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bbushwookie Arc User



  • [Systems] Many people unknowingly have donated R&D doffs to fleet projects, since they were not locked. Any plans on making R&D doffs more available?
  • Just did the same thing. 3 schools just hit 15, other 4 are at 14. went to build the Particle Emission Plasma torp and, i don't have the special doff. Sooooo i either hope for RNG god to give me one after a 2 day wait each, or spend a ton towards Xindi lock boxes and pray for one? Just want to make sure I am not missing…
  • That's right, it was the 3 year anniversary. Cool. my main has it already, but my other two alts don't. Thanks.
  • I was surprised there was no Romulan stuff myself. Is the ship we are getting the same one we got from the mission Temporal Ambassador? Seems kind of weird to give us a ship we get in the first mission arc if it is.
  • GTX670FTW and 3770k here. I also have certain things disappear during big fights. Usually in Starbase Fleet defense and in CCE. A friend of mine with a lower end card doesn't have things disappear on him, in big fights, but also said his doesn't look near as good as mine on a grand scale. So, I think its just a matter that…
  • Perhaps the small amount of people (usually the same ones on every thread), that complain about everything new, are a small amount compared to the actual player base. So maybe "we", being the forum complainers, do not represent the majority of feedback they are getting? That being said...I like how they have the components…
  • FWIW, some info in case it is certain areas or providers... I'm in Texas on Charter internet I have not had lag or kicks at all. Been quick switching between my 3 toons all weekend without an issue. Been doing R&D stuff (sending it to my new toon).
  • Working fine on my end. Might be an installation or patch issue like centaurianalpha said.
  • Same here. I like to run my MMSE sometimes and do the saving and support. There is always an escort getting to close to something and comes flying out like bat out of hell with 1/8 of his hull left. I put a pretty band-aid on him and send back in. CEE is another. Scimi's don't like to move much in there, so i patrol the…
  • ahhh the "newbie" word again. SHOCKING! so your saying they want new people to come play the game?? They are a company that wants to make money?? thats just crazy talk right there! they should lock the doors, so only us veteran players can enjoy it. you just described every game company out there dude. The point of variety…
  • nothing to "wake up" to...dude. Your post are full of complaints about anything and everything on this game. You flame people that state things they like and use "newb" to degrade things other people like on the forums. If you hate everything in the game so much, perhaps you should "wake up" and stop playing it for awhile.…
  • . Soooo not having to grind for more dilithium, by having it added is only interesting to "newbs", yet your crying about the R&D being "another huge grind"? Yeah, doesn't look like ANY of the space stations i have personally been to..... Not to mention the interior doesn't look at all like it did when they showed it all…
  • that's why they added materiel drops to the estfs and other places isn't it? I used the clusters for the explore missions and dilithium. Every time i went in one daily, there were 0-3 ships sitting still doing doff stuff, or afk. The two main reasons people used them was the doff missions and diltih runs. so they allow you…
  • And are they completely FTP? They don't lock you to a certain level or want you to pay for basic stuff? If so, you guys should check them out and see how awesome they are. I'm sure they will have forums for you to nit pick every move the developers make :rolleyes:
    in Too Far Comment by bbushwookie July 2014
  • The way I am doing it is a school or two per toon. Also have fleet mates that are doing a couple. when we want something from the school, have that person or toon build it. Plus, this isn't then end all be all. This is just the start, I'm sure they will make changes to help, and add more to it. Just not going to be all…
    in Too Far Comment by bbushwookie July 2014
  • Standardizing the uniforms Risa was fun Undine BZ Rep system rewards (free EC if you don't need them) FE was great New R&D, didn't care for the first one. New ESD New DOFF system (easier to see for IMO) But mostly, all the new complaints of anything new from all the haters, who still come back to play, even though…
  • True but the Series only had to make a story for 1hr a week, for one season at a time, and whatever they put on there was instantly considered canon. If they did that here, everyone would still complain it's not right. However I am a fan of them taking some of the foundry winners and having them come up with continuous…
    in Too Far Comment by bbushwookie July 2014
  • Compared to other "FTP" games out there, this one is far from greedy. We don't have to start paying to play after a certain level or to unlock basic game functions. This is one of the few games left that are actually FTP. It's up to you..pay for something if you want, or work for it. You don't HAVE to buy Zen, you can work…
    in Too Far Comment by bbushwookie July 2014
  • Didn't really feel like a massive grind to me. Was a nice break from the regular grind. Grabbed a beer and listened to Marley while doing the events. Managed to get over 2000 marks on two different characters each, the superior boards (had the superior floaters from last year), and a couple swimsuits. Still have almost…
  • I think a lot of people on here complain about it, but the forums don't represent a a big part of the people playing, just the most vocal. I'm doing it for a few reasons: 1. Al Rivera said there will be a lot more coming to crafting, so I want to be leveled up in case i want a new shiny, and not have to do it all then. 2.…
  • That's what was hoping. Thanks.
  • ok so now I'm seeing some say that trading in rare data samples only give you common/uncommon back, and that it is a glitch? So do we hang onto our old rares until its fixed?:(
  • question on the materials. We have a fleet bank full of gases, particle traces, ect. These are now all useless besides converting them into the new system, correct? I just don't want to convert all of the rare stuff if it might be used somewhere else.
  • Had the same issue. Logged out and back in and can now exchange. Thank you:)
  • Do you have actual proof that the only revenue is ships? Ships are a one time buy for each person that buys one. That one time $15-$25 every couple of months is not what keeps it going. All the little purchases, Lock boxes, keys, subs, ect help out also. I would think if it were to "wither and die", we wouldn't be seeing…
  • Dear god...who cares? A 5 min code created for Alienware is not going to take the devs away from their fixing the game. I think it's cool for whoever have it. Like you said, you stopped paying on anything in game, so...don't complain.:rolleyes:
  • The current strategy i see is to jump off your board and grab the flag...which is a DQ during the race, is it not? Not a lot of thinking on the design.
  • yeah not sure of the logic on this or the winter event. I have seen clear 1st place winners take a "finish" several times. :confused:
  • I understand. I had a small fleet that bailed. now i am solo on my fleet and pushing tier 3. You just have to take a break here and there and then get back to it. otherwise it's never going to be fulfilling or enjoyable.