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  • So, any of them? I've seen them in zone, LFG and /trade. Hell, I even got whispers from them today. I wouldn't even mind so much if the messages were comprehensible, but the jumble they force into their sales pitch to get it past the filter makes each message take up twice as much room as it needs to.
  • My currently build is an archery only ranger, so I need rooting or binding abilities to keep tough enemies at maximum range (where I get a bunch of damage bonuses) but none of the ones provided to the Hunter Ranger seem to work. the wiki says that neither weak or strong grasping roots actually root, instead use leashing or…
  • No, the new update won't "balance" the classes. [/thread]
  • but... tanks aren't supposed to do damage? regardless, a group of GWF might be able to take an epic dungeon (because they can offtank) but trying malabog's castle without a real tank AND a healer? no chance. not really on topic for this thread though.
  • don't bother, it's incredibly slow, and if you get a stack of trash potions or something to sell, then look forwards to selling them one at a time.
  • You know what people also don't want to do? Try running epic dungeons without a tank or a healer. Two TR and a CW can do quite well on mobs, luring one at a time and wailing on him, abusing stealth and control effect, generally trying to exploit stunlocks and cheapshots. failing everything else, abuse the respawn system to…
  • question, Is Aimed Shot working as intended? i understand a skill with large charge time, I even understand why skill interrupts happen, but it normally takes specific actions to interrupt a skill. AS just outright stops itself if you take even a single point of damage, meaning that any red splats, (even those without…
  • I imported my free respec to test the new builds, but I'd have to delete and reimport to try again... Really hope they bring back the free respecs on the preview shard.
  • This dude has a super good point. Skill nodes are getting Ninjaed like nobodies business.
  • As someone who doesn't do PVP and has yet to manage an epic dungeon I only have the single default artefact from the quest. (normal one's were great, find a group (or most of a group, then queue) walk inside the door, play your part, dps/tank/heal. It's completely different from normal game-play (because nobody is willing…
  • upgrading greys costs 25AD, thats fine, greens costs 500AD (per reagent) and thats fine blue being 25k is a little much. try 15K, 20 tops purple being 100K is massive. the diffrence in statboost isn't anywhere near high enough to warrant that. this is a baisc enchantment's boost to stats like Critical or Apen.…
  • It's powerful, but it's nessessery. the first Encounter you get is "run away" and obviously deals no damage, the second is a slow that deals the same damage as your "rapid shot" but slower, and the third is a tiny radius DoT that's probably not going to tick more than once before the target leaves its radius. your at wills…
  • I have to say i'm having trouble with Rain of arrows. it's range is small enough to make it "one target" sized, its Tick is slow, and the setup takes so long to pull off that your target can literally just walk away from it. Currently, it's basically useless unless you can root your target, or you are fighting something…
  • don't press buttons by accident.
  • eh, noise like harp, or the dog barking or something is fine, it's actual dialogue that gets me. though like I said, they could do with some more soundbites for all of them.
  • on this topic, we also need a better way to delete old mail. currently it takes three buttons to delete a single letter (Del, Enter, Enter) trying to clear 30 or 40 letters is a real chore. something like a row of tickboxes, as a "select all" function is needed.
  • eh, for characters created BEFORE artifacts, the artifact binding is 7, potions are 345 and mount is 6. so all of my characters except one have this setup. trying to change the setup of my last character was a nigthmare, every time i changed artifact to 7, mount also became 7 (for no reason) changing it back to 6 also…
  • you can mute them, but they unmute themselves every time you log in, which defeats the purpose. make it remember the mute status, and this will fix the problem.
  • have dealing damage to the boss skip the zoom-cutscene but trigger the battle (and related quests) anyway. this way HR get to keep their ranged attacks, and the quest gets unbroken. problem solved.
  • hmmm. I'l be honest, i was complaining when they WERE seperated, because sometimes you have to scroll down to the second page to even get to the start of your normal tasks, (although this was mostly fixed when it stopped showing tasks that you won't be able to do until next level) but this is even worse. please revert
  • Similar problem. i did think it was strange that i only got the one peal, insead of the two that it mentioned I only actually used the gauntlets twice though, so...
  • I also had some problems. it says i have 60% but you can easily go through 5 or 10 attempts before it actually works. it's possible, but statistically improbable. something tells me someone misplaced a zero somewhere in the calculations. edit: this isn't the savage enchantment specifically, i was doing…
  • as imsmithy said, not a bug, the quest GIVES you a ring of warding. (with a lvl 1 dark enchantment inside it) and enough dark enchantments to refine it. also, ten of the reagent that you need to complete the refining.
  • pretty sure it doesn't auto refine them. if it did, why would it say it gives ROUGH Astral Diamonds? and yeah, this is still broken.
  • you get to chose on all single dyes, but not on "set" dyes. if you dye your stuff with the event dye, its going to look like the event colours, thats exactly how it was intended.
  • it would also make it absurdly easy to gather zen. so no.
  • works fine for me. you have to use your @account name not @character name, that way the items will be accessible by every character on your account. obviously if you have two characters on different shards, you wont be able to mail things between them though.
  • well, considering i already managed to transfer it from one shard to another, and now i'm having trouble swapping it back it shouldn't take something major like merging all the servers just to fix this little bug.
  • actually, i can't. lets say my characters are called 1 2 and 3 1 has all my AD and is on mindflayer, 2 and 3 have nothing and are on beholder, most of the AD came from 2 origionally, but for some reason i cant reclaim them, and if 1 makes a listing, i can only see/cancel it on 1. not on 2 or 3. hence the problem. character…
  • hmm, i hadn't considered this but i was just playing ten min ago and i did get DC ingame, and my internet did go down three or four times in a row. (naturally i assumed that i DC from the game BECAUSE my internet went down) but the moment i exit the game, my internet is fine, but if i log back into NW... i start getting…