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dirtyharib0 Arc User



  • How about this then, both teams get a mark for the total amount of kills in the game ( a close fought match giving each team 29 marks) and then the winning team getting a bonus mark (or maybe 2) for the difference in the score. That way the winning team would always get 30 marks and the loosing team 15-29 depending on…
  • Facepalm... You won't have leave you're fleet to get access to stuff like fleet shields just be on a map for a fleet that has the necessary things unlocked. fleet ships are an exception to this rule though. Just tell people what your after in NOP public service or opvp and some one should be able to help you out, and don't…
  • Scimitar... Everything else is just a toy!
  • Can bring sci wells or tac scimitar (dirtyharibo and scimitar Barbie)
  • Riccardo is right to a degree... There are scimitar players that go out of there way to hunt down there own kind, especially those on crutches, not naming any names..... That being said there are some very good BFAW players out there, taking it of the bind is often the differance that let's you move from 20k-35/40k dps.…
  • Scimitar Barbie Angry Badger Wasd: move Mouse wheel: throttle and click for full impulse Space bar: fire, epte1, eptw1 atd1 launch drone ships. (razor keyboard macros to double tap while held( no distro as it delays fire cycles and other abilities.) Q: Apo3 E:Apb1 or BO2 R: evasive F: brace C: ram Shift: push to talk 1-4:…
  • The penny has just dropped, the whole space bars online is all hilberts fault.
  • Sure it is "relatively" squishy but is simply a stepping stone to something like this http://www.stoacademy.com/tools/skillplanner/?build=pvebarbie_0 which while having little to no heals will quite happily solo infected space elite http://www.twitch.tv/dirty_haribo/b/492965867 (Old vid for me now dropped rsp for aux to…
  • You have the voldore and quantum obsorbtion, hiding in cloak does not keep the voldore up an running or reaching even 10k dps. Sure it dies every few games or so but it's a starting point to improve upon not a finished build.
  • Simple solution if you don't want to run a FAWmitard .. Put cannons on it much more interesting and challenging.
  • You need to come on team speak sometime echo, I know it's a bit quite for a lot of the time but I'm usually around after 7 GMT, been flying a cannon scimitar almost exclusively for the last few months if you would like to run some games and compare builds.
  • Doffs are overrated, players should focus on core build first the get doffs and bling http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=uncommonbudget20k_0 that will do 20k in infected space elite, energy type not important, and deflector ect can literally be picked up of the floor.
  • Given the choice I would take the scimitar over any other ship, I have one on a romulan tac that can solo infected space elite, and another on a sci character that I put together using only uncommon gear and the free consoles I had access to ( valdore and skimmy two peice) and no duty officers whatsoever, thing still kicks…
  • I'm dirty haribo and I'm a healer, most of you will never have seen me in the ques or have any clue who I am. mainly because I never pug these days and most premades I play on are more interested in having one of my tac characters on the team. but when I do play this toon I like to think I am a valuable member of the team.…
  • You don't have me down but I will be on Parkers team in so form or another
  • lol did you watch the video, no overcapping beam fire at will shinnagins here my friend. now as far as broken game mechanics go they are like the laws of Physics and it is in people's nature to push the boundaries. The difference here is anybody can have a build that takes advantage of these things but only a select few…
  • Mainly was try to see if I could do it, when I watch back the run is a bit ropey. So there is room for improvement, maybe I should give it another go?
  • Nope... Which I suppose dispels the myth that they are handed out based on performance.
  • Saxfire, for being the inspiration behind my scimitar build and pointing me towards the elite side of pve. The desire to outperform and improve (modify to better fit my playstyle) upon a build he showed me months ago is entirely responsible for scimitar Barbie. Naz for setting an example at .. Well a lot of things. Mainly…
  • I will be here for this, on one toon or another, whatevers needed at the time
  • try the single aux to bat, you have to do almsot everything manually to manage the cool downs rather than the 2xaux to bat spacebor masher
  • here is how a think a pvp scimitar should look.... http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=scimitarbarbie_0 no need for fancy tricks. and you can go pve mode with just one doff swap,(or two if you want repulsors as well)
  • Shame on you reggy! If we all spent less time QQing on the forums and supported the good ideas like this (and random/balenced/un-teamed ques) then we might actaully have them.
  • I know next to nothing about programming but you would imagine it would be simplicity itself to duplicate the ques we have and then make you unable to que if your in a team. I mean would it really take that much dev time?
  • this would just kill the ques... The existing ones. Personally think this would have more impact on the interest in pvp than anything else. Sure there could be unbalanced matches, but its not like that doesn't happen now more often than not. That being said I think having mixed faction teams is a bad idea, at least as far…
  • If you want to play match with better pace just all agree to leave fleet shields at home for the game, resists make for a longer, grinds-er match.
  • Well you know the shield cruiser aura? Kinda buffs the tetryon proc and the tetryon glider ( or at least it did on Monday) stumbled onto this with a fleety on the weekend, I asked him what the tooltip for tet glider said and it just changed while he was looking at it. Anyway how's that for a bug?
  • Well I played a few games with naz and another panda when they were testing this sort of build out, (I was in my skimmy as well, but not this build) and even against what should have been a really tough premade I could barely get a kill in edge ways. If two of these done right unclaok there just arnt enough heals to stem…
  • a few weeks ago the elite pve guys absolutely stomped the ques both cap and hold and arena for a whole evening, (I believe dps recluse a were involved as well). They stomped premades like they were pugs....the next day every body was running ATB with fire at will like it was the new hotness. Best builds in this ship build…
  • So far I have had three, which clearly is not enough, I had planned on doing a big push on Monday-Tuesday knocking on all the team speak channels. Unfortunately back to back 15 hour shifts kinda drained my motivation for that. So in short I think I'm going to cancel this one and go back to the drawing board with this, try…