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Anyone Else Getting Random Black Screen Lately?



  • aderonzaderonz Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I had the same problem, i deleted the game using revo to remove everything wich is related to sto, then reinstalled it and after patching it started working as smoothy as before.
  • captaindsterlingcaptaindsterling Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Today's patch didn't fix the problem. :mad::mad::mad:
  • jlebeckjlebeck Member Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I've heard success/failure reports about uninstalling and then reinstalling the game but I might have to give it a try and hope I'm successful. Just out of interest is there anyway of saving the settings/keybinds so I don't have redo them all again?

    I've had to reboot my PC 4 times in the last 1/2 hour, game just freezes 5 minutes after logging in.
    The Continuing Voyages of Bridge Commander
    Captain Lee Drake - USS Sovereign
    Captain Draxon - IKS RanKuf
    Commander Torenn - IRW Soryak
    Captain Gregory MacCray - USS Geronimo
  • soidutssoiduts Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Reinstalling the game does not solve the problem. It is a change in the graphics code for Season 7 that is causing this issue mainly with Intel Integrated graphics. It needs to be addressed asap as it literally makes the game unstable. I reported this while it was on Tribble as well but never received a response.
  • drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Also experiencing this ... will have to come back MUCH later and hopefully the devs are figured something out.
  • robertcrayvenrobertcrayven Member Posts: 355 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Reinstalled entire game - problem persists. Sucks that it got ignored in the latest patch.
  • tribblequeentribblequeen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Same, it happened on Tribble, I couldn't even participate in the Tribble test weekend! Aside from that, I would have thought it would have been fixed before it went live.

    Meh :( Season 7 goodies are waiting for me! LET ME IN! -shakes a cage-

    STO Member Since November 2010 | Tribbles are Friends NOT Food!
  • jlebeckjlebeck Member Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I suppose it's a case of waiting then, seems there's nothing we can do at our end to alleviate the problem. On the plus side though and as a sign of good faith from PWE, we can all look forward to a small gesture of dilithium based compensation...maybe ;)
    The Continuing Voyages of Bridge Commander
    Captain Lee Drake - USS Sovereign
    Captain Draxon - IKS RanKuf
    Commander Torenn - IRW Soryak
    Captain Gregory MacCray - USS Geronimo
  • tribblequeentribblequeen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    jlebeck wrote: »
    I suppose it's a case of waiting then, seems there's nothing we can do at our end to alleviate the problem. On the plus side though and as a sign of good faith from PWE, we can all look forward to a small gesture of dilithium based compensation...maybe ;)

    Seems that way at this point, so now we sit and wait -sits in her Captains chair and taps her foot-

    I will take a compensation of Tribbles and Eppohs ... of course dillithium is nice too ;)

    STO Member Since November 2010 | Tribbles are Friends NOT Food!
  • jlebeckjlebeck Member Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    To (kinda) quote the great Captain Jean Luc Picard,

    Captain's Log, Stardate 56844.9. The USS Grinder has arrived at New Romulus and is waiting at the designated coordinates for a fix to S7. All our hails have gone unanswered. We've been waiting for 17 hours.

    The Continuing Voyages of Bridge Commander
    Captain Lee Drake - USS Sovereign
    Captain Draxon - IKS RanKuf
    Commander Torenn - IRW Soryak
    Captain Gregory MacCray - USS Geronimo
  • denivordenivor Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Todays fix done nothing to sort out my problem, infact somethings have got worse, now when moving my characture forwards he actually jumps back a few foot now, funny if i wasn't so cross.
    Still flashing back to desk top before crashing my pc. I did actually find a safe spot though. If I stayed on DS9 I suffered no problems, but God help me if I dared to leave.... crash bang whollop.....sector space...crash..... battles....crash.....moving camara... crash....
    Why is someone not addressing this problem?
  • phantomeightphantomeight Member Posts: 567 Bug Hunter
    edited November 2012
    LOL @ Intel Graphics... If you google "intel graphics black screen" you'll see that a lot of people have this problem with plenty of other products including.

    Anyway Intel Graphics cards are known to have issues with Hardware T&L. Find a way to disable it and see if it works.

    Edit: I spent some time searching for a way to turn it off myself so I could be that cool guy who says: "Here try this:", but I failed to find anything that wasn't outdated.
    join Date: Sep 2009 - I want my changeling lava lamp!
  • idonotlikethisidonotlikethis Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    aderonz wrote: »
    I had the same problem, i deleted the game using revo to remove everything wich is related to sto, then reinstalled it and after patching it started working as smoothy as before.

    tried this and it did not solve my problem... cryptic released flawed code
  • idonotlikethisidonotlikethis Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    LOL @ Intel Graphics... If you google "intel graphics black screen" you'll see that a lot of people have this problem with plenty of other products including.

    Anyway Intel Graphics cards are known to have issues with Hardware T&L. Find a way to disable it and see if it works.

    Edit: I spent some time searching for a way to turn it off myself so I could be that cool guy who says: "Here try this:", but I failed to find anything that wasn't outdated.

    considering the fact that until now my integrated intell has had 0 problem with ANY game i have played i find that your LOL might be a bit in ignorance... hell i was running STO on fullscreen at High quality with nary a failure or a graphical hiccup (well save some of the ones cryptic can't be bothered to fix for ANYONE)

    this all started when S7 went live on tribble and they failed to listen. I for one am about to demand all the money i have spent in the last 2-3 months back cconsidering that if they aren't going to make the game playable then i wasted money on long term investments(funvestments?) that no longer pay dividends... so why shouldn't I get reimbursed for them saying ****all to long time players like me.... i mean its not like I preordered the game or paid 60 damn dollars for it (ohsnap i did!)

    seems like to me that cryptic should listen to its players. its bad business to try and sell a product that hates a portion of the people who want to use it because after a while people are going to just stop using it and find something else
  • paragon92518paragon92518 Member Posts: 268
    edited November 2012
    Considering some users with Nvidia cards are experiencing the problem, I could safely assume a large portion of players with all cards are being affected; not just Intel HD cards.

    Give the Devs til....hmm...say the Winter Event when there is a significant drop off in holiday sales and some blundering bozo will probably put 2+2 together and go..."Darn!...We better fix this problem before we lose our holiday revenue!" Let me be the first player to place his bet on when this problem is actually resolved. I'm betting anytime between Christmas and New Year's....anyone else care to take a guess?
  • rumbleprumblep Member Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    i'll be the optimistic idiot for that bet... wth i got nothing better to do... Between thanks giving and christmas
    -Captain Saffrin
    Federation 12th Cavalry
    Deep Space 19/USS Montana
  • admiralsvakadmiralsvak Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Oh well at least I have Arkham City:P
  • jlebeckjlebeck Member Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I'm using NVIDIA so it does look like it's a problem across the board. I'd be more forgiving if we only heard something official from the game makers.

    Sometimes an acknowledgement of a problem can go a long way to placating people.
    The Continuing Voyages of Bridge Commander
    Captain Lee Drake - USS Sovereign
    Captain Draxon - IKS RanKuf
    Commander Torenn - IRW Soryak
    Captain Gregory MacCray - USS Geronimo
  • paragon92518paragon92518 Member Posts: 268
    edited November 2012
    At this point, I'm not sure they care. I mean...how freakin' hard it would be to post up a message saying: ::Ahem:: Hello everyone. We apologize for your game play downtime and are working on a resolution. No ETA but its' being worked on. how freakin' hard just to tell your loyal players???? it takes mere seconds...by not saying anything, at least (imo), the Devs are sending the message they could care less.

    On another note, I changed my signature to showcase one of the poor STO coding errors I get on my computer. Perhaps 1 of the Devs will see it...but I doubt it.
  • shimmerlessshimmerless Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Just want to add that I'm a paying customer and I'm pretty much locked out from playing STO until/unless this is fixed.

    EDIT: Also lolling... it just wouldn't be a video game board without the requisite fanboys who defend poor programming with "buy a better graphics card". Some of us have to work for a living, broseph.
    vids and guides and stuff

    [9:52] [Zone #11] Neal@trapper1532: im a omega force shadow oprative and a maoc elite camander and here i am taking water samples
  • zigadeiczigadeic Member Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Just want to add that I'm a paying customer and I'm pretty much locked out from playing STO until/unless this is fixed.

    EDIT: Also lolling... it just wouldn't be a video game board without the requisite fanboys who defend poor programming with "buy a better graphics card". Some of us have to work for a living, broseph.

    Same here almost a grand in since i started playing just recently bumped up to the 50 dollar zen packs is it so much to ask for a little quality control in their code most of us with integrated graphics had had no issues running this before se07 on high settings I have yet to run into a game i cannot run on high including wow and swtor even MWO
  • idonotlikethisidonotlikethis Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Just want to add that I'm a paying customer and I'm pretty much locked out from playing STO until/unless this is fixed.

    EDIT: Also lolling... it just wouldn't be a video game board without the requisite fanboys who defend poor programming with "buy a better graphics card". Some of us have to work for a living, broseph.

    2 things 1) right there with ya... dumped almost a 500 in this game over the last few months (including my life sub which i should have gotten at launch but such is life) and it does feel like a giant slap in the **** to not be able to play at all. 2)loooove the sig
  • earloftharearlofthar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I am sharing my Trouble shoot with Perfect World in efforts to keep us all on the same page. If you want this fixed send bug report after bug report each day. Make you u send tickets not only in game but through this site.

    Ticket Start
    Was posted on Tribble .. and since NOTHING has been done.. now posted here.

    Sooo since this error is not my graphics driver being 'underpowered' because there is no lag, no pixaliztion nothing.. I get popped off when running around the academy.

    Prior to this, I can be in a 20 person Starbase 24. Torp spread 3 from all going off .. and nothing no lag no problem.

    Fix this issue or refund my membership.

    While playing i frequently receive,

    "interal graphics driver was forced to shut down" this makes the whole window hiccup and then come back on. Then after 30min it crashed my entire computer.

    Intel i3 CPU M350@2.27GH
    4GB Ram
    Intel(R) HD graphics

    Never have had a issue running the on Holodeck

    Char - Stonewall@LordHarconan

    My Toon - Nijineer is in the academy and this crashes my driver upon log in.

    In the last 3 months i have put over $350 into this game, and This makes the game unplayable. This is not a point of my graphic card being under powered. I ran STO at FULL during the last 6 months and no hiccup .. now after one update this is no longer playable.


    Lifetime Member
    Vice Admiral of the Omega Family Fleet



    If you could please send us DxDiag and HijackThis logs, that will help us to diagnose the problem. It'll be helpful to us if you tell us some of your computer's information, and PLEASE include any screenshots of any bugs or errors that you get.

    To create a dxdiag log, go to Start, click on Run (or Search if using Windows 7 or Vista), then type in dxdiag and press Enter on your keyboard.

    Click on Save All Information, then attach the text file to this ticket (If on a 64bit system, look for and click on the Save 64bit Dxdiag button beside the Save All Information button).

    To create the HijackThis log, go to http://sourceforge.net/projects/hjt/ Download and save it, then install it. Click Do a system scan and save a log file, then attach the text file to your reply.

    Please do not copy and then paste the text of these logs into your reply.

    We'll take look at these log files and give you feedback on your issue.


    The Perfect World Tech Support Team

    Thanks for the info. We are currently looking into this issue. Do check to make sure your video drivers are updated, and try lowering in-game graphics as well to test, particularly the advanced settings.


    The Perfect World Tech Support Team

    my response

    I have already Updated my Graphics driver.. and dropped the graphics from best to lowest. I have attempted to adjust different levels.

    BUT please see the following.

    I am NOT getting lag, I am not getting graphic jumps or pixaliztion. What happens is my entire window closes and then pops back up with a message that the driver crashed. These happens in particular spots in the game while others are safe. The spots are not always to do with the amount of people or items on the playing field.

    Example, I have played the new borg STF ... No issues no problems.

    But one of my toons ( ninjaneer) is in starfleet academy... I was close to the exchange and had no issues, until i walked in front of the reception desk in the exchange building, then it insta popped my graphics driver and locked up my computer. I can not even log into this toon anymore with out my driver crashing.

    This also happened with one my klinks (Salar) In First City, by the exchange. This toon is no longer accessible, Brunt started to crash around the maintenance bay in DS9 but i was able to get him out of the area when i noticed it. Currently I can access him, but will not take him to another area in case of hitting one of these "landmines"

    unless you have specific directions on how to reconfigure my settings I am at a loss, for I have tried everyt
    hing i can think of even adusting frame rate. Please respond as soon as a work around has been given or more information or testing I can do to assist. But if you do not plan on finding a fix to a issue of excluding particular gamecards without notice when the cards are slated with in the specs of the game, I will be asking for the refund of my latest investment of this game less then 20 days old Lifetime membership.

    Lifetime Member
    Vice Admiral of the Omega Family Fleet
    (228 members and growing)
  • darthpanda16darthpanda16 Member Posts: 9,471 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Please note that it is against the TOS to share private communications between you and PWE employees. This is to protect your privacy, among other reasons.

    So one work around we got from developers is to try deleting or renaming the GamePrefs.pref in the C:\Cryptic Studios\Star Trek Online\localdata (folder location may be in Windows User data or other location depending on where you installed the game. ) and/or in the C:\Cryptic Studios\Star Trek Online\Star Trek Online\Live\Localdata folder.

    Your mileage may vary.

    If you can report in the techsupport.perfectworld.com forum whether that worked for you or not, that would be helpful.
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  • rumbleprumblep Member Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    would love to send em the required files but their websight isn't redirecting properly...
    -Captain Saffrin
    Federation 12th Cavalry
    Deep Space 19/USS Montana
  • darthpanda16darthpanda16 Member Posts: 9,471 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    This info can help with the redirect issues: http://techsupport.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=2131
    Do you need help learning about patching the game, installing it, changing antivirus/firewall settings, changing network settings, learn how to use a computer, keeping your PC maintained and more?
    Visit our BRAND NEW Knowledge Base & Support Website! - Tech Support Flowchart - Panda Caught on Camera
  • earloftharearlofthar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Please note that it is against the TOS to share private communications between you and PWE employees. This is to protect your privacy, among other reasons.

    If you can report in the techsupport.perfectworld.com forum whether that worked for you or not, that would be helpful.

    Lets not kid ourselfs, the major reason they are saying sharing private communications is because they don't wish others to see how many people they brush off.

    And lets be frank here. If they have time to lash out at me for trying to keep everyone on the same page to possibly find a solution to the problem. Then they should have time to post a simple, we know the problem is challenging and are working digitally on fixing it in the announcement area. Wouldn't you think ?

    Lifetime Member
    Vice Admiral of the Omega Family Fleet
    (228 members and growing)
  • coltrebelcoltrebel Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    same here, really getting into the game then this error starts (intel graphics accelerator stopped responding but has recovered) hope they fix it soon.
  • rumbleprumblep Member Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    thx darthpanda, appreciate it :)
    -Captain Saffrin
    Federation 12th Cavalry
    Deep Space 19/USS Montana
  • endafreshendafresh Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Of bad news. Those of you using inferior or integrated graphics need to turn down EVERYTHING to minimum. Then slowly adjust settings until you get back to normalish.

    I'm suspecting some graphical doodads were added that borked things.
    Also welcome to F2P hell. Devs no longer seem to give a damn about fixing their broken MMOs, but will happily keep demanding monthly payment for 'normal' gameplay.

    Even on my nice rig that I custom-built, I still get some graphical issues in space with flickering backgrounds. Luckily I used the search feature and found some dev posts saying this was a known issue and no easy workaround to it so meh. Same deal with the glitchy/moving text at certain points (like doing the Academy Event while scanning particles). It happens but its cosmetic so not a huge priority to fix.

    If the game isn't working for you, then something on your end may need to be updated or changed. MMOs get updated, gotta keep up or get left out >_<
    And yes, Cryptic needs to fix their **** ASAP, but in the meantime update your stuff and clear out unnecessary programs while you're at it. Running some maintenance (CHKDSK/Defrag) doesn't hurt either.
This discussion has been closed.