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Science Ships: Is Vesta still the besta?



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    genemorphgenemorph Member Posts: 404 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    After using the Scryer, Dauntless, and Vesta extensively I have to say the Vesta still comes out on top (just about). You can't beat having a hanger on top of being sci. A close second is the Dauntless, and last the Scryer. The Vesta does feel slightly less tanky though and has more inertia, i.e. more sluggish..
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    vengefuldjinnvengefuldjinn Member Posts: 1,520 Arc User
    Big fan of the Nebula personally and very much in need of tier 6 treatment.
    Agreed, I'd also like to see the Titan aka reconnaissance science vessel and the Nova get some T6 lovin too.

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    goodscotchgoodscotch Member Posts: 1,680 Arc User
    Best Sci ship? T5-U Kamarag! That's Klingon science, baby! YEAH!

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    theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 5,994 Arc User
    Pathfinder for me, built well, she can really shield tank
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      johnnymo1johnnymo1 Member Posts: 697 Arc User
      The Pathfinder and the Vesta are both very solid science ships. The hanger for the vesta is a big advantage as well as upgrading the aux power cannons (mine are ur mk14 403.2dps) The t5-u Vesta is a beast, and eventually there will be a t6 and fleet version of the ship made, but nobody knows if it will be of all 3 variants of the ship. As with all ships at the endgame levels, a lot of the gear needs to be upgraded. set mix and match always plays into it a lot. I love a fully upgraded adapted maco shield on the ship, upgraded to a vr mk 14 for 13,960 shields. The natural shield boosts from science ships makes those shields very beefy, and a few other gear parts will allow the ship to feel a lot like a science minded escort. I'm still upgrading gear on my main science toon, but to give an example of what I use on it, and carried over to level up the pathfinder for the trait:
      3 aux cannons
      both solanae deflectors
      adapted maco impulse
      temporal phase overcharge warp core
      bioneural gel pack, nukara particle converter, hydrodynamics compensator, bionural infusion, zero point energy conduit, 4 fleet phaser consoles, and advanced delta flyers in the hanger.

      I'm still playing with the setup, but in space my power levels are 58/15 105/70 53/15 130/100.
      I like the Vesta class ships a lot, hope this helps some.
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      mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
      SS III (or II) is not really a good choice on a Science Vessel - you only got 6 weapon slots, if you're going for a energy weapon DPS build, there are lots of better suited ships out there.​​
      Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
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      apulseapulse Member Posts: 456 Arc User
      I am happy with my vesta, just upgraded my three AUX cannons to XIV and is Exotic damage focused with 322 and counting.
      Though the Vesta has great survivablitiy with it's console, its biggest flaw I have with my build is the lack of kinetic damage.

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      brian334brian334 Member Posts: 2,214 Arc User
      I fell in love with the Reconnaissance Science Vessel at Tier IV, and I hope they make a T6 version of that before upgrading the Vesta. The RSV is the scrappiest little ship in Starfleet's arsenal.

      What I really hope for is Klingon and Romulan Sci ships. Currently the big two aliens have to rely upon the ships of other races for a true science ship. A T6 Science Mogai and a T6 Science BoP would go a long way.
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      apulseapulse Member Posts: 456 Arc User
      edited September 2015
      reyan01 wrote: »
      apulse wrote: »
      I am happy with my vesta, just upgraded my three AUX cannons to XIV and is Exotic damage focused with 322 and counting.
      Though the Vesta has great survivablitiy with it's console, its biggest flaw I have with my build is the lack of kinetic damage.

      Have to admit, I rarely use the Aux Cannons on my Vesta - they (obviously) drain Aux power, which means that my GWIII/resonance beam etc etc are less effective.

      I generally prefer to use the same forward weapon arrangement as my FT5-U Nova.
      True, but I use Soleane set so I got 130 Aux in passive mod, when firing, I get down to like 110 so I don't care so much. But I have 2x20 aux battery packs always equipped. Im using GW1+3 and TR1.

      With that said, I am a bit tempted to go Torp, but then I need to respec to a drain build, don't have the dihl or cred for that yet.

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      sunfranckssunfrancks Member Posts: 3,925 Arc User
      edited September 2015
      I still like the Vesta. Still one of the most versatile science ships out there.

      Starting to look a little behind since T6 ships, but she can hold her own.

      As for the Annorax, not sure how you can compare them. A lockbox/Lobi ship is deliberately superior to cstore ships, else they would not sell..
      Fed: Eng Lib Borg (Five) Tac Andorian (Shen) Sci Alien/Klingon (Maelrock) KDF:Tac Romulan KDF (Sasha) Tac Klingon (K'dopis)
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      apulseapulse Member Posts: 456 Arc User
      reyan01 wrote: »
      And I use the Obliesk Warp core in tandem with Aux boosting Fleet equipment, resulting in an Aux rating of 135/100; I still think that power is better used in concert with my partigens (currently at 400 points), which give abilities such as the resonance beam a boost. Plus I use the Delta Ordinance set and that Aux level and partigen points means that I can do some SERIOUS straight-to-hull damage with the Isokinetic Cannon.

      DO you use Infused Polaron as main beam damage?
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      apulseapulse Member Posts: 456 Arc User
      reyan01 wrote: »
      apulse wrote: »
      reyan01 wrote: »
      And I use the Obliesk Warp core in tandem with Aux boosting Fleet equipment, resulting in an Aux rating of 135/100; I still think that power is better used in concert with my partigens (currently at 400 points), which give abilities such as the resonance beam a boost. Plus I use the Delta Ordinance set and that Aux level and partigen points means that I can do some SERIOUS straight-to-hull damage with the Isokinetic Cannon.

      DO you use Infused Polaron as main beam damage?

      No - I use Epic MkXIV [CritDx4] Phasers (one beam array and one dual bank), but I don't use tactical consoles either, so energy type isn't a huge concern. I use the tactical console slots for the Plasmonic Leech and Universal consoles that boost science abilities, particularly Partigens.

      But don't you need to equip the polaron beam to get the three set bonus?

      In either case, will take some of your advice to work when I get home from work!

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      lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter
      The Annorax is the best sci boat in the game. Unfortunately, it was a super lottery ship. The pets at elite pack a mean punch, and its trait helps you spew out more exotic damage. That and the fact it can equip 7 weapons.
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      gulberatgulberat Member Posts: 5,505 Arc User
      edited September 2015
      brian334 wrote: »
      I fell in love with the Reconnaissance Science Vessel at Tier IV, and I hope they make a T6 version of that before upgrading the Vesta. The RSV is the scrappiest little ship in Starfleet's arsenal.

      That was my first ship before I bought my Vesta. It IS a tougher little ship than given credit for. :)
      What I really hope for is Klingon and Romulan Sci ships. Currently the big two aliens have to rely upon the ships of other races for a true science ship. A T6 Science Mogai and a T6 Science BoP would go a long way.

      For the Romulans that's definitely a problem that needs to be remedied, given that they equal or exceed the Federation in all scientific areas. For the Klingons...just an inherent weakness of the Empire, sorry.

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      karlbarbkarlbarb Member Posts: 166 Arc User
      edited September 2015
      I too am drooling over the Annorax. I *tried* lotterying it, but no go.

      Vesta is a sweet ship, won't lie, but it has it's flaws:
      - Aux cannons are phasers. Meaning you'd have to spec for phasers. I went with plasma and wouldn't scrap my whole setup for this.
      - I like to deep sci when playing a sci ship. You CAN do that when playing a Vesta, but at the cost of sacrificing a lot of tac abilities. OR you can have lots of tac, but only a little sci. It's one extreme or another. Most people tend to use it as a tac heavy ship.

      Overall, I'd say the Pathfinder would be at the top as you can have both deep sci and still have four tac slots to play with, meaning a much more capable ship overall. It doesn't have the four tac console slots the Vesta has, but it does have five sci console slots rather than the four the Vesta has. Given the strength of sci consoles theses days, it's fair trade off. Although you can get the Aventine for that same trade off. My one and only beef with the Pathfinder is that you need a T5 shipyard to get the fleet version. So I still have to wait. Till then I've been flying the Fleet Scryer, and it too is a very strong ship. You're only ever limited to three tac seats on that one, but given I like to play with a reverse-TBR and EWP build, it works out pretty well for me. Add the cloak and deep Intel abilties and it's actually a pretty strong ship. The only issue with this one is I'm stuck having either torpedo spread (for the Grav Torpedo/Gravity well combo) or APB, but not both.
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      karlbarbkarlbarb Member Posts: 166 Arc User
      There's also the fact that you're one bridge officer shy on the Vesta. That's actually the part that bugged me the most as I tend to use them all ;)
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      potasssiumpotasssium Member Posts: 1,226 Arc User
      Big fan of the Nebula personally and very much in need of tier 6 treatment. She's a very underrated ship in this game that can do it all, tank/sci and decent dps, got mine doing around the 25-28k mark.

      Just about at 20k DPS in my T5U Fleet Nebula. I prefer her or the Scryer over the Vesta these days.
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      e30erneste30ernest Member Posts: 1,794 Arc User
      reyan01 wrote: »
      As has been said before, and not just by myself; Sci ships are probably the only ships on which it actually makes sense to use the tac console slots for something other than pure Tac consoles.

      Yes this holds true especially for torpedo sci ships. My build in my signature only runs 1 tac console, and it's a Counter Command console. :smiley: The rest are universals.
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      lowy1lowy1 Member Posts: 964 Arc User
      Flown all of the above except the Annorax (haven't had time to set it up). If you want science with some intel, go with the Dauntless. It is almost identical to the Vesta in Boff Layout and console layout. You basically trade a Boff Power for pets. The Vesta, however can take more punishment. If you're going for looks, the Wells hands down. It is also a stout Science ship. Get the Aeon for it for the carbon fiber looking skin. If you have deep pockets, get the Annorax.

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      aristocratsupremaristocratsuprem Member Posts: 69 Arc User
      > @rickdanko said:
      > I started a science alt as a mule for my engineering main, but lately, I'm having more fun with the science character and would like to get her up to par with my main, including a decent ship. What do yall recommend for a good science vessel?

      Temporal Science Vessel is best Sci ship. Without a doubt.
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      mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
      reyan01 wrote: »
      > @rickdanko said:
      > I started a science alt as a mule for my engineering main, but lately, I'm having more fun with the science character and would like to get her up to par with my main, including a decent ship. What do yall recommend for a good science vessel?

      Temporal Science Vessel is best Sci ship. Without a doubt.
      Good - definitely. Best? Nope - not any more. And even in it's prime it was almost a tie with the Vesta class.

      But it has definitely fallen behind the times and, cost notwithstanding, there is nothing the Wells can do that the Annorax can't; heck, the Annorax can even use the Wells and mobius console set.
      The Annorax biggest (only?) weakness is it's low turn rate. Even the Nebula is better in that regard. (At least now... The original turn rate many moons ago was just as bad.)​​
      Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
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      eighrichteeighrichte Member Posts: 338 Arc User
      reyan01 wrote: »
      Good - definitely. Best? Nope - not any more. And even in it's prime it was almost a tie with the Vesta class.

      But it has definitely fallen behind the times and, cost notwithstanding, there is nothing the Wells can do that the Annorax can't; heck, the Annorax can even use the Wells and mobius console set.

      Well, one thing — the Wells can go like a bat out of hell. I have switched over to the Annorax, but it's a very different playstyle. If you prefer a fast hit-and-run playstyle, the Wells is hard to beat for science.
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      storulesstorules Member Posts: 3,253 Arc User
      rickdanko wrote: »
      Right. The Annorax is Lobi store only. Vesta it is then. :)

      If you are looking for an underpower and third world like ship...yes Vesta is your guy. The above is the best choice as now followed by the Voth palisade, followed by the Wells Temporal Science Vessel, followed by Recluse, followed by the Pathfinder T6 (not a lobbi ship), followed by the T6 Dauntless (not a lobbi ship), followed by the T6 Scryer (not a lobbi ship) ...Vesta is over hyped but probably last as a science ship these days.

      Vesta was as good as the defiant was about 2 years ago. Now is obsolete and should be re-done as a T6 or their best days are over. Whoever says otherwise they might be too emotionally attached as I was to my defiant but got over it.​​
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      lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,845 Arc User
      questerius wrote: »
      lianthelia wrote: »
      questerius wrote: »
      lianthelia wrote: »
      scrooge69 wrote: »
      no the annorax is far superior

      Beat me to it...Yeah the Annorax just blows the Vesta and any other T6 (science) ship out of the water in almost every way...I suppose the MME's would come in 2nd...Scryer I would say makes 3rd.
      lianthelia wrote: »
      scrooge69 wrote: »
      no the annorax is far superior

      Beat me to it...Yeah the Annorax just blows the Vesta and any other T6 (science) ship out of the water in almost every way...I suppose the MME's would come in 2nd...Scryer I would say makes 3rd.

      Why the scryer? Sure it has high level intel and cloak, but otherwise i find the pathfinder, dauntless and Nebula a lot more impressive.

      Well for what you said and the Intel expose abilities...I like them. You can go different ways with the Intel Cmdr...not the most tac heavy that's for sure.

      You could go SS and OSS for great energy damage or GW III and OSS for a Science punch...you have KM and T:TW for a Torp build.

      Maybe I'm a little biased but I think it's a nice decent Sci ship...she has many options where the Pathfinder is more a pure Sci and the Dauntless is heavy Tac.

      Fair enough. I have looked into purchasing that ship, but i found the benefits too few. Perhaps a bit biased because i dislike the looks. Personally I'm rooting for a Intel Nebula. :open_mouth:​​

      She isn't a pretty ship, that is for sure...I don't get what they did with her nacelles and the saucer having some kind of spikes protruding from the hull.

      The Eclipse's nacelles look a little better...someday will get the eclipse for the nacelles and the trait.

      Feels like the Bortasqu' effect...they went out of their way to make the ship as ugly as possible and gave it so so stats...so it would sell some but not do anything for Science...then they gave it a nice trait for Exotic damage.

      All in all keep Sci down and people wanting a Sci ship...then they pull the BS they did with the Annorax...proves they can make a good Sci ship if they wanted to...
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      taylor1701dtaylor1701d Member Posts: 3,099 Arc User
      I retired my PvP Vesta recently (It served me so well, for so long), but with Override System Safeties on the Fleet Scyrer it's adds a nasty dmg boost for sci abilities, especially if you're playing as a gimped Sci or Engi (Tacs use sci skills better then Sci's :/ ).

      I'm waiting for a T6 Vesta, or T6 Wells personally. And if they dare put them in Promo packs... I'm gonna scream.

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      kyrrokkyrrok Member Posts: 1,352 Arc User
      edited September 2015
      It would be nice for Klingons and Romulans to have if only one science ship at T6. And no, Klingons are not too stupid to have science ships no matter how many Fed-snobs insist otherwise. If the vesta came as part of a 3 pack with the other two, that would be real nice indeed.
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      simeion1simeion1 Member Posts: 898 Arc User
      rickdanko wrote: »
      Is there a fleet version of the Vesta?
      rickdanko wrote: »
      Is there a fleet version of the Vesta?

      starswordc wrote: »
      rickdanko wrote: »
      Is there a fleet version of the Vesta?

      The Vesta is already Fleet quality, i.e. ten consoles as opposed to nine for a normal T5 C-Store ship.
      What this guy said, three pack bundles are already fleet quality.
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      solardynamosolardynamo Member Posts: 44 Arc User
      Vesta is viable.

      In fact after playing Pathfinder, Dauntless, Fleet Dauntless, and Scryer...I was able to push a Tac Vesta to 22K+ DPS just recently.
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      scrooge69scrooge69 Member Posts: 1,108 Arc User
      edited September 2015
      annorax 50K on sci still mk 8 weapons and wip stuff
      need to get a lot and upgrade a lot
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      kayajaykayajay Member Posts: 1,990 Arc User
      I'd choose the wells, Pathfinder or I find the Annorax really manoeuvrable! Stick the Tachyokinetic Converter, that Engineering console from one of the new episodes and a good space set and it'll turn like a dream!
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