NPC Pricing...need updated?



  • lost0716
    lost0716 Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    You'll prolly find this to be pretty hilarious...but I'm a cleric...used a light armor build...pretty versatile...decent in pvp...the problem with using a light armor build is that max HP suffers...but so far I've done alright...almost 70ish. For the gears I was to add (2)G9, (1)S9 and (1) puts my hp about 2.5kish and my mdefs over 4k and my pdef around 4.5k...add in my lv10 buffs and I get 60% more on my slightly more than double...and this is why I want to invest the time in these gears cause they can last me till 90ish while I work on my final set of gears

    -people don't plan to fail...they just fail to plan

    Since I'm on a pvp server...I check out the red names floating around...see what kind of gears they outfit themselves with...unsurprisingly most use citrine shards...and maybe 1 or 2. Now HP is all fine and dandy...but if you don't have the def to cushion it ur still gonna get the same result. Sure this brings up the argument of which is better (HP or PDef)...and all those equations that ppl spent so much time coming up with are kinda foolish...I mean seriously...the shards are about equal...I think the point of sharding is to amend your deficiencies
  • _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary
    _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,294 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Doesn't sound that hilarious, I admit you have that pretty well planned out. But I'm afraid G9 shards aren't gonna get cheaper anytime soon. You're looking at an investment of well over 50m just on shards alone.

    Best advice I can give is to go with flawless shards. After that invest in some decent ornaments, most likely a protection belt and necklace and demon heart rings. Then refine your belt, rings and necklace a good deal and you'll get a nice boost in mag/phys defences from that. Moderate armor refines will add the HP you need too. And flawless shards are pretty decent so you certainly wont be lacking. With that set up you should find you can last till 90 and you'll be spending a lot less than full G9 sharding.
  • Nastassiya - Sanctuary
    Nastassiya - Sanctuary Posts: 483 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    b:cry I did not even know about that stuff till 7x b:sad

    Now Tideborns with +5 level 40 molders....fml

    I didn't either but well.. new people and reading WC about wtb: perfect gems and then they go ask what that is =p
  • Vorawrcious - Harshlands
    Vorawrcious - Harshlands Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Yes, I agree. We should lower the price of shards so lost can fully shard his gears with perfect stones. Then i think if or when lost hits 90 we should triple the drop rate of the TT mats he needs to make it. Then if or when lost hits 95 we should give regular mobs drops a 5% drop rate to drop those winged touphy thingies.

    Oh, also need to have NPC start to sell crafting mats for 100 a peice so he can level up his tailoring skills to make his TT 90 set.
  • Nastassiya - Sanctuary
    Nastassiya - Sanctuary Posts: 483 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Yes, I agree. We should lower the price of shards so lost can fully shard his gears with perfect stones. Then i think if or when lost hits 90 we should triple the drop rate of the TT mats he needs to make it. Then if or when lost hits 95 we should give regular mobs drops a 5% drop rate to drop those winged touphy thingies.

    Oh, also need to have NPC start to sell crafting mats for 100 a peice so he can level up his crafting skills to make his TT 90 set.

    Why not just all lunar drops?
  • Vorawrcious - Harshlands
    Vorawrcious - Harshlands Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited February 2010

    Why not just all lunar drops?

    That's what im talking about. Yes i agree with you as well.

    And those dang dragon orbs are really hard to get too. WTF up with that. NPc shoudl sell them for 5k or someting
  • lost0716
    lost0716 Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    aww....must be one of them QQers that would lose money if he can't sell uber expensive crazy stones b:cryb:cry oh boohoo...I can get my own mats...but I don't see shards dropping...and honestly...higher shards will still eat in to the wallet...

    So meanwhile back at the ranch...

    The purpose of this forum was to see about updating npc prices...some people were helpful enough to show me other avenues of for those people that are all high and mighty and full of themselves...well I guess this game will lose it's appeal for you soon since there is nothing left for you to strive for...not that sorry to say that I won't miss you...b:chuckle

    So for the people that did help me I offer my thanks...and for the selfish people get over yourself and go try to make something decent of yourself

    /end rant
  • Tarind - Sanctuary
    Tarind - Sanctuary Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    1st, you should have posted this in the suggestion thread.

    2nd, Ok the guy may be a bit clueless, ok hella clueless, about gemming his gear with higher end stones in midlevel gear. But he does have a point about the costs of combining gems that you purchase from the NPC's.
    lost0716 wrote: »




    3rd, And I do personally think that his suggestion on the 2nd spreadsheet makes it more reasonable price wise. While letting it be a gold sink for the game economy.
  • Olba - Sanctuary
    Olba - Sanctuary Posts: 1,776 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    lost0716 wrote: »
    You'll prolly find this to be pretty hilarious...but I'm a cleric...used a light armor build...pretty versatile...decent in pvp...the problem with using a light armor build is that max HP suffers...but so far I've done alright...almost 70ish. For the gears I was to add (2)G9, (1)S9 and (1) puts my hp about 2.5kish and my mdefs over 4k and my pdef around 4.5k...add in my lv10 buffs and I get 60% more on my slightly more than double...and this is why I want to invest the time in these gears cause they can last me till 90ish while I work on my final set of gears

    The truth is, if you want the best, you have to work for it.

    Another truth is, what is good in the 70s is mediocre or bad in the 90s.

    The idea of socketing all sockets with the maximum allowed gems is insane. Really, it just doesn't make sense for most people. The only exceptions I can think of are awesome lower grade items, such as Helmet of Lion Spirit for Archers, which maxes at G8 and Cape of Tauran Chieftain, maxing at G9.

    And honestly, the last thing you want is lvl 70 players walking around with Perfects in their items. For a comparison, here is roughly what my archer looks like right now and here is he with Perfects or Immaculates. Notice the difference in life? That is with changing just 15 sockets to higher grades. With 4 sockets in all pieces with Perfect in them, I would be looking at about 900 more life.
    If you disregard what I say because of who I am or because of the contents of what I said, you are a fool.

    Everyone wants to be different, but when you're different you wish you were normal.
  • Psytrac - Dreamweaver
    Psytrac - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,488 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    generally any mob (within reason) will drop something useful. mines has shard-dropping mobs, so does allies camp
    I'm a guy, not a woman, that is all
    "When you're on Team Bring it, every morning your feet hit the floor, the good lord says "good morning" and the devil says 'Oh **** they're up' " - Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
    Are you on Team Bring it?
  • lost0716
    lost0716 Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    The truth is, if you want the best, you have to work for it.

    Another truth is, what is good in the 70s is mediocre or bad in the 90s.

    The idea of socketing all sockets with the maximum allowed gems is insane. Really, it just doesn't make sense for most people. The only exceptions I can think of are awesome lower grade items, such as Helmet of Lion Spirit for Archers, which maxes at G8 and Cape of Tauran Chieftain, maxing at G9.

    And honestly, the last thing you want is lvl 70 players walking around with Perfects in their items. For a comparison, here is roughly what my archer looks like right now and here is he with Perfects or Immaculates. Notice the difference in life? That is with changing just 15 sockets to higher grades. With 4 sockets in all pieces with Perfect in them, I would be looking at about 900 more life.

    Ok...I looked your stats over...and here would be mine at 70...doesn't look like I would be mediocre for a cleric...and since I would be changing out the set around 90ish...upgrading some accessories and the helm along the way

    my TT70 stats

    also since being a cleric I can add buffs and get more than double in return...the calc is messed up when calculating buffs so I'll do some math real quick..

    MAttk - 5304 - 6024
    Phys Def - 5430
    Metal - 6137
    Wood - 6518
    Water - 7272
    Fire - 6137
    Earth - 6569

    That would be my stats after really not a push over at all

    And to answer the questions...yes...I'm cheating a bit...I used the cash shop to add the last socket on 2 of the gears that came out with 3 socket(got really lucky and 3 of them came out already at 4)...and I bought dragon orbs to get refine lv2 and 3
  • verybadthings
    verybadthings Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    one thing u need to think about aswell is inflation.

    Since ther s a constant growth of money supply from monsterdrops (money and stuff u can sell to npc for money) in order to not have an ongoing ingam inflation, they need to take back money from the game in the same extent (happned to other games) with the resoult of prices between players skyrocketing making it very hard fro new players to enter the game among other things (to high inflation isn t good at all)

    As long as they keep the money going out from players to NPC and money going from monster drops to players more or less konstant they wont have the feared inflation. So in order to keep a sound economy ingame they need to keep NPC prices so high that players need in average spend as much to NPCs as they get in average from NPCs and monsters.
  • Kupuntu - Sanctuary
    Kupuntu - Sanctuary Posts: 3,008 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    lost0716 wrote: »
    Ok...I looked your stats over...and here would be mine at 70...doesn't look like I would be mediocre for a cleric...and since I would be changing out the set around 90ish...upgrading some accessories and the helm along the way

    my TT70 stats

    also since being a cleric I can add buffs and get more than double in return...the calc is messed up when calculating buffs so I'll do some math real quick..

    MAttk - 5304 - 6024
    Phys Def - 5430
    Metal - 6137
    Wood - 6518
    Water - 7272
    Fire - 6137
    Earth - 6569

    That would be my stats after really not a push over at all

    And to answer the questions...yes...I'm cheating a bit...I used the cash shop to add the last socket on 2 of the gears that came out with 3 socket(got really lucky and 3 of them came out already at 4)...and I bought dragon orbs to get refine lv2 and 3

    I'd say that use half citrines and half garnets for armor, and use averages. Also, it isn't worth the investment to buy socket stones. And as for the refines, use mirages for +1 and then maybe +2 with orbs or mirage spam. You can always do like you showed to us, but I can assure you that you will not be able to sell that equipment, or if you can, not for a good price.
    100% F2P player. Started PW: March 2007, Quit PW: March 2011. "Pure axe" 8k HP multipath BM, last one of my kind.
  • Darksylph - Heavens Tear
    Darksylph - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,816 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    one thing u need to think about aswell is inflation.

    Since ther s a constant growth of money supply from monsterdrops (money and stuff u can sell to npc for money) in order to not have an ongoing ingam inflation, they need to take back money from the game in the same extent (happned to other games) with the resoult of prices between players skyrocketing making it very hard fro new players to enter the game among other things (to high inflation isn t good at all)

    As long as they keep the money going out from players to NPC and money going from monster drops to players more or less konstant they wont have the feared inflation. So in order to keep a sound economy ingame they need to keep NPC prices so high that players need in average spend as much to NPCs as they get in average from NPCs and monsters.

    They dont care about inflation, they've made that much obvious. Because higher inflation = higher gold prices. Which in itself evens out, except people gain less & less money (in a comparison to value sense) through farming, so more and more people need to resort to charging zen & selling the gold on the AH to keep up with costs. This benefits PWE. They in fact encourage inflation, by releasing the multitude of gamble packs which yeild best luck tokens, of which 2 will shunt 10 million coins into the games currency system. This isnt rare, as a single 10 mil wouldnt be alot, but these flood into the economy every time a token type gamble pack is released, adding more and more coin into the game. The tried to do this before with the chest of coins & hammers, equivalently saying, for every 5 gold you charge, 1 mil goes into the economy, but they economy over inflated past the usefulness of those.