It seems like Tier 6 ships have been out long enough now that an enforced cap of 4 Ship Trait slots (5 if you happen to have a maxed out Research Facility and plenty of spare Dil) is becoming increasingly restrictive to creative ship building. I think it would be reasonable with a content or Season expansion in the near future to open up a free fifth slot to players. What does anyone else think? Should this only be tied to the far-off possibility of Tier 7? It's worth remembering they've already recently done this with Character Traits, as well.
Is this too pie-in-the-sky, or is it a more realistic dream?
Fleet Admiral CuChulainn -
U.S.S. Aegis KT Intel Dreadnought Cruiser0
The universe has a wonderful sense of humor. The trick is learning how to take a joke.
You certainly make a good point there about the power creep. I hadn't so much been considering that, as freedom to explore more combinations in design. Thanks for the thought!
Ah, this is exactly what I'm feeling. I want to experiment with changes, but there's very little room to do so without obviously and drastically handicapping your build. Maybe it's down to just caring less about DPS (gasp!) and having some good old fashioned fun instead? I figured it would make for an interesting discussion at least.
Wait. I already do that... nm...
EDIT: Accolades give boosts? I never knew that...
Depends on what build you run. A lot of those are DPS centric traits. I myself like greedy emitters since it's awesome on a Breen ship drain build.
Why should a player be restricted by how many traits he/she can slot compared to another player that is in a fleet, compared to being limited by what traits he/she has access to compared to the same fleet player that has access to fleet-based traits an the nromal traits yet both have the same number of trait slots.
It may take you a while, but it's there to begin with.
People warned about the Power Creep years ago, before Delta Rising, but Cryptic went Full Speed and straight on until dawn for it. The result is what we have now: PVP being horribly unbalanced and PVE being something of a joke in many different ways.
There's nothing 'creative' about being able to take everything you want. Creativity is working within the restrictions and yet still pulling off your goals with panache.
If Tier 7 would only get another boff power and another console things would be half way reasonable. But the whole ship trait mechanic we got with tier 6 already pushed power creep so far ahead that yet another mechanic on top of that would break the game we now have entirely.
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Truth be told, I can tell that you (among a very large group so you are not alone and entirely to blame) belong to a group that likes the game more easier than hard. Having that kind of attitude is not wrong, but I am not going to give you a thumbs up for it. I don't know what it is with players but many speak of things as if it is or should be their god given birth right to have certain things. To be honest, it is not like you are being denied these features of the game. All you have to do is join a fleet. If you don't want to do that then I guess you will have to play the game as is.
This kind of attitude makes me wonder if people think the same about other perks and advantages fleet gear may provide, such as the Spire critH/critDMG consoles? Do people want those things to be an easy-access-item purchasble from a vendor on ESD?
Sigh. Are people already forgetting that we already HAD all our rep traits. ALL of them. THEN cryptic nerfed the TRIBBLE out of them and limited them to 5. The ones we had worked for, had played for. They TOOK THEM AWAY.
Then, they gave you the option to BUY BACK 1. Thats right, BUY BACK something that we had already earned and they took away.
Now people think they did us a service by letting us buy +1? Are you freaking kidding me?
There is a huge difference between gating something like consoles, a grade of ships, weapons, and even some traits behind being in a fleet, compared to gating something like limiting how many traits a player in a fleet an out of a fleet can slot. I am not saying giving players all the trait slots for free, but give players the option to get these slots thru another method even if that method were more costly both in dil an resources. I can completely understand as said gating actual gear as well as actual trait to being in fleets, but making it that innately one group has access to one additional trait per kind (ship, ground, active and space) compared to another which is hugely wrong. Also it is not feeling entitled that something innate like a trait slot be available for everyone to get, even if a player in a fleet can get said trait slots quicker since it costs less for them, that is actually saying you want a even ground to build off for all players.
Also in actuality i would rather see true challenge added to the game by increasing the complexity of content, new mechanics to enemies (like a form of adaption concept to the borg), but restricting something like a a trait slot is not the same as adding challenge in the least. What challenge is there to getting into a fleet spending credit, and finishing projects, upgrading your base to get access to these? It was a perk gained thru a grind not a challenge, an even if you give players a method outside of fleets to gain these slots that would not change in the least it is just more of a grind. Hell if you make it that non-fleet players in the end spend 1.5-2x the amount of a fleet player for these slots it is actually harder on the non-fleet players in the end, since they only get the additional trait slots none of the added bonuses of being in a fleet like consoles an weapons.
You do realise that you only need an invitation to a fleet lab with enough advancement to buy the trait, right? It doesn't use provisions so you don't even need to be in a fleet with provisions to do so. And there are a LOT of fleets giving free access.
And since you are beating around the bush, I will say it for you. The problem is not that 5th slot's mere existence, but rather the fact that people cannot be arsed to go about the method to acquire that extra slot. Truth be told and whether you agree or not, the laziness of gamers has become an epidemic that spreads like a wildfire in any game that requires an extra effort regardless of what that effort may entail. If people cannot be arsed to go about the methods that is required of them to acquire the more desirable things they probably shouldn't play a time consuming game like an MMO.
And yes, I do hear what you are saying but I do not agree with it. As harsh and rude as I may sound, I think people spend less time playing the game and put far too much effort into complaining and working toward making that hard-to-get-stuff into an easy-access thing. Effort they could have otherwise spent on... well, getting that thing they really wanted.
To OP and others: 'DPS reasons' are not valid reasons for increasing powers.
Actually, in the old system, if you chose your rep traits well, you could create a set of buffs that outdid anything possible after they fixed it, for quite a while (with a space or ground focus). But, since then, there has been more than enough power creep to compensate and surpass that by a large margin, spare us the whining, please.
i can understand where you are coming from in terms of rounding out a ship build though, i could actually see that being better suited to choices within the new skill revamp (and less problematic too, as it is a uniform system across all factions)
so i think it's a wee bit unfortunate, that the skill revamp, with its new take on things tac/eng/sci will be linked solely to our captains, as i can easily imagine it unlocked from being captain specific at level 50, and adopting the same system we have for loadouts, reputation abilities, and ship traits.
2. Then make us earn the extra power creep by overcoming that challenge instead of giving them for free.
3. And then go back to #1 to create new challenge that needs the new power creep.
Will we see more buybacks of traits? Probably not.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
Lol yea, probably over a new fleet-holding to ensure the community has to pay twice!
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