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Massively Visits Cryptic (Pt. 4)

pwebranflakespwebranflakes Member Posts: 7,741
edited August 2013 in Galactic News Network [PC]
Massively's STO Columnist Terilynn Shull recently visited Cryptic Studios to talk to the team. In this week's Captain's Log entry, she continues recapping her interview with Executive Producer Daniel Stahl.

Link to the column.
Post edited by pwebranflakes on


  • ocean1ocean1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    This was going good until we got to this part, "However, he told me that there's currently no real concept for players to command a fleet of ships under their earned admiralty." I was really hope for some use of all the ship I have. Not really looking to use my ships like Doffs.

    Other then season 7 every update to this game and been great. I would say it?s at an all new high for storytelling and game play. Keep the stories flowing, Thanks.
  • captsolcaptsol Member Posts: 921 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    ocean1 wrote: »
    This was going good until we got to this part, "However, he told me that there's currently no real concept for players to command a fleet of ships under their earned admiralty." I was really hope for some use of all the ship I have. Not really looking to use my ships like Doffs.

    Other then season 7 every update to this game and been great. I would say it?s at an all new high for storytelling and game play. Keep the stories flowing, Thanks.

    You mean one of the main things they've been harping on about for several issues now along with the First Officer System is nothing but vaporware? Figures.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    i enjoyed that new kdf content as much as any of the romulan stuff, it was great, and i was totally geeking out at the tie ins with Alexander growing up to assume the role of his childhood hero kmtar, who was him all along from the future. and now it is the future, and thanks to your player, we prevented the chain of events that would have led to worf's death, and kmtar's need to go back in time.

    i have no interest in commanding my other ships as npc pets. thats really all they would be, just big frigate pets that everyone would have. YUCK. for the love of god never let that stuff into pvp. this also brings to light the difference between crummy NPCs and the capabilities of player ships. they are so incredibly different, its no wonder players have a terrible time fighting other player ships when they can decimate hundreds of npcs. low hitpoints with a TON of heals, compared to npcs with no heals and a ton of hitpoints. up to 8 weapons, compared to a fore and aft beam with a fore and aft torp, with huge damage multipliers added to it. npcs should have the same number of skills and weapons and hitpoints as player ships. then they can make admirals, fighting high quality npcs through out all pve would be a LOT more fun, and players would be properly trained by pve to play pvp. more then anything, making npc ships like player ships is what this game needs.
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    After reading this, I just wanted to drop in and thank mr.Stahl for working on the new Klingon content even in his off hours as well as anyone else involved in creating these new missions. :)

    The new Klingon missions are highly enjoyable and I think that the vast majority of the KDF players apreciates them very much. They are very fun and I'd say on the same level with the LoR Romulan content if not better in certain areas.
  • amoroxicamoroxic Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    ^ +1

    My respect mr. Stahl, so there MAY be a place open for you in Sto'Vo'Kor still... Keep 'em comin
  • kirkepsilon1kirkepsilon1 Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Kudos Mr Stahl at least you were honest and explained exactly what is not on the table like the level increase which I agree with your reasons. Shame about the command my own fleet :( I was kinda looking forward to the idea that I could have my own space based away team with me on missions oh well.

    I like the idea of being able to customize kits to do certain things either better or be more balanced to my own needs, I know there is a similar system in Neverwinter which I like a lot.

    On a side note Mr Stahl I haven't played since LOR beta testing because I feel quite jaded about the game in general and my reasons for that are too long for me to list here so I shall just pick one which is the rep system and I know this has been discussed in other threads which I have posted in.

    I can't condone grinding just for grinding sake especially on my other toons I have 7 in total which I think is more than enough lol the time investment if I wanted to do the rep systems as they stand for all of them is just too great and I have better things to do with my time than waste it on that. I fail to see how the current format of the time scales involved for the rep system serves game play and immersion in anyway shape or form.

    The rep system just feels like it was cobbled together at the last minute with not much thought as to its actual purpose I know you said in your interview that it was to enable players to feel like their toons had basically more substance I don't agree on the basis I'm one of many who have experienced it on a player level.

    Instead it just felt like a really long boring grind which by the time I finished it I just felt very disappointed indeed since I didn't feel it really gave my main toon anymore depth plus it just came across as really being a longer winded way of getting the STF gear which to be honest is really not of much use since we don't fight anyone else in STFs other than borg be nice to fight others to earn the same marks for STF rep system in this case like 8472,KDF, Cardassians etc.

    Once again Kudos for being honest I highly applaud I respect someone who is honest even if its bad :) Live and Long Prosper Mr Stahl
  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I'd be up for that idea of being able to promote boffs from commander to captain to command ships I rarely ever use. Even better if that idea could be used to lighten the grind where you could have a choice of boffs or other toons coverted into pets or whatever lol.

    Plus biggest thing for KDF is bops are raiders but no end game really where you are actually raiding anything and currently the freighters in pi canis bravo are so weak I always accidentally blow them up failing optional lol.

    Edit: I think along the lines of raiding type missions the DS9 episode "Once More Unto the Breach" where you do a *calvary* type raid on something. The atmosphere event is kind of okay for that except most of the unseasoned players usually fail it because it feels like it was designed to be a challenge for more seasoned players. Although if there was a territory control type thing it may instill a reason to play KDF if that type of system would be considered something that both Starfleet and the Empire would see as a common enemy (bridging the gap in the story since its more worthwhile to have the game where there was an alliance like during DS9's dominion war.)

    I would say though for something like being suggested that it could be cross faction but say would need 1 or 2 kdf players in a bop to get it started. The only problem I forsee though being most new missions will need to be cross faction or you have that issue of being locked in the corner is that feds don't really have a raiding ship unless Cryptic goes along the lines of making Caitian bops for battle cloaks as raiders but at same time with that idea wouldn't be too bad of thought to make a ferasan one too as their kind of ship (A good test run for doing it where you don't have to worry about the small percentage of us that do play KDF but want to make the money off fed side as well I'd suggest making a bundle that drops those boxes and put some kinda console or weapon them both and then lockbox it so no matter what faction you play that it encourages sales but makes everyone somewhat pleased at the same time.)

    One other thing based on the above post with STF's like a KDF one for feds and for KDF a Fed/Starfleet one. One suggestion on a tier 1-5 based rep like that is having Tiers 1-3 based on combat and tier 4 being a diplomatic type mission opening and then when you hit Tier 5 that it opens up a story of how the alliance returns and possibly finally killing J'mpok lol and just because it feels wrong that Worf is banished from the great hall but romulans getting to go inside is just a slap across worf's face lol.
  • kerrilyn1kerrilyn1 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Why do people even want boffs in space?

    Think of how clumsy and clueless they are on the ground, now imagine them bumbling around in space with much less maneuverability...
  • jorantomalakjorantomalak Member Posts: 7,133 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Ok i like the idea of having BOFFs run a ship in a player controlled flotilla (Not really but read on).

    Why you might say well id make sure to put my Khev clone in the t'liss with the weakest weapon and armor i can find and sick him on the borg GO GET'EM TOVAN!!!

    This is a advertisment for the Tovan Must Die foundation

    Please remeber to spae and nueter your khev clones XD
  • tikonovtikonov Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Part 4? According to massively its part two, did we miss two updates?
  • pwebranflakespwebranflakes Member Posts: 7,741
    edited August 2013
    tikonov wrote: »
    Part 4? According to massively its part two, did we miss two updates?

    This is part 2 of dStahl's interview, but part 4 overall of Teri's visit. The other parts linked in these forum posts:

    Part 1
    Part 2
    Part 3


    Brandon =/\=
  • felderburgfelderburg Member Posts: 853 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    ocean1 wrote: »
    This was going good until we got to this part, "However, he told me that there's currently no real concept for players to command a fleet of ships under their earned admiralty." I was really hope for some use of all the ship I have. Not really looking to use my ships like Doffs.

    I was hoping for a rename of the ranks - once we get to captain, just give us higher security clearances: Alpha, Beta, Omega... (I think this was Leviathan99's idea way back when on the forums, but it's by Archived Post now, so no one can prove I totally stole it!)
  • valetheonvaletheon Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    felderburg wrote: »
    (I think this was Leviathan99's idea way back when on the forums, but it's by Archived Post now, so no one can prove I totally stole it!)

    You little rebel, you.
    "Sometimes we're freakin idiots, and that's fun" -Fleetmate

    One of many reminders that i'm not a REAL Romulan. >_<
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