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  • Yea I say we start a witch trial or something, this guy cannot be right!
  • Diminishing returns? I know that at first I was stacking crit/recovery before I realized the soft cap and realized there were better ways to get more damage
  • If you would have come up with a more realistic number it might have worked...
  • Hahaha that is great! Dat healer aggro, ended up having to build a weird regen/defense build, but it works in everything great
  • Yea unfortunately the trade channel in existence isn't used at all, mostly because people don't know about it. Hopefully in time this will get organized as people realize this.
  • It is funny as a cleric I always felt like the dungeon system was working great! People were always friending me, asking to join their grinding groups and guilds. LOL then I played a TR and that made me realize the crazy tunel vision I had. Going to digress some, healing in this game is one of the weirdest systems I have…
  • Trolol? Common sense? more like doesn't make sense that it works this way, need better programming plz
  • Yup, I finally got my mailsmithing to 20 and it was legit, required a couple lucky hits with asset packs, but Io was so happy to be able to make two gemmed shirts and sell them for moniess
  • Yup this is correct, you cannot get the greens/blues/purple profession assets w/o the zen market 16 dollar random profession pack.
  • IMO with the amount of people playing, I don't the conversion rate should of dropped much below 350 as it made zen value decline heavily, although the real cause of this was exploits people used to get 1000s of dollars worth of zen over the last couple of days and destroying the economy, there needs to be an equilibrium…
  • Because sarcasm is so easy to displayed through text...think before you post and understand that there are a lot of people making white knight posts like that and they are not sarcastic...soo before insulting people of being terrible at realizing something in text is sarcasm, think how hard it is to post sarcasm unless it…
  • Such a ignorant self-righteous post...instead of adding to the discussion you just insult people, good job!
  • Yea I have to wonder if he drank some of the kool-aid; there are still tons of exploits, people still can easily AFK pvp and people walking around with 50 to 100 thousand dollars of zen, something is really wrong.
  • I would like a wipe even with the time into my character, as I want a time-valued investment and of the economy is ****ed and keeps getting exploited than my long-term value decreases by a huge amount. Although with the exploits that keep popping up, the wipe will be pointless anyway, so whatever I'll enjoy the gameplay,…
  • Nothing to worry about, as the other guy stated, in CO I still have mail in my box from years ago.
  • Well for one thing it had an upsurge in popularity when it "released", as a lot of people, including myself, didn't even know much about this game. Guild Wars 2 on the other hand had some of the craziest hype leading up to its release and the fact the F2P (although B2P to get the game but after that you can get by easily…
  • Yea this feels like a fair compromise, more than fair actually, as this is how it should be since it is very difficult to group with people that can't chat with you in T2s (although I've never been muted, which is surprising because I chatted in /zone and would expect pricks just to report since they can and there are no…
  • I love how this is worded with very obvious bias, although I agree 100% with the OP.
  • Yea as a DC, T2s are not hard but for some reason there is a ton of people who think they can just jump in first time and know what to do and wipe the group and trash, at that point I leave and get nearly instant queue since I am a DC...eh What I really need to do is join a guild, but with the exploits popping up daily…
  • I have always been up for a full wipe and while I still mostly am, the ammoutn of exploits that keep popping up, I feel in the end it won't matter, the game is broken because they "released" far too early.
  • Yea, while I don't report anymore (exception bots), but we need a trade channel bad. I hate not being able to see anything interesting going on in chat because of all the trading/group spam, also I just want it be sloweer so I can actually read anything at times. I kow right now the AH is down so people can trade all they…
  • Even though my purchase of Zen was after the AH catastrophe, I've been waiting for about a week or so for a response or anything, but I don't know anymore, I've put so much into this game I fel like I can't stop now.
  • Lol, umm a bunch of whiners, we are doing this for the most part because we want the game to succeed, but their handling of exploits in the Zen and Ad markets destroy the long-term integrity of the economy and especially the short-term.
  • Yea I should have known something was aloft when people were trading in keys for the most part, actually it was almost 99% keys and the AD value had skyrocketed while zen has become more or less worthless. Such a waste of money, oh wekll I 've wasted money on worse things, so whatever PWE/Cryptic can keep going on and…
  • Yea I'm pretty depressed (more like feeling like such an idiot), but I have put good money into the game because I enjoy it so much, but when there is exploit after exploit for people getting things I pay good money for is just frustrating. They are lucky my price demand for their game is pretty inelastic or I would be…
  • I just wish respec allowed you to reroll stats...As a guy that was just testing the game out, with no idea, I rolled what the game told me was my best stat, wisdom, but actually strength is more valuable. Maybe apart of DnD, but I guess I hope they make wisdom more useful or allow ability score respecs.
  • This is the first action MMO(if you can call it that, more like an ARPG) that I have played in a long time and throughly enjoy it, so no going back to WoW for me as the combat just bores me to death and I would rather just do Foundry once I'm really bored with the dungeons that are available now(as in the epics, t1/t2) and…
  • I'd imagine not, well maybe some titles and other things(like really insignificant) if founders are still around a ways down the road. Though I expect nothing extra, especially after the "reward" for the exploit, which should of been a little better making up for at least 4 major exploits that I am aware of, but oh well I…
  • I'm quite happy with the 24 hour ban, one of the harshest ways and effective IMO for deterring and eliminating a decent amount of the spam.
  • Yea I was wondering the same thing