Vorawrcious - Harshlands Arc User


  • So, I just need a group of 100+ to have any hope of getting my TT90 mats in 3-1? Fantastic!
  • I hope this is a joke, cause it scares me to think there is a person walking our planet with so little smarts. Oh wait i just notice, notes for next patch, invinsible meditation. Niiiiiiice!! Good suggestion buddy.
  • i dont have a BM so not sure but by the time BM puts enough stats into strenght to equip heavey armor and enough dex to equip fist weapon, i can't imagine there's much left over to put in vit. Isn't almost all of BM HP due to shards and refines as well. and regarding buffs, lets not for get the reflect buff for more…
  • That not true. It's not channeling like wizard skill but there is still .7 seconds to 2 seconds channeling. the channeling times are longer than the cast times. Melee classes, the cast times are much higher than the channeling which is many time only .2 seconds. Foxfrom is still a magical creature that requires a magical…
  • Foxform skills have channeling. What's not to understand? Reduce your channeling and you will increse your DPS.
  • Im thinking yes a BM can tank a boss. But it has to be either several levels higher than the boss or conciderable better gear then the barb. A mediocre geared barb can tank a boss higher level thatn itself. On average, the BM would have to be around 5 or more levels higher than boss and be nicely geared to tank it. Any…
  • You've already made grinding obsolete for 90% of PWI player. Do you want ot drive another 5% to the instance only mentality. I understand making the game friendly for peoepl who rather not grind at all. But what is wiht this all out assalt against grinding. I think the DQ items should stay the same and actually i woudl…
  • I think you should quit school and all activities, sell you body for money to charge up zen , and hyper your way to lvl 100 and gear up. If you do that, all will be well in your life.
  • 90+ high 75 - 89 med 60 - 74 low 30 - 59 = equal so noob not even worht talking to. 1 -30 still a fetus being developed
  • Simple answer is, if you just want to have a little fun on a PvE server and could care less about territory wars, you need not spend a dime. If, you want to compete on a PvP server against the heavy cash shoppers and guys who live on game, you dont stand a chance without spending money. And not just a little bit of money…
  • MMORPG's can involve a lot of repeatitive actions. You either get addicted to leveling character and getting stronger or you don't. You sound like you must be one of those guys who likes to just get on guild chat and talk a bunch on nonsense all day, while other are busy leveling and gather materials. If any of you in PWI…
  • Is it possible the barb didn't like anyone who is not smart enough to wait for barb to attack with bleed before they attack. Or maybe he didn't like the BM class. The BM is the one who died. Maybe barb party with BM before and don't like him hitting too soon. BM are the worst offenders of running up and hitting boss first…
  • YOUR WHOLE STORIES FULL OF HOLES BUB! NOW SPILL IT! Sorry i got carried away after reading all the debates and cross examinations. I thought we were interagating the guy. I was goignm to be the tough cop. Most are in agreement that he must have taken far too long to arrive at the BH. There's just no logical excuse for…
  • i think the probelm is there is, at any given time, 50+ people thinking they are going to be the leader of the next big quild. All theses 50+ wanna be leader blow 10 million on a level 3 faction and proceed to compete for the possibly 500 TW capable players and divide them up into a bunch of sub par quilds that cant…
  • Maybe the barb over-reacted, but sounds like the OP veno was definitely trying to be a hot shot. Look how awesome i am taking on these 2 mobs. I dont see how you preoccuping 2 mobs with your pet will be quicker than killing the one lured mob first and then all rushing the remaining mobs. Once a squad decides to lure one…
  • I don't pay for wines. Not because im greedy, just because i wont spend all my money on wines and be completely broke. If someone needs a tank and wants to sponser me they are welcome to my drops. I'm happy to do a BH69 unwined. The problem is, when i first turned 80 i tried several times to make unwined squad, and…
  • I have been doing it every day, but, I'm not sure if i started the very first day due to unaware of NPC. That would suck if i missed the first day and end up with only 89 and nothing to show for my troubles. If you started on first day how many would you have this day (march 7) after completing it? I will have 5 after i…
  • Farming spirit is not needed and bad idea for many reasons. You want to get to lvl 80, or better yet, 90, ASAP. Kimping your leveling process makes no sense.
  • I can kinda understand the cleric not wanting the buff but it really seems like a non issue. For anyone else in the suqad that range class its just a pretty green effect. If you getting mad about recieving a bramble buff, i say you are a bit too high strung. As for tank getting bramble buff; im not sure if i like it or…
  • I dont think you can. Just assign one of the inactive players as leader and leave. i actually aquired 2 guild wioth my noobs this way. they all left and made me leader.
  • Raising guild limit higher would only cause the most powerful guilds to become even stronger. More players would just flock to the strong landholding guilds. If anything the number of players in a guild is way too high. 100 or 150 player max would make for better TW's espirience. Upstart guilds might stand a chance if they…
  • This is pretty much correct. Many times DDs in squad start hitting bosses before tank does or simutanious. Many times i have seen players start laying into the boss before its even lured back to the right spot. Or im trying to pull the boss back and theyre just hitting it like crazy after i say, "wait here, ill pull boss…
  • I think the main job of a cleric is to keep themselves alive and the tank alive. They can always rez you or others later, but if the cleric or tank dies then all hell might break loose. There are pots for any minor damage of mobs and from boss AoE. Why should a cleric use his or her mana to give you a full heal for a bit…
  • Give me a decent cleric and i could care less who fills the other spots as long as they not afk and doing some DD I'll take 2 psychics and 2 assassins , wont bother me any. Though the fishy smells might get to me sometimes. Me being a big ol cat, that fishy smell make my appetiete increase.
  • I'll go easiest to hardest in my list. 1. Veno.. super-duper easy in every way you can think of. Easiet grinder. hardly any cost to grinding so builds money fast. My veno has funneled much money to my other classes. Can solo quest other have to squad up for. 2. Psychic.. Maybe i just improve alot since i lvled a wizard but…
  • That's what im talking about. Yes i agree with you as well. And those dang dragon orbs are really hard to get too. WTF up with that. NPc shoudl sell them for 5k or someting
  • Yes, I agree. We should lower the price of shards so lost can fully shard his gears with perfect stones. Then i think if or when lost hits 90 we should triple the drop rate of the TT mats he needs to make it. Then if or when lost hits 95 we should give regular mobs drops a 5% drop rate to drop those winged touphy thingies.…
  • Yes, all you assassin class must trade in your daggers and fight with giant Q-tip. Seriously, we need new potion or ginie skill called white powdered balloon, You throw powder and it covers all invisibles with white powder so you can see.
  • WOW, way to make a mountain out of a molehill. Need learn to temper your emotions or you'll have a heart attack by 45. You contacted the guild leader cause a broke noob drop by to pick up some drops you cared nothing about. Now you start a entire thread about it. Whats next, contact a GM and try to get him one day ban.…