Trying to decide if PW:I is my kind of game, A general list of questions.

alazar Posts: 28 Arc User
edited April 2010 in General Discussion
- I used to play Perfect world back in Beta, I played it for about 3 days then stopped. The furthest I ever got in the game Was level 20 and I honestly don't remember anything about it.

As the title states. Right now I'm looking for a casual mmorpg to play. I used to play FFXI but quit due to 2 major reasons. They will be raising the level cap (Which they had not done in close to 5 years). And I Just don't have the time to grind my 5 lvl 75 jobs to 99 each. When I had the time to level those jobs I was in highschool and it was 2003-2006.

I am now in college and am a full time student. I don't have much time to play mmorpg games.

I began to get into Aio n, I won't lie the game felt absolutely amazing. PvP was great, Animations were spectacular, graphics were out of this world, music perfect, needless to say If I just had the TIME I would love to play it. Alas, I got level 25 and quit also because I was only logging in at most 8-10 hours a week.

To be honest the only mmorpg that has been able to keep up with my busy schedule since I got into college has been Guild wars. Only because of the way the game is, I am able to play a few hours a week, get things done and still be on par with all of my friends.

As much as I like GW, I am getting a bit bored of it. I mean I have been playing it for 2 years now and have almost done all of the storylines in both difficulties.

I have 5 characters at level 20, and the only thing I am missing to feel complete is 2 armor sets 1 for my Dervish and 1 for my Paragon.

That being said, I feel like I want to be done with Guild wars so I began to look into different mmorpg games and I ran into this 1.

Now that I got my background story out of the way I'll get to the heart of the post. Perfect world.

Basically at this point in my life my family and I are having huge financial difficulties. So much so that I can't really afford to spend 15/mo on a mmorpg I won't play very often.

PW:I is a Free 2 play game. I make a emphasis to state the PLAY word there because in my experience Free 2 play means exactly that. Free 2 play the game.

What I have experienced from other Free 2 play mmorpg games like Sword of the new world, and Runes of Magic, is once you reach a point in the game, there is no real alternative. You ether spend money to upgrade gear and be competitive enough to participate in high level events and activities, grind for what could honestly be YEARS to gain the level cap, OR quit. For both of those games I ended up quitting. Level 30 in Runes of Magic, Veteran in SoTNW.

How is perfect world's item mall design?

Does the game force you at some point to spend money on the item mall to be competitive?

Does it make progressing brutally difficult in some instances irrationally slow if you don't spend money?

As I said I am a 8-10 hour a week kind of gamer, Basically what I am asking here is, Will I be able to enjoy remaining at the very least PvE competitive for my level and maybe pvp competitive with that kind of play time and as a FREE player?

I would like to hear from a player close to the level cap for this next question if possible.

How often do you see players around you're level who actually play 100% for free and don't devote their entire lives to playing the game?

My last questions are

What makes perfect world a better Free 2 play mmorpg game than all the other F2P Asian grinders on the market today?

Why do YOU play Perfect world International over all the thousands of Free 2 play MMORPG's out there?

What unique feature does perfect world have that attracts you besides you're friends and the community, but unique game play feature?

Hope to get some replies from the community sometime soon, and thanks for taking the time to post and read the thread.
Post edited by alazar on


  • BarbHammer - Heavens Tear
    BarbHammer - Heavens Tear Posts: 215 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Go find and ready the Q&A..that is all
    I do as the Romans do, I wash my hands of thee.
  • Hakiii - Heavens Tear
    Hakiii - Heavens Tear Posts: 283 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I would say up until level 60 it was fun, and possible to play without CS. Technically the whole game is playable without, however it will take insane amounts of time, and seeing as you have a would probably get old.
    I've played both PW's and after all the time I've never really made any friends, so I can't comment on the player base.
    Now you would have to grind for hours to save up for something in the Auction House or shops vs when things were like 1m max.
    From what I hear from others on the forums, you'll pretty much get creamed in PVP if you don't spend money.
    Uhh I'm scattered, sorry if I missed something.
  • Aneurysmal - Heavens Tear
    Aneurysmal - Heavens Tear Posts: 798 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    truly competitive play requires paying at some point unless you're looking at perhaps 8mo to a year in the future in which case, you MAY be able to play for free via the in game ah gold trading system. Especially once you get into the lower ranges of profiting, you should be able to run a catshop during your non-play hours to cover your play cost.
    Lypiphera 101 Cleric
    Incompetance 100 Blademaster
    MetalPenguin 101 Seeker

  • Sashera - Sanctuary
    Sashera - Sanctuary Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Im level 77, have about 3 mid level alts and have yet to spen a real life cent on this game.

    Cash shop is purely for play enhancement, and the items you get are not in any way 100% nesecary, and even then most cash shop items can be bought purely by saving ingame coin (I have mounts, a tome and a few other things in cash shop bought with ingamecoin) the only downside is the gold to ingame coin ration is a tad off :/

    other than that, id say PWi is one of your best bets for free to play ^^
  • Abrahms - Dreamweaver
    Abrahms - Dreamweaver Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I think it would be hard to be competitive with only 8-10 hours a week in almost any game. That includes this one. A PVE server would allow you more casual fun inside the game than a PVP one, but you should be competitive with, er, no one. You could try one of those high rate private PVP game servers where everyone has end game skills and gear after maybe 20 hours. People get bored there fast, but all you have to do to be competitive is to learn how to use the skills and gear. Those servers also tend to be like dandelions, they pop up fast, and go away fast so you will be hopping around trying to find yet another home and make new friends again, and again.
  • Vinat - Sanctuary
    Vinat - Sanctuary Posts: 1,200 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    How is perfect world's item mall design? this question is way too broad, i dont know what you're asking for. design? what it looks like? or it's content? the cash shop sells a lot of different things. all of these things can be traded among players, therefore you can buy them without spending RL money, but it costs a LOT of game coin. there is also a system in place in game where players can sell/buy cash shop currency for game coin, but again, it costs a lot of game coin.

    Does the game force you at some point to spend money on the item mall to be competitive? yes

    Does it make progressing brutally difficult in some instances irrationally slow if you don't spend money? no. lvling is easy with the various daily quests the game offers, but 2/3 of the quests require you spend in-game coin, which, as a 8 hour per week player, i dont see you having very much in game coin.

    As I said I am a 8-10 hour a week kind of gamer, Basically what I am asking here is, Will I be able to enjoy remaining at the very least PvE competitive for my level and maybe pvp competitive with that kind of play time and as a FREE player? pve isnt really competitive.. maybe you meant functional? depending on the class you pick, you can get by and into the high lvls with **** gear and no cash shop tools (like hp charms), and pvp competitive without spending money? no. no way in hell.

    How often do you see players around you're level who actually play 100% for free and don't devote their entire lives to playing the game? what? this question doesnt make any sense the way you've worded it. people my lvl, most have spent money. most have also quit by this point because there isnt much to do end-game except spend money to play "keep up with the jonses"

    What makes perfect world a better Free 2 play mmorpg game than all the other F2P Asian grinders on the market today? probably nothing. it was rated top mmo in 2008 when it came out. pretty sure they didnt get the award in 09.

    Why do YOU play Perfect world International over all the thousands of Free 2 play MMORPG's out there? bcuz i've spent a LOT of money and dont want to see it all go to waste, tho even that has become barely enough to keep me interested in playing

    What unique feature does perfect world have that attracts you besides you're friends and the community, but unique game play feature? character customization. this game by far has the best facial customization i have ever seen in any game.

    honestly, overall, you seem to be most concerned with lack of time and not wanting to spend money. for this game, you cant really have fun like that. things have gotten expensive in general, and there are 2 kinds of people, those who spend a lot irl and those who have multiple computers running 24/7 to generate in-game coin.

    but with that said, i think every MMO reaches this point after a year. my advice would be to bypass games and go to college parties instead in your free time.
  • DrazoThePsy - Dreamweaver
    DrazoThePsy - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,167 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Does the game force you at some point to spend money on the item mall to be competitive?

    Force? No. Encourage more? Yes.
    Does it make progressing brutally difficult in some instances irrationally slow if you don't spend money?

    For some classes and playing style and preference, yes.
    As I said I am a 8-10 hour a week kind of gamer, Basically what I am asking here is, Will I be able to enjoy remaining at the very least PvE competitive for my level and maybe pvp competitive with that kind of play time and as a FREE player?

    PvP players have more pressure in keeping up with their levelling. Struggling at 30 - 60+ is no fun for anyone. If you can wait for a new PvP server to open (which can happen any time between now and perhaps the next few months or so) then everyone will start from square 1, but expect oracles to be obtainable from the cash shop upon release.
    What makes perfect world a better Free 2 play mmorpg game than all the other F2P Asian grinders on the market today?

    Compared? Graphics, frequent updates, a GM and support team that actually makes their presence known and do things, good server performance and stability, large and diverse world and unique character customisation.
    Why do YOU I]still[/I play Perfect world International over all the thousands of Free 2 play MMORPG's out there?
    I feel more at home hear I guess. Granted it's not perfect, but it's Perfect World. b:chuckle
    What unique feature does perfect world have that attracts you besides you're friends and the community, but unique game play feature?

    Customisable characters including fashion, numerous ways to power your character, plenty of quests instead of plain grinding, daily quests that can be rounded up in about 1 or 2 hours and promises of more interesting updates every so often.

    There are a few mini-games and other things to do than plain grinding or questing, namely the snake isle race, auction and Territory Wars. Don't forget cash shop gold and items can be bought from other players with the normal game coin. b:victory
  • bramante
    bramante Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I'm a casual player too, a few hours here and there in the evenings. I agree with your point of view and experience... no game lasts for ever!

    I have (on PvE server) a lvl 70 barb (ok, it's not end-game), which I thoroughly enjoy and I do not use the cash shop. Quests are no problem, only genuine requirement for help is with the biggies, like bosses, FB's, as is the case for the vast majority but I can still carry out my duty well enough.

    Utilise the equipment you can get, use the guides for the best skills to concentrate on and it's happy days! Some people you'll discover you will like to avoid (big population so no surprise) but there are many you'll love to party with and have a great time playing this game with.

    PvP is slightly different... being really competitive here, as people have mentioned, would require lots of coins/cash shopping but that in itself is driven by other people using the cash shop to gain the advantage. You can still enjoy it to a point without spending money but for longer term interest, you would benefit from it. That's just the way the human nature makes things roll.

    Give a PvE server a go for a few months, no expense, nothing to lose, other than your 10 hours free time! There are plenty of people out there that would be happy to welcome you!
  • Vorawrcious - Harshlands
    Vorawrcious - Harshlands Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Simple answer is, if you just want to have a little fun on a PvE server and could care less about territory wars, you need not spend a dime.

    If, you want to compete on a PvP server against the heavy cash shoppers and guys who live on game, you dont stand a chance without spending money. And not just a little bit of money but im talking over thousand.

    You have 9 pieces of gear not counting your attack rings. When refinement aids are on sale to guarentee 100% success, they cost $20 a bundle to +5 the gear. If you want to go beyound +5, holy ****, is all i can say, prepare to invest your life savings. +10 orb is $75 i think. The success rate without them is so bad, it has made many a grown man cry. If you want to refine to +5 or more refinement aids are a must.

    HP adn MP Charms are $4 a peace and its a must if you going to territory war.

    You got oracles and hpyer exp stones, so you have no chance of keeping up in level with other unless you play ever day or pay $12 a day on above mentioned items. Players can make level 90 in a few months. You playing a few hours a week, spending no money will take over a year to reach lvl 90.

    There are all kind of inventory extention items, that are a must have. You can blow $50 just on those, easy.

    I have a 90 level character and have spent $500 on harshland server, and its seems like a drop in the pale of what is needed to compete with others. All that being said, it's a great, very indebt game, and i will continie to play it, for the forseeable future.

    But i think this game cure me of MMORPG's. PWI made it so bad, i simply throw my hands up and give up trying to compete. In a way its saving me money. if i had a chance to keep up i might spend more. But the way it is i could picture myself spending $5,000 easy to be able to keep up with others.
  • Kupuntu - Sanctuary
    Kupuntu - Sanctuary Posts: 3,008 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    You don't need IRL money at all. I'm level 71, I got nice equips, +3m/s aerogear, many skills up-to-date, 10m/s mount and such. Of course people will out-level you, but it's not end of the world.
    100% F2P player. Started PW: March 2007, Quit PW: March 2011. "Pure axe" 8k HP multipath BM, last one of my kind.
  • Thelas_Carr - Sanctuary
    Thelas_Carr - Sanctuary Posts: 448 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    You got oracles and hpyer exp stones, so you have no chance of keeping up in level with other unless you play ever day or pay $12 a day on above mentioned items. Players can make level 90 in a few months. You playing a few hours a week, spending no money will take over a year to reach lvl 90.
    No additonal comment above and beyond what others have said... Vinat probably said it best that you'll not likely have fun if you want a chance to compete, rather than just enjoy the game at your own pace not caring who passes you by. However, I disagree that you'll make Level 90 in over a year of you spend no RL cash... you can do the grind quests which will pay for Crazy Stone plus the occasional Bounty Hunt and both Frost Covered City runs and World Quest are free... those are your huge EXP makers and will get you to L90 in 4-6 months (or less) of steady play without spending a dime of RL cash.
  • Arma_Geddon - Heavens Tear
    Arma_Geddon - Heavens Tear Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    No additonal comment above and beyond what others have said... Vinat probably said it best that you'll not likely have fun if you want a chance to compete, rather than just enjoy the game at your own pace not caring who passes you by. However, I disagree that you'll make Level 90 in over a year of you spend no RL cash... you can do the grind quests which will pay for Crazy Stone plus the occasional Bounty Hunt and both Frost Covered City runs and World Quest are free... those are your huge EXP makers and will get you to L90 in 4-6 months (or less) of steady play without spending a dime of RL cash.


    The doctor will see you now.
  • Olba - Sanctuary
    Olba - Sanctuary Posts: 1,776 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    You got oracles and hpyer exp stones, so you have no chance of keeping up in level with other unless you play ever day or pay $12 a day on above mentioned items. Players can make level 90 in a few months. You playing a few hours a week, spending no money will take over a year to reach lvl 90.

    Um, what? I've been playing for about 11 months now and I've never done a single Re-birth, FCC or used Hyper Exp and since I was 69, I've mostly been leveling on CS, BH and WQ. And I'm 89.
    There are all kind of inventory extention items, that are a must have. You can blow $50 just on those, easy.

    Hardly. I've only ever bought a single row extension for my bank, except for the free ones and I'm doing just fine.
    If you disregard what I say because of who I am or because of the contents of what I said, you are a fool.

    Everyone wants to be different, but when you're different you wish you were normal.
  • ArchSeraph - Dreamweaver
    ArchSeraph - Dreamweaver Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    This is coming from my experiences thus far, which I think meet your bill.

    How is perfect world's item mall design?
    The item mall's design is really nice. Items are categorized so they can easily be located, there are frequent sales, and many of the items early on are entirely unnecessary and only exist to make your gaming experience more enjoyable or maximize your character's abilities. If you need further examples, just ask.

    Does the game force you at some point to spend money on the item mall to be competitive?
    Competitive on a PvE level, not so much. Most classes can easily get by without spending money and remain a competitive member of their class (Barbarians, Clerics, and Venomancers probably have the hardest time doing so, in my personal opinion). However, for the PvP spectrum, you will find that it is near-impossible. This is not because you as a player need to spend money, but rather because they as PvP-oriented players have sank so much money into the game to refine their gear it will be hard to match them. There are still more casual PvP players that you can easily go toe-to-toe with, and depending on your class you could be well-suited to taking on even some of the stronger PvPers.

    Does it make progressing brutally difficult in some instances irrationally slow if you don't spend money?
    You should hit level 20 in about 3 days if you take it nice and slow, closer to 1.5 days if you power it out given your schedule. From there, you should easily be making 1-2 levels per day. At level 40+, the game turns from various world quests into more daily quests (completable a certain number of times per day) which can keep you moving along. As many just do their daily quests, if you keep up with those, you should be fine. It isn't until level 80+ that you will see a quantifiable disparity between the people who access cash shop items and those who do not.

    As I said I am a 8-10 hour a week kind of gamer, Basically what I am asking here is, Will I be able to enjoy remaining at the very least PvE competitive for my level and maybe pvp competitive with that kind of play time and as a FREE player?
    As I said above, PvE yes, PvP doubtful. Your best bet in this is to join a newer server, with Archosaur being the newest. Joining older servers puts you on a power disparity due to the server's duration alone. To maintain level with friends, you'd want to find a faction that has about the same playtime as you, as many others tend to play more and thus level more.

    I would like to hear from a player close to the level cap for this next question if possible.

    How often do you see players around you're level who actually play 100% for free and don't devote their entire lives to playing the game?
    It is rare to find someone that hasn't dropped a dime into the game. This isn't because they were forced in any way to get there, but rather because of personal choice to make their lives easier instead of spending the extra time getting the in-game coin to make the purchase they wanted. While 100% free players are very rare, people who have only made perhaps 1 or 2 transactions aren't uncommon at all. Many around my level play this game a lot, but it's not because they devote their lives to it. It's more because we enjoy playing with one another, coordinate in a way to maximize our in-game time, or have balanced the work/school and gaming dynamic. I am a full-time student myself, but I'll often do homework or study while running an instance I know by rote.

    My last questions are

    What makes perfect world a better Free 2 play mmorpg game than all the other F2P Asian grinders on the market today?
    Many of the Asian Grinders don't have the graphics that this game has (those who don't agree probably prefer a more cartoonish feel to their games or haven't turned graphics up to full). This game also promotes devoting your class to a path at first, but allows you to access all of that class's capabilities towards endgame instead of holding them to their earlier decision (i.e. A Cleric usually goes support or Full-Attack, but at end-game, they are usually capable of either roles just by setting up their skill bar to what the situation calls for). The game is very quest-oriented early on, and although quests are little more than a cover for grinding, the amount of exp quests provide you with at early levels allows you to ascend far faster than a grinder would. Later, your daily quests will ascend you farther than normal grinding would as well. Lastly, it is very faction-oriented, which to people that like to make friends such as myself means that the social dynamic continues to make the game fun, moreso than games that have factions feel more like an add-on.

    Why do YOU play Perfect world International over all the thousands of Free 2 play MMORPG's out there?
    I came here after nearing the level cap in another game, and stuck to this game because it was far deeper. The PvP isn't just tacked on to a PvE game, it is very much a field of skill and oftentimes coordination with others. As I said, the social dynamic is important to this game not just to keep you going forward but also with the great number of instances making this game more squad-oriented than solo-oriented. It's a break from the MMO attempt to be the 'top player' as you will often have a counter to your build, which makes the game more about the 'top faction,' the best group of people, which I find holds itself much closer to how reality actually plays out.

    What unique feature does perfect world have that attracts you besides you're friends and the community, but unique game play feature?
    As I've played a great many MMOs, there aren't many features here that are 'unique.' I would say instead it's the great blend of cliche features used in a very good fashion that makes this game great, not some proverbial secret sauce that makes it any better than another.
  • OpalAthame - Dreamweaver
    OpalAthame - Dreamweaver Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Seeing as how you dont want to spend money and you dont have a lot of time to play, Perfect World isn't a good iea. This is the most money mongering game I've ever seen. You can get to a high level without paying but its very very difficult and time consuming. They find a ton of ways to get you to pay more and more coin and therefore make you want to buy gold.

    The main reasons why I play.
    1 For once, I want to get to a high level in an mmo without giving up.
    2 I have made good friends here and help run a faction and dont want to leave anybody.
    3 I have spent a lot of money here
    4 It can be alot of fun sometimes.
    5 I'm addicted -_-

    Main reasons why I'd quit
    I always feel like I'm getting screwed over when it comes to in game coins.
    They use to many obvious and irritating 'you need to buy this and this and this' ploys to make money off of you. (Like the hammers needed for the stash, the extention stones in our quest list)
    Way to many glitches and problems that hardly ever get fixed in a timely manner.
    The game is originally from Malaysia, and was poorly translated so sometimes its difficult trying to understand what your supposed to do. And for me, I dont know what it is but they way many things are explained... but I have no freaken clue what they are trying to say, its in english but still gibberish and I am by no means stupid.
    I've met others and even much older players with the same problem.
    Some quests dont fill you in completely so you have to do some research sometimes to not **** it all up.
    It's really, really sexist. I have never played a game this bad about that before.