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Bridge officers can't run

ayexeyenayexeyen Member Posts: 230 Arc User
Hello everybody and Devs,

asking around I found out that to solve some problems with the bridge officers their AI was changed.
Unfortunately this change, on my case, made my BOs unable to run all the time.
Now I find myself in trouble on the ground missions (like Kobali prime). Whenever I have to run from a point to
the other I have to wait for my BOs making the act of running totally pointless.
If you want to check this behavior you can take my AOY character "Athena" from my account.



  • th3bu1ittth3bu1itt Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited November 2016
    Yep same here Im on Nimbus and its becoming ridiculous. This is definately a bug because they used to be able to run.
  • rezkingrezking Member Posts: 1,109 Arc User
    Issue is still NOT resolved, for Rom BOffs anyway.
    NO to ARC
    RIP KDF and PvP 2014-07-17 Season 9.5 - Death by Dev
  • ltminnsltminns Member Posts: 12,572 Arc User
    Quality Control? How much of Season 12 have we seen on the Tribble Server?
    'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
    Judge Dan Haywood
    'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
    l don't know.
    l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
    That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
    Lt. Philip J. Minns
  • razartrek1razartrek1 Member Posts: 148 Arc User
    My BOFF Don't run too they just walk slowly behind me and take long time to catch up please fix this:(
    "My life spans millennia. Legions have risen to test me… My ascendance is inevitable. A day, a year, a millennium—it matters not. I hold the patience of stone and the will of stars. Your striving is insignificant. Let your death be the same."
  • rezkingrezking Member Posts: 1,109 Arc User
    Issue is still unresolved.
    Rom BOffs can't keep up and it's infuriating especially in the Voth BZ.

    Devs: Why don't you just revert the stupid walking TRIBBLE?
    NO to ARC
    RIP KDF and PvP 2014-07-17 Season 9.5 - Death by Dev
  • tempus64tempus64 Member Posts: 806 Arc User
    Played Midnight the other day on my AoY toon and 3 of my BOFFs (default original ones) got stuck on a platform cause they were so slow. Had to do half the fights with one BOFF (purchased) until they could actually find their way to me.
  • alcyoneserenealcyoneserene Member Posts: 2,413 Arc User
    Some of my bridge officers fail to run and therefore keep up on Voth Ground Battlezone, but not all of them. I never got a chance to find out if there was a certain ability or piece of equipment or BOFF trait that was causing this, but it is an issue and it seems to affect certain bridge officers consistently although seemingly at random.
    Devs: Provide the option to Turn OFF full screen flashes from enemy ship explosions
    · ♥ · ◦.¸¸. ◦'¯`·. (Ɏ) V A N U _ S O V E R E I G N T Y (Ɏ) .·´¯'◦.¸¸. ◦ · ♡ ·
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    ﴾﴿ ₪ṩ ||| N A N I T E S Y S T E M S : B L A C K | O P S ||| ₪ṩ ﴾﴿
  • jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User
    All my Romulan and Reman Boffs are affected by this bug.

    I think I read somewhere that Tarsi is also affected, so the bug my also extend to 23rd Boffs as well.
  • tempus64tempus64 Member Posts: 806 Arc User
    Some of my bridge officers fail to run and therefore keep up on Voth Ground Battlezone, but not all of them. I never got a chance to find out if there was a certain ability or piece of equipment or BOFF trait that was causing this, but it is an issue and it seems to affect certain bridge officers consistently although seemingly at random.

    Check if it's the boffs you're given or ones you've purchased. For me, it's all the original type ones I've been given. All purchased ones run fine.
  • postinggumpostinggum Member Posts: 1,117 Arc User
    Its not just don't run, boffs at times simply stop acting at all: in the Voth bz you see them just standing there, when I've had it hapened I've tried approaching it or using a transporter in hope of a 'reset', neither works.
  • abstrusrejoinder#9208 abstrusrejoinder Member Posts: 52 Cryptic Developer
    Hi all! We're looking into a fix for this, thanks for letting us know! :)
  • rezkingrezking Member Posts: 1,109 Arc User
    Hi all! We're looking into a fix for this, thanks for letting us know! :)

    NO to ARC
    RIP KDF and PvP 2014-07-17 Season 9.5 - Death by Dev
  • bulletmagnet#3365 bulletmagnet Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    It is all of the mission granted officers, Tarsi, T'met and so on. They seem to be missing the run animation and so till this gets fixed I use other officers in their place for ground ops. Bit of a shame but you know such is life *shrug*.
  • vnexusvnexus Member Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited July 2017
    -- Indeed. 5 months later, still an issue. :#
  • thelematikerthelematiker Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    It is all of the mission granted officers, Tarsi, T'met and so on. They seem to be missing the run animation and so till this gets fixed I use other officers in their place for ground ops. Bit of a shame but you know such is life *shrug*.

    It´s all TOS and ROM/REM Bridge Officers. Not only the granted ones.
    The TOS Holos are not "labeled" as TOS, so they are running.
  • jagdtier44jagdtier44 Member Posts: 376 Arc User
    Hi all! We're looking into a fix for this, thanks for letting us know! :)

    How long is this going to fix? it's only SLIGHTLY game breaking man.. this isn't like oooh my item doesn't display properly. It's ALL my boffs refuse to do anything but walk
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