Farming spirit

Ewen - Harshlands
Ewen - Harshlands Posts: 96 Arc User
edited March 2010 in General Discussion
So as the title of the thread says, this thread is about farming spirit. First of all I would like to say that I didn't know where to post it, since its not only about one specific class or so. b:surrender

My situation is this: I am a lvl 64 cleric with a same lvl barb friend, who suggested me that we should stop at lvl 69 to farm bh51/59 and transfer our exp to our genies to get more and more spirit. At first it seemed like a good idea, since after all we were around lvl 50 when he suggested it and I had lack of spirit. Now however I pretty much got most of the skills that I will need and as said I'm at lvl 64. I could imagine that I got enough spirit to lvl 10 all my skills at lvl 80, like a friend of mine said to me.

So the question is: is it really necessary to farm spirit like this on some point, or will all classes (don't forget that I'm not only asking this for myself, but for my barb friend too) get enough spirit to max their skills by lvl 80? My barb friend said that he hasn't got even nearly all skills on max lvl which he would want to be maxed by now.

Thanks for your answers, looking forward to hearing what you think b:thanks
Sig made by me. Seems that the forums change the quality of the picture a bit. b:sad
Post edited by Ewen - Harshlands on


  • bobfu
    bobfu Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Usually if you keep your "Killing xx monsters" quests up and do BH's etc. you shouldn't really have a problem keeping your spirit up for skills. At least i never have anyways :X
  • Bigtease - Lost City
    Bigtease - Lost City Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    b:surrender ull know why when u hit a certain lvl and u notice its 700k spirit or so for one lvl of one skill or even better yet that its 1 mil coins and 1 mil spirit to learn a lvl89 demon/sage version of a skill -whatever amount of coins u payed for said book to learn them genies are an extra i realy wouldnt start worrying about genies at all untill 85+ and only if ur a big pvper cause thats all theyre realy useful for cept for a few certain skills for other classes for other things like gv or pulling mobs/bossesb:bye
  • Vitenka - Dreamweaver
    Vitenka - Dreamweaver Posts: 4,125 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I stopped for a couple of levels about then, but that was more to let some of my pets catch up.

    At 80 I've got a surplus of 3.8m spirit (having got my 79 skills, but not maxed every single of my other ones, just the ones I use(

    I'm pretty confident that's enough spirit. I'd go on with normal levelling now, if I were you.
  • XylolyX - Heavens Tear
    XylolyX - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,097 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I can't speak for everyone but I have over 4mill in spirit on my barb and over 2 million on my archer (lvl73.) I do, however, pick and choose which skills to max...and for the barb ingame coin is always hard to come by, and harder for me to let go of.
  • Must - Lost City
    Must - Lost City Posts: 555 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    No u dont need to farm spirits, at 90 90 plus u get all spirits u need to put all skills ans im talking all skills at sage demon stage...
  • Dralighte - Harshlands
    Dralighte - Harshlands Posts: 1,540 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Many solutions:
    Do races (Event, everydays)
    Do Temple of the Dragon (Event, thusday)
    Kill mobs
    Kylin: thrashtalk everyone, win TWs, serious faction -Dralighte
  • Faith_z - Sanctuary
    Faith_z - Sanctuary Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I havent farmed for spirit but, I did a lot of rebirth alpha on my cleric, and am now doing a lot of gamma, wich gives a lot of spirit, so at any point when you are in need if spirit, you can always do rebirths i suppose, works for me b:pleased
    My caracters:
    Faith_z - 7x Cleric (main)
    HaveFaith_z - 5x Veno
    Ivory_Soul -3x Psychic

    Dont give me an attitude, I got one of my own!
    Saitadatude FTW :P
  • Nevaglar - Sanctuary
    Nevaglar - Sanctuary Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Cant speek for other classes, but for barbs, chance is, even if u do have the spirit, ull lack the money to max skills. Fortunatly, u dont need to max most of barb skills until later in game. Choose to be a tank or DD and lvl skills accordingly. I rescently built a genie lvl95 with my spare spirits (thats over 10mil SP) and still dont need that much. My skills arn't all maxed, but the ones i use are. Just dont try to max skills u dont use anyways.
  • Promivius - Dreamweaver
    Promivius - Dreamweaver Posts: 278 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Farming sprit is in the lower levels easy it just needs time.

    At this time I have enough spirit to get all my next level skill the second I level up.
    Note I am only L48 so I cant speak for higher levels.

    Doing BH's are easy wins much like the CS events.
    Rest of the time I re-create again and again genies to dump the EXP I get into aka spirit-points for the win.
    I speak for myself. My opinions are my own.
    Assuming I speak for others is therefor void.
  • Mulet - Sanctuary
    Mulet - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    If your goal is to keep being maxed skilled for your level, then you should consider using the "genie trick". Ie while you'll be farming for XP/SP, you'll put every incoming xp in you genie, and that will build you great amount of SP.
    There are some good reasons why you would do it:
    • First, you'll be given some chance to build a very good genie. Focus on leveling some level 1 ones until you get some with 9-10/10 luck points, then go on until 18-19-20/20, and so on.
    • Then, you'll have all your skills maxed for your level, with is very funny to play (yes, it's sometimes interesting to remind that a game is supposed to be part of some fun).
    • Eventually, you won't be afraid of dying while you'll be farming SP, since you'll always be at 0% xp. Keep putting every single XP into your genie, and you'll feel safer with nothing to lose.

    There are indeed cons to this trick. The main one is that you'll stop leveling for a while. But it's up to you. There are no other "free" ways to farm SP

    If your goal is not to be maxed skilled, then your question matches the common "how to level faster" one. Then, I can only tell the same things everybody will tell you : Dailies, Zhen, Quests.
  • Ewen - Harshlands
    Ewen - Harshlands Posts: 96 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    If your goal is to keep being maxed skilled for your level, then you should consider using the "genie trick". Ie while you'll be farming for XP/SP, you'll put every incoming xp in you genie, and that will build you great amount of SP.
    There are some good reasons why you would do it:
    • First, you'll be given some chance to build a very good genie. Focus on leveling some level 1 ones until you get some with 9-10/10 luck points, then go on until 18-19-20/20, and so on.
    • Then, you'll have all your skills maxed for your level, with is very funny to play (yes, it's sometimes interesting to remind that a game is supposed to be part of some fun).
    • Eventually, you won't be afraid of dying while you'll be farming SP, since you'll always be at 0% xp. Keep putting every single XP into your genie, and you'll feel safer with nothing to lose.

    There are indeed cons to this trick. The main one is that you'll stop leveling for a while. But it's up to you. There are no other "free" ways to farm SP

    If your goal is not to be maxed skilled, then your question matches the common "how to level faster" one. Then, I can only tell the same things everybody will tell you : Dailies, Zhen, Quests.

    My question was just if farming spirit is necessary, which a lot of people have answered by saying no. I myself feel no need for it, since got all my buffs and necessary heal spells maxed. I'm just wondering about my barb friend since I want to stay on same lvl with him. Cleric + barb combination pwns. b:chuckle

    Thanks for your answers guys, I'll forward this info to my friend b:thanks
    Sig made by me. Seems that the forums change the quality of the picture a bit. b:sad
  • Vorawrcious - Harshlands
    Vorawrcious - Harshlands Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Farming spirit is not needed and bad idea for many reasons. You want to get to lvl 80, or better yet, 90, ASAP. Kimping your leveling process makes no sense.
  • ValFera - Heavens Tear
    ValFera - Heavens Tear Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Well from experience i can say that you will get plenty of sprit once you get into your late 80s and 90s as it takes several days and sometimes weeks to lvl so doing wq daily will giv e you plenty of sprit. I know this becuase i have taken 3 genies to gold using spirt to fill them, and i am currently back up to 5.3m

    But also if you are behind on getting all your TT gear you might want to stay in a lvl range for a while and get all of your stuff together for your 90 gear once your lvl as some of it takes a while to aquire.

    Basically just a matter of choice i have done it several times on my veno as i quickly got 10-20 lvls infront of my pet once i started BHs etc.
    Leader - Hikari LVL3 PVE Faction {Heavens Tear}

    Hikari is the Light.
    RESPECT is part of the Light so when you show others respect you show them the light.
    TRUTH is part of the Light, so if you find deception put light on it for all to see.

  • MANray_ - Sanctuary
    MANray_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,311 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I myself have been capped at 69 for a while now which has allowed me the chance to literally blow millions worth of Sp into genies. IMO cap leveling to farm spirit is not worth it (i myself have other reasons) and would not recommend it at all.
  • Sacredxstar - Heavens Tear
    Sacredxstar - Heavens Tear Posts: 916 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Don't fret over this. You get a huge, huge, HUGE amount of spirit around level 80-90s.

    I myself have about 31m in spirit that is just decaying. b:surrender
    I call it how I see it.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Thanks Santacruz! :D
  • kargor
    kargor Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Don't fret over this. You get a huge, huge, HUGE amount of spirit around level 80-90s.

    I myself have about 31m in spirit that is just decaying. b:surrender

    Phew... sounds too good to be true :-)

    Unlike the other "early 60s" character at the beginning of the thread, I have almost NO skills at all, and when I recently checked the skills and available spirit... well, lets just say I'm not at all confident about getting anything up. I have rarely added levels anywhere, and I don't think my Alchemy at 3/3/2/3 ate that much spirit (I stopped trying to raise it now and dumped the lvl 4 quests)... so I was wondering whether I would ever be able to get one of the higher level skills even if I make the cultivation.

    Of course, being a Venomancer I don't need skills other than Pet Heal, which is why I never cared about them, or tried to hire high levels to do my cultivations or FBs (Free2Play MMO"RP"Gs are bad enough already --- what's left if you take out the quests as well, no matter how stupid they are in these games?). Nowadays, every boss and his mother just swipes my crystalline magmite away like it isn't even there, and none of the skill descriptions reads like it could change that.

    I have run out of doable quests (only cultivations, Alchemy, Fungus, DQs, FBs and bosses left) a short time back, so I was looking for "things to do" and among other things checked the skills, just to discover that I'm far too low on spirit :-( And while I only have low skills, most of them are still dispensable --- but when I started I got the impression that every skill can be gotten, and since I didn't find a decent guide and didn't even want the melee skills I assumed I can just add skills as I like/can afford.

    [ Lvl 63, current set: Venomous 10, Ironwood 8, Metabolic 7, Summer Spirit 2 (eech... I think that one was expensive), Wood Mastery 4, Fox/Tame/Revive 1, Swimming Mastery, and of course Pet Heal 7... Alchemy 3/3/2/3... so not getting anything other than Pet Heal/Tame/Revive would have saved how much? 1M? 2M? 3M even? While that looks like a lot compared to the 1.3M that I currently have, I think the higher tier skills eat several millions each... and I do see other Venomancers casting skills that I don't even have, along with skills that I DO have ]

    Well, since then I've been wondering how to raise spirit a bit faster... along with trying to figure out a reasonable grinding strategy to raise levels (like doing one-man-army until I get 25K, then doing Crazy Stone, filling extra time with DQs or doing more one-man-army for more money so I can do Crazy Stones even on days when I don't want to play. No idea what Reputation is used for, but the one-man-army should compensate for any expiring boss quests which makes it a tiny bit more interesting than grinding other monsters). But that didn't feel like putting emphasis on spirit...

    And while I was looking for information on the patch (that school thing doesn't give spirit or exp, right?) I stumbled across this thread... and of course, anyone recommending to not worry about Spirit until "some insane level" sounds too good to be true as lvl 80 or even 90 is still ages away.

    I only skimed through the genie descriptions so far so I must have missed the exp-draining thing (I only got to the parts where you need money to cast skills and get random points and pay 3 mirage stones to get a new genie, all of which made it pretty clear that I don't need one) --- I thought saying hello to a boss was the way to reduce exp and not reduce spirit, but I didn't have a clue when the spirit/killtime ratio maxes out, so I didn't visit bosses to raise my characters spirit, as visiting bosses tends to reduce my own spirit.
    Yindra --- Lvl 64 Venomancer (Sanctuary)
    Getting too grindy by now :-(