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So I see they're continuing to go the opposite direction regarding exclusivity, with the patch



  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    has anyone spoken in favor of closing off old ships? i haven't seen any of the old Risa ships in over a year. who cares if someone can get them? I see a chel grett maybe once a month. less than that for the nandi. haven't seen the Breen raider in well over a year. the only ones you see are breen carriers and kobali. hard to see how it would bother someone if they were made available.
    Yeah really... I have no idea what he's ranting about.

    The Risian Cruiser is a fun little ship to fly. It also looks cool, but.... it's not that good really.

    I support the idea of giving newer players SOME way to get it, but I know Cryptic isn't going to make it easy. Maybe a special Q-lock box that you can open for free, but is only available as a once-a-day-per-account special thing during the events? Of course this would not have a high chance of dropping a ship.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • nikephorusnikephorus Member Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    I see a lot of nandi's, tho I do agree that I don't see the older T5 event ship's much anymore. Everyone wants to fly a T6 now so those older T5s aren't as popular. I know that I tend to use these event ship's on alts.
  • alphahydrialphahydri Member Posts: 391 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    nikephorus wrote: »
    I'm against ship's being exclusive to events. I don't like how cryptic is "retiring" previous event ship's, but I don't support lts players getting free ship vouchers.
    Have there actually been people saying that they just want the older event ships handed to them on a silver platter? I know I haven't, and I've yet to see someone say that they want the old event ships handed to them without working for them. I seriously don't know where people get that idea, and they likely say it as a way to dismiss the argument instead of actually listening to it..

    I was fully prepared to grind the Winter Event this year on four different characters so I could get the Chel Grett, Plesh Brek, Sarr Theln, and Rezreth ships until they announced that the past Winter Event ships were being retired. I think I and many of the new players who are against this change just want a chance to earn these ships like everyone else did, instead we're missing out on them because Cryptic decided to change their policy regarding event ships just this year, or at least make it set-in-stone and follow through on the warnings they've given the community in year's past.

  • anodynesanodynes Member Posts: 1,999 Arc User
    Winter event gave us 18 extra days, more than 50% spare. For a 3 minute event. I work full time, I didn't whine and moan about Cryptic making me take 3 minutes a day after work to get an account wide unlock of a $30 ship.

    If you have so little free time you can't find 3 minutes a day, perhaps you should stop playing? Can I haz ur stuffs?

    This is pretty much the story with event ships. I timed it and it took 2;06 from picking up the race mission to turning it in. Add the time it takes to turn on the computer and log into the game and you have a few more minutes. Let's say 5 minutes for the Winter Event, maybe 8 for the Summer one, and, if the pattern holds for the Anniversary, maybe 15 there due to travel time to a few systems. Winter would be 125 minutes spread out over 25 of 43 days it ran. Summer would clock in a little higher at maybe 200 minutes spread out over 25 of 42+ (never really sure how many extra days, but there are always some) days the event runs, and Anniversary would clock in at 255 minutes, including a 30 minute estimate for the likely Featured Episode, since it would be the first run, and you might want to pay attention to the story that time, and 15 runs of the daily Tricorder Hero mission spread over 15 of 28 days that it runs.

    They already break it up into these bite-sized chunks for you, and give you quite a few extra days to run it in, and some flexibility to move it around with the 20 hour timer. How much more casual-friendly could they make it, other than just giving it to you for showing up at all?

    Now, if we're talking about locking newer players, or those who missed previous events, out of consoles or whatever that complete sets with other event ships, or even C-Store purchased ships, I can agree that this new policy is a bit casual-unfriendly. As far as actually procuring the ships goes, though, it cuts against the hardcore grinder type more, since there's no storing up the currency now for a rainy day later under the new system.

    Just as a disclaimer, I own all of the event ships that came with set pieces on my account now, so I'm not advocating for freeing the set items for myself, but quite literally for the people who came along after those events, or those who did miss out due to some other circumstance back when they were new. I stand to gain nothing by advocating for this, but I also don't feel that I would lose any feeling of "exclusivity" by allowing others a chance to at least complete their sets.
    This is an MMO, not a Star Trek episode simulator. That would make for a terrible game.
  • nikephorusnikephorus Member Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    @alphahydri I can't quote people on my phone, but the op said LTS players should get 1 free event ship voucher a year.
  • thatcursedwolfthatcursedwolf Member Posts: 1,617 Arc User
    To prevent hoarding I'd have the unslotted currency expire at the end of the event, not have the currency and the project expire each year, never to return.

    If people that just started wanted to run a captain for each old ship through an event X times to get all the ships that were released before they started Cryptic should have let them. Player engagement and all those buzzwords. Wouldn't bother me one bit to see more Corvettes out there.
    This is my Risian Corvette. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
  • tousseautousseau Member Posts: 1,484 Arc User
    One Risian Corvette Refit [t6] coming up next year... 0.o?
  • ssbn655ssbn655 Member Posts: 1,894 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    Why be so punitive towards your casual players in such a way that even investing in the game monetarily does not relieve the punitive nature of your model? Why? There's only so many people that will be able to drop everything they're doing and come to every event, and I seriously question the percentage of those that actually have an income to contribute to the fiscal well-being of a business.

    Hands down, 100%, the single biggest problem I have with this game is the sheer volume of stuff that is exclusive/time sensitive, and how punitive it is for people, ya know, with lives?

    I like a lot about this game, but I don't understand why they want to alienate so many casual players, do they believe someone will change their RL schedules, cancel a vacation, change their work hours, just to earn a stupid ship? Perhaps they should open up the past event ships to veteran/LTS rewards in some way. My solution, is there are three exclusive event ships per year, why not give 1,000 day vets/LTS one event ship voucher per year? It would take someone like me a very long time to get the backlog, and I'd have to still grind the others when I was here, and when I cannot be here, well, I'd have to choose which one I want the most. For those dutiful and very loud people who have faithfully committed to the event ship grind every single time (I SWEAR this must be a superminority despite the squeaky wheels in the forums) they get to use their voucher to skip one of the grinds and go straight to grinding rep for the entire event.

    I love star trek, and I enjoy the game when I can be here, but the experience is unfortunately bittersweet, and has and will continue to affect how I spend my money, why should I spend another penny in a game where f2p accounts have the same if not more benefits? (our family f2p account got a free pathfinder ship code/package in the mail, my LTS account doesn't have this, for example.)

    I applaud STO for giving so much away, this initially encouraged me to spend money, so many f2p models are very greedy and naggy, but really, I have a dreadnought package, and that's pretty much it, for LTS, and I'm sure there's some crazy guy out there with a dozen f2p accounts that all have every single accountwide event ship, because some people approach a game like a job, and other people see it as more of a casual put-it-down-and-pick-it-up experience.

    All time sensitive unlocks should be available for vets/LTS at their leisure, they supported the game and paid for that right, and they are more likely to have "real lives" which preclude STO pilgrimages like clockwork three times a year, because as fun as it is, let's face it, it's just a game, one of THOUSANDS of f2p/microtrans games.[/q
    Yet another "I don't have time for events" whine. Guy I have a real life and guess what 9 odd toons I don't really kkeep count. Yet I have EVERY event item on all my toons. You know why? I take the 15 minutes on average to do the once a day event on one toon to reach the unlock for all toons. And for the rare event now where it isn't account wide I actually play it on all my toons instead of whining and ranting how its not fair. So my advice is buck it up cupcake and play the game instead of constant posting. Posting doesn't earn you items playing the game does.
    Post edited by ssbn655 on
  • ssbn655ssbn655 Member Posts: 1,894 Arc User
    has anyone spoken in favor of closing off old ships? i haven't seen any of the old Risa ships in over a year. who cares if someone can get them? I see a chel grett maybe once a month. less than that for the nandi. haven't seen the Breen raider in well over a year. the only ones you see are breen carriers and kobali. hard to see how it would bother someone if they were made available.

    Why all of a sudden give stuff to someone who didn't earn it? Sorry no I have the event ships and EARNED THEM! I use them a lot it makes a nice change to the game. But oh wait isn't it PC to just hand everything over nowadays by taking it from those who worked for what they have?
  • horridpersonhorridperson Member Posts: 665 Arc User
    "Pro-exclusive" is a label applied from outside looking in. It comes from people who think it's all about them. One of the most positive things about this game is that it has an equitable FTP model. Having events that reward players of that type for time invested is a nice gesture. As an LTS I have a ship that is exclusive to me. Why shouldn't exclusivity come from participation as well? It isn't a punishment for your complacency; It's a gratuity for the people who took part.

    Your rant implies that the task before you was difficult. The conditions were negligible. It might have required 5 minutes in the run of a day every other day during the event. I don't understand how someone with a job, "life", and real world responsibilities couldn't accomplish this; A person lacking all the aforementioned more likely. If you have a "life" stop crying about imaginary spaceships. If you grow up, little disappointments like this won't seem like mountains.

  • ssbn655ssbn655 Member Posts: 1,894 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    I believe it's actually the pro-"exclusiveness" griefers that are the minority, every time this topic comes up there's overwhelming support for opening the past event ships up in some way for players that missed them/are new, but it's always the f2pers/diehards with every event ship that get vitriolic and loud, and this unwarranted forcefulness may make it appear that they are the majority when in fact they are not (re: Squeaky Wheel)

    The ones crying the most are those who are to damn lazy to take part in the events. Tough cookies you missed an event you dont get the item. That said however I would like to see for folks like you who missed or for whatever reason didnt do the event have an option to earn previous ships from an event in the following years event. I.E. Risa 2016 you can either earn to get a previous years ship or this years ship on each toon. That is if you have say 4 toons One could be used to get this years, one for last years, one for two years ago and so on. This way with the account unlock you could get all the ships in one event!
  • daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    Don't ya just love popcorn...


    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
  • rosetyler51rosetyler51 Member Posts: 1,631 Arc User
    Lets try this again.

    "Putting the ships and other event doodads make in the game (maybe in the GPL store)"

    Sure, I'm ok with this

    "Letting LTS/Gold players get ships and other event doodads for free"

    No, I'm not ok with this

    OP is the one pushing for "exclusiveness" in another name
  • theillusivenmantheillusivenman Member Posts: 438 Arc User
    Lets try this again.

    "Putting the ships and other event doodads make in the game (maybe in the GPL store)"
    Nah, more like lobis, GPL is too easy. But yes, I also want to see the old event ships added to lobis/fleet w/e for people that missed out on them.

    Agreed with you on the rest.
    "Reality is a thing of the past."
    Proud supporter of equality for all human beings.
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  • tousseautousseau Member Posts: 1,484 Arc User
    Or, at the very least, put the consoles/equipment in the lobi store so that people can complete sets.
  • rosetyler51rosetyler51 Member Posts: 1,631 Arc User
    Lets try this again.

    "Putting the ships and other event doodads make in the game (maybe in the GPL store)"
    Nah, more like lobis, GPL is too easy. But yes, I also want to see the old event ships added to lobis/fleet w/e for people that missed out on them.

    Agreed with you on the rest.
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    Lets try this again.

    "Putting the ships and other event doodads make in the game (maybe in the GPL store)"

    Sure, I'm ok with this

    "Letting LTS/Gold players get ships and other event doodads for free"

    No, I'm not ok with this

    OP is the one pushing for "exclusiveness" in another name

    GPL...not likely...there is no money in it. Lobi on the other hand...yeah...not sure why they haven't done this yet. I assume they like money...and this is like free money.

    As for giving it to LTS like the OP wants...as a LTS myself, I would like to say...HELL NO. Hey look, I want to reduce exclusivity by making it exclusive to things I already have. Yeah...how about no to that. Not only that, but the even ships aren't even all that great compared to lock box stuff. So you really aren't missing anything by not having these things.

    You two are right but I just really want the GPL store to have more items.
  • bobbydazlersbobbydazlers Member Posts: 4,535 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    alphahydri wrote: »
    azrael605 wrote: »
    Because they own the game and they said so, only reason they need or ever will need.
    That doesn't seem to be a good business model, especially when 100% of your revenue comes from the people who play the game on a daily basis. Using the "because I said so" logic works as a parent, but not as a business, especially when you're not solely dealing with children and working with adults as well. They can see holes in logic significantly easier than a child can, which is why people are upset about this, especially when these changes seem to serve no purpose other than the "because I said so" reasoning.

    but retiring the past ships does serve a purpose, it makes players who want the ships play the event this year instead of skipping the events then getting the ships the following year along with that years ships, or even waiting 3 or four years and then getting all of them years later if they have enough characters to do it.
    its not good for the game if 90% of the players have skipped the event with the knowledge that they can always get the ship next year or the year after if they suddenly decide they can spare the time to play for them.
    they want to show to the owners/shareholders that players are playing the game this year not last year by hording currency and not next year by putting off getting the ship till then and its a simple fact that this is exactly what players were doing, the only way to ensure players who want the ships would play this year to get them is to retire the set game tokens and retire the practice of offering past ships in future events.

    sure a few players might suffer if they cant spare the time to play the event but that's the players problem not cryptic's, the simple fact is allowing players to get past years ships in events was creating complacency in some players who would rather put off bothering till the next time they run the event, this is quite evident as so many who are complaining have been playing the game for years so should have no reason for not having every event ship in cryptic's eyes.

    When I think about everything we've been through together,

    maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,

     and if that journey takes a little longer,

    so we can do something we all believe in,

     I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.

  • theillusivenmantheillusivenman Member Posts: 438 Arc User

    You two are right but I just really want the GPL store to have more items.

    Likewise, there's bunch of stuff they can add to the GPL store. Rep marks/fleet marks for one, more trophies, pets, some uni consoles for a hefty GPL price too, heck even a dedicated space set, for example Ferengi.

    Or, at the very least, put the consoles/equipment in the lobi store so that people can complete sets.
    Just as you said, at the very least. But I'd still prefer if they added ships instead (with those consoles). It's even better for their finances, players spending lobi to buy ships for the consoles.
    "Reality is a thing of the past."
    Proud supporter of equality for all human beings.
  • alphahydrialphahydri Member Posts: 391 Arc User
    ssbn655 wrote: »
    has anyone spoken in favor of closing off old ships? i haven't seen any of the old Risa ships in over a year. who cares if someone can get them? I see a chel grett maybe once a month. less than that for the nandi. haven't seen the Breen raider in well over a year. the only ones you see are breen carriers and kobali. hard to see how it would bother someone if they were made available.

    Why all of a sudden give stuff to someone who didn't earn it? Sorry no I have the event ships and EARNED THEM! I use them a lot it makes a nice change to the game. But oh wait isn't it PC to just hand everything over nowadays by taking it from those who worked for what they have?
    Oi, here we go again! I can't speak for everyone else, but I don't want the past event ships given to me for nothing. I want to *gasp* earn them like everyone else did!

    I only started playing STO right after the Anniversary Event last year, and it just so happened that 2015 was the year they decided to start changing how event ships are earned. As I've said before, I was fully prepared to run the 2015 Winter Event on four different characters to earn all four Breen ships, only to have the rug pulled out from under me with the changes. From what I've found, there were warnings in the past that these event ships may not be returning the following year, but every year they ended up coming back, at least until 2015. By the time the community was told that the past event ships would in fact not be returning during 2015, unless you had slotted the project(s) the previous year, there was absolutely nothing you could do about it.

    I likened this in another post to an anology. The whole situation is similar to if someone took another person skydiving for the first time, who had no prior knowledge of how skydiving worked, and reminded them to put their parachute on after they had already jumped out of the plane. At that point, the "friendly reminder" or "forewarning" would be absolutely useless because there's nothing they could do to remedy the situation or act on that helpful tip.

    I never even got a chance to earn these ships and now I guess I may never get them. Like others have said before, removing content in video games is never well-received by players, and STO is the only game I've played where they seem to make it a regular occurrence. Whether it be ships, STFs/PvE queues, or other items (I'm looking at you, Ophidian Cane and Shard of Possibilities), it's just become too commonplace for my liking.

  • alphahydrialphahydri Member Posts: 391 Arc User
    alphahydri wrote: »
    azrael605 wrote: »
    Because they own the game and they said so, only reason they need or ever will need.
    That doesn't seem to be a good business model, especially when 100% of your revenue comes from the people who play the game on a daily basis. Using the "because I said so" logic works as a parent, but not as a business, especially when you're not solely dealing with children and working with adults as well. They can see holes in logic significantly easier than a child can, which is why people are upset about this, especially when these changes seem to serve no purpose other than the "because I said so" reasoning.

    but retiring the past ships does serve a purpose, it makes players who want the ships play the event this year instead of skipping the events then getting the ships the following year along with that years ships, or even waiting 3 or four years and then getting all of them years later if they have enough characters to do it.
    its not good for the game if 90% of the players have skipped the event with the knowledge that they can always get the ship next year or the year after if they suddenly decide they can spare the time to play for them.
    they want to show to the owners/shareholders that players are playing the game this year not last year by hording currency and not next year by putting off getting the ship till then and its a simple fact that this is exactly what players were doing, the only way to ensure players who want the ships would play this year to get them is to retire the set game tokens and retire the practice of offering past ships in future events.

    sure a few players might suffer if they cant spare the time to play the event but that's the players problem not cryptic's, the simple fact is allowing players to get past years ships in events was creating complacency in some players who would rather put off bothering till the next time they run the event, this is quite evident as so many who are complaining have been playing the game for years so should have no reason for not having every event ship in cryptic's eyes.
    Making the tokens needed to earn those ships year-specific got rid of the token hoarding problem on its own. There was no need to remove the past ships as well. I would like to know how you know that people were getting complacent and just waiting until the next year to get the ships, though. These seasonal events don't repeat every month or so, they're annual occurrences. I mean, unless they were token hoarding, I doubt someone would be willing to wait an entire year because they were too lazy to do it the previous year.

    If what you're saying is true, then Cryptic's attempt to discourage the "lazy and complacent" players is inadvertently hurting the new players who just want a chance to earn these ships like others. Others have brought up putting them in the Lobi store as a solution, but it is certainly not an optimal one. Lobi is, from my own experiences, the hardest and most expensive currency in the game to get, and considering that the Lobi ships are not account unlocks like the event ships are, it will be very expensive to get these ships for all of one's characters. Also, considering that others just needed to do a 2-3 minute event over 25 days to get these events while new players are forced to spend a considerable amount of both in-game and real-world resources to get those same ships is incredibly unfair.

  • bobbydazlersbobbydazlers Member Posts: 4,535 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    alphahydri wrote: »
    alphahydri wrote: »
    azrael605 wrote: »
    Because they own the game and they said so, only reason they need or ever will need.
    That doesn't seem to be a good business model, especially when 100% of your revenue comes from the people who play the game on a daily basis. Using the "because I said so" logic works as a parent, but not as a business, especially when you're not solely dealing with children and working with adults as well. They can see holes in logic significantly easier than a child can, which is why people are upset about this, especially when these changes seem to serve no purpose other than the "because I said so" reasoning.

    but retiring the past ships does serve a purpose, it makes players who want the ships play the event this year instead of skipping the events then getting the ships the following year along with that years ships, or even waiting 3 or four years and then getting all of them years later if they have enough characters to do it.
    its not good for the game if 90% of the players have skipped the event with the knowledge that they can always get the ship next year or the year after if they suddenly decide they can spare the time to play for them.
    they want to show to the owners/shareholders that players are playing the game this year not last year by hording currency and not next year by putting off getting the ship till then and its a simple fact that this is exactly what players were doing, the only way to ensure players who want the ships would play this year to get them is to retire the set game tokens and retire the practice of offering past ships in future events.

    sure a few players might suffer if they cant spare the time to play the event but that's the players problem not cryptic's, the simple fact is allowing players to get past years ships in events was creating complacency in some players who would rather put off bothering till the next time they run the event, this is quite evident as so many who are complaining have been playing the game for years so should have no reason for not having every event ship in cryptic's eyes.
    Making the tokens needed to earn those ships year-specific got rid of the token hoarding problem on its own. There was no need to remove the past ships as well. I would like to know how you know that people were getting complacent and just waiting until the next year to get the ships, though. These seasonal events don't repeat every month or so, they're annual occurrences. I mean, unless they were token hoarding, I doubt someone would be willing to wait an entire year because they were too lazy to do it the previous year.

    If what you're saying is true, then Cryptic's attempt to discourage the "lazy and complacent" players is inadvertently hurting the new players who just want a chance to earn these ships like others. Others have brought up putting them in the Lobi store as a solution, but it is certainly not an optimal one. Lobi is, from my own experiences, the hardest and most expensive currency in the game to get, and considering that the Lobi ships are not account unlocks like the event ships are, it will be very expensive to get these ships for all of one's characters. Also, considering that others just needed to do a 2-3 minute event over 25 days to get these events while new players are forced to spend a considerable amount of both in-game and real-world resources to get those same ships is incredibly unfair.

    the whole point as i was trying to explaine is that cryptic want players to play for the ships this year, giving the availability for players to get past ships was only encouraging players to miss the events and get the ships the following year, the only way to ensure as many players as possible play the event each year it is to make the ships only avalable for that year only.
    you may think this unfair but then would it not be more unfair on players who do play each year if they should to find that the events have been cancelled entirely due to low participation levels.
    some people seem to forget that the game metrics are as much a benefit to players as they are to cyptic, how many times have they removed certain content because of low usage levels like the exploration clusters, this could just as easily happen with the events if cryptic see that not enough of the player base is bothering to attend.
    if removing the past ships availability to increase participation in every event every year ensures that the events will keep being provided for our enjoyment then to be honest i'm all for it, sorry.

    as far as new players are concerned as far as i am concerned thats just tough, they should have started playing earlier in the life of the game, they cant expect to join the game in this late stage and get all of the stuff that was avilable to seasoned players.
    sure i feel sorry for them that they missed out but in truth they only have themselves to blame.

    as for knowing players players were getting complacent when you see posts from players whos joining date is early in 2012 complaining they missed the chance to get ships that were available 2012-2014 it is pretty evident, i have even commented on this in other similar threads and the player has admitted he had the opportunity to get the ships in previous years but couldnt be bothered at the time and thought he would catch up in subsequent years..
    Post edited by bobbydazlers on

    When I think about everything we've been through together,

    maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,

     and if that journey takes a little longer,

    so we can do something we all believe in,

     I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.

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  • smokeybacon90smokeybacon90 Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    I knew that someone somewhere would blame this all on BFAW. :p
  • scrooge69scrooge69 Member Posts: 1,108 Arc User
    an other example of how they listen to the community
  • ryugasiriusryugasirius Member Posts: 283 Arc User
    So, the bottom point is "I am a casual player and I have no time to do the 3 minute daily event to obtain a ship I would never be able to use, because I don't even have 3 minutes a day to play STO"? =_='
  • bobbydazlersbobbydazlers Member Posts: 4,535 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    The OP has a point, however so do many of those who argue against him/her.

    There are many items in the game as well as event ships that are not available to a new player, the Shard of Possibilities, the Ophidian Cane, Kobali Console etc. I see several possibilities the most obvious one is to rerun the events for those that missed it, and in fact they used to run the special episodes whereby you could pick up items like the Shard or the Reman Boff. They've not done it in a while, not sure why, these events bring people back into the game. It constantly amazes me how so much content has been removed where most other MMOs are throwing content left right and centre, re-running these events would entice people to revisit STO, at least for a while, and whilst they are here they will be taking part in other activates, fleets and queues would buzz with life again if only for a fleeting fortnight.

    Another option would be to offer all previous event rewards in a package on the C store, with another package for special mission rewards.

    We know that the latter won't happen, even though it would make them a ton of cash, why they don't want to take advantage of this most obvious money winner is a mystery to me as is most of their business plan, if indeed they follow such.

    I cant remember where I read this but I am pretty sure there was a rule laid down by CBS where by non faction ships could only be given out as rewards for things like events or prizes in lockboxs or doff packs and such so if this is accurate it limits the methods in which past ships can be reintroduced to the game for anyone who might have missed out.
    obviously they will not be given again in events but the alternative method of lockboxes or doff packs does not guarantee the player will be lucky enough to win the ship.
    for this reason I can not see past event ships ever being offered to players in the game by any method whatsoever especially as cryptic have sited exclusivity as one of the reasons for removing them in the first place.
    having said that there is no reason against why the special set items might be offered for purchase in one of the many stores throughout the game.

    When I think about everything we've been through together,

    maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,

     and if that journey takes a little longer,

    so we can do something we all believe in,

     I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.

  • jeanlucpicantejeanlucpicante Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    ssbn655 wrote: »
    Yet another "I don't have time for events" whine. Guy I have a real life and guess what 9 odd toons I don't really kkeep count. Yet I have EVERY event item on all my toons. You know why? I take the 15 minutes on average to do the once a day event on one toon to reach the unlock for all toons. And for the rare event now where it isn't account wide I actually play it on all my toons instead of whining and ranting how its not fair. So my advice is buck it up cupcake and play the game instead of constant posting. Posting doesn't earn you items playing the game does.
    "Yet another troll" whine..... totally skip over the argument that even newcomers who love the game and want to support it, forever miss out on items on every other f2p account, and how that is utterly TRIBBLE and punitive towards potential customers.

    But how nice for you, that you have a "real life" and 9 odd toons, why do so many of you guys seek to start an ad hominem exchange?

    The "exclusiveness" TRIBBLE sucks, and I don't respect cryptic for it, and many feel the same as I do about it, and no amount of trolling will change how we feel about that, so hey, knock yourself out, but don't expect future responses if you're just spoiling to insult and argue.
  • jeanlucpicantejeanlucpicante Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    ssbn655 wrote: »
    Why all of a sudden give stuff to someone who didn't earn it? Sorry no I have the event ships and EARNED THEM! I use them a lot it makes a nice change to the game. But oh wait isn't it PC to just hand everything over nowadays by taking it from those who worked for what they have?

    Well you must realize the game doesn't survive on its charity, they need to continue to attract people that will pay money so there is a server for you to login to, the problem with the "exclusiveness" TRIBBLE is it automatically denies all new players as well as players(including vets/lifers) who were away from the game, from ever getting those items.

    How nice for you that you have all the f2p accountwide ships, if they don't start caring more for new players and vets, there may be a lot of f2p accounts on a sinking ship, I know I for one have decided not to spend any more money on the game until the problem has been addressed.
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