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amoroxic Arc User



  • Already explained long time ago, different thread, different person but the same logic behind. Cryptic logic... Geko, Gorgonzolla whoever make these choices, same dirt... indeed "disingenuous" choices.
  • Because the universe will have less problems without them...
    in "The shot" Comment by amoroxic July 2015
  • Nothing about why older ships are removed? Am I missing it? Why remove them? Least make it so that are available, at least this year, with this year currency! There... metrics satisfied!
  • Heh... CBS get's girls... Marvel gets Women :rolleyes:
  • .... Least we get to launch holographic Smoke Signals with our ships... Thank you Cryptic!
  • Ok i get it you retire the pearls, reset projects at the end of the event but WHY the frak do you remove stuff from the game? I didn't manage to get the Cruiser last summer, maybe i wanted that ship... equal footing my TRIBBLE... Thank you!
  • Ok, that settles it ... the Iconians lost their balls in the Orbital Bombardment thus that's why they cannot reproduce anymore ... so good news folks we can beat these sissies! ^^
  • Emm, how do you came to that conclusion? Thomas did the Andromeda that's sure, but nothing here http://thomasthecat.tumblr.com/ about the Negh'tev.
  • The Kreen red material is available IF you also own the Korath science vessel IIRC, your endeavor will certainly cost alot :rolleyes: Probably a better alternative is in the Risian ships, the corvette or the fhloston paradise cruiser, since they can be easily made as RED as you like :)
  • I wrote what i see after purchase, NO console (Console – Universal – Molecular Cohesion Nullifier), NO tier V mastery (Explosive Polarity Shift) the mastery page looks like that of a T5-U ship. Actually pretty happy about it :) Cryptic modeling of Klingon ships never was stellar, IMHO anyway.
  • Confirmed: without skins also without console and tier V mastery I wonder if that is the 'template' after we get T6 fleet ships... that means we won't have any fleet T6 Intel ships? Because those are not based on some 'generic' skin to be offered at 'fleet only' variant. Or we will get something like... what? Qib with…
  • Meeeh, so KDF version got halfassed, again, really expected to have an 'equal' release here like on the command battle-cruisers, but... no cookies for you Cryptic, actually... there, have some half dead Gagh, it's still moving and it's a bargain '3000Z'!
  • BRAVO Cryptic on the T6 Negh'var. Now do a BoP!!! pretty pretty please! :D
  • I feel bad for all the people who worked on this, really, it is so much potential here but... ... IMHO this is a major design flaw. MAJOR!
  • Hah, and Klingon blood is RED yeah... Lost my trust in Cryptic by now, long long time ago, however the more i look at these news, the more i get the feeling that KDF faction starts shifting into an NPC faction, already we are "FED alts contraband farmers" faction, everybody will adapt and forget, thank god we can forget…
  • Welcome to the Brotherhood of sssss..... wait, aaaa Jesse Jesse! We will get some T-51b too? :D
  • Klingons were named after Lieutenant Wilbur Clingan, who served with Gene Roddenberry in the Los Angeles Police Department. Anything else is pure coincidence.
  • Cryptic seems to make BAD business decisions one after another... Wonder if this is intended or is just plain incompetence! I think they could have milked much more money out of players IF they charged for a JHAS to JHSS upgrade given the number of existing ships. Now they can only watch existing JHAS owners (some... that…
  • It was a simple analogy between the consoles said lifetime and total game lifetime... and the similar state of both today!
  • Make that FIVE years... Then replace the said consoles with ALL T5 C-Store and Fleet ships and Fleet gear and all they released in those FIVE years... Then you see why so many people are disgruntled with the latest "visionary revamps and upgrades"... So your not alone in this, however, you REALLY can't do much about it, is…
  • Damned be these exploiters... https://twitter.com/CaptainGeko/status/570984625163472897
  • Wish that STO was in "maintenance mode", even wish it was "abandonware". But the sad part is that it ISN'T, it is still updated, bugs are still introduced, it IS actively developed. Not looking as "maintenance mode" to me! What remains then?... Incompetence, greed, lack of vision, lack of resources?... Hmm... who knows?
  • Oh my... Thank you Cryptic for making these new KDF ships, YAY, they look sooooooo lovely... Surely, it will sell well!
  • wejpuH!!!! damn... my eyes... so many antennas... such precise cuts... a masterpiece... to mark the end of tlhIngan ships as we know it! Sad part is, those ships will be all that KDF get's till next year, or two, because... 16% and... they don't care, simple as that!
  • Beside Call Trade Freighter missing icon, on the KDF side only, we have missing (white) icons on Transwarp to Alpha Centauri, Beta Ursae, Regulus Sector Block.
  • I don't see this... I say let us take that chef to our ship for a tour, we have a special assignment just for him...
  • This happens because you bought all three doff assignment slots from the third tab, and by chance your last store that you opened makes you default to the third store tab, thus when you try to open it it has nothing to show you and resets. As a workaround, open another store, eq. console store, switch to the first tab and…
  • You claim that BOff from Marauder Kazzgur that you find on Kronos near BOff trainer http://www.stoacademy.com/maps/qonos.php
  • ^ +1 My respect mr. Stahl, so there MAY be a place open for you in Sto'Vo'Kor still... Keep 'em comin
  • I admit the OP has a point here if you are in a bad fleet. I think the whole problem can be solved by making the provisioning a personal matter. Let's say, add an extra personal project slot in the fleet UI that get unlocked when your rank has access to the stores. You can then slot the type of provision project you want…