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endafresh Arc User



  • You can use transporters while shields are raised (at least in the Voyager timeframe) through certain engineering transporter trickery. If you match the shield harmonics of your origin and destination *exactly* and you create a tiny hole in the shields large enough for the transporter beam to go through but without having…
  • I will pay $20 to anyone who photoshops this phaser ***** out of the wallpaper and adds in a spectacular fly-by of the new Vesta ship and perhaps an artistic rendition of what the new 'Ambassador' ship may look like. Post it to the forums along with your paypal info and you'll receive the money shortly thereafter, now GO!…
  • Here are some nice videos to get a glimpse of what it feels like to be on the receiving end. You were stupid to participate in stupid Zone Chat. Next time just STFU and don't try to be witty because you come across as an idiot. Even though I had to work today and wasn't able to waste my life in-game, be glad that a mod…
  • Just so there's some context: I'm a silver/f2p player, not a gold or lifetime sub. STO devs, I'd like one change implemented ASAP as a possible way to ameliorate the significant whining and belly-aching of most people on the forums here and in-game. Raise the amount of dilithium that can be refined each day for Gold and…
  • \wall o text I have been upset by the lack of dil from SB24 (which hurt lowbies more than anyone else) but I understand why it was done. I feel that most of the whining is about perception issues rather than implementation issues. Example, in WoW (yes I know but shush) you have the concept of 'rested xp' which gives you a…
  • I hate to break it to ya but STO was never balanced or created around a PvP focus. PvP was tacked on from the beginning and instead of complaining about it or the lack of PvP-focused updates, be glad it is still there and not flat-out disabled. You want to know why PvP hasn't been updated? Simple. PvP is the most unpopular…
  • I believe I have read through enough of the thread... Speaking as a heterosexual male, I don't have a problem with revealing outfits. All the women in your signature are lovely in their own way regardless of the cheesecake outfits. People of both genders and a variety of orientations have different tastes, duh. I've met…
  • So hilarious btw.... While you all were whining about lack of dil and drops from Elite STFs (when the drops were pure RNG and now you have to actually earn it instead of leaving it to chance)... The rest of us who were smart enough to find out were farming SB24 for 1400 dil per run. Well, perhaps that was an exploit right?…
  • Added in the Rearrange HUD thing. I kinda wrote this out really quick and should've proofread it. :P If you right click on your Ship Weapons while you are in SECTOR SPACE (you should see a disable astrometrics button somewhere on your UI) then this should work. I've added both of these to the first post. Well for your…
  • Temporary solution is to join one already in progress (the middle tab) if it isn't already full. That usually worked for me.
  • The odd thing is that I'd expect this from Chinese developers (like what PWE typically works with) but not from Cryptic. My sympathies mostly lie with the suckers who were stupid enough to pay monthly or even lifetime-sub into this TRIBBLE. Cryptic. Get some of your PR people to come on the forums. ASAP. Put a news post…
  • I understand where most players are coming from. Here is how I'm interpreting it as from a game developer perspective. I don't doubt for a minute that at least some of that in quotes was spoken or implied in the development mentality behind this season 7 update. They don't respect the players, that much is obvious. They…
  • Of bad news. Those of you using inferior or integrated graphics need to turn down EVERYTHING to minimum. Then slowly adjust settings until you get back to normalish. I'm suspecting some graphical doodads were added that borked things. Also welcome to F2P hell. Devs no longer seem to give a damn about fixing their broken…
  • Since Cryptic/PWE don't seem to give a damn, I've figured something out. Generally, the public queue sometimes puts you in an already-full instance. You're being booted cause the instance is full (or has players zoning in and you got the short stick). The temporary solution I've found is to just wait about 2 minutes and…
  • You should only be able to send PMs (tells) to people on your friends list if it is a new account. After 20 hours or so (I forget the exact number) it unlocks your account for zone chat and so on. Something might've been borked on your end so experiment to figure out what's goin on.
  • Fix't. As for new people in the queues, nope, not gonna happen. PvP is broken. It has been broken for years and the devs have made it clear they aren't interested in fixing it or even attempting to make it balanced. The main goal and focus of STO has always been on PvE content while the PvP was just an afterthought that…
  • And not a single damn was given... Typical PWE philosophy :(
  • I don't care that they want our money. I do care that they're blatantly lying to our faces in order to justify the abhorrent changes they've made to the game.
  • I love developer blogs. I've been studying game design theory in my spare time (along with watching several Extra Credits videos) and have come to the conclusion that a disappointingly large majority of game designers have no damn clue how to do their job properly. You know how people say the 'good old days' of 'retro…
  • That's no longer the case. It is NO LONGER true that 'sex sells'. The year is now 2012 (soon to be 2013) and not 1912 or 1952 or whatever. Ironically, the image of sex appeal caters to base instincts but also affects males in particular. When we see T&A we completely forget everything else, including the brand you are…
  • What bothers me more than the image is that PWE believes this is what the male players want. They're ignoring at least half their playerbase and playing a dangerous game by doing so.
  • This, times 10. I have NO problem with 'sexy' when it is done PROPERLY and LORE-APPROPRIATE (or at least justified somehow). Seven of Nine, a blatant overtly sexual symbol and a 'Liberated Borg' but she had PERSONALITY that made her MORE than just a sexual object. Deanna Troi, ship's counselor and a really fantastic 'MILF'…
  • Bingo. Cryptic are not non-English Chinese developers. They will be able to understand the players if you RAGE loud and often enough about this. Vote with your wallets as well, get as many as you can to do the same. The only way anything will change is if the players voice loudly and succintly what their desires are and…
  • The Borg only assimilate worthy species, and the Chinese Ferengi of PWE are not considered worthy to add to the collective. >_>
  • This is nothing. You think this is bad. Poor pathetic misguided savage barbarian fools (brownie points if you catch the reference). Do you really think you can comprehend the vast greed of the Chinese Ferengi known as PWE? This is nothing....check out other PWE games to get a mere glimpse at the future of STO (unless we…
  • Time to TLDR this mother. This is what I'm referring to. If anyone wants to respond, please post pictures of the sexy ladies of Star Trek, done RIGHT! This linked image insults me directly, not just as a straight heterosexual male but as a human being. As someone who has love and adoration for all the sexy ladies of Star…
  • Interesting, from the person who spent $200+ on a lifetime sub with that forum vet title.
  • Well that was fast... As per my simple request, the level ranges have been added to the SB24 PvE queues. That was surprisingly efficient. Wish they'd put it in the patch/maintenance notes :) Referring to SB24 there's only one thing you can do there at low levels only if you are not in a fleet. The other ones that require a…
  • Bull****. There are PLENTY of ways to get Fleet Marks but you and others are too damn lazy and self-entitled whiny BRATS to actually EARN your stuff. I wasn't even a Lieutenant-Commander and I'd already earned about 500+ fleet marks just grinding SB24 Fleet Action for an hour. If it really bugs you that much, just spam the…
  • Someone care to elaborate on what is so terribad about the Season 7 changes? Put it in TLDR terms, for us poor idiotic plebians, oh mighty emperors without clothes :P