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  • The Acolyte specifically lists what it's abilities are in it's store page, one of which is that it's heal is done in the form of added Life Steal. While I can understand feeling underwhelmed about what you ended up getting, to argue that you didn't even know what it was is simple foolishness. It doesn't matter what you are…
  • You spend refined AD, and you can only refine rough AD. The whole mechanic is designed to be a limiter on the amount of diamonds you can get through content, and thus directly equate time into reward.
  • Week? That's not in the definition at all. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_release_life_cycle#Beta
  • They actually are, if they decide to use the term Open Beta. If they want to use the term Launch, then they are in their rights to do that as well.
  • Um, if you know what "beta" means, then there being exploits shouldn't be all that surprising. That's what you're supposed to be finding so they can be fixed. So, as a beta player, you should report these bugs and exploits to the appropriate channels: The bug report tool in the game, or the bug report forums here.
  • And that's why so many games are buggy. Defined tasks with a limited number of players has NOTHING on letting everyone do all the random things they would do. Defined tasks lets you make sure that big, common things work as advertised, but you'll never know how all the random builds and gear loadouts will handle against a…
  • In terms of persistent, constantly updated, maintained, and expanded software there is little distinction between "Open Beta" and "Launch" in the classic release sense. This is something that many developers have caught on to; just look at how many Google services are still classified as Beta, even after years in service.…
  • How does increased rates test the way that any normal player will play the game? How can they know if quest encounters are properly balanced if beta players go through at a higher level with higher then average gear? Proper game testing works when you have testers play in exactly the same way that a normal player will.
  • And a definition goes to show exactly that. Again, it's undeniable that the game is in a testing phase, and it's undeniable that it's available to the widest number of people. You can argue that other games have done similar but have not used the term "open beta", but the fact still remains that Cryptic did, and it still…
  • "Production" is the wrong term to use; any game is in production up until the point that there is no one working on it anymore. Even if they weren't taking money, the game would still be in production. The fact that there's "controversy" about the term Open Beta means that people just plain don't understand what the term…
  • You need to put 5 points in each bracket before you can take the next bracket. There's no "chain" of feats, and none of them lead to Paragon trees.
  • He's also on the in-game map as the Founder Agent.
  • There are 2 different types of feat points: Heroic and Paragon. You need Paragon points to take any of the 3 paths, and you don't get Paragon points until you reach Paragon tier at L30.
  • User CP -> Permission Group
  • The Adventurer's Pack is on the Founder vendor, near where you go to get the first cosmetic clothes.
  • This is also beside the fact that enemies that are immune to CC/Movement Impairing don't gain stacks of Chill at all. While Chill stacks granting movement impair makes sense, the damage synergies mean they should make this be two be different effects.
  • The weird thing is that the Ardent coins doesn't specifically say only once a day, while the Celestial ones do. The description for them should be updated one way or another.
    in Ardent coins Comment by umbaglo May 2013
  • On the other hand, if you say the max level skirmish is more difficult then the starting epic dungeons, that means that as you do the dungeons and get gear, the skirmish will start taking much less time to complete, and thus be more profitable during the bonus hour.
  • While I completely agree with the response of "If you think it's too expensive, then don't buy it", because that's the most direct way to show that the costs are too high, to put things in context I just want to mention that cash shop ships in STO are 5~25$ each. Given that ships are the primary way you engage with the…
  • Green items usually have 2 stats, or 1 stat that's twice the normal value. Blue tends to have 3 stats. Also, as mentioned, the stats also tend to be slightly more per rarity level. The recommender puts far too much emphasis on quality, however, and not enough on the pure stats.
  • If you press the Y button in game, that opens the store which you can look through without purchasing any Zen. But to answer your question, 600.
  • Good thing you can respec talents with just diamonds.
  • Well, I would posit that it's not as big of a problem in STO, most likely.
  • On the other hand, though, reducing XP is a fast thing that solves the problem in the short term, while they work on a more nuanced solution.
  • You can't transfer Zen from a game to your account, only from your account to a game.
  • The idea of assets being found in gather points is incredibly amusing to me. "You remove the lock on the knapsack. Inside you find a Man-at-Arms."
  • Workers are also assets.
  • The blessed pack only gives the crafting materials, since it specifies RESOURCES and not ASSETS. To get the workers, you'll need packs that say they give assets (so basically the Zen store pack, though there's some other random packs I've seen around), or just buy them directly from the auction house.
  • To be fair, if the bonuses are identical for each one, eventually you'll be able to buy items to upgrade the green to blue, and both to purple.
  • As was mentioned, the Zen balance in the PW wallet is for your account. Once you transfer it to a game, it's removed from your account, even if it's not spent; because it's no longer available for transfer. In other words, if you have never bought Zen from the billing page, then the wallet saying 0 is not surprising.…