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Agents of Yesterday could be the BEST thing to happen to STO in terms of Story and Content.



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    nateham101#2745 nateham101 Member Posts: 420 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    I am still betting that this is a silly joke that they have created for us. In no way can this garbage be real. Just saying.
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    knuhteb5knuhteb5 Member Posts: 1,831 Arc User
    anazonda wrote: »
    knuhteb5 wrote: »
    Apparently, you don't watch the forums enough. There are requests for a t6 connie every other week (they're just not overt as they used to be and are often veiled attempts). Aside from that, I distinctly remember some people suggesting the new t6 nebula use a TOS style model.

    Within the game itself, I see a lot of people flying connies and excelsiors as well as dressing up like kirk/spock. Yes, my evidence is anecdotal but there are enough TOS fans to make this expansion successful. You think Cryptic doesn't have internal metric showing things like how many people have characters named after Sulu, Kirk, etc? It's not like they're taking a huge leap of faith here based on nothing but intuition or a gut feeling.

    Asking for a T6 Connie is not the same as asking for a ToS branch of STO... merely a wish to run your favorite ship at endgame.

    I would really love to know where you stick around in STO?

    The reason is, that I simply can't remember the last time I saw an Excelsior or a ToS uniform.

    I play a lot of federation fleet alerts and I routinely see resolutes/excelsiors participating alongside me. Go to ESD and look at the ships parked around it: I guarantee you there is a resolute there. Alternatively, go to DS9. You'll probably see one there as well.

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    shurkhemolightshurkhemolight Member Posts: 399 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    samt1996 wrote: »

    Like many people I have met in this game I am not a gamer I am a Star Trek fan. I play exactly one Game, this one. So while a new and original alien faction might sound like a good idea to your average gamer STO is not your average game or player base. I don't think it's a great leap in logic to suggest that far more people will be interested in stories surrounding the characters who founded this great franchise then two factions most people could barely remember if they tried. One of which appeared in exactly one episode.

    I myself would probably enjoy a Cardassion or Cooperative faction more but I realize what the majority like and that Cryptic's decisions will always have to be made according to the number of wallets they will open. Furthermore, I can't make any certain judgements about how much I will enjoy it until I actually play it. Cryptic seem poised to really hit a home run this time.

    As always no hard feelings and i am sorry i can't provide hard facts as only Cryptic can do that. The fact they have made this expansion rather then a Cardassion or Cooperative (or something else) would seem to further support my hypothesis however.

    I am 54 yrs old, i teethed trek on TOS, i actually "like" the TOS story arc idea as well as the ships.

    Again my issue is there seems to be a lockout for the rommy main i favor, it also feels like just one more kick in the teeth for KE, RR.

    Thats my issue with this "expansion", it seems to lock her out, and if it does its not an expansion as far as im concerned.

    And then to add insult to injury, my 6 yr old vulcan fed tac gets to sit around and wait for her 140yr old candy too.

    The reason rommy and klingon wallets have never opened is because there is always scraps for them to buy, while the feds shop the feast.

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    samt1996samt1996 Member Posts: 2,856 Arc User
    That's circular reasoning though... how can they spend money on a portion of the player base they aren't receiving much money from in the first place? It's a chicken or the egg problem. I'm also more then familiar with die-hard ROM and KDF players and I can tell you nothing short of a gamewide redesign and built in God-mode would satisfy them so Cryptic has little incentive to gradually improve things because people aren't patient. At all. They go from one extreme to the other there is never a middle ground.

    But I think we've rather gone off topic.
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    stobg2015stobg2015 Member Posts: 800 Arc User
    All of which i have absolutely no issue with, and if anyone has followed all of my comments on this subject my only problem with this expansion is that it seems to shoehorn people into creating a new toon and leaving their established worked on characters on the fed side out in the cold.

    A couple or 3 new FE's for those long established toons, one of mine now 6 yrs old doesn't cut it for me sorry.

    Easily as many people that may have mentioned a TOS storyline have also been countered by as many asking for a Cardy or Borg Coop. faction. Easily as many people who have done so have also been countered by people who would just like to see STO cleaned up stability and bug wise.

    I get it people like the idea of this expansion and they are trying to peddle it, thats fine, i hope they like it, i dont happen to be one of them.

    Pointless is people stateing facts that dont exist in defense of their peddling to call out people who dont like this, wanna know why i dont.?

    I have 1 fed tac, 1 fed engineer, and 1 fed sci, as well as 1 rommy/fed sci, not only will they be limited in participating in this content but,

    I also have 1 kdf eng, and most importantly 1 rommy tac, who happens to be my favorite toon and my main who will at least until clarification be pretty much thrown under the bus entirely.

    Perks from a temporal recruit?, grind 40-60 lvls to give her some perk?

    While i dont think people should bash people who are happy with this, i also dont care to be called out because my rommy main will see pretty much squat from this.

    I want to play her, not have her sit around waiting for candy from some 140 yr old rookie from kirks era.

    I get it. I have around 10 characters already, some of them Delta Recruits I never bothered to level up, and some of the rest not Starfleet. I don't see myself -ever- leveling up more than one TOS character and that no more than I have to in order to benefit from it. I see myself playing through a TOS-themed starter arc exactly once, unless it's so outstanding and amazingly well done that I just have to play through it again. If I buy the temporal agent pack, it won't be for the TOS ships.

    Not everyone wanted Delta Rising, either. We got what we got. At least they're doing it in a way that builds on the current temporal-themed storyline and seems to make sense, instead of creating an entirely separate TOS themepark like some wanted. Imagine how much development time that would have taken away from our existing mains.

    If it keeps the lights on so we have another 6 years to play STO, I'll live with it and get what enjoyment I can out of it.
    (The Guy Formerly And Still Known As Bluegeek)
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    shurkhemolightshurkhemolight Member Posts: 399 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    samt1996 wrote: »
    That's circular reasoning though... how can they spend money on a portion of the player base they aren't receiving much money from in the first place? It's a chicken or the egg problem. I'm also more then familiar with die-hard ROM and KDF players and I can tell you nothing short of a gamewide redesign and built in God-mode would satisfy them so Cryptic has little incentive to gradually improve things because people aren't patient. At all. They go from one extreme to the other there is never a middle ground.

    But I think we've rather gone off topic.

    No you haven't gone off topic, the circular reasoning has been around since the game released with the klingons unfinished.

    Noone will ever know if KE, RR z-store items would have sold well enough to justify its continuation because cryptic threw in the towel on it after what i think was a mediocre effort at best, but thats water under the bridge.

    They never invested in them in the first place.

    Im not a die hard kdf or rom player, i just happen to like playing my main, those players play the middle ground because there is no other ground to play, or they leave entirely.

    Players who "are" die hard KE-RR players are often treated like an unwanted insignificant demographic, i have thick skin, i don't care, some do.

    The reason however that you are not off topic is that this has led us at least in part to where we are now, because they never invested in those factions in the first place, they can just shrug them off now.

    As some people have remarked in the past, they just shouldn't have ever bothered with the KE in the first place, and it makes you wonder why they "ever" put the RR in the game at all.

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    solardynamosolardynamo Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    anazonda wrote: »
    samt1996 wrote: »
    The number of players who care about TOS far outweighs those who care about races nobody but hardcore fans would recognize. You are not a sample size of the player base sorry.

    Provide a link to hard mathematical statistics for your claim here, or this is nothing but your own personal opinion.

    That would be hard I assume...

    I don't remember more than a handful or two, asking for ToS content every month... And those are mostly either the same people, or "Why no T6 Connie" when you split them apart.

    I watch the forums regularly, i listen to my 2000+ strong armada regularly, noone was screaming for a TOS expansion, this was Cryptics idea.

    Claiming that any sample size doesn't matter, or that people care more about TOS than "spoonheads" is nothing but speculation.

    Yea he can't show mathematical statistics, because there are none.

    You ask for hard mathematical stats and imply you "win" since nothing is provided and then turn around and claim you just know better because you watch the forums and listen to your armada as proof of your point?

    How is that logic even supposed to be taken seriously?

    Oh and it's "no one" and not "noone". Just like stats that don't exist, the word "noone" doesn't exist.

    I'm very happy about the Temporal expansion and think it could lead to all time periods and factions or races eventually. It's a nice way to incorporate ALL of Star Trek while at the same time honoring the one that made it all happen. Oh and the ships look amazing!
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    shurkhemolightshurkhemolight Member Posts: 399 Arc User
    anazonda wrote: »
    samt1996 wrote: »
    The number of players who care about TOS far outweighs those who care about races nobody but hardcore fans would recognize. You are not a sample size of the player base sorry.

    Provide a link to hard mathematical statistics for your claim here, or this is nothing but your own personal opinion.

    That would be hard I assume...

    I don't remember more than a handful or two, asking for ToS content every month... And those are mostly either the same people, or "Why no T6 Connie" when you split them apart.

    I watch the forums regularly, i listen to my 2000+ strong armada regularly, noone was screaming for a TOS expansion, this was Cryptics idea.

    Claiming that any sample size doesn't matter, or that people care more about TOS than "spoonheads" is nothing but speculation.

    Yea he can't show mathematical statistics, because there are none.

    You ask for hard mathematical stats and imply you "win" since nothing is provided and then turn around and claim you just know better because you watch the forums and listen to your armada as proof of your point?

    How is that logic even supposed to be taken seriously?

    Oh and it's "no one" and not "noone". Just like stats that don't exist, the word "noone" doesn't exist.

    I'm very happy about the Temporal expansion and think it could lead to all time periods and factions or races eventually. It's a nice way to incorporate ALL of Star Trek while at the same time honoring the one that made it all happen. Oh and the ships look amazing!

    Lol a typo is hypocrisy, which you typod by the way, ok.

    Im always right, get used to it, im always right because when someone proves me wrong i admit it, so im still right.

    Unfortunately you have done nothing of the kind.

    Sorry i cant help ya.

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    berginsbergins Member Posts: 3,453 Arc User
    It seems there's a lot of people calling for statistics on how many players want a TOS Expansion. How about we just use a little Common Sense instead?

    First off, it's thr 50th anniversary of Star Trek, TOS. There were no Cardasian's in TOS, there were no Borg in TOS. Period.

    Secondly, Cryptic isn't trying to attract Forumites. Cryptic is trying to attract new players. Players who might be interested because of the 50th Anniversary. Out of all the potential player base how many do you think saw Kirk or Spock or Sulu poor Chekhov or Scottie versus how many saw Cardassians or the Borg Collective? Exposure wise, TOS is hands down a better choice.

    Finally, to all those whining about how there's no KDF or RR content: The blog says there is going to be content for ALL FACTIONS. So why not wait and see before you waste your energy?
    "Logic is a little tweeting bird chirping in a meadow. Logic is a wreath of pretty flowers which smell BAD." - Spock
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    stobg2015stobg2015 Member Posts: 800 Arc User
    The Devs can't release information fast enough for me. Which I suppose is a problem I share with a lot of other people. :D

    But we might as well be patient for the details because the only thing that will make them post faster is a leak...


    Go leak!!! ;)
    (The Guy Formerly And Still Known As Bluegeek)
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    knuhteb5knuhteb5 Member Posts: 1,831 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    bergins wrote: »
    It seems there's a lot of people calling for statistics on how many players want a TOS Expansion. How about we just use a little Common Sense instead?

    First off, it's thr 50th anniversary of Star Trek, TOS. There were no Cardasian's in TOS, there were no Borg in TOS. Period.

    Secondly, Cryptic isn't trying to attract Forumites. Cryptic is trying to attract new players. Players who might be interested because of the 50th Anniversary. Out of all the potential player base how many do you think saw Kirk or Spock or Sulu poor Chekhov or Scottie versus how many saw Cardassians or the Borg Collective? Exposure wise, TOS is hands down a better choice.

    Finally, to all those whining about how there's no KDF or RR content: The blog says there is going to be content for ALL FACTIONS. So why not wait and see before you waste your energy?

    These are the same people that whine about it and then go and buy the $130 package and are seen flying around in these ships on the first day of release. Go figure....

    Also, good point on this being more about attracting new players during the 50th anniversary than trying to attract veteran players. I'm sure we'll have a cardassian expansion eventually but it won't be until later on, possibly next year.
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    shurkhemolightshurkhemolight Member Posts: 399 Arc User
    bergins wrote: »
    It seems there's a lot of people calling for statistics on how many players want a TOS Expansion. How about we just use a little Common Sense instead?

    First off, it's thr 50th anniversary of Star Trek, TOS. There were no Cardasian's in TOS, there were no Borg in TOS. Period.

    Secondly, Cryptic isn't trying to attract Forumites. Cryptic is trying to attract new players. Players who might be interested because of the 50th Anniversary. Out of all the potential player base how many do you think saw Kirk or Spock or Sulu poor Chekhov or Scottie versus how many saw Cardassians or the Borg Collective? Exposure wise, TOS is hands down a better choice.

    Finally, to all those whining about how there's no KDF or RR content: The blog says there is going to be content for ALL FACTIONS. So why not wait and see before you waste your energy?

    All of this is fine, how about they dont stir the mini factions up by just telling us how involved those kdf/rr toons will be in the first place.

    Publishing information that makes it look very hard like they will be left out doesn't help, saying we will have to roll a new toon to pass perks to them doesn't sound like much content involvement for them to me.

    Why not just say so in the first place, rather than make people sit around for months and wonder.

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    talonxvtalonxv Member Posts: 4,257 Arc User
    I am just shocked noone really saw this coming. 50th anniversary of STAR TREK BEING LAUNCHED and you all thought "gimmie X faction." I pretty much figured something like this was coming but a full on arc of it, that was even a bit of a surprise for me but how many people have I seen over the years yap they wanted more TOS stuff after doing the Devidans arc?

    This is par for the course guys. Though I'm going to happily get the pack cause even I love the TOS. Plus free pashtak and end J? Ok sure why the hell not.

    I just hope there is a KDF and ROM part as well.
    Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!

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    shurkhemolightshurkhemolight Member Posts: 399 Arc User
    talonxv wrote: »
    I am just shocked noone really saw this coming. 50th anniversary of STAR TREK BEING LAUNCHED and you all thought "gimmie X faction." I pretty much figured something like this was coming but a full on arc of it, that was even a bit of a surprise for me but how many people have I seen over the years yap they wanted more TOS stuff after doing the Devidans arc?

    This is par for the course guys. Though I'm going to happily get the pack cause even I love the TOS. Plus free pashtak and end J? Ok sure why the hell not.

    I just hope there is a KDF and ROM part as well.

    I never said "i" was shocked, im not shocked in the least, i voiced my displeasure at the fact that this "seems" to lock mini faction/non fed and established toons out of participation in the big picture.

    "So far" its "roll a temporal fed toon", "later your other account toons which are gathering dust get perks", if you play this one.

    So far at worst ive been innacurately called a hypocrit, and people think kdf/rom players are angry.

    If this doesn't "share as much content" with the established toons as it does with temporal recruit toons, in my opinion calling it an "expansion" is a joke.

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    ncckillerncckiller Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    Level a another captain forget it.
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    talonxvtalonxv Member Posts: 4,257 Arc User
    talonxv wrote: »
    I am just shocked noone really saw this coming. 50th anniversary of STAR TREK BEING LAUNCHED and you all thought "gimmie X faction." I pretty much figured something like this was coming but a full on arc of it, that was even a bit of a surprise for me but how many people have I seen over the years yap they wanted more TOS stuff after doing the Devidans arc?

    This is par for the course guys. Though I'm going to happily get the pack cause even I love the TOS. Plus free pashtak and end J? Ok sure why the hell not.

    I just hope there is a KDF and ROM part as well.

    I never said "i" was shocked, im not shocked in the least, i voiced my displeasure at the fact that this "seems" to lock mini faction/non fed and established toons out of participation in the big picture.

    "So far" its "roll a temporal fed toon", "later your other account toons which are gathering dust get perks", if you play this one.

    So far at worst ive been innacurately called a hypocrit, and people think kdf/rom players are angry.

    If this doesn't "share as much content" with the established toons as it does with temporal recruit toons, in my opinion calling it an "expansion" is a joke.

    Actually just went back and re-read the announcement:

    "In addition to the ability to create a brand new Star Trek: The Original Series Starfleet captain, we will be introducing a new episode arc for players of every faction, the Temporal Initiative Resistance Reputation, a Temporal Operative Primary Specialization along with brand new Bridge Officer powers. Players who create their captains during the first six weeks of launch will also be able to participate in the new Temporal Agent Recruitment system for bonus personal and account-wide rewards, a new iteration of the popular Delta Recruitment system that released a year ago. This release is packed with content to keep you engaged in the classic Star Trek: The Original Series era - and beyond."

    Second paragraph first line. So there will be content for the other factions, and who knows, maybe some C-store other faction ships might show up in the lineup. Never know! the DR pack added in some ships later on and you got access to them if you bought the expansion pack.

    Might be hope yet.
    Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!

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    shurkhemolightshurkhemolight Member Posts: 399 Arc User
    talonxv wrote: »
    talonxv wrote: »
    I am just shocked noone really saw this coming. 50th anniversary of STAR TREK BEING LAUNCHED and you all thought "gimmie X faction." I pretty much figured something like this was coming but a full on arc of it, that was even a bit of a surprise for me but how many people have I seen over the years yap they wanted more TOS stuff after doing the Devidans arc?

    This is par for the course guys. Though I'm going to happily get the pack cause even I love the TOS. Plus free pashtak and end J? Ok sure why the hell not.

    I just hope there is a KDF and ROM part as well.

    I never said "i" was shocked, im not shocked in the least, i voiced my displeasure at the fact that this "seems" to lock mini faction/non fed and established toons out of participation in the big picture.

    "So far" its "roll a temporal fed toon", "later your other account toons which are gathering dust get perks", if you play this one.

    So far at worst ive been innacurately called a hypocrit, and people think kdf/rom players are angry.

    If this doesn't "share as much content" with the established toons as it does with temporal recruit toons, in my opinion calling it an "expansion" is a joke.

    Actually just went back and re-read the announcement:

    "In addition to the ability to create a brand new Star Trek: The Original Series Starfleet captain, we will be introducing a new episode arc for players of every faction, the Temporal Initiative Resistance Reputation, a Temporal Operative Primary Specialization along with brand new Bridge Officer powers. Players who create their captains during the first six weeks of launch will also be able to participate in the new Temporal Agent Recruitment system for bonus personal and account-wide rewards, a new iteration of the popular Delta Recruitment system that released a year ago. This release is packed with content to keep you engaged in the classic Star Trek: The Original Series era - and beyond."

    Second paragraph first line. So there will be content for the other factions, and who knows, maybe some C-store other faction ships might show up in the lineup. Never know! the DR pack added in some ships later on and you got access to them if you bought the expansion pack.

    Might be hope yet.

    I read it, the information is still sketchy, an affliction of video game companies that is certainly not limited to Cryptic.

    It doesn't matter, i willfully never participated in the Delta recruit content for the very reason that it didn't include TRIBBLE for content for my existing characters, perks aside.

    If they launch content beside this so called expansion that levels the content field with those characters fine, if they dont because i am a LTS, and have 6 yrs time invested "and" this is the only real Trek mmo around i will most certainly probably "still" give a store ship purchase a look.

    I have supported this company with more than enough money, i have more fed than non fed characters and enjoy playing them.

    However the fed majority is now out as usual, say anything remotely non supportive toward some TOS expansion that excludes toons in any way, and well look out.

    As i said before i do like TOS story arc idea as well as the ships, people seem to ignore that however and just figure my Rommy main doesn't matter, so be it.

    Well guess fed mains dont matter as well.

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    sinn74sinn74 Member Posts: 1,149 Arc User
    talonxv wrote: »

    Actually just went back and re-read the announcement:

    "In addition to the ability to create a brand new Star Trek: The Original Series Starfleet captain, we will be introducing a new episode arc for players of every faction, the Temporal Initiative Resistance Reputation, a Temporal Operative Primary Specialization along with brand new Bridge Officer powers. Players who create their captains during the first six weeks of launch will also be able to participate in the new Temporal Agent Recruitment system for bonus personal and account-wide rewards, a new iteration of the popular Delta Recruitment system that released a year ago. This release is packed with content to keep you engaged in the classic Star Trek: The Original Series era - and beyond."

    Second paragraph first line. So there will be content for the other factions, and who knows, maybe some C-store other faction ships might show up in the lineup. Never know! the DR pack added in some ships later on and you got access to them if you bought the expansion pack.

    Might be hope yet.

    The Delta recruit thing was great because...you could make whatever you wanted. In order to get the full experience of this expansion (and any of its account rewards!) you MUST create a new Federation captain. I've deleted all but one of my Feds, and I never play it. I have no desire to do so. I only use it to grab the free giveaways, since there are always "FED only" ones. The shows and movies were (to me) about:

    1. The spectacular character development of the Federation characters, and
    2. The mean/evil/cool looking alien ships.

    Guess which one I see in STO? The game is not "Federation Star Trek" to me. Klingon and Romulan? Yes.

    So what do I get? Play FED or no soup for you? Come on, now. As I often say, more choices = good, no choices = bad. Always. I like to play a game and not be thinking "Boy do they NOT want me to be playing this character. They want me playing THAT one." I feel that more and more with STO.
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    storulesstorules Member Posts: 3,253 Arc User
    BEST EVER and WE LOVE it tiger-14.gif​​
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    storulesstorules Member Posts: 3,253 Arc User
    cant wait to get the new ship boats...

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    astroroblaastrorobla Member Posts: 144 Arc User
    All I can say is... WOOT!

    TOS is at the heart of all the Trek that has followed. Developing an entire expansion around the TOS era, but tying it into the current STO through the temporal storyline was, to me, pretty brilliant.

    I'm more excited about this than I have been anything in-game in quite a while! Can't wait to follow the many blog posts to come.

    And for the record, I do hope they extend the endgame ship designs to cover the TOS movie era as well... specifically the Enterprise and D7 upgrades!

    [And for the record, I'm not a gamer, I'm a Trek fan. And I grew up with TOS. And I expect I'll spend $ on this since it offers something awesome that's not been in-game before. So, well-played Cryptic.]
    Now a top-rated spotlight mission!
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    tousseautousseau Member Posts: 1,484 Arc User
    Space... The final frontier.
    Today we begin our journey of discovery.
    We'll explore stars beyond our own, seeking knowledge and new worlds.
    There will be danger, but risk is our business.
    We will boldly go, where no one has gone before.

    Yup, Toto... We're not in Kansas anymore...

    So, I take it that the Na'kuhl have managed to TRIBBLE up our past and the new Temporal Agents have been tasked to put things right again?
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    neos472neos472 Member Posts: 580 Arc User
    stobg2015 wrote: »
    The Devs can't release information fast enough for me. Which I suppose is a problem I share with a lot of other people. :D

    But we might as well be patient for the details because the only thing that will make them post faster is a leak...


    Go leak!!! ;)

    geek me and you are in the same boat i want the juicy details on this :D
    manipulator of time and long time space traveler
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    darakossdarakoss Member Posts: 850 Arc User
    Well like I said before I'm ecstatic that's it's TOS...my only concern is the story. Will I step into the role of seeking out strange new worlds? Or simply blasting countless more enemies into oblivion?
    original join date 2010

    Member: Team Trekyards. Visit Trekyards today!
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    kodachikunokodachikuno Member Posts: 6,020 Arc User1
    tousseau wrote: »
    So, I take it that the Na'kuhl have managed to TRIBBLE up our past and the new Temporal Agents have been tasked to put things right again?
    I was thinking maybe we just run with the new stuff instead ;)
    Maybe a Na'khul was on Nero's ship and activated the self destruct and the Kelvin just saw this huge singularity explode
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    jarfarujarfaru Member Posts: 572 Arc User
    Hopefully not. It's nice and gimmicky but that's all it is. Gimmicky.

    They're not really advancing the game all that much. No new factions (or quasi-factions), only one new universal story arc with a new reputation and some very specific T6 ships.

    Unless you plan on playing the TOS content (not everyone does) this "full expansion" accounts to very little change from the status quo. They're just playing off the fact that it's the TOS' anniversary.

    My thoughts also. Can't wait to see the new rep.grind for it. And don't forget those lock boxes.
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    snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    (both of which have huge community support) they add some weird TOS faction which really only caters to a specific group.

    TOS era stuff has huge community support. Now granted it's been stamped into the ground actively by these forums for quite some time due to some contention over one oft posted topic (See the FCT thread for more on that) ... but that idea of catering to a specific group? I bet Cryptic's own metrics show that there's more support (and thus money to be made) on TOS shinies right now than there are on a Cardassian mini-faction (which is also reportedly in the works).

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    snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    with this new incarnation there seems to be a considerable amount of content you will miss out on unless you create a new character.
    I've played the Romulan story arc on my Romulan. And it's definitely different (the whole farm boy motif on the colony in the very beginning for example). But right now my other faction characters can play the heck out of that storyline. Meet Obisek. And D'Tan. And chase Sela around. And so on and so forth.

    Seems like they didn't miss out on much.
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    thestargazethestargaze Member Posts: 1,020 Arc User
    I think you guys are missing the point.We are now in a stage in Star Trek where we can do time travel. So this expansion will travel us to the TOS era. This is probably because of the new movie and TV show is set in this era. My only regret is that they will not include nutrek. Perhaps in the future we will travel to other periods for future or the next generation so forth. The future is endless.....
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