Why are people so fast to point blame?



  • MANray_ - Sanctuary
    MANray_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,311 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Rankar's short range AoE has been single handedly responsible for most of the times i've died in 51. Even Wyvern i can usually escape if the party wipes (although i try not to, in order to give the cleric a chance). My pet can easily hold him (Rankar) and while it's somewaht iffy, i have even managed to fully tank him on ocassion (i usually request the aid of a second veno for this scenario). But his phys AoE is simply impossible to survive for robes, and at the 6x range many people still have the bad habit of running towards squad when they aggro either adds or the boss. I recall a particularly bad run which resulted in multiple wipes because of a barb that not only did run towards the squad, but apparently was unable to comprehend the concept of damage dealing without spamming aggro skills, even after being repeatedly instructed, which a pet will never compete with.

    I digress, when doing Rankar it's both the adds and the AoE that get you. Well meaning barbs i've seen get the squad in trouble because they try to take on both the boss and the wandering patrols. This is a mistake, as with many other bosses, even if the barb can handle the tanking. The cleric/barb team should always be allowed to function unmolested, and adds need be handled by the rest of the squad, preferably by BMs and venos if present.
  • Olba - Sanctuary
    Olba - Sanctuary Posts: 1,776 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    nekoxkitty wrote: »
    Ok so I was on my main sin earlier today and I was doing my BH 51. We had sin (me) 2 clerics a barb a wiz and a archer. Well we got to Rankar and the barb just charged right to him before we cleared I went to clear I got one killed but then i noticed everyone was focusing on Rankar. Anyways I go to help because well we had 2 clerics and any BH i've been in that had 2 clerics were always able to heal me and the barb unless one used BB. Anyways I go to help and the cleric doesn't pay any attention to my health so I go to run out of the way and his aoe hits me. Barb loses aggro after that I get rezed I die again due to everyone not clearing out the other monsters then barb loses aggro again runs right into the clerics and get them killed I get rezed I go invisible cause I see barb running around chasing after everyone else they all die then it starts. The barb starts saying I stole aggro then everyone else joins in and says I got the squad killed. I kept trying to tell them I died before aggro started bouncing but they wouldn't listen I also tell them the barb got everyone killed because he charged in before we cleared and then started chasing after people with rankar right behind him.

    So what I want to know is why is everyone so quick to toss the blame to who ever they feel like it. Because it's not the first time this has happend where some one dies and then I get blamed or we have a low lvl tank and were killing things and everyone is stealing aggro but im the only one who gets told to stop it. Seriously is it because im a sin? Or is it because im a girl? Or do people just feel like I deserve to be blamed for pretty much everything because it's really starting to become a problem where I end up leaving because everyones blaming me for anything that goes wrong.

    Simplest answer:

    When something goes wrong, it's always someone else's mistake, because obviously the speaker is perfect. Flawless. Godlike. A higher being. A worship-worthy existence. Jesus?
    If you disregard what I say because of who I am or because of the contents of what I said, you are a fool.

    Everyone wants to be different, but when you're different you wish you were normal.
  • XanZerstorer - Dreamweaver
    XanZerstorer - Dreamweaver Posts: 505 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Rankar's short range AoE has been single handedly responsible for most of the times i've died in 51. Even Wyvern i can usually escape if the party wipes (although i try not to, in order to give the cleric a chance). My pet can easily hold him (Rankar) and while it's somewaht iffy, i have even managed to fully tank him on ocassion (i usually request the aid of a second veno for this scenario). But his phys AoE is simply impossible to survive for robes, and at the 6x range many people still have the bad habit of running towards squad when they aggro either adds or the boss. I recall a particularly bad run which resulted in multiple wipes because of a barb that not only did run towards the squad, but apparently was unable to comprehend the concept of damage dealing without spamming aggro skills, even after being repeatedly instructed, which a pet will never compete with.

    I've had that problem in a run. I was doing my cleric's BH51 and I had gotten a random barb. My BM can live a fair bit on Rankar, so while my cleric was coming back, I had gotten Rankar. My cleric lags, and I make it to Rankar right as my BM dies. D'oh. Barb does what any other barb usually does: he grabs aggro and kites. Normal. "Res BM."

    I start resing the BM, the barb runs right to my cleric with Rankar still on him. I die. We have a second cleric on board, he reses me, then dies to Rankar's AOE because the barb gets too close. I res the cleric, res the BM, the barb comes but this time, goes to BM before I can heal him up a bit or move him. So BM dies again.
    Due to constant PMs: I'm not German, sorry folks D:
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    nekoxkitty wrote: »
    Ok so I was on my main sin earlier today and I was doing my BH 51. We had sin (me) 2 clerics a barb a wiz and a archer. Well we got to Rankar and the barb just charged right to him before we cleared I went to clear I got one killed but then i noticed everyone was focusing on Rankar. Anyways I go to help because well we had 2 clerics and any BH i've been in that had 2 clerics were always able to heal me and the barb unless one used BB. Anyways I go to help and the cleric doesn't pay any attention to my health so I go to run out of the way and his aoe hits me. Barb loses aggro after that I get rezed I die again due to everyone not clearing out the other monsters then barb loses aggro again runs right into the clerics and get them killed I get rezed I go invisible cause I see barb running around chasing after everyone else they all die then it starts. The barb starts saying I stole aggro then everyone else joins in and says I got the squad killed. I kept trying to tell them I died before aggro started bouncing but they wouldn't listen I also tell them the barb got everyone killed because he charged in before we cleared and then started chasing after people with rankar right behind him.

    So what I want to know is why is everyone so quick to toss the blame to who ever they feel like it. Because it's not the first time this has happend where some one dies and then I get blamed or we have a low lvl tank and were killing things and everyone is stealing aggro but im the only one who gets told to stop it. Seriously is it because im a sin? Or is it because im a girl? Or do people just feel like I deserve to be blamed for pretty much everything because it's really starting to become a problem where I end up leaving because everyones blaming me for anything that goes wrong.

    You are an Assassin. Therefore it is all your fault, even if you were not in the BH at all and was just squaded with them, and they all died. It's simply because you are a sin. Nothing more.

  • Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear
    Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    ^Fail cleric..just pure fail lol

    Not really i just made the best out of the situation after way to many squads being idiotic. This was when i was level 6X and doing BH for my level.
    Executor Of Reunited ~ Level 3 ~ Level 85+ ~ No Drama, No Pressure Faction.

    Hunter_PT - Cleric 9X, (Active/Main)
    PoisonedTip - Veno 7x (Retired)
    Skeln - Barbarian 4X (Rarely-Active)
    Hunter_The - BM 1X (Rarely-Active)
  • Giodia - Heavens Tear
    Giodia - Heavens Tear Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    nekoxkitty wrote: »
    Ok so I was on my main sin earlier today and I was doing my BH 51. We had sin (me) 2 clerics a barb a wiz and a archer. Well we got to Rankar and the barb just charged right to him before we cleared I went to clear I got one killed but then i noticed everyone was focusing on Rankar.

    - For me, in this situation, I would sound out to squad "Adds"

    if there is someone tanking the adds, I would assist in killing the adds.

    In this sutation, everyone else is probably afraid of getting aggro, so forcused on tanks target instead.

    Anyways I go to help because well we had 2 clerics and any BH i've been in that had 2 clerics were always able to heal me and the barb unless one used BB. Anyways I go to help and the cleric doesn't pay any attention to my health so I go to run out of the way and his aoe hits me.

    -As I have said, everyone is afraid of getting unnecessary aggro, so they forcused on tank instead.

    Barb loses aggro after that I get rezed I die again due to everyone not clearing out the other monsters then barb loses aggro again runs right into the clerics and get them killed I get rezed I go invisible cause I see barb running around chasing after everyone else they all die then it starts. The barb starts saying I stole aggro then everyone else joins in and says I got the squad killed. I kept trying to tell them I died before aggro started bouncing but they wouldn't listen I also tell them the barb got everyone killed because he charged in before we cleared and then started chasing after people with rankar right behind him.

    - In this situation, I would hazard a guess that either the clerics over-healed barb and got aggro. I do not know if it is possible / Mage and Archer stole agggro for a moment, Barb snatches back, cleric heals barb and got the aggro and were first to hit the inviting floor.

    So what I want to know is why is everyone so quick to toss the blame to who ever they feel like it. Because it's not the first time this has happend where some one dies and then I get blamed or we have a low lvl tank and were killing things and everyone is stealing aggro but im the only one who gets told to stop it. Seriously is it because im a sin? Or is it because im a girl? Or do people just feel like I deserve to be blamed for pretty much everything because it's really starting to become a problem where I end up leaving because everyones blaming me for anything that goes wrong.

    -It is not hard to blame you because your ilk has posted topics about how potentially high your DPS is. Adding to that, lotsa oracale sins are actually snatching aggro here and there, leaving a bad impression on them.

    I would not say whose fault it is in this case because I'm not present at the crime scene, reconstructing of the events is purely based on experience on possible factors.

    Also, I do not know if this is the full story or is it a summary of events with selective parts left out because the chain of events doesn't quite linked up at some parts.

    When in doubt, always think before starting your attack on the boss. As everyone knows, only those who have hit the boss in some way, dies when the boss runs rampage.

    So if the squad wipes, they cannot blame you for aggro snatching because you have never DD in the first place.

    This way saved me from losing exp countless of times. And if more people adopt this method, starting at 90% mark or lower on boss hp, then we would not have so much problems.
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    it's actually not terrible to admit fault and apologize, everyone is more understanding when someone does that

    tagging along with a friend at a bh100 one time in seat, someone accidentally aggroed some warlocks and the multiple AOE lightning caused a lot of charm ticks and had a few deaths. upon asking "ok who did that", someone was quick to say "sorry, mistake with tab key", and the run just goes on. i mean, these are lvl 101's, they were not afraid to admit slip ups and apologize, and everyone in the squad were understanding, why can't more people be like that?
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Vorawrcious - Harshlands
    Vorawrcious - Harshlands Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I think the main job of a cleric is to keep themselves alive and the tank alive. They can always rez you or others later, but if the cleric or tank dies then all hell might break loose.

    There are pots for any minor damage of mobs and from boss AoE. Why should a cleric use his or her mana to give you a full heal for a bit of hp. Is your hp cost more important than a cleric mp cost during run. And, i must say if you just stood there and let a AoE keep hitting you for hit points till you died, you not to bright. For safety reason and just sommon courtasy for the cleric in your squad, use hp pots and dont expect cleric to heal every little bit of hp lost.
  • TigerLily - Lost City
    TigerLily - Lost City Posts: 1,209 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    When something group/party oriented in a videogame goes wrong people tend to wanna find the weak link lol

    Not very PWI-specifik really, its like that in all games. Who screwed up, whose fault is it, who shall we never party again b:angry

    So much easier than facing the truth, that it in most cases is kinda everyones fault and everyone screwed up dealing with some unlucky incidents that occurred and it lead to a party wipe...
  • DeathBanana - Heavens Tear
    DeathBanana - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,674 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Global warming. 'Nuff said.

    9x Demon Cleric
  • Mumintroll - Heavens Tear
    Mumintroll - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,393 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I don't understand one thing. Why to blame some1 for party wipe? It's can happen. It just GAME. Nobody will die in real life, nobody will be beaten in real life. So what we can loose? Practically nothing. If cleric res. me I won't loose practically any experience. Just cleric loose the most from the squad. So people remember nothing happens in real life if party is wipe out. And that's most important.
    Lot of people are imaturate kids, which they don't know real values of life.
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Global warming. 'Nuff said.

    Don't you mean Solar System warming? seeing as all the planets of our solar system are experiencing roughly the same type of heating we are?

  • ClericNico - Dreamweaver
    ClericNico - Dreamweaver Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I always find it funny when people start throwing blame around. Usually I've found it's the first one to say "this person did that and got us all killed" that is the one who actually messed up.

    Another thing I find funny is people assuming you're fail just because they are, or because you're below a certain level. Had my bm in a bh39 today, and after calcid, i decided to aoe the 4 turtles that sit there. I had a charm and the cleric was there too, so I was fairly confident i'd be ok. The cleric is from my faction, and knew what he was doing, so he did a fine job keeping me alive for this. But the barb was like "let him die or we'll party wipe." After they were dead, the cleric goes "he can keep aggro, i trust healing him." i found this funny, as we were having problems with the barb holding aggro. b:chuckle
    Sometimes, when I'm bored, I blow myself up. b:victory


    ClericNico: 7x Cleric, Hate2Love Executor
    _Poe_: 7x Barbarian, Tormented Executor (Hate2Love Alt Faction)
    Durzo_Blint: 6x Blademaster, Tormented

    The cleric formerly known as the veno known as Sheeeba. b:chuckle
  • Gasoline - Lost City
    Gasoline - Lost City Posts: 304 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    In some cases there is actually 1 to blame lol

    So many people can be really ignorant and dumb, wasting other people time and money, refusing to listen and do what their suppose to - it often make parties wipe.

    I dont give a **** its just a game, if that wizards or BM goes afk on a macro at wave 9 in Rebirth because he is lazy and makes the party wipe i will blame the **** out if him lol

    He just wasted 2-3 hours of my valuable spare time + coins.
  • MANray_ - Sanctuary
    MANray_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,311 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Offtopic; Overwhelming consensus exists amongst the scientific comunity in regards to anthropogenic climate change. I mean to neither flame nor debate the issue, but i had to express my dissent for the record.

    As for the topic, we really shouldn't be so sensitive about criticism even when we know it to be plain wrong or unfounded. Evryone deserves to have things explained to them once, and that's what IMO we should do when confronted with it.
  • Jaberwachy - Heavens Tear
    Jaberwachy - Heavens Tear Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I't wasn't your fault!!! it was the tanks fault for being a fail the 2 clerics fault for failing to keep an eye on the group it was the blamers fault for blaming the blamee for being in the blame position to take said blame in the first place so in closing i guess it was your fault. So from now on just start blaming the blamer for being such a blaming failure.b:angry
  • Solandri - Heavens Tear
    Solandri - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I don't understand one thing. Why to blame some1 for party wipe? It's can happen. It just GAME. Nobody will die in real life, nobody will be beaten in real life. So what we can loose? Practically nothing.
    Figuring out what exactly went wrong is a necessary step to prevent the party wipe from happening again.

    The problem here is that certain member(s) of the group were so eager to avoid blame themselves that they jumped to the wrong conclusion as to who caused the wipe. So they are doomed to repeated it (along with anyone unfortunate enough to group with them) until they get over their ego and accept the possibility that maybe, just maybe, they themselves are to blame.
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Offtopic; Overwhelming consensus exists amongst the scientific comunity in regards to anthropogenic climate change. I mean to neither flame nor debate the issue, but i had to express my dissent for the record.

    As for the topic, we really shouldn't be so sensitive about criticism even when we know it to be plain wrong or unfounded. Evryone deserves to have things explained to them once, and that's what IMO we should do when confronted with it.

    I'm sorry, but there is not an 'overwhelming consensus' of anything. Saying something over and over doesn't make it true, and in this case, there are fewer actual scientists saying it, than people who have a vested financial agenda to say it.

    In case you haven't been paying any attention, there is a s**t storm going on in Europe over the **** e-mails, the 'lost' data and the 'tampered' data that has been used from the get go, by the very guys who influenced the IPCC reports. One has already been forced to resign, others are looking at possible criminal charges.

    At BEST their data management was sloppy, at worst criminal considering the TRILLIONS of dollars that is potentially at stake. The fact that data has been manipulated across the board by more than one agency tells me there is more than meets the eye.

    Answer me this... do you know what the Urban heat effect is? Did you know that over the last few years EVERY agency that has scientists working on the 'global warming' issue has been neglecting to compensate for that effect? That in fact a deliberate effort has been made to hide the fact that they are no longer adjusting temperatures to compensate for the urban heating effect. What does that mean? How about the fact that failure to compensate for the urban heating effect automatically raises 'reported' temperatures, allowing them to point to their data and say "see, temps are rising!" when in fact, they are not.

    How about the minor problem that the majority (yes MAJORITY) of the weather stations where they are acquiring their data are effected by the urban heating effect. And as they are no longer compensating for it.. you guessed it, the appearance is given that temps are rising. When in fact, once again... they are not.

    Explain also the simple and documented FACT that every planet in our solar system was warming, at a comparable rate as we were (I use the word were deliberately, you will see why shortly), when compensated for distance from the sun and the amount of solar radiation they were getting.

    Now explain to me why for the last 15 years (yes 15 years) there has been NO statistically significant GLOBAL WARMING documented. You should be looking at the British media, the American media is strangely quiet about whats going on over there with all this. There is a vested financial reason for that of course. Trillions of dollars are at stake.


    p.s. And no offense meant to you MANray, but have you bothered to look into any of the claims yourself, or are you just parroting what you heard? Checked their methodology? Checked how they handle their data? Wondered why the very data they claim showed what they were saying was true has for some reason suddenly 'gone missing'? I don't personally believe there is AGW. Simply because I've done my looking and am satisfied that the wool is being pulled over the sheep's eyes to divest them of their rights even more, and of course, the sheep just bleat mindlessly and never even notice, or if they do, they look back down again because to question what they are being told, would be wrong.

    I was raised to question 'authority', because when you stop questioning authority, they start taking advantage of that. AGW is just another excuse, much like "Saddam has Weapons of mass destruction, we have to invade", and is based on even less truth.
  • Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear
    Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    That is the best argument i have heard in a long long long long time.

    Personally, i think the planet is getting colder as the winters where i live are getting longer and colder and summer is just a myth b:surrender.
    AGW is just another excuse, much like "Saddam has Weapons of mass destruction, we have to invade", and is based on even less truth.

    However, i agree with the war agaisnt Saddam, its all about risk. When we attacked we were led to believe he had weapons of mass destruction etc. It turned out he didn't so both governments god shed loads of stick. If it turned out he did infact have them and he used them against another country how much worse would of things been? Is it really worth the risk of people like Saddam having weapons of such power? The next war will be with Iran after Afghanistan is given up (you cannot beat people in their own country, the Russians failed years ago so we will aswell. They are guerrilla fighters and have far better knowledge of the land then both our countries could ever dream of.) on and that will be because of the weapons the Iran government is building.

    Britain and America attacked for the oil everyone knows that.
    Executor Of Reunited ~ Level 3 ~ Level 85+ ~ No Drama, No Pressure Faction.

    Hunter_PT - Cleric 9X, (Active/Main)
    PoisonedTip - Veno 7x (Retired)
    Skeln - Barbarian 4X (Rarely-Active)
    Hunter_The - BM 1X (Rarely-Active)
  • Kuschel - Lost City
    Kuschel - Lost City Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    If you can't stop spamming IH on the tank long enough to cast a Chromatic Healing Beam every 20 seconds or so, then you're either a bad cleric, or you're running with a fail tank.

    A cleric's job is to keep the entire squad alive, not just the tank. Everyone else can't do their jobs if they're all dying from AoEs.

    Well maybe since you know what to do so well, you should be a cleric, not a WF.

    My first char before I rerolled was EP... it's not easy when your tank sucks. Sometimes, like previously said, you need to keep that tank alive because if you stop healing he'll die. If he dies, then everyone dies. I'd rather have all my DD die than the whole pt wipe and boss reset.
    No hiding in room 32 NPC.

  • Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear
    Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Well maybe since you know what to do so well, you should be a cleric, not a WF.

    My first char before I rerolled was EP... it's not easy when your tank sucks. Sometimes, like previously said, you need to keep that tank alive because if you stop healing he'll die. If he dies, then everyone dies. I'd rather have all my DD die than the whole pt wipe and boss reset.

    Thank you. It's good to know some people understand the priorities of a squad. I concentrate on the tank and heal other if and when i can.
    Executor Of Reunited ~ Level 3 ~ Level 85+ ~ No Drama, No Pressure Faction.

    Hunter_PT - Cleric 9X, (Active/Main)
    PoisonedTip - Veno 7x (Retired)
    Skeln - Barbarian 4X (Rarely-Active)
    Hunter_The - BM 1X (Rarely-Active)
  • Vitenka - Dreamweaver
    Vitenka - Dreamweaver Posts: 4,125 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Silly people.

    The clerics job is to keep me alive.

    The best way for them to do that is to keep your tank alive, so that the boss dies, and let you die.

    I mean, I'm not even on your server - but it's best to be safe.

    Ok, being slightly serious - rushing in to take the boss without clearing the adds is a bit mean. And I'd kinda expect the second cleric to throw the occasional heal to the secondary tank who is cleaning up the adds.
    Things go wrong sometimes, though.
  • SinCityChick - Dreamweaver
    SinCityChick - Dreamweaver Posts: 300 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Amen to that...
    For those times when *facepalm* and *headdesk* just aren't enough, I present...*brickhead*...painful, effective, and guaranteed to make you forget why you hit yourself in the first place.

    SkyLight (faction)
    Andracil (teh BEST MOD EVER!)
  • Malei - Sanctuary
    Malei - Sanctuary Posts: 281 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    From what I seen, it is easier to point blame on the DDs than the cleric/tank.

    The tank can run in friggin' circles all over the FB with the boss on their heels, the cleric can nuke a group of mobs that they know they can't handle and kill everyone.

    But because their class is so needed, so required, they can easily get away with things like that and still be invited to squads.

    I remember squading with this one herc veno that decided to, after Rankar, AOE the next three sets of mobs. Me, on my wizard, automatically heals despite the fact that we have two clerics in party simply because I don't want to put too much stress on the clerics. One, I don't know why the clerics decided to afk right after Rankar, especially since they were lvl 80+ and had absolutely no reason to even leave the instance. Two, We all know that a wizard's heal is slow, so before it could pop off, she was dead in three hits. She blamed me for aggroing the other two mobs, even though it was obvious she used Noxious Gas to hit the next three[ I'm a Veno, I know the animation, damnit.]

    When I tried explaining that all I did was try to heal her, and my heal never ever popped off, she left the squad, and so did everyone else with her. "Let's see if you can do it yourself then." I totally got my Guild and wiped the floor with those mobs x3

    I believe that it wasn't your fault. Tanks and Clerics get away with a lot nowadays, especially in BHs. It is just generally easier to blame a DD for a fk up than one of the "important" classes. Pft.
  • SinCityChick - Dreamweaver
    SinCityChick - Dreamweaver Posts: 300 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Running the risk of sounding repetetive...Amen to that.
    For those times when *facepalm* and *headdesk* just aren't enough, I present...*brickhead*...painful, effective, and guaranteed to make you forget why you hit yourself in the first place.

    SkyLight (faction)
    Andracil (teh BEST MOD EVER!)
  • Mayfly - Dreamweaver
    Mayfly - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,094 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    No BB in '51? O.o No BB on Rankar, sure, because he interrupts, but at Wyvern? Depends on the tank. BMs or low 60s barbs, stay at extreme range and IH and purify; mid 60s and above barbs, or 70+ BMs, BB. Easiest way to protect everyone, if BB is sufficient for the tank.
    Weekly Japanese/English bilingual webcomic
  • Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear
    Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    No BB in '51? O.o No BB on Rankar, sure, because he interrupts, but at Wyvern? Depends on the tank. BMs or low 60s barbs, stay at extreme range and IH and purify; mid 60s and above barbs, or 70+ BMs, BB. Easiest way to protect everyone, if BB is sufficient for the tank.

    Why do people always think BB is ever needed lol. No FB up till 79 should EVER need BB. Only times BB is needed is TT/FF/WB/Zhen.
    Executor Of Reunited ~ Level 3 ~ Level 85+ ~ No Drama, No Pressure Faction.

    Hunter_PT - Cleric 9X, (Active/Main)
    PoisonedTip - Veno 7x (Retired)
    Skeln - Barbarian 4X (Rarely-Active)
    Hunter_The - BM 1X (Rarely-Active)
  • Mayfly - Dreamweaver
    Mayfly - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,094 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I didn't say it was NEEDED (with a low HP/phys res tank at Wyvern, BB doesn't heal enough, and IH/purify is necessary, like I said) but it makes life easier for the rest of the squad if you can do it. Especially assassins at Wyvern. Also sometimes you have a bad pull/sh*t hits the fan moment in any FB/BH, and then BB can save the day.

    Also at Farren, BB lets the lower levels participate in the fight.
    Weekly Japanese/English bilingual webcomic
  • Firefeng - Dreamweaver
    Firefeng - Dreamweaver Posts: 421 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Senior Pure Dex assassin advice:

    - Use Chill of the Deep for Fushma

    - Use a bow for Rankar and stand next to cleric

    - Use a bow for Wyrven and stand next to cleric

    Following this guide should fix prevent from blame going to you. If they can't keep aggro/hate from you with those guidelines its something someone else is doing wrong.

    -Flop Flop- Im a fish

    More Seniorer Pure Dex Assassin advice:

    - Don't use Chill of the Deep on Fushma. Inform the cleric that you'll tank him, then spam sparks on him. Easily tankable in melee range by any class that can hold aggro.

    - Use Daggers to attack Rankar. If your tank isn't that good, hold off on attacking until it's down by 10%. Don't double spark, just keep Rib Strike up and auto attack. As soon as you pull hate, force stealth. Since it resets your aggro, you should be fine the rest of the fight.

    - Use Daggers for Wyvern. If he's still one-shotting you with his aoe, refine/shard your gear. Use charm/event food to heal, don't whine at the cleric to keep you alive. Repeat Rankar's strategy, making sure to force stealth quickly if you pull aggro.

    If you're skittish about using HP charms on bosses that AoE, leading you to become a thrift-shop Archer with a Mastery-less bow, quit game now.
  • MANray_ - Sanctuary
    MANray_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,311 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I'm sorry, but there is not an 'overwhelming consensus' of anything. Saying something over and over doesn't make it true, and in this case, there are fewer actual scientists saying it, than people who have a vested financial agenda to say it.

    You make your case in a well reasoned and articulate fashion, i take no offense at being addressed with intelligence. Much like you i believe in questioning authority and in not accepting such things as contradict available evidence. Skepticism is a healthy habit.

    I do stand by my statement AGW is supported by an overwhelming consensus amongst the scientific comunity; All Nobel laureates in science (unlike the fields of peace and literature, still a worthy accomplishment) who have publicly spoken on the issue (a majority), all scientific bodies of standing in the world, including those dependant on the UN system (whatever criticisms may be leveled at this body, it houses through it's programs the most inclusive of technically profficient scientific institutions) as well the science academies of most G20 countries (including my own) and of every idustrialized nation (including the USA). No recognized scientific body or even individual college has challenged this consensus, and to most scientists the debate centers about the effects and costs, not wether the problem exists.

    As for the incident at the University of East Anglia no evidence of wrong doing has emerged (as a lawyer i'm somewhat punctual about these things) despite an ongoing investigation by the UK's government. The allegations are based on documents obtained through hacking and have yet to be reviewed in a court of law. Furthermore all they really point to is mishandling of access to information by skeptics and unflattering remarks about them. No published research has been tainted or questioned because of this.

    As for urban heat islands the issue was dutifully addressed by the third report of the Intergovermental Panel on Climate Change (a body composed by scientists of international standing and often charged with undermining the dangers of AGW by other researchers) and found to have no significant impact based on published studies which addressed it's effect.

    As for the impact of solar variation this has been debunked by published science as well, the effect having been accounted for in climate models and considered unsignificant. This is the position of all Astronomical Societies that have spoken on the issue (including the Americans) and NASA.

    As for the argument that temperatures have failed to rise in the last 15 years the only available evidence comes from temperature records in the United States alone, and whose validity has now been questioned by several researchers. I do keep up with British newscasts (printed journalism has unfortunately continued to suffer the trend towards becoming a tabloid press) and not so long ago i remember watching in the BBC Hardtalk series allegations being raised against American interest groups of providing ample funds to any researcher willing to debunk AGW.

    Now, i have up until this point based most of my argument on published, peer reviewed science. To me the important evidence lies however in who are the skeptics on the technical side of the issue. Indeed all are American or American funded scientists (a mere handful) of little repute and no international standing. Given there is a heated political debate in the United States (to all practical purposes one of the world's leading polluters and a non signatory to Kyoto) i would question the true goals behind such skeptics.
    The USA has rich coal deposits it would become unable to exploit were such measures as demanded by scientists be implemented. Also there is the alegation about transfer of wealth, and heavy opposition towards cap and trade.

    It is from politically motivated interest groups and media personalities that the controvery has arisen, not really from within scientific comunity where such things are handled through research. I do question the sources on the other side of the debate, their methods and their motivations.

    This is a debate that should be handled by scientists, and on that front it is no longer even considered a matter of dispute.

    Sai, i have little doubt you've already heard my arguments and that you've had good reasons to dismiss them. I do want to make it clear that in no way do i question your sincerity on this, nor your integrity. I believe you're honestly arguing what you believe to be the truth. I also think it remains a matter of respect to respond to a well formulated post and i have done so. While debate is healthy i do think this is not an appropiate forum to discuss this matter, and while in no way would i begrudge you a public response, for my part i'll only continue this debate through pms or in an appropiate setting. i have been guilty of less than apropiate behaviour in here and do wish to correct that.