition is part of every MMORPG, but if BY FAR the best way to gear up or earn ADs is to grind open world content and dont play the game, something is wrong.

    You finish a HE, you get a aquamarine and a peridot, killed in seconds by the zerg. You kill a big HE, here comes the unbound saphire. You finish a T 2 dungeon and you get a chance for a peridot and an item you can salvage for 3k RAD at the costs of 5k AD (once a day for free). Option one is mindnumbing stupid grind with no fun/ skill included. Option two requires skill, gear and teamplay and reward NOTHING.

    That beeing said, they should either buff DH enchants or include, at last, a unbound saphire in the chest for T1 and a opal in T2. It would still be more rewarding to zerg HEs, but dungeons would not be such a waste of time.
    Chars: CW, DC, GF, GWF, HR and TR.
  • healaryhealary Member Posts: 600 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    *sigh* Nope, sadly dragon hoards are not the only investment that has been subsequently devalued. I feel like Cryptic has pulled way too many rugs from under our feet

    PS: Rank 12 Barkshield? Someone who actually made this deserves it fully. Same with the trans Negation people who will bite a nerf sometime soon. Btw you failed to address my points entirely, did you not get it again?

    It is you and the like who don't get it. This is a game, not a business to all the players. Whatever money you pay or time you spend in the game is purely voluntary, and only for the entertainment. If you still don't get it, look up what GAME means from a dictionary.
  • vinceent1vinceent1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,264 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    healary wrote: »
    It is you and the like who don't get it. This is a game, not a business to all the players. Whatever money you pay or time you spend in the game is purely voluntary, and only for the entertainment. If you still don't get it, look up what GAME means from a dictionary.

    cant agree with you. this is farm game from the beginning, you always need to plan to achieve something. this what they do i breaking the core mechanism which is with this game from beginning, with all games that are f2p
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I leave lessers on some utility slots and get a random stone.

    They killed it because average (not even casual, casual players log in on the weekends) played 3-4 hours a day. but some.. well , lets put it this way, some players, seemed to be farming with their hoards 24 hours a day.

    There really wasnt ALL that much benefit to the average player, I would just save all mine up anyways. In a daily day, some of my toons would get maybe 20-30 stones of varying degrees, at that rate, I had given up really progressing artifact gear, wasnt going to be worth my time beyond blue/epics on alts.

    I much prefer the way it is now, however, I STILL think they should put hoards back to 4 hours a day, THIS is a consistent match to their invoking system.

    They just need to be consistent across the board thats all.

    I will be as blunt as I can be.. the poeple who PURCHASED RP from cryptic, is probably 1/2 of 1% of the entire population.

    Its one thing to hook whales, but you cant throw away your entire purchase base on that small of a percentage. You need tiered systems of payment, some of us spend a nice amount of money on MMOs but we are not so careless or irresponsible with other priorities in our life, to spend that sort of dime.

    They need to also cater to the people spending 3-500 or so dollars a year X 10,000 players you are talking about 3 to 5 million dollars. Thats no small change and they cant just <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> us off to the extent we stop spending and or/ just dont care anymore.
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    vinceent1 wrote: »
    cant agree with you. this is farm game from the beginning, you always need to plan to achieve something. this what they do i breaking the core mechanism which is with this game from beginning, with all games that are f2p

    Every mmo Ive played has revamped all content to make it faster to go through.. this is the first mmo that reset ALL old content to make it harder to get through, thereby INCREASING the difficulty for new players. Its just odd.

    There is grind to play DDs or raids.
    you then either raid or pvp.

    This is the first game and first mod in this game.. that pretty much made it just about grind, they do not even really reward your time in the t2s, so why bother with them..

    Grind is just too heavy and not enough real content that rewards players to play through.
  • instynctiveinstynctive Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,885 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    The **only** reason I opted to play NW is because of the D&D branding on it. I was really hoping that it wasn't anything like other MMOs... I detest fast leveling and insanely high numbers for HP, damage, etc. I was looking forward to once again wielding the good old 1d8 greatsword.

    And clerics who swung maces.

    But, oh well.
    "...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    even with out IWD rp drops.. DDs are not worth running. A lucky few will get a VT item or a Losmouth artifact.

    Sadly, there is ALMOST nothing else in game of ANY value to run these.. in fact you can ACTUAL cost AD to run dds. Which is the biggest issue.

    They WAY overnerfed incentives to play the game.. almost totally removing the reasons to run.

    The market is starved.. STARVED of RP, hence thier value. If they were REASONABLE ways to obtain RP from after the HOARD BoP change.. (IE moved RP aquastion via bosses in DD ect, ) from that time to now.. we wouldnt be at this stage.

    Eventually enough RP will be put into the market to cover this, but we were billions and billions of RP behind.

    IM not really a fan of the artifact equipment, but while we have it, WE have to have a way in game to progress them, otherwise.. might as well not have a game.

    Id be perfectly happy if they add on par or better RP into the DD system, something player base has asked for in a long time, since that change.

    They finally give us a way.. it might not be perfect, but better then nothing.
  • ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I would just like to point out that even the entire idea of REQUIRING players to invest hundreds of thousands of AD into very specific enchantments in order to progress through the game was inherently wrong to begin with.

    And now you don't need to. So let it go.

    I think the direction of adding RP directly to the content was a huge step forward, and it's nice to see that Dragon's Hoard enchantments are now a "nice to have" thing instead of a requirement.

    Even to that point, Dragon's Hoard enchantments were nerfed due to the bad behavior of players. Botters weren't using them to farm RP, because it's all bound to account...you can't sell it, so there's no point to it. But what was happening was "real" players were using scripts, macros and 3rd party programs to do the same thing for themselves personally, which was wrong.

    And it was fixed. Which makes me wonder how many people in this thread (or others) were THOSE people whose bad behavior caused Crytpic to nerf them in the first place, not complaining because they can't use macros to farm certain low level dungeons for RP anymore.
    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
  • mungsumungsu Member Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    The **only** reason I opted to play NW is because of the D&D branding on it. I was really hoping that it wasn't anything like other MMOs... I detest fast leveling and insanely high numbers for HP, damage, etc. I was looking forward to once again wielding the good old 1d8 greatsword.

    And clerics who swung maces.

    But, oh well.

    Evidently it's Paladins that swing maces. I've just been playing D&D wrong for 35 years because for some reason I thought the Holy Avenger longsword was a sword.
  • twilightwatchmantwilightwatchman Member Posts: 2,007 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I don't see the problem. There is finally a way for anyone with access to IWD to grind respectable amounts of RP. How can this possibly be a bad thing?

    Don't like zerging around IWD much? Don't do it too often or for too long. I dip in to a zerg instance once per session for maybe 15-20 minutes and that nets me enough RP to feel like I'm making some progress refining my arti gear. For the first time. Then I go do something a little less grindy (although pretty much everything is a grind from L60 on up now).

    Nobody is being forced to join the zerg. It's optional. Prefer farming using DH enchants? Carry on doing that. Or both. Choice is a good thing. Progressing your gear/toon is a good thing.
    Jenna Sunsoul - Justice Tankadin
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  • alisi1alisi1 Member Posts: 366 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    The biggest problem with the enchant is not that it became obsolete. It's that they sold you one thing and then turned it into something else. They literally did a bait and switch and it cost people money. That's not ok. I personally think the recent change for the Hes is great, but that doesn't change the fact of what they did and the excuses they justify it with don't fly.
  • kurtb88kurtb88 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 597 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    jimmyhar wrote: »
    And they haven't "Destroyed" Dragon Hoard enchants, they have just nerfed them.
    I'm killing fewer mobs than ever since mod 6 and I've still had some opals and a decent wedge of the lesser gems.

    "Destroyed" is an over-reaction.

    No, your post is an under-reaction.
  • ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I don't see the problem. There is finally a way for anyone with access to IWD to grind respectable amounts of RP. How can this possibly be a bad thing?

    Don't like zerging around IWD much? Don't do it too often or for too long. I dip in to a zerg instance once per session for maybe 15-20 minutes and that nets me enough RP to feel like I'm making some progress refining my arti gear. For the first time. Then I go do something a little less grindy (although pretty much everything is a grind from L60 on up now).

    Nobody is being forced to join the zerg. It's optional. Prefer farming using DH enchants? Carry on doing that. Or both. Choice is a good thing. Progressing your gear/toon is a good thing.

    Hold on now...stop bringing common sense to this forum. I've gotten hundreds of thousands of RP just casually farming IWD in the last week or so. I log in, do some stuff, then run around IWD while I'm waiting for a group to form or guildmates to log in. Even spending 15-20 minutes running a few encounters will get you a substantial amount of RP, and far more than you could ever get in the same time with Hoard enchants.

    Goes to show...people will literally complain about everything. Cryptic could gift everyone a free 140% mount next weekend, and this forum would be livid with the fact that Cryptic screwed over players who bought keys to get it out of the lockboxes, or how it makes other mounts pointless since they're 110% speed.
    mungsu wrote: »
    Evidently it's Paladins that swing maces. I've just been playing D&D wrong for 35 years because for some reason I thought the Holy Avenger longsword was a sword.

    Not this tired horse. There's plenty of swords out there for Paladins. Heck this last CTA gave you a flaming longsword skin. So can you get over it already?
    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
  • lewstelamon01lewstelamon01 Member Posts: 7,415 Arc User
    edited June 2015

    If, at any time, you think you have a legal claim against the company for ANY reason, I'll say it again: the forums are not the place for that debate. Please consult a properly licensed lawyer or solicitor for legal advice and refrain from making legal accusations or insinuations on this board, pursuant to rule 3.08 of the RoC.

    Do not respond in any fashion to this notice, but send a PM with any concerns you may have.

    Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?

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  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I slightly regret making normal Dragon Hoards out of my lessers (because lessers don't run out of procs as fast and I can fill more slots on more characters and not have to switch them), but it never seemed like it made economic sense to go above those, and it was done completely with earned AD.

    I play like a cheapskate and am very slow and deliberate about how I upgrade gear, and honestly, it serves pretty well from the standpoint of not getting the rug pulled out from under you.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

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    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
  • gphxgphxgphxgphx Member Posts: 184 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Farming is all we do. We farm mobs for drops. We farm instances for drops. We farm other players for glory. Dailies and dungeons are structured farming. To suddenly say there's something wrong with farming and to label players who do so 'bad' is preposterous. Farming is what we do. It's all we do.
  • ndiovndiov Member Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I don't see the problem. There is finally a way for anyone with access to IWD to grind respectable amounts of RP. How can this possibly be a bad thing?

    Don't like zerging around IWD much? Don't do it too often or for too long. I dip in to a zerg instance once per session for maybe 15-20 minutes and that nets me enough RP to feel like I'm making some progress refining my arti gear. For the first time. Then I go do something a little less grindy (although pretty much everything is a grind from L60 on up now).

    Nobody is being forced to join the zerg. It's optional. Prefer farming using DH enchants? Carry on doing that. Or both. Choice is a good thing. Progressing your gear/toon is a good thing.

    Same here. I'm completing my IWD boons while actually gaining a modest amount of RP. My 2 mains might actually get all purples. Legendary is still crazy hard to get. And I free'd up some util slots for Movement/XP/Glory. I worry they will nerf IWD and then what will we have? Weekly DR / Shan for 5k rp?
  • rebellionstuffrebellionstuff Member Posts: 237 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2015
    ndiov wrote: »
    Same here. I'm completing my IWD boons while actually gaining a modest amount of RP. My 2 mains might actually get all purples. Legendary is still crazy hard to get. And I free'd up some util slots for Movement/XP/Glory. I worry they will nerf IWD and then what will we have? Weekly DR / Shan for 5k rp?
    it takes over 17 stacks of aquas AND peridots to get from epic to legendary on equipment per equipment.
    i know its a lot but if you save up til a double rp then youll be good. btw im also finally able to start working on iwd boons.
  • carlonomocarlonomo Member Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    it takes over 17 stacks of aquas AND peridots to get from epic to legendary on equipment per equipment.
    i know its a lot but if you save up til a double rp then youll be good. btw im also finally able to start working on iwd boons.

    i really hope they add rp to the he's in well of dragons as well just to mix it up a tad and make tiamat more popular again
  • smellykuntismellykunti Member Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    i just hope that this HE zerg fest will lead all of us to a new "non arty weapons era" where all the RPs stocked will became suddendly obsolete and with very little usage..

    maybe mod7?? with a forge in the guild stonghold thay can produce super-uper weapons depending from the level of the castle (and therefore the amount of work the guild has done to implement it)??

    and raid will become a regular task to keep the castle free from mobs like once every 4 days, with all my guildmate and not stragers (or maybe some hired to help us out) and some strategy..i'd love the idea of a prolonged HE of 30 minutes, like 4/5 eaves of mobs each one different attempting to steal the castel from my guild..

    This sounds awesome. so the PvP guilds with all their members will build the PvP strongholds. get the strongest weapons from their forge, and encourage more members to join their guild. sounds like a self licking ice cream cone to me.
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