tehiro Arc User


  • yay! new players first of all welcome! second, might i suggest that you consider the lovely elves as a choice of race to play as. maybe an archerb:victory alright, my suggestion is that you try archosaur server for your first time playing. its pve so at level 30 you don't have to worry about player killers. another thing…
  • i think my soul just died...
  • hmm, archer here my strength... well compared to other archers i'm one of the toughest to kill archers you will ever meet in pve. i've been in instances with other archers that had nearly 1000 more hp then me and come out on top. i've seen squad wipes averted simply by the fact that i will not let anything kill me when i…
  • Archer, its fun being tactical in squads, even if we don't have as many useful debuffs when an archer is doing there job correct then you see freezes stuns and slows used to make the entire group work better and faster.
  • never mind, just read up on the mystics. looks to be another dd magic class why are there so few support classes?
  • yay for the mystic, i always wanted to be a healer without being the main healer. who knows, it might end up being a support class (instead of yet ANOTHER dd) b:beg
  • i've got a brand new computer, smoking hot internet connection and i also noticed lag. its like for genesis they are stirring up the lake water and letting all of the dirty sediment that had settled to the bottom come up and clog up the game.
  • correct you are, but that goes without saying.
  • i'm not a wizard. but i support wizards and love to squad with them. for all the wizards out there, you have my bow, in any fb/tt/bh/fc what have you. for all those who say that wizards are terrible at anything but endgame i say go role your 5aps sin or your axe bm and crawl in a corner with the rest of the 'i'm better…
  • did a tt today. tt1-2 got 11 mats from all the bosses except one. 11 mats including the mysterious skulls. and btw it was a full squad...
  • the problem with oracles is that they reduce the time you spend squading with others and learning the mechanics and advantages that your class has and how to best contribute those to the rest of the squad. take for example my class, the archer. i was running bh69 when i realized that rather then sparking for max damage on…
  • lol "magic cleric rocket skates" i usually try to do a good job of making sure my team cleric has my 10minute 15% speed buff on at all times. although it annoys me when they holypath right after i cast it and completely ruin the buff (kind of like when low level clerics cast the hp/mp buff on me when i'm using focus powder)
  • I think what he is trying to say is that for valentines day we should have a massive GM hunt across the map of perfect world. this would entail searching for the GM that is 'it' and ruthlessly trying to extract a reward from him/her.
  • lol how about getting invited to squads though, the archer is a much more social soloing class then the veno is.
  • i would suggest an archer, but archers can be tricky to play the thing about being a cleric is that you have to be a very social person. solo grinding is a serious pain, you lose a lot of exp from releasing and you will constantly have people asking you to help them with BH's at later levels. this can be nice in that you…
  • Fleuri, I award you ma'am one internets for valuable insite and speaking truth +1
  • about the heal agro. just squad with an archer (a good archer) and let the archer be your body guard. we are great when it comes to that, we have a speed buff so you can keep up and a fast ranged attack so we can reach out and steal agro if you get it. personally i feel proud if i can steal all the agro in a squad wipe and…
  • (What the heck is 5aps?) please don't ask that!. there are a lot of people on these forums that are extremely touchy about it and will cry your ear off about it.
  • ask the archers, they would know.
  • agreed, who cares about pvp, pve is where it's at. and yeah, having a versatile way of dealing damage is pretty nice ^.^
  • yes!, i say yes
  • run with an archer!, we have a speed buff that we are more then willing to share with you clerics
  • between sixty and seventy i got my first TT weapon, when i started to use it i pulled agro on almost every mob. after that i went questing with it and really got a feel for my increased damage. my advise on avoiding agro is to get to know your damage output in relation to other people and to what it once was, especially if…
  • i'm a big fan of the assassin baby, lightly broiled with a little bit of rosemary. maybe rubbed down with some salt. although scaling them can be a bit of a pain...
  • we are not here to flame each other, but rather to discuss various tactics and curtsey's that all new archers should know. zb. should archers be responsible for drawing mobs or not? i used to keep a zeal with me for just that purpose but have since stopped. now whenever a veno or drawer lures a mob i usually just stun it…
  • we don't burn through mana nearly as quickly as many of the other classes i've seen played. when grinding you can grind completely without mana as long as you have a clerics mana Regen buff on. archers are perhaps the best when it comes to solo grinding, bosses however tear through us like tissue paper. for a dd class we…
  • i sold my sinister shooter to a barb for 250k, it had +1 and a garnet up to level.
  • Hello! i come from the german forum that i do not like. i do not know why ._. anyway i would like to ask about the new classes (assassin and psychic) and what they are. there you are, i believe that is translated correctly
    in German?! Comment by tehiro January 2011
  • just be sure that wizard is what you want, its a long and difficult road where you are not wanted for a long time. although i personally think that wizards rock and love having them in my squad just because.
  • i also think a system like that is a good idea, although it will take a lot of tweaking by the devs to get to where everyone is happy with it. the main problem is that anytime you have a large change like that there are going to be very outspoken people complaining nonstop about it and rage quiting. on the other hand what…