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vnexus Arc User



  • -- Whoa you took it literally :# I mean in-game. i.e. Lockbox
  • -- Didn't see this Device on Gamepedia so looked for details on it on the Forum. Haven't brought it but does this Device still have the same issue ? Also, what's it's source ?
  • -- Indeed. 5 months later, still an issue. :#
  • -- Ooo, I missed a chance to spam the weapon on one toon
  • -- This one Unlocked Missions to give Special/Unique BOFFs as well, right ? Like a Reman & Breen BOFF ?
  • -- Yeah, tried it with a few Teams. It is a bit nuts.. though thats an understatement. Having the Benthans part already be so buggy, for a lack of a better word, really adds to its glitchiness. I think some tweak or balance issues is surely pointed & peak'd to be addressed. The sort of build and team you would need to even…
  • -- The Voth Ground Battlezone was Brilliant. I dont kno what went wrong in their brains. Kobali was kool.. just overly simple & lacking in the reward effort.
  • -- If you think Ground Kombat in this game is terrible then you're doing it wrong. -- As for the post.. Battlezones and recent PvE have been less then good quality.. they must have a new Staff doing them, its not fun like the other/older stuff. NPC Trolling balance issues for one and general build mechs done by the…
  • -- Whats this insane heresy about no night cycle ? Night time is the most relaxing time to most animals o.o
  • -- On paper, the armor seems like a downgrade but I'll give it a try later. And yeah.. ROM wise, I'm a great fan of their Plasma-Hybrid types. It was a smoking theme.. also, I _think_ its the weapon type that pop't off the Weapon-Hybrid system, no ?
  • -- But its scary :(
  • --I get this false red alert for each carrier ship I launch. Breen Carrier. If I go full impulse soon after launching a ship, a Red Alert happen. If I launch 4 carrier ships, I get 4 red alerts, 1 on each full impulse I do. Almost makes the set unusable(with the slowness) -I'll post a video when I have time to edit/upload-
  • Sorta "on the side" but anyone part of a Trade Channel ? The Exchange is the primary source of goods and trade of kourse but I figure an xtra trade ch. might yield some good items... or rid my self of items that trade slowly or poorly on The Exchange -V
  • I've yet to buy or test this but something to stay posted on, surely. -V
  • Well in all fairness, the difficulty isnt set to Normal or Easy in the Photo, I guess its on Advanced. While doable, it does make things stronger. Elite is a MF to play on. Scale wise, yes, Im sure everything has gotten scaled up a bit, at least PvE Que wise. Mission wise: Im not sure; ship & gear really does change each…
  • I think I kno the 'issue' you speak of. I always assumed it just defaulted to your 1st Outfit Slot but I've yet to test that. Though I wear alternate outfits, I rarely change my 1st Outfit Slot -V
  • Well the Exchange has been off with quite a few items and rarity filters. Noted that many of the rarity filters on items now are busted, and have been. Im not sure how the new items are doing or standing up to the Exchange, not much info on the DEVs about this one but I'd like to kno the nik-picking of how the Exchange…
  • Yes, it seems this is a known issue and they are working on fixing it --how is still the mystery -V
  • You guys have been good with fixing issues so I'm sure you'll think of something but wheww... this is an ugly one. The lost items in the Mail system was an epic one too... forgot how long it took all those items to be returned/sorted. -V
  • Seems to be a pretty funky Bug. And yup, I checked today... other Toons have the same Armor Set Split with the Shield, though the full set is still active with those(i have hunker down). My KDF-Ramen is the only one that had the missing perk from wearing the full set. Odd luck, I might make a new Armor Set to see if that…
  • My money is on a Zen Store unlock, like the Lion People lol & surely a few BOFFs if not or in addition too. -V
  • Buy more BOFF slots in the Zen store ? Might be another issue, but it sounds like everything(slot wise) is full. If you do have space/slots and they still wont set/go active then its surely another issue. I think adding more BOFF slots is around 250 Zen or 500 Zen. I forgot -V
  • Wish I knew what "normal" was in the event of having everything ready. Normal meaning Dil + Marks + Devices/Kargo items ? Mmmm. Ooo hope non of this stuff bug's out :D might fubar ur gear + buff set stats. I kno something is going to go wrong (track rekord) -V
  • --Heh. I've seen some people make some pretty unrealistic stuff already. The kinda stuff that would die in a lab if someone spliced DNA to make it. The Wing idea reminds me of those lil Anime MMOs. As for sliders, idk, some might prove better then others. Its a few things that even after you change them, you wouldnt ever…
  • Heh... There is allot kruelty and slaughter in this game :D ...if you dont like some aspects, good for you, you have morals. Other then that, this isnt a very choice happy game. Its no Skyrim or Fallout. -V
  • Heh... I would love for them to Remodel the FED MACO Sniper Rifle, while the front opening up is nice the model is self is to clunky and chunky in its feel and look. IMO its just ugly. Newer weapons look great though. Just seem more detailed. As for Old/er REP System. I think they should add more stuff... why not(overall).…
  • Just one question, been awhile sense I "Shuttled". Does 'Atmosphere Assault' still have that REALLY low "roof" that your Shuttle gets "stuck" on. Sucker is like glue. -V
  • No no, not that kinda topic guy. You missed it. Its a General Discussion on the possible server status plus noting "shxt happens". Try not to live in the 'Game World' to much... like the Police pulling someone over for J-Walking near their own house, putting a flash light on them and saying "No, you kant do that!".…
  • --This made my day XD you're probably right. They might hate the fires more then the quakes. What a nervous area to live. Allot famous people there too and places. It'll be gone one day T_T, Till then.. its the Gangsta Party Area :)
  • --Seems like allot of them when you write it all out like that :D -V