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-* Suggestion: Get Rid of Macros for Space Combat *-



  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    tobiashirt wrote: »

    For me the problem isn't that it's in the game or not, it's that fundamentally, any REAL Trek fan would be opposed to doing things in this manner.
    Just like Kirk was opposed to the use of the M-5 super computer.

    To me it'll always be a mild form of cheating.


    Sound familiar? Yes, instant activation is not how the real world works. 2 points, though...

    1.) It's a game, computers (which we're not, but which we use to play the game) can react at these speeds, and not to take advantage of it cedes the advantage to others who do use it.

    2.) If we're engaging in some degree of roleplay, we can use the "labor-saving devices" of the early and mid 20th century as an analogy. We're always looking to make life easier and quicker, to develop technologies to automate or make more efficient anything we can. Would starfleet, in the century plus since Kirk's day, and with the commandeering and retrofitting of so many alien ships, not look to install some sort of automation/modular design to make it easier for crews to use the ships?

    It doesn't require technology or automation. It doesn't matter if its the 15th century or the 25th. The ship is crewed by people. People can be ordered to do things more than once, to do more than one thing in a row, to perform actions as planned in advance without waiting for mommy to hold their hands step-by-step, etc, etc, etc.

    In fact the whole point of having a bridge crew is so the captain doesn't have to do everything himself. Because there is only so much one person can do at a time. The captain is supposed to focus on strategy and the big picture, and the crew is there to handle the repeated button pushing.

    It's absolutely ridiculous to suggest STO's tray-button whack-a-mole has anything to do with how TV captains do it. It's physically impossible for a human to speak orders fast enough to keep up with that kind of ability spam. For those who seriously believe otherwise, try saying your abilities out loud, see how many you manage to say in the 15-30 seconds before you'll need to start repeating yourself to keep them up. And does that sound like something Kirk does?

    On TV, orders are given once, with the expectation that the crew will still remember them 30 seconds later.
  • jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User
    Personally, I do not bother with keybinds. I simply press the corresponding key or click the icon for the ability I want to activate. It would be nice if the lag was fixed because sometime when I press the key / click the icon the ability does not activate.

    I believe players should be giving a choice whether or not they want to use keybinds. It's not an exploit.
  • taylor1701dtaylor1701d Member Posts: 3,099 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    tobiashirt wrote: »
    ...Its a distinct advantage when you no longer NEED to watch the tray as closely, and other factors I've mentioned, it frees up your field of view to watch the battle more closely, and enables the user to pay closer attention to the small details, that lead to higher DPS...

    ...Do we need to get rid of it ? I don't think so, but I wouldn't be opposed to it either, as I do feel everyone who is using them has a distinct advantage over users who don't, and I wouldn't mind seeing all users playing from equal footing.
    Exception being, those with disabilities.

    Bingo. It is an advantage, one that every player has access to. Saying that binds are an unfair advantage vs. people who don't use them is like saying rep gear or set bonuses are an unfair advantage for the people using them...except for the fact that anyone can earn the marks/level a rep/buy the same gear. Everyone in the game is already on an equal footing, and removing binds would only serve to put people on a lower, but still equal footing.

    Upthread, you quoted your 75k as evidence that a lack of binds was superior/not a hindrance, and yet you complain that it's an advantage that people shouldn't have. Which is it? A side-grade/impediment/crutch that you can do better without? Or an advantage that's detrimental to game balance in the right hands?

    Actually Tobias, I was trying to convey that I'd probably score "better" with a set of proper macros. As I could view the battle with a lot more attention to detail. For me, I'm looking at the tray a good 75% of the time, just so I don't miss pattern or buff up times. But even still, I often do miss out.
    Meanwhile macro users can press one of several buttons over and over, and never miss out on perfect up time, while observing a lot more of the battle with a lot less effort.

    But yes, you're right in saying that everyone has access to them. BUT, how many new players actually realize they can do this ? I would wager its not a huge percentage... maybe some who come from other MMO's know of them, and specifically look for them here.
    But that wasn't my case as this is the only mmo I've played. Pretty sure I'm not alone in this, as a lot of people are only here because its a Trek game and wouldn't bother with any of the more conventional mmo's.

    Maybe I should've said; people not using them are "purposefully" putting themselves at a disadvantage, which is less inflammatory, then saying macros are a crutch/mild cheating in hindsight.

    Though I do wonder just how well people would do if they had to play without.
    For myself, I consider it a lot of effort/coordination to cycle my skills/abilities efficiently.. Maybe I'm just so used to doing this and the practice its taken that when someone says they use macro's it kind of drives me crazy.
    But again, I admit, I'm the one who refuses to set up a bind file.

    Also it's not as if the game holds your hand and guides you through a keybind file setup. In fact, I don't even think its mentioned at all in the game or even in the tutorial.. Only place I've seen Keybinds/macros mentioned in game is in the options, there is a Keybinds tab.
    So I'm sure many people don't even know they exist. Which I don't think is equitable, for all parties involved.

    Should they be removed ? No I don't think it's necessary.
    And if you read my last comment, you'll see I relented a bit on my stance after reading some logical commentary here.
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