I know it belongs in another section, but I think it doesn't hurt to warn the community here. Not everyone is used to checking a migration bug section. So, I'm putting it out here as well.
When old threads get imported, any HTML code they may have contained will be invisible. This is because hyperlinks on this forum don't have a different color from any other text.
Everything appears to be just just plain text. This forum doesn't accept rich text so any word or PDF backups you may have won't help you with the layout. Copying from such a source would merely overwrite the old text without any coding at all so don't do that. You'll really have to go over all your code and change it manually. It is what it is.
So read through your guides and make sure they are returned to their original state. The old code is still there, so it should be easy to just add some color to the linking phrases restore your original layout. Mods, this goes for your guides thread as well. It's totally messed up now.
No rich text either? Seriously? I thought the reign of Windows 3.11 had come and gone.
HTML seems to be allowed up to a certain point, but just for hyperlinking. No HTML allowed for creating a post layout. Note that hyperlinks don't show in a different color. You'll have to do that manually along with restyling your guide. The HTML5 "standard" color for hyperlinks is #0000EE, but as you can see above, its not very clear. I'd recommend using a slightly brighter blue.
They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it is not one half so bad as a lot of ignorance.
-Still waiting for the "multiple double AD events" promised on Aug 5th, 2015-
No real hamsters were intentionally hurt in creating this post. It has been 0 day(s) without incidents and counting
If you look at the Vanilla site, I get the impression that most of the shortcomings are a result of configuration decisions made by whoever set up the forums. They could look a lot nicer. At the very least links should be in a different color. Whoever choose to hide standard formatting doesn't know much (or anything) about web design.