What is so wrong with oracle quests?



  • tehiro
    tehiro Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    correct you are, but that goes without saying.
  • Yukkuri - Heavens Tear
    Yukkuri - Heavens Tear Posts: 624 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    There was a guildie of mine, who I know has been playing this game for at least a year, who asked in guild chat a couple of weeks ago, if purifying equipment took away the refine levels as well.

    Do I even need to say how many times I see this question from both old and new players? ಠ_ಠ
    Information: It is proven that the majority of the Perfect World International player base suffers from "Motorcylophobia".

    -Every single patch to an MMO causes players to cry: "They Changed It, Now It Sucks". Every. Single. Patch. -Taken from TV Tropes.
  • flamingahole
    flamingahole Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Competent? lol It's pretty obvious when someone has hyper\oracled their main to high levels. Most of the time they're absolutely horrible and clueless on how to play their class and especially obvious they have no clue how to play to their strengths and no clue how to play off other classes skills.

    As I said, the obvious failures are easy to spot. I'm not saying that the rest are pro or anything but if I were in a squad with someone who didn't really stand out much then chances are that I wouldn't remember them after the run. Yes, oracling/hypering to 90+ increases the chance that a person fails at his/her class but it's not 100% guaranteed. I'd say maybe 15-20% of them would fail which includes the complete failures who'd normally quit before they even hit 50 (basically those who'd fail no matter how they level).

    The rest would make a few huge goofs while learning (which may lead to some rather bad situations) but they'll learn; this game isn't exactly rocket science.
    It's really obvious when you see someone senselessly skill spamming or not knowing what to do. If you have problems spotting these idiots, it's quite possible that you're one of them.

    I've run into quite a few fails while playing. As for me being one of them, I might be but as far as I know I'm at least average. I take the fact that people haven't said anything about me as a good sign but it could mean that they're just too polite.
    It's pretty easy to tell when you take someone into FB99, Warsong or Hwilight Hemple and they've never been there as opposed to not having a clue what their skills actually do, how aggro mechanics work or what situations they can handle or just watching them die over and over from stupid mistake after stupid mistake.

    I've only been in FB99 once and never went into warsong so I can't say much for them. HH runs are pretty simple even with PUGs and yes, the idiots who run around without a clue are funny to watch before booting them.

    And lol at Hwilight Hemple. b:laugh
    Once you learn game mechanics, abilities of other classes, what to expect and how to react to mobs and what everyone's role in a squad is, you have much more leeway too speed level another character because you already have more than a basic understanding of most of the game. Once you understand how one class works in the environment with everyone else, learning another character is much more simple.
    Oh, and any horrible or failed character can complete BH or Frost. That's no measure of skill at all. The truth is, the skill level of the player base as a whole took a nose dive when BH was introduced, went even farther south when multiple BH was implemented, and got even worse when Frost was changed, and yet even worse when Hypers were put in the cash shop.

    I wish that were true (the first two sentences). I pretty much stopped doing BH because of two reasons. 1-It's boring running the same instance again and again. 2-People are idiots.

    I somewhat agree with the rest of what you said though but I have to, once again, mention that some of those fails are people who'd normally quit long before reaching any level of significance due to becoming frustrated with always dying. That's my main problem with all these power leveling methods.

    I suppose the end result is the same though (high levels who have no idea what they're doing).
    You have three chances to guess the reason for the post above.
  • NiightmareXz - Harshlands
    NiightmareXz - Harshlands Posts: 1,569 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I did a TT run on my archer a few months back. The squad was composed of me, another archer, 2 clerics, a barb, and a BM; everyone was at least 70. As I always do with other archers in the squad, I had asked him what level his Sharptooth was; he replied with "What's that?"
    That question is null. even if he knew what STA was, the higher leveled one would cancel the other out regardless of who casted it first.
    There was a guildie of mine, who I know has been playing this game for at least a year, who asked in guild chat a couple of weeks ago, if purifying equipment took away the refine levels as well.
    I wouldn't call that person fail. It's a legit question, hell I couldn't even tell you the answer because I don't purify my armor to care. But you would assume purify means to make it clean and that would mean taking away all the things you did to it. But I'm guessing from the way you phrased it that it doesn't wipe out the refines, so...
    ˙buoɹʇs ǝq ןן,ı ʇɐɥʇ ɟןǝsʎɯ ןןǝʇ ı os
  • Freizer - Lost City
    Freizer - Lost City Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Here's my two cents:

    arrogant idiots who have no interest in learning how to play their class, with other people, or the game will be that way oracle or not. Even some of the "old timers" have got it in their heads that they're the best on the board.

    This being said, yes we've ALL run into the annoying few or so. (My personal example is a sin who "hyper leveled" and put Alot of money in game, had second cast NV by 85 (just straight out bought) and now has Rank9.) Yet, he knows next to nothing about getting through the game and is constantly asking us to run things for him. He also seems to think he's the best sin on the server due to being able to 2 shot stealth with 5aps. (Nothing against sins, or aps, or NV/99 what have you just this isolated player).

    Regardless if you're hyper or oracled if you're a jackass people are going to let you know. The chances of you being a jackass just goes up (supposedly) with not taking the time to learn your class and become arrogant after only fighting one mob.

    In ending:
    I myself oracled levels 40-60 (because I had been on a two month Hiatus)
    and also gotten from 95-100 off of hyper frost ( similar reasons, mostly because I hadn't leveled in a few months and decided it was time I was 10x)
    Lost City Sage barb and Retired Coven Marshal.
  • LadyofReal - Heavens Tear
    LadyofReal - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,993 Arc User
    edited February 2011

    The point about invoke, the barb didn't even learn it. He justified it with: "I'm a claw barb, why do I need it?"

    About the cleric, yes I did explain it to her, amongst other things, but she came back with the "I know how to play my class, you're a BM so ****" line.


    At level 70ish, I was still very much learning how to play my archer in a group setting. Up until that point, I did solo grinding and questing. So even though my question is unimportant, the focus of that example was on the other archer asking me what it was.
    Not motivated enough to make another PWI siggy