Don't kid yourself. DPS, staying alive and pressing F at key moments is all endgame space content demands. Everything else is sub-optimal. Play an MMO with raids that have complex mechanics, requiring well-thought out interplay between the 3 main classes, and you'll realise how absurdly simple our own STFs and fleet…
Threatening stance ties into the Strategist tree very well. When on +threat you get defensive buffs and cooldown reductions, -threat gives you offensive buffs.
Blindly throwing marks and dilithium onto adventure zones is the problem. Look at Kobali Prime for example. Once people have finished Delta rep, there is zero reason to play Kobali BZ beyond RP because its dil income rate is so poor. It is Cryptic's own poor imagination when coming up with feasible rewards that is creating…
The dil reward is still present, just many players are far from reaching it because of the number of boxes they opened, which do not count towards the maximum.
"Here, pay money for something that will be rendered obsolete after one hour of gameplay by random loot drops." One of the worst marketing decisions in this game besides the C-store "Boosts".
A change of up to 10% maximum at 10km, which can actually be mitigated to be a net increase in damage relative to the current state if one specs into the necessary skill. So yeah, the old records will be screwed over by the new ones more like.
No, I do not like this notion of adding more slots for everyone. It decreases the number of build options and variety. On the other hand... last night I was talking with a fleetmate who wanted to know some good ship traits he could use. Because he owned very few T6 C-store or box ships, his choice was very limited. We…
I have ground a little bit of zen, but haven't spent on this game for over half a year. Provided there is a zen sale, I'll buy enough extra to get the 9-pack.
Reposting my response from reddit: Lack of patch notes aside, why on Earth remove it before the overhaul has even left the drawing board stage? Do you realise how silly the phrase no one should be missing out on rewards sounds now that everyone will miss out on rewards for the foreseeable future?
This is such a non-issue. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I like these new scims. Some people don't. I don't like the Mogai. Some people do. Why do you feel the need to make a post and start an argument about it?
In before the "moaning about free stuff" comment, but yeah I didn't exactly leap for joy at this particular giveaway. A pair of Vanguard tech upgrades would have been nicer but ultimately it's all overshadowed by the Omega upgrades.
You're intentionally using a non-dps orientated, inferior build to the people you are pugging with, fully aware that you will have less of an impact in dps-centric queues like ISA as a result. So why is this thread still going?