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caliban149 Arc User



  • Exactly the same for me, Bugged to Hell and back.
  • Hmmm I might have been a little hasty. ( . . Master Meriadoc) Just managed to complete it twice and the whole thing playing much more like I am used to. Teams weren't top notch either. Sorry for the possible false alarm, just found it a little odd that in God knows how many runs I have never encountered that particular…
  • Ugg I hate it, my Shelat is now wagging its tail and acting like a damn dog. Its NOT a dog!
  • I thing this is what happens, for PuG's at least. Doesn't work for invited groups. There is another solution, if (as I assume) there is no leavers penalty then as soon as you see someone idling just get all the active members to bug out and restart. Idlers will be left with no team and no rewards.
  • Indeed, this worked! Cheers
  • 1) Any chance of getting a fix/revive option in space combat (just like ground) rather than the straight respawn. Might be a little more realistic than your whole ship being magically regenerated 100% intact 20km away. 2) Having just created my first KDF toon I am starting to see the reason behind the much maligning of the…
  • Not a new complaint. . . . http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=276161 . . . . but nice to see it being raised again. After the change it was promised that much of the lost functionality would be restored (checking in game mail is the biggest one I'd like to see back!) . . lo and behold its now months later…
  • I hate the bloody vault event. I've recently started to try an play it more since I realised the MKXII shield is really quite good. It does seem harder than the last time I was running it months ago. I used to get around a 75% sucess rate. . . recently its probably 20%. I don't remember there being so many warbirds in the…
  • Ah I see, so my skipping Romulan space and losing 50k EC you can streamline things. Very useful, I will try that!
  • Yeah they are total bollocks. Not only are they the biggest spam magnets imaginable (which is why of course you should set up an entirely separate E-mail addy etc for using them) but even for the ones that I seem to complete all the requirements for only about 1 in 5 actually pays up. IMO this is fraud.
  • Try switching on one of the connect via proxy options (EU or US I think). I had similar problems at one point, TraceRT told me one of the jumps kept timing out. Using the US proxy fixed it for me.
  • I have no problem with the higher levels taking a long time to achieve but I do think there should be some kind of scaling with the size of the fleet. It seems that the current model is: - Whats our largest fleet? Few hundred people. - Ok, lets set the requirments so it will take a fleet of that size on average around a…
  • Ok perspective gained. . . . it generated quite the ****estorm around here however, easy to lose sight of actual length of issue. Still think the whole thing was a joke; didn't admit it was a mistake (which was obvious to all), in fact decided to issue a statement saying it WASN'T a mistake, then proceed to fix the "not a…
  • It IS virtually impossible. For a small fleet at least. Dosi Rotgut could be grinded out. The DOFF mission gives 1 bottle on success and 3 on a crit. I dunno what the CD is but in my experience its gotta be at least 24hrs. Also lets say the Crit chance is 25% (usually around there with decent Doffs) So 6 bottles or so…
  • Yeah, seen the live date now. Got confused by the posts saying they'd already qualified for them etc . . . But when they do go live, question stands: How do you claim them? Do you need the desktop app?
  • Yeah, that's not what they did though is it. - They ignored the forum rage for quite some time. - Someone posted a brief comment saying there was no issue and it was "Working as intended" - They then fix it quietly a week or so later (Despite its not even being a bug! Odd"). The adult thing to do would have been to do as…
  • Ok, signed up and linked to Steam account. . . Elite immediately! Edit: Managed to link FB No rewards however. . . I supposed I need to D/L the app do I?
  • Heh, are any of your coworkers aware of what you have wrought? I mean someone with a passing trek knowledge might know Defiant and Excelsior but the rest are a little obscure and Regent isn't even canon.
  • So they WEREN'T working as intended then. . . . Good news I guess.
  • My small fleet seems to have almost stopped. I think the reasons for this are: - We did the stupid 30 sensors Doff one. We have 4 . . . after about a month and the exchange prices are just silly and shouldn't be encouraged. - The Dil exchange price has crashed through the floor. . . all of my little fleet are budding…
  • Windows 8 looks like the biggest pile of excrement Microsoft have released since Windows ME, whose primary purpose appears to be to turn my PC into some kind of giant mobile phone with "social media" integrated into everything Total non-issue for me, I'll be sticking with 7.
  • Uggg People who rage quit over missing an optional are scum, stupid scum at that. Optional loot is usually - TRIBBLE worth about 10-50k EC. - Some Salvage if you're lucky. - VERY rarely a nice purple worth a few million. All of it you only have a 1:5 chance of getting. Its not at all unusual at all to complete the optional…
  • Well this thread might have had some effect! If the OP or anyone else want to repeat the experiment post change, I can do some more graphs! Next, please make these doffs contributable to starbase projects. . . just admit you screwed up here Cryptic. None of this "Working as intended" TRIBBLE.
  • Really! That is utter utter bollocks. I'd have though the whole chain of reasoning for putting this in the first place was: - People are having trouble getting enough Doffs for the fleet system - Oh well lets give them some through the fleet system! - Excellent idea! If the "intention" was not to have them available for…
  • Level Appropriate Items are a TOTAL con job and complete misnomer, at least at VA. As a VA I have only ever gotten ONE decent reward (a useful purple Mk XI console), the majority of the time I get Blue Mk X stuff. . . worthless ALWAYS take the Dil.
  • Ok, so the way it is at the moment is that if you buy a 2500 Zen ship they discount the upgrade by 1500 Zen So for each Zen spent you get 0.6 Zen towards a discount. Why not simply scale it the same for the lower levels OP says they spent 750 Zen so that 450 Zen worth of discount. Round up to 500, and drop the requirement…
  • I've done it, set up a totally separate E-mail address because of course filling in these things is a MASSIVE spam magnet. Of course only do the ones that don't require any credit card details or to downloading anything! If you do these you probably end up defrauded and virus ridden. So generally its filling in surveys. .…
  • Meh, I lost about 6-10 million EC when I was trading in Gold Ferengi Lockboxes on the exchange and the Devs suddenly decided to make them untradeable. I was pretty irritated at the time but hey, I got over it.
  • Generally speaking in navel terms "captain" was the rank at which you could command any ship in the fleet, basically it was the rank required to command the largest warships or "ships of the line". Any rank above captain, (commodore upwards) usually implied command of more than one ship. By that logic,anyone of level 40+…
  • As this is back up here again. Any chance of having in game mailbox and the PM mailbox here linked again. I used to really like seeing if anything had sold on the exchange from here at work. Can we have this back. . . PLEASE!