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Looking for a romulan Brawler.......

chrisbrown12009chrisbrown12009 Member Posts: 790 Arc User
edited June 2014 in Romulan Discussion
My Romulan is my main and it has occurred to me that romulan ships are designed for hit and run tactics. None are brawlers that can sit in the thick of it and slug it out...or can they? Does anyone know of a romulan ship that can? Something that isnt a scimitard beamboat......?
Post edited by chrisbrown12009 on


  • cptskeeterukcptskeeteruk Member Posts: 559 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    My fleet DD can sit there and take a beating while dishing out the goods. Quite a fine ship it is.
  • chrisbrown12009chrisbrown12009 Member Posts: 790 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    yea, i have one of those, and it does take in some damage, but i couldnt really get to put out alot. Basically, i am looking for something like an avenger for the romulans......i just dont think its out there yet...
  • reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    You're joking right? There's the DD's serious durability and as much offense as a Regent or Excelsior plus science support, the Haakona or Fleet Ha'apax and its extreme flexibility, or the flying gamebreaker that is the Scimitar, but the Romulans lack a brawler? I have to assume you're joking.
  • chrisbrown12009chrisbrown12009 Member Posts: 790 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Romulan hulls, i have found, arent as durable as fed hulls for instance. I can take much more of a pounding in say, my fed's avenger than my roms, dyson, or fleet mogai. While the fleet mogai has the same shield mod, you would think the two are equally as durable but this isnt the case. At first i thought it might have something to do with the romulan ships less power and honestly lt might, but after all the things that can be used to get power, im not so sure. I am not saying romulan ships are durable, but they arent as durable as fed ships, save maybe the DD.

    i also find it hard to believe the dd can have as much offense as a Regent or Excelsior being that the dd turns worst, meaning it is harder to position, and lacks a tac console the others dont. And beams on a scimitar are just......unholy.....
  • nobletnoblet Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    The Scimitard Tulwar...:D
  • dirtyharib0dirtyharib0 Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Simple solution if you don't want to run a FAWmitard .. Put cannons on it much more interesting and challenging.
  • edgecrysgeredgecrysger Member Posts: 2,740 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I do that just fine with my Hakoona. Or you have the Dedirex, or the scimi. Or the Guardian warbird.. i mean,zzzz. Of course, as romulans, they will not last as much as a federation or klingon tank.
  • midntwolfmidntwolf Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Romulan hulls, i have found, arent as durable as fed hulls for instance. I can take much more of a pounding in say, my fed's avenger than my roms, dyson, or fleet mogai. While the fleet mogai has the same shield mod, you would think the two are equally as durable but this isnt the case. At first i thought it might have something to do with the romulan ships less power and honestly lt might, but after all the things that can be used to get power, im not so sure. I am not saying romulan ships are durable, but they arent as durable as fed ships, save maybe the DD.

    i also find it hard to believe the dd can have as much offense as a Regent or Excelsior being that the dd turns worst, meaning it is harder to position, and lacks a tac console the others dont. And beams on a scimitar are just......unholy.....

    I actually sort of feel this way myself. I have a Fed Engineering Captain running a Sovereign and it feels amazingly powerful and massively durable. Using the same level gear on my Tac Romulan using a Ha'apax Advanced, it just seems to be weak and fragile.

    Now granted I realize I have a Eng cap on a Eng ship vs a Tac Cap on Eng ship but for the most part I have the same Boff skills on both ships plus roughly the same gear so it shouldn't be that massive of a difference in performance.

    Hell from a sheer durability standpoint, the Sovereign puts my Falchion to shame and I am using all the neat nifty consoles that allow me to cloak with shields intact or use secondary shields or hell use my "oh TRIBBLE" singularity abilities and Falchion has much higher shields and hull (3000 more shields, 2000 more hull, similar resists) with a somewhat similar engineer heavy boff set up.

    So unless TAC vs Eng captain makes a much more massive difference than I am lead to believe, the Romulan ships are more fragile.
  • ryakidrysryakidrys Member Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    My Romulan is my main and it has occurred to me that romulan ships are designed for hit and run tactics. None are brawlers that can sit in the thick of it and slug it out...or can they? Does anyone know of a romulan ship that can? Something that isnt a scimitard beamboat......?

    I was reaching 12K DPS in ISE with a DD as a tank. I could FAW spheres and do loops in and out of the center of the gateway while doing it too. She was a really good tank. Then I was seduced by the scimitar and haven't looked back. The scimitar is a tank in the right hands too, but I've been unable to loop inside the gateway with a scimitar with the confidence It would hold up like I could the DD.

    Now, you mentioned a scimitar beamboat is something you don't want to run. Will you run a Ha Apax or D'Deridex as a beam boat instead? If so, with a good setup and preparation, you should be able to stand still or move at 1/4 speed and still take a lot of punishment while your teammates blow up all the baddies nearby in a STF like Infected, or Cure.
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 2,624 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    My Romulan is my main and it has occurred to me that romulan ships are designed for hit and run tactics. None are brawlers that can sit in the thick of it and slug it out...or can they? Does anyone know of a romulan ship that can? Something that isnt a scimitard beamboat......?

    The DD and haakona/haapax can both sit there and take it. You *may* have to supplement by using your singularity for absorption sometimes and you would be wise to cloak at least some for turn rate and dps spikes but both are tanks.

    The DD has the second or third best officer layout in the game IMHO (top being the norgh BOP, and uni cmdr slots can arguably be second place). The haakona can split into a powerful escort and its universal officer offers a variety of builds though tactical seat is the most likely choice.

    Also the veteran ship is plenty tough an can do pretty much anything in the game except hard science and hard tanking (it can do both to an extent just not at the top tier for those jobs).

    As others said some of the remaining choices include the halfcarrier arkif and the engineering dreadnought.
  • edgecrysgeredgecrysger Member Posts: 2,740 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Actually the Arkif "halfcarrier" is not recommended for doing that lol. Its not considered by far as a tanky ship (maybe you mistaken with other ship?). Not if you want to be destroyed in 8 seconds. It has one of the worst shield modifyers of the game, and really poor hull points.
  • smokeybacon90smokeybacon90 Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Romulan escorts are naturally made for hit (real hard) and run. You want a real brawler able to survive in a dogfight and also stand a good chance of winning it, try the Elachi S'golth, one of the cheaper lockbox ships and good in a prolonged fight.
  • cpc2011acpc2011a Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    My go to ship for each of my Romulans is the Fleet Dhelan. Whether I put a tac, engi, or sci in the center seat, there isn't much it can't handle in stfs.
  • tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Romulan hulls, i have found, arent as durable as fed hulls for instance. I can take much more of a pounding in say, my fed's avenger than my roms, dyson, or fleet mogai. While the fleet mogai has the same shield mod, you would think the two are equally as durable but this isnt the case. At first i thought it might have something to do with the romulan ships less power and honestly lt might, but after all the things that can be used to get power, im not so sure. I am not saying romulan ships are durable, but they arent as durable as fed ships, save maybe the DD.

    i also find it hard to believe the dd can have as much offense as a Regent or Excelsior being that the dd turns worst, meaning it is harder to position, and lacks a tac console the others dont. And beams on a scimitar are just......unholy.....

    Yeah its the -40 power that could go into shields.

    Romulan ships can be made durable, but its a very expensive and time consuming investment...much harder to do than with a fed or kdf ship.
    Yeah, Plasmonic leech and fleet elite Mine core. Not cheap nor easy to get.
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
  • straengestraenge Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    You know, with my playstyle which is.. simplistic in a way, granted, I had a hard time finding a Romulan ship I really liked. The first time I used a D'Deridex, I hated/loathed it. I stuck with cruisers in my time here so I am used to slow with a bit of go but I hated that ship. The mogai really was the closest thing to something that was a bit more of a brawler but, I can't buy another c-store ship right now and the mogai is a bit low on the tier so I decided on a Mirror Dhelan for my Rom Engineer. To me, this ship can be pretty decent overall and rather than do the hit and run (Sorry but I just really hate that style of play and can't do it nearly as fast as everyone else due to lag), I have ran point and tanked and was surprised how decent it did overall. The hull, obviously isn't as high as I would prefer but otherwise, even using cannons at close range, it can take a bit of a beating. I haven't/don't use aux2bat personally and do have to hit Aux2Sif a few times but otherwise, it does pretty decently in just sitting and taking the hits while dishing them out.
  • alopenalopen Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Derpidex can tank with the best of em. Also, because it really cannot run atb, it has other options on the table that would normally be off limits to an atb cruiser like fbp. Stack two copies of it with plasmonic leach from faw boosting your aux and you can really dish out some pain while maintaining your cruiser build. Grab three attack pattern doffs and you can chain atb to boot. There are ways to make the D'D work.

    Scimitar = the one ring to rule them all.

    What you cannot do, is take the typical assault cruiser atb build and cut/paste it into a Romulan ship and get the same results. It lacks cruiser commands and has a -40 power. For this reason I have not tried the lvl 40 Hapex out to much. It has potential with the universal LCDR slot in the c-store/fleet versions. But, honestly, that ship is ugly. I don't know if I'll ever try or not.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I actually use a very similar build on my D'Deridex and my Mogai.... Both of which make reasonably good tanks. (and this is coming from someone who regularly flies and Oddy and Gal-X)

    D'Deridex: (Emani's G'Anohok)
    UNI Ens: Eng Team
    LtC Tac: Tac Team, BFaW, APB
    Ens Tac: BFaW
    Com Eng: EptS, EptW, AtB, EWP
    Ltc Sci: Haz, TBR, Grav Well

    gravimetric(Grav well aftershock)
    DCE(EptX CD reduction)
    Technician(Boff CD reduction)
    Warp Core(+power when using EptX)
    Energy weapons(beam ability CD reduction)

    3 beams and a torp fore and aft

    I use random(mostly MK12) stuff for the deflector shield, etc...

    RMC, not required, but useful
    Molecular Inversion field
    Projected singularity(the set bonus ups maneuverability nicely)
    Singularity stabilizer
    Singularity inverter
    Plasmonic Leech
    Shield Refrequencer[+ShHP]
    Absorbtive frequency generator (AKA the Valdore console)
    Autotargeting module[+pla]

    Mogai: (Soheth's Rovaran)
    UNI Lt: EptS, Eng Team
    Com Tac: THY, BFaW, APB, APD
    Ens Tac: THY, BFaW
    Com Eng: EptS, EptW, AtB
    Ltc Sci: Haz

    Projectile(torp cd reduction)
    Energy weapons(beam cd reduction)
    warp core(debuff removal on EptX)
    DCE(EptX cd reduction)
    Technician(Boff CD reduction)

    fore: 2 DBB, 1 array, Bio-neural
    aft: 2 arrays, quantum torp

    also uses random(mostly MK12) stuff for the deflector shield, etc...

    RMC, not required, but useful
    Molecular Phase Inversion field
    Singularity stabilizer
    Singularity inverter
    Absorbtive frequency generator (AKA the Valdore console)
    two +plasma consoles
    Ionized particle beam
    Enhanced plasma manifold
    My character Tsin'xing
  • ussboleynussboleyn Member Posts: 598 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Here is my DD, I thinks it's a bit of a brawler...


  • theonetruetomtheonetruetom Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    The D'derp is a good brawler, and Romulans also (can have had) free access to the Obelisk carrier, which has one of the highest hulls in the game, a really high shield modifier, and carrier pets to offset your uselessness at straight pewpew. Unfortunately it pays for those things with crappy tactical seating and really crappy turnrate, but otherwise it's a good brawler style ship.
  • ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    My Romulan is my main and it has occurred to me that romulan ships are designed for hit and run tactics. None are brawlers that can sit in the thick of it and slug it out...or can they? Does anyone know of a romulan ship that can? Something that isnt a scimitard beamboat......?
    Are you talking about free T5 ships only?

    Singularity Jump + Battlecloak means you dont need to invest in alternative defenses. You can sit there and duke it out, and if you things start going bad well then just up and leave. I suppose thats what you mean by hit-and-run, but its such a central part of the shipline that there's no way not to use it. Every rom ship uses it.

    Also for the c-store and fleet ships that have universal stations, you can load up on the engineering and be extremely resilient. Actually this was so easy with my Rom Tac that I switched my Fleet T'varo and Fleet Dhelan universal stations to sci, and even that is ridiculously easy since I can still jump+cloak out of the fight. Rather than stay there and tank with RSP and 2x hull heals, I now have jam sensors and 2x shield heals. But still jump and run when necessary.
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