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  • Only one person has a comment on this? I was hoping to hear some feedback so I could use some keys on the gateway today unless the response was overwhelmingly in favor of opening in-game... Moderators or Devs have any comments, resources or input on this subject?
  • Great idea in theory but not in practice... the "secret" will be found, publicized and then farmed until it's no longer profitable to do so. I think optional routes in dungeons is a fun idea, but skipping main fights or adding better loot on certain routes will inevitably lead the main stream PUG groups and the farming…
  • I was wondering about the other boxes as well but I was keeping the OP simple. I also have SIGNIFICANTLY better luck opening enchantment strongboxes and artifact provisions in-game.
  • Dropping unwanted Artifacts into your 'equipped' artifacts is a great idea for double RP weekend! Couple of tips for you: -First step, commit to your decision to get rid of the artifact... if you have any doubt about it, don't do it. (The lantern/waters are easy to replace... but the more rare types are going to be harder…
  • I have a laundry list of things I would like to see in the gateway! Exportable Character sheet is a great idea! Also off the top of my head: -be able to view "active" companions, switch out companions and train non-active companions -ability to view achievements and journal with the lore -ability to collect the items and…
  • On most of my toons I use Tymora's coin, Greater Stone of Health (for the "Oh <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>!" moments) and greater healing pots... Although nowa dayz I group with the GFs so they can drink the potions while I stand in the red :D
  • Just have to purchase it BEFORE you start the last boss.
  • I agree the environment is somewhat "toxic"... however, I think the forums provide the players a place to vent their frustrations and concerns with current issues they are having. If players were 100% satisfied with the game they probably wouldn't spend too much time on the forums looking to see if people have a solution…
  • You can purchase Glory Cache's and Grym Cache's under the equipment tab of the AH too to attain these items. I think 1 Grym coin = 50 glory so you might want to do the math to see which one is a better deal. It is always a better deal to grind GG for the coins tho if you want to avoid PVP altogether.
  • PVE "Free" artifact options: - If you grind the Dread Ring lairs daily with a gauntlet you have a small chance to get an "Eye of Lathandar" artifact. (To increase your chance you can acquire Thayan Antiquities and turn them in for the "star metal gauntlets" and more chances in the lair. - If you have 2 level 60 characters…
  • yes. It has been suggested. (fingers crossed) In the mean time try to run with people you can trust. :)
  • My suggestion is to build up your friends tab some or join a guild yourself. Sometimes it is tough to find the right guild, but they're out there! As for friends list, I "friend" likeminded people that I am lucky to run with. (I have had my share of bad groups) If you hit 'O' in game it will bring up your friends list and…
  • I'm not entirely sure it is a change, seems to me I had this problem when I first got into DV with my DC (Clerics need extra time to kill things.) "Slow and steady wins the ... HEY WIZZY! COME BACK WITH MY IDOL!"
  • I never noticed that! Good to know! I only use a lesser so I can barely see it... but I have never felt the need for a higher ranking one haha. It would be nice to be able to shut off the effect if that is desired by the player.
  • I agree that claiming access to such magic should be a feat all in itself... but I don't think a 'costume tab' or a 'stable' would break the 'D&D' feel at all. In fact, I think it would open it up to more Role Play type situations because people wouldn't be burdened by the descision of what mount to roll with 100% of the…
  • The effect scales with the level of the enchant, a lesser is scaled back and a Perfect surrounds you noticably... some people like the effect and use it as part of their 'cosmetics'. I would suggest having a toggle on/off option like the helm does. Also, have you tried using the fashion items tab? There are a lot of…
  • It's more than you used to get past level 60. It may be a bit dissapointing to get the occasional peridot "reward" or 3X rank 3's but it is like any drop you get in the game, sometimes you hit payday and sometimes you get nothing. The reality is you didn't have to do ANY extra work to get the enchantment. In my eyes, that…
  • That is why I said prioritize; if you feel that holding the bounty coins to refine your artifact equipment is more important that is okay. I am not saying it is a good thing that we have such limited space (we are not in disagreement) You can turn them in and use regular bank space if worst comes to worst. Before you feel…
  • Only takes one person on the forum to see it and then announce it in game... I heard about it in game on the Legit before I saw it on the forums.
  • What is wrong with posting a Zen offer? There was 8 Million something before they cleared it, I don't see any reason it wouldn't go back to that number after the original posters figure out their request was cleared.
  • After looking at your screenshot I see your issue. Might want to figure out how to spend those coins until they fix the problem.
  • I highly doubt they spent the time to track alts down if their original solution was a blanket ban. They simply do not have the resources to spend time chasing rainbows. Time is better spent creating solutions to the problem and preventing the behaviors then chasing down every last AD involved. Trust me, They got plenty of…
  • You can turn in your Drake/Unicorn coins for salvage fodder in PE. You can turn in your Kessel's in the same manner. Grim coins can be converted to Glory... same with the battle coins. (or buy PvP gear) If you have too many trade bars (they stack to 3000) you can make some AD combining shards into enchants and use the…
  • I respectfully disagree with all of this. Neverwinter can not afford another "Blanket" solution to solve their problems. The only ones hurt by this are the real players. Exploiters may be slowed or stunned, but they will lick their wounds and move on. People who invest real money (people like me) would not stand for…
  • We know that the numbers are available... we just want them to be displayed and accounted for in dungeon runs and HE "Great Success" and possibly even the PvP campaign?!? (Triple kills on a Cleric, Really?)
  • I agree the Cleric needs something to point to. Most players know Clerics add value to the group but there is no metric to show HOW valuable one cleric is vs. another. DPS is a valuable stat to the DPS classes, but why not show how the cleric buffs/ debuffs contributed to their success? This would help legitimize the GF…
  • Good point. I still think it could be presented in such a way that it tells the customer this is for "verification purposes only" it could work. It makes sense to a potential customer that you wouldn't want your game riddled with spam bots, and like I was trying to say... people not willing to attach proof of identity to…