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solardynamo Arc User



  • I just tried to play Illusion of Communication mission and it crashes to desktop (100% of the time) trying to load a file. I have that character stuck in that loop now.
  • So if someplace/someone/something doesn't cater to my personal wants, then they are intentionally showing me "hate bias"? The self-entitled vocal minority is so ridiculous with their forum blame-shaming on Cryptic.
  • You ask for hard mathematical stats and imply you "win" since nothing is provided and then turn around and claim you just know better because you watch the forums and listen to your armada as proof of your point? How is that logic even supposed to be taken seriously? Oh and it's "no one" and not "noone". Just like stats…
  • So suddenly people are feeling left behind either in DPS, exclusive items, or now macros so the only way to catch up is to force everyone else down? I'm really trying to follow the logic on this. Personally the spacebar macro is not optimal by any means, if that's the focal point of this idea. I use macros and put things…
  • I've never seen a PVP ever where people are happy about it. Even when every player can access the exact same items and skills, they will go blame lag, matchmaking, or just claim it's unbalanced in some way.
  • And users point the finger at a game company instead of realizing they have lowest specs possible on their hardware, no maintenance on their own equipment, and a network path that has multiple points of failure. If something crashes, lags, or acts odd the immediate reaction is...damn this game company!!
  • Highly subjective question that's not even defined, but I voted anyway because there have been some excellent changes. Pretty much read all the comments and don't agree with most of them....especially the calls for nerfs.
  • Vesta is viable. In fact after playing Pathfinder, Dauntless, Fleet Dauntless, and Scryer...I was able to push a Tac Vesta to 22K+ DPS just recently.
  • Yep...about 30 mins ago I suddenly dropped from perfect gaming to constant SNRs through the last half of a mission (which was hell). Exited the game and now completely unable to get to the "engage" phase of the launcher. She's dead Jim.
  • I'd be all for an Odyssey matching hat. That would be cool.
  • What's the minimum level for this? My level 32, 52, 60 Captains got the quest, but my 5 & 10 didn't. I didn't really expect the level 5 (he's pretty much brand new), but the level 10 I was surprised didn't have it.
  • "Stripper shoes" = shoes with uncomfortably high heels or thigh high boots aka: stripper boots, stripper heels While I agree it's not the most tasteful thread title, the term is not that far out of the norm to warrant someone being considered a "perv" for using it. It describes a particular style rather succinctly. Then…
  • I can confirm across 3 characters that Federation Vulcan Males are borked just as the images show above. This is BOFF and Player Characters as well. I have a Fed Vulcan Male that every outfit will default to the eyeless look and most costume edit attempts just result in horror. I hope they are seeing this. Note: OP could…
  • If the bright lights bother you than just say so, but there's no need to play the epilepsy card in an effort to make a change. :) Having been in that community for 15 years I can say photosensitive epilepsy is a factor in a very low number of cases...statistically in this player-base I'd be surprised at more than one…
  • Yes, correct. I said "it's one of the worst in the entire series for my eyes" so if I made a personal list of all the Trek ships then the Excelsior would be a the bottom. Just because it's my personal worst doesn't mean I need hate it with passion, which is why I wanted to clarify. There is no change of heart. I also…
  • So you will comment about me, but not a thing about Gestapo and SS references being casually tossed about. What a fun forum indeed.
  • I missed those good points. I'm about to miss the complexity too. You don't need T6 am I right? I have yet to see content that a decent T5 or T5u couldn't handle so I don't believe advancement is stopped. They don't just hand out desirable gear. You have to do things to get it. So there would be no reason to have big…
  • Let's see...the OP has:* been here since launch * implied large amounts of money spent * the need to bash the game * calling out the Community Manager * right to "free speech" * obligatory "TRIBBLE" references * mentioning history or "business 101" * general insults to Cryptic and frankly other players And of course…
  • Perhaps I should clarify. I never liked the hull of the Excelsior specifically, personally preferring the sleeker Constitution Refit. The Excelsior to me was "bulky" and didn't convey speed or power. It was more like a period in design that was perhaps more practical in the early 80s with influences of the time that…
  • I just had to weigh in with the sea of negativity that I really, really like the new design. In fact, the original Excelsior I've never had or ever considered getting because to be it's one of the worst in the entire series for my eyes. This is a nice fresh take and a sleeker update...and I won't bother going into all the…
  • "revel in the greater opportunities and privilege available to the Feds" You know you're not really a Romulan, right? Throw in the maniacal laugh and all of that makes a nice evil speech. "Balance the factions and there might be more of a population balance as well." You made a nice speech about fallacy in decisions a bit…
  • I should think Starfleet sells because that what all the tv shows and movies are about. Yes everyone is a customer, but when 100+ hours of work sells 10,000 units or a 3,000 units makes a difference. There's no motive there and it's not a personal punishment from Cryptic. They aren't sitting around trying to think of ways…
  • First and foremost, this thread starts with a nice backhanded compliment. Like if my boss gives me a soda and I go tell her "hey it's great you're becoming more generous." I'm sure she'd take that real well. I know I've bought a bunch of ships and I have my eye on three or four others...all Fed. Every ship I have is Fed…
  • I spent time on the other forums too and if you think there is no difference, then you're missing something. * At the bottom of a thread, where is the pagination? I have to scroll all the way back up. * On mobile the pagination is messed up * Login takes you to the form and then back to square one from anywhere * There is…
  • Glad it's not just me Valoreah... Oh AND on mobile the thread pagination is jacked up. Looks like a white box and figuring how to nav past page one of a thread is rather frustrating.
  • I know many guys say they want to look at female toons and okay, I have my crew for that. For me I like immersion and that's easier with a male character (5 here and 60 something in Champions). I know it makes me odd in this day and age, but it is what it is.
  • I saw no insults. You're taking the "no" votes rather personally.
  • Polls are easy way to get data skewed anyway you want. How much do you hate STO?* Divorced - Very much hate it forever! * Married - Mostly hate it, but I'm stuck here * Dating - Kinda hate it so I get around * Casual - I live on the forums talking about it, but I still ultimately hate it According to my poll 100% of users…
  • Had to say no on this first draft idea, but you could always re-poll. Might think about adding required player ethnicity and bank account balances show too? I mean if you really want to be elitist, you might as well go all the way. Profiling other players would be so much easier with a couple extra data-points. I mean if…